2022年2月19日 星期六

I go to sleep

 Babaji: Go

Tina, you have 52 weeks a year. 提娜你有 52 星期,一年

一年其實只有 12 月 ! 叫做你有快樂群組,跟一些社區活動,叫做安全範圍之內,以後小孩長大! 你一個兩次談叫做 "我不是購物狂",其實你媽刺繡 ! 

你提娜一年之後只講了一個電視劇本叫做 "我不是購物狂"

你可以其實跟 Austin ADD 有個 Zoom,誰跟你一起坐在那邊討論 花千骨,你有空嗎 ? 叫做一兩年這時間叫做平衡一下人生!

你要有錢才能給小孩學才藝,有地方呼吸的意思 ! 所以你試著一些道路 !~ 電視劇本是其中一個重要的環節,但是賺錢,是看你的本能 ! 你已經做了一個我網頁的事情跟 Wendy 沒?你做了什麼其實跟你弟報備,我講的任何事情叫做你去做成功的意思 ! 

你做了什麼事情,你去跟邦講 ! 你看他要不要進去這個花千骨 !,叫做討論的範圍 ! 

所以假設你提娜大人一個月內有四次 Zoom, 兩是給 "我不是購物狂",兩次給花千骨,這個情況叫做討論,你其實那是你自己的時間 ! 

志豪哥哥在嗎? 叫做在附近看小孩的幾個你的親戚呀 ! 你其實擔心那種事情 ~~你付錢給他一點呀 ! 就是家人在旁邊 ~

在網路世界,有些人有小型事業,其實你現在可以教導 Aria, 我其實也不知道你的 Schedule 是長什麼樣子,很多事情都是你自己在弄得 ! 念書要念到對 ! 她成績很爛~~ 你們到處搬家的關係 !

你其實很沒有耐心,提娜,你想這樣下去嗎 ? 顛 人家有一天變成顛先嗎 ? 你知道什麼是顛先嗎 ? 就是不斷顫抖,對~我其實也不知道你是哪種瘋子,很多事情,我其實也一個人做不了那麼多 ! 但是假設你提那有一個 Schedule book, 叫做一個開始 ! 

你一個月之內有四次 Meeting, 你的一年下來其實有見到人 24 次網路溝通你的劇本問題 ! 看他們有沒有空的意思 !

很多人可能已經在監獄了,提那,我們不會知道是真的假的,很多人其實非常自私的過他們的人生,並不會在意你提那的 Schedule book, 你媽的或是你爸的

但是我先這樣安排,因為你其實有醫院吧 ?就是你跟著他們走那幾步還是比較好,你這種摔行李箱是自己自願吧? 那是要去找醫院的,或是有人要來安排一下你們的人生,因為小孩最受到影響就是他們最直接的感受 ! 

提娜你只會講中文,你找台北婦女協會,你知道 email 我上次給的吧 ?



你提那就說,我覺得你的 Schedule books 只是一年 52 星期其實 ! 你說你聽說許多不同的想法,你講給他們聽你覺得怎麼樣,怎麼樣安排你的人生 ! 

💞💖📂 提那,你自己,已經是一個瘋子,你只能仰望有男孩子在旁邊叫做緊急的時候,跑~懂嗎 ? 你自己可能是瞎子類似~而且要賺錢等等等,你自己也覺得很煩,但是人是要長大的,不是說 Hank 的房子我幫忙搬家就變成我的東西,因為所有事情都是他跟我在做,叫做收拾垃圾在那個家 ~ 或是給 Aria 他們玩,或是幫 Mokie 大小便,人是可以做很多事情的,但是你要自己弄清楚,為什麼你跟男孩子在一起,因為很多女的也不會真的去收垃圾,或是跟你小孩玩那種遊戲,叫做變東西出來,你大姊不可能跟你再一起叫做姊妹簡單做事情,沒有那樣的事情! 

所有事情叫做所有人都做好,但是 Hank 很煩的意思! ~

搬家的紙箱子,為什麼你沒有美工刀叫做自己劃下去 ? 就一個一個拆的下去,變成一種東西,你無法住在那種大房子叫做你尖叫 ! 那你想過哪種日子呢? 懶人跟 Mokie 一樣嗎 ?

學習事情是說你給予很多能力做一些他們沒有想過的事情,種植 Cilantro 呀 !

你現在在紐約我其實不知道你到底能幹嘛  ! 

