2022年3月5日 星期六

I go to sleep

 Babaji: Go




 Babaji: Go

🥧 Ukraine War and Russian, the spokeman, is that their President?

The one in front of a small tiny chair, I think that is Ukraine President? At that  many human at front, like the journalists? Is him naturally custom, to see that many human in front of him, War on Russian?

They give him the MD doctor? Or those are people whom training him?

There are a lot of human in that Congress looking to train that one Biden, to me. I don't know about the Pompeyo, i think its Biden important, like Russian President, like Ukraine President.

... ...

This has nothing to do with me, right?

This Ukraine president on CNN are dressing like....me.

Then the Facebook news, he dress like Eben, with the black suit!

American training their Biden, American Mr. President, he has an address title.

Russian training their President, Putin.

Ukraine training their President, That has a name, I cannot understand that language.


That Pompey is coming here to....return Mummy Land....ET language, without a helmet.

You need to, or you are, just ....you target, to training Biden, by the way, coming here, as if I knew that, and suggest you how to deal with that Biden?

He was a vice president. I used to hear in the recent this Trump stuffs going on, he is too old. Nick used to tell me, when you get certain old age...nick has an ear problem on danging, he took it off, from a tincture, he probably very very very very happy. Dr. Christopher stuffs.

🦅🦅🦅 SHUT UP!!!~~~

Why they are so cute, sounding? You bribe the birds, on that Biden?

Simon is back to England, or Jail?

So whom gonna replace Simon, that seats? To that Hollywood women? You have some crooked human mind, I know of....if not that Andrew Silverman. 

Biden and Trump, both. No, they don't like you, not really. 

Biden is more honest, and talk out. Trump, he is used to be very very good at lying. He is just like he meant the TV shows, whom is gonna be the millionaires. He lies all the way. Like the most people do in their life, when they see the old people. My mother lying all the time too.

I say, "do you want the French fries?" That restaurant, Pompeyo knows, nice 101 behind that places vegan.

She went to order a chip salad, and eat that. 

I say, "Most people don't really feel it after they have the light meals and go outside, they are not as burdensom as they were".

I say, "Do you see the animal feather, in front of the washer"

She say "No."

I say, "next time I take it in for you."

As the Presidents, always remember "Indoor bound", don't go outside. The Sun will kill you, those kinds. You stay Hollywood AD those big house, nice design, Adam Levine, or whom else, swimming pool or Home Entertainment, with so much money, you use U-Bert, Eat out.

You have money, your company pay you all free.

Never does those Prince William or Prince Harry did....you copy their father. To keep the hair, too.

Like I am indoor, unless the situation forces me out, I will go out, yes.

White House has a Kitchen 

You always make friends to them, what they suggest you to eat, YOUR ENTIRE LIFE!

That is as much as I know what to suggest you. The rest you look at Pompey, I go juicing making.

I go to eat

 Babaji: Go

Hank, Taipei 台北 Its finance, or some kinds of 景融體系 = Business 某種事業產業的都會區,說話跟數學

You are jobs at 新竹科學園區

I think you go there best, to find another girl later....years later or you go to Califoirnia, you met a girl. Erin uses Match-Maker. You and that I Ching Professor + Sayor entry that 新竹科學園區

Not here Taipei, 就是離開台北都更區,台北就是像多倫多的底邊的,那個叫做 Downtown


Up town

mid town = ETR, Craig Ballantyne


景融~我想可能是講經濟的某種東西,我其實不太清楚任何景融 ...軍隊可能也不是在這個景融規劃區,但是可能是有存在 ...我其實不知道哪裡是哪裡~台北有某一種產業只能在台北,要講話的!

亂說話的那種 ...亞太景融的那種,有點音樂,有點氣息,有點整裝,有點 Fashion,有 Dining manner, 吃飯的禮節禮儀,跟錢 ... 因為有些非常有錢的人會抵達台北,非常非常的有錢 !

但是在我回來之後是不是美國自己佔領台北,我就不清楚了! 如果他們把你叫到新竹科學園區,我媽上次的朋友有經過,我們有車子 ...那邊是有規劃的住宅區! 新竹高科技的園區~~是新世代年輕的男女生家庭~成家立業在新竹 !

I know, some part of degree inside you, Petty human American, like the politician, or the regular business crowd, wants to find out this System things. You go to Keanu Reeves.

He might just comprehend, not necessarily, if you ask him, he knows how to verbalize. Sometimes people have a different degree of hobby. Sometimes these what you see them distort human, wants you to be able to "guess their mind, and seeing through the grander pictures of the world"

Meaning, you have an ability, you prove it, they tell you, they better than you, do things behind you. He and Simon are one of those junks, everyone has to go and tolerant them, anyway.

They do what they wanted with the data, whatever they know its a system or not.

Maybe If I say to Keanu too many times, I am not an American, you know why I keep saying that, Keanu?

Because I am keep saying it!!!!!!

Trump, no, he probably goes to prison his daughter in China, within. Google then can going in, with some high tech IT people, to get rid of that...微博

Well, this China, they are not that degenerate, in their brain. You ask them about the IT development. American company means = Google, Apple those....

American Classify, I have no ideas what they use. You are all not that big, and oriented to Classify America, and China probably knew that. You don't live in fashion, you don't live in high technology, you don't live high advance material science, no one sees you doing that, there is no materials goods going in American land.

The Classify they have everything, but you all, EVER heard about American Classify even? 

Before Anna shows up? Project Camelot, people die there, without a reason? 

If you American President just married to Classify, like right now, tear apart your everything, including killing them, but given the name to the Classify, because you have to jail in China or in America, your Classify America will applause you, not necessarily agreeing with you, because your IQ = zero, Really. 


When I grew up...

The military villege women like 姑姑 and 嬸嬸  they are always with grandmom, together they play, something. To a kid, that never see fashion, they become the fashion icons, like MD uncles always give up a box of all free apples, my mother throw out. Its a gift. Its all the stacks up Doctors takes the patiences dining table gifts boxs....those are expensive apples !

There are festivity, you know where they live, the villege dorm. Meaning its all around military.

I will tell you, a lot of people if they copy me, they will never relate anything to military, no. Not at all. They might just tell you, it just happen, my father is my grandpa son, he is the mlitary.

My grandmom used to know how to use knife on apple, its a twirling....she read us child storytale, I am in the arm of the grandmom, then one day she has to go to the other two kids, because you will hear, like rumor, they are more favorable.

My mother used to fight with my father's mom.

Then, there is uncle coming to our house from the pilots, you remember a lot of nice things about some situation, that they are more noble, more manner, more disciplinary, and somehow that airy....its warmer, not colder like Irene those side local Taiwanese, its poor, decorated.

Military you feel airy different, the dorm, airy different, there are noisy, there are human. There are things you knew something... I cannot describe to you.

No, I never want to be any part of the mlitary, you mean "police"?

I was that young, I don't know what is a police....I keep telling you that.

But Tri-general hospital, you always hear about. Alway hear enough like up to throat.


📂📂🪴 Tony Robin, and those human, Dean....Joe Polish...~Listen ~ I am not an America, whatever you look like there, May Jan 11...those craps. First, you don't commit a crime. Second, not to Taiwanese, we are not in the UN map. One day if my faces changes the surface, you would know that does not run in the system today.

 That is the magic