我去跟醫院說,要怎麼變成一個可以被接受的女孩子 !!! 就這麼簡單~~~每一件事情做到 !




 Babaji: Go

Eat food

 Babaji: Go



1. 其實不需要電話!我一個朋友都沒有,其實都是男生在街上像鬼一樣出現!
2. 自己有點事情,也不是什麼事情、叫做自己活得快樂
3. 清潔,打掃叫做你們容不下灰塵、幫他媽的一點
4. 看家老鼠,嘰嘰喳喳
5. 是你們自己不回家早點呀!
6. 清潔有臉的,皮膚,身體髮膚,人身每一寸肌膚~~ 每一寸!!
7. 正常書本、正常音樂、正常人格發展
8. 其實人不需要去死,瓜死,自己死掉就可以
9  記憶問題
10. 自己買車子沒?自己做交易沒?自己找工作沒?
11. 專業的溝通,叫做所有人在看哪裡的問題?呢?
12. 溝通問題叫做無恥的打電話?
13. 有點體能但是不是重量訓練!
14. 有跟上現代科技
15. 真的有問題的巨大,就說出來,寫法律,寫醫學,寫地理,把王子給當了就是!!
16. 沒有人真的叫你們演花朵做工業,其實,只需要養活自己~~一整群女人自己活的快樂那種~~我對你們無法性溝通,其實每一件事情都是可恥說!!
17. 你們是什麼都無法做,但是方方喜歡每一件事情比,演公主對叔叔!
18. 已經不知道幾年了~~我在這裡快六年了~我哪都沒去耶!


看是你們槓的上台北搶埃本呀! 還是你們知道墜落的永恆,何謂!!







軍眷村是台灣屏東開始,很久的以前,你們只需要開始呀!!何謂饒雅芳的永遠不可能,你們要有能耐呀!!對上的是,恩友叔叔叫做哪根草的 UCLA ABC








發誓、誓言,是哪一個,我不曾講過的每一步呢?只需要排列你們的人叫做,你們揪心設計的 design. 一列列的小孩,中人、成人的男孩子,你們只需要給予他們全部,他們只需要有身高呀!!很多人是 gay , 但是我好像只說我拿一個耶! 其實我送所有人道基本,他們自己不滾出去,那就列陣對上你們,十年之後的哪個時間,你們相信嗎?




我其實不會去找太高的男子,是電視不知道發生什麼事情!我旁邊卡了很多,某種人,但是只有他媽的東西存在,我曾經講了很久某一些事情, 你們是聽不夠的意思嗎??






有一天的哪一年呢?叫做非常有可能的倖免嗎?相信的信念要維持不變! 不是這饒雅方一開場自己的信念就直接、在所有人面前碎碎片~她的叔叔是哪年哪月被通知呢?叫做她其實一直都是活的不快樂!!🌺🌺🌺💐💐💐💝💝💝💝🤧



2022年2月18日 星期五

I think I over done this pain killer patch, just like Kail say, take it off. I go to sleep.

The hot water touch it the back, upper....lower neck back, sun burn places.

I don't think I need these anymore.  Finish this....

Babaji: Go

少林寺 and 新少林寺 | New Shaolin Temple






我其實會告訴你們,為什麼你們相信傳教?這好像和尚說過,她們 Hailey 也做那種事情

當年 Keith 長的像 Danny 死在 CNN 上,也是那種宣揚什麼傳教的



你們祈求人們去修行的意思,像說跟隨清海無上師的意思? 然後呢?






我覺得你們不開車開始… 其實什麼事情都不需要做!

To those rubbish, I don’t even want to think about those damn books 溜冰天使!!

You know, the sport injury…or the insurance company….the reason they exist, because you should just live in Taipei, really. 

Accident statistic department, everything too long, too much drive in America. The transportation department! 


所以你們是要跟我說什麼? 溜冰天使應該沒了吧?


Why is it those Olympia Champianon has anything to do with me? 為什麼這些奧林匹亞的選手跟我有什麼關係 ?

Is that about that Ice Skating Comic Books?

是那本三本的溜冰天使有關嗎 ?

Ice Skating, I think that is called me ? I don't know how to ice skate !! Did I say that before?


你們去找王一搏呀 !!! 這種時候我怎麼可能去溜冰~我只需要在家裡躺美美的 ...


All system Domino 3 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀 Shut up !!


That’s called Magic !



Age 27-37 millionsaires, Taiwan.

No, not that easy. They went out the school system to do all that, really. I only see one or 2. If you contact your local educational department, you tell them that’s what you want to do. 

You contact them directly. The Educational Sector.

Meaning, they do business. 

Hi, Princes, you 2

You figure it out you should just stay home doing nothing yet?

When you show sign of stress, you get detain, that’s all that means inland. 

No other works other than being anything happy only !

My background is chemistry + librarian. For that, it’s very away system from Simon, or you two, Art history major type.

It’s by subjects, it’s All the System Domino things. 

You can just buy the books I think, to study them. You facilitate others and learning from them, it’s to be happy in the end, really. 

That’s what I think. 

🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜 I saw someone looks like Inelia Benz black race in CNN

Do I look wrong ?

That’s awful. 

Well, did I tell you, she went to UK after South Argentina!


No, …she is not Their kind, you mean Bill & Kerry? No, she is more…using some degree of ability for public disclosure. Bill & Kerry, I think they strictly on the Classify material. Meanings some contacts. 

Inelia Benz, no, she doesn’t have any of that contact. She is a women. 

It’s best you push her out of them. I went to tell them no mixing with the Wiki Leak. 

In America, you have only certain alternative media, you could just read enough to know whom knows whom, those familiar faces 15 years ago. 

Not these healer to what fear, looks like Sharmon, her time was 2012-2017, or target 2012 on fear. That time is over !!

She has 4 children, 100 monkey radio station. I was calling in. You like the color or black & white painting on kneeling? Chicken or Swan.

Her egg or feather article. 

Sharman !! Hola hop stuffs, no !! Just say Medical Boards says no !


 Babaji: Go

It’s best at your age, right now, you get yourself married like Lauren Silverman + Andrew, very early on.

Like she has 2 kids now. As a girl, you get married or a bf at least. Like an inter-personal relationship, not so school bound. 

It’s not necessary matter whom you are with, but at least that’s a guy?

I am not the guy. I am a girl. I used to tell you already, it’s best you had some guys relationship. But to your standard .. it’s they are not even on your facebook. 

To get a kiss?

I would suggest you get the guys, not your profession. They teach you that. Like home profession, yeah. You both the same direction best, not because you ever ever ever possibility to meet again that kind, it’s he sustain you sustain.

I don’t talk about the guys anymore, in case you didn’t know I give up…

My father’s university pal, daughters are older, I guess you didn’t care enough. They don’t marry like my age or 小龍 age, like my brother… the guy they see things funny. No matter how 千金 ABC they were to their parents.

 That was when I was very small. When you arrive some power … 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🍮🍮🍮🍮🍮🍮🧀🧀🧀🧀🍱🍱🍱🍱🥙🥙🥙🥙

Whatever that is, for Annca or for Astor 1234, they are guys. They are in a stress level all the time.

You don’t care about the system, just to make your dad about to be dead, anymore will? Everything he hates to see, you can start breathing on that !!

MD suppose to get hired if they are capable, you are not okay? 9 years ago. I don’t even know how you live on that !! You were at the school, you then Intern, and you got a paper, you graduate, and born kids with wife ….that’s a little hard to believe you did all that, really !!

For that high tuition loans, it’s how funny, someone does things on their own voice and mirrors every morning if you don’t check around whom are in MD.

I need the dentist office now, on turtle yesterday, Thai massage scent, smell, warm bath, but I need that piece of paper like cover my eyes ?

On the turtle neck. 

Warm water soaking that shell has no nerves system at all. No, they shouldn’t feel a thing, it’s a shell.

Getting paddicure.

Legally blonde 2, I starting seeing these turtle 2020 same times seeing worms, seeing Adam Hailey.

Too many turtle I see them doing that. 

All System Domino (relevancy)

 You probably just ask some human really does Human Resources?

1. Userbility test by the librarian, whom your audience is, what your target market request for, what your brain suppose to use your IQ to look at it, intuitively.

2. Relevancy to your target purpose

3. Usually means the civilization goes up if you have a functional MD

4. Probably if everyone says he is the One and Anna put him a photo, there is a reason someone does a thing just by paper reading at it?  Not just she says reptilian ?

5. When someone gives you a favor in that like you are a minority or handicap like the voices, you start be grateful if I were you.

6. There is no security, you don’t foster them guys, they have not intuitive sense when they talk about certsin things. If they die out, you girls for sure die. You can just ask them now, if that runner maze true, you are in or out. Now.

7. You need to build up others confidence in what they see, hear, put up with, including they could eat a meal functionally. You getting a better stamp. If I can be secured tiny bit me and my mother, we help some human at least decently from the heart, no matter what that is.

8. There are different systems you guess you are looking at it. I have no ideas what your mind comes out with.

9. You are not in the same location, how stupid you imagine you were? While you move away, they purchase Instagram and married to a Chinese MD !!

10. They are not the first time doing this. This will be my first time everything I have on my pockets just like you !! 

🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🍮🍮🍮🍮🍮🍱🍱🍱🍱🍱🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅 Shut up !!



2022年2月17日 星期四

In order to be with a rich guys, not these Chinese newspaper fantasy, or some gossip, and the wife get old, and she went to nunhood, for the rich family husband to keep that business together


All of you are in the wrong direction, okay? Those are fantasy, how the guy "fall in love" with a girl just be that dummy, everything you spent its on his card, really.

You don't feel good just about anything he says to you, if he has a condition.

You want to be more capable of "living as a human", whatever that means to you. These world guys are not perfect, its only 100 years old. They have every degree of things they don't understand why the women needs a community in support, there are pain inside, there are situation every moon and tides.

You know ....I am so tired of killing human, instead of anything like MD can just really relax doing in that offices of their fantasy, to say money big. One of that subjects, its how you keep more other stuffs with the guys. Not the cooking, not the juicing, not the tea, not the guest invitation like you make a stationary paper printing out a printer, sounds like a plan.

Its a rare things we ever talk about. So rare, it as I just make a fantasy, and I kill them all, and no one talks about it anymore, even i am so tired of it, COMPLETELY drain out !

 ( these things keep broken, the image !!!! )


The only things you ever happy to do, really, its you have girls around to talk about the bad behind the guys you are with, really.

That is not right, okay? All of you. I never really say anything about the precepts. You could just say it in front of him, or telling him in person, why you do these things are wrong, and talk about it. But you love having these girls supports, when you had a bf, or a husband.

When you impossiblely getting a guy, whether that is Annca or Astor 1234....that is beyond cooking, fame, money, statues, that if I give you another a dozen guys if you don't touch Annca and Astor 1234, to just devote your entire time to revolving some education caring for them, not critic them, not making them feel bad.....to allow that facilitation happens, with language, with skills to better than, to stablize their insecurity, to bring them some brigher ideas about the jobs they can get it done better.

Everyone has their short coming in life, and you stretch that limits, for some of them to breath in life, let's say, you dress nicely, you smell nicely, you ask them, the guys, what they really like. Whatever its sounds right communication, its not for you to hurting their feeling, whatever these style I imagine, right now, all open books on novels.

For which, I have no ideas what are inside these books, while all my books selection, cartoon, are EVERYONE knows, I have a fantasy of all THAT!!!

Just so shameful, I cannot tell you how to become ALL THAT!!!!

Your parents will probably tell you, get the guy options, I tell you, that is a forever impossible for my cousin like Square, so they form a happy girls groups, hoping my brother coming around to become a better human, and be happy, to see all those flowers, foods, and decoration enough, like everyone sings a song, make the entire family happy, your parents happy, my cousin them happy....and everything for him Pang, to fell, that used to be a family, that left some temperature at it.....

Called, Mercy! 

Other groups, I have no ideas where they are about, I really don't care about it?

Me and Eben didn't officially gone anywhere....I have too many things I start telling him, that is about 8 months ago probably, so many issues, or things I just couldn't say it loud enough.

You know why me and nick broke up? Its never you Eben Pagan! Happy?

( I have these PC enough, why it just keep breaking down?)

Right now it’s a very sensitive time, okay?

Like they see those books might really start to kick in what you read in your private room. Do you tell them your books options?

I told everyone my books? They translate faster sent to 5 Lords doesn’t matter which guys, I collect a bundle !!

You want a guy, you need to delivers a lot of things i Anna say, okay? Not sitting there getting cut and see your own pocket money and look down yourself you just only do 3 meals life be sad life and going back to your happy room, to read anymore books and novels. 

There are the skilled arena that everywhere are looking upon at this time. The people you may never cross your life if you just start 

Cooking right

Clean right

Be happy, optimistic and make yourself and other happy. 

More sustainable on yourself like financial independence!

Making friends

Making the community !!

I am telling you, I am too full okay?

Where is my phone, today’s photo …I cannot eat in peace! Indoor or outdoor… 

I am off PC

Go to sleep, I have enough these, computer!

💝🍂💞 You are not happy ... as a girl, you have many issues, and these books makes you believing it, that novel style, whatever its really going on with these books, I am so out of the dates. 💝🍂💞

I am trying to see if you could sustain yourself in cooking 3 meals or sometimes bigger meals, with more rich, and more lavish guys in this worlds, that you born some kids, keep your figure, and helping around the houses, indoor, to keep a household right. But that is not us, these Asian girls ever to be, seriously. 

( Why is this Blogger keep broken, again and again and again? I type in the correct website, you have to ship it to that website? Why? Why Why? Can you have a better than that, every SINGLE TIME I am writing on the blog, and everything wrong and wrong and wrong? How long you have to keep these wrong again and again and again? You don't have enough? I have REALLY ENOUGH! ) 


 I have enough, I need to lay down. 

You know how long I have to keep waiting and waiting and waiting? Cannot you see? ARe you blind?

📂🍱🍁📂🍱 Nap Time 📂🍱🍁📂🍱🍁📂🍱

 Babaji: Go

England has these educational department, not just the kitchen department

What is my pets says?

They just demo....

How vigirously you all kinda each other....tale.  On THE ENGLAND SIDE, there is a cloud.


No, I marry to Eben, he comes in Taiwan, you all Prince pretty, England its not your cherish to hold now? If Eben doesn't make himself disappear, or vanish, or jailed, yeah....its just some talk first. But technically we were on that term. I have to tell my parents little by little, he is just high school graduate. Imagine they listen, like my father.

You see yourself each other on television, this US public front, called yourself the British, imagine, all these guys with the girls and + one Queen

How pushing each other starts, that Tiny 4.0, to whom all dead, in one account, two death, that is very very unfortunate.

Because in one household, even just one death, its actually a very very very big deal! 

I keep saying that, didn't I?

Where is that England Medical Board Committee, you know i might have heard a terms called International Medical Board, other than American ones. But I don't trust it. So there is only American Medical or Law firm Board, with the Committee, etc....domestic only.

That is how you all portrait yourself on the public TV, I assume you see you all British

Prince William, Prince Harry, Simon Cowell, Johnny knight Apple

Prince Charlies + Mother Queen

And vola with that Kitchen old chef. And that younger Harry camera guy.

Just put it together, and leave you all alone.

See how Kate and Meghan, becomes useful, really?

All in one room, Food fight, for lasting.....one Era, how ends becomes the endings tale, if I don't say that loud enough for the England Medical Board, or that PM, Johnson?

Pardon me, you want all to bankcrupt, that ever happens? 




My pet say....in the rain. Does your England has the educational department? They just focus on their side of roof better? See it today?

Today it was a show ! Too

Everyday they are on a run, for show. These birds needs vitamin C under the rain, really. Injection, its stronger. 

There is a word, something like "Adult continueation education?"

Its after the adult, kinda like nick does. He keeps learning English, or he used to in the 90s, he bought a tape cassete, and he speaks in there, and talking loud, to straight out his English. And? People going back to Italy, he thought for them, he thinks for them, he prayers for them?

What if they have to get back to Italy?

No, no one particular says that, I say that. Your immigration will tell you too, its you apply in, you stay wherever you stay, that's all.

Of course, I know that. Its a voluntarily choice....you do that now, or one day you realize whichever lifes, they already went back on their first life.


Actually, it might be even legal in this life, you must go back to your immigrant country.

Like pure blood means. Its how comfertable I decide to file the lawsuit, you beg me, I write ! 

Bermuda Triangle has a pyramids.

I have a 栓天練 !!!

They have to go back to Italy, nick might come here, for Canada. So no one stays in Canada except those Indian dirty, ones.

Its a ...device box with a jewel on Top. In Flower Thousand Bone.

The system data would be shown, you never stay in those lands and left ! 

No one cares about this things, so stay whenever you arguments make your voice louders! 

Its always just the Rights you getting it, whenever your provoking attitude to make one more sound louder...per words counts.

My methods.

To be jailed in America, that would be truly unfortunate....really! It might be every life, til the world ends, really.

The way how you all are, its the people whom you called, they didn't know before, the government that look after you. So if you would have know the truth, you would never gone to them to make them leave too...away from the danger, as your personality, "You vow never helping no one, traitor ! "

Am I right?

Keep insisting, you are right, you are perfect, you have a voice...really.

You will know in the end, everything you suppose to be, it was purely your attitude issues starting day one or you would never have that fate forever bind.....to the end.


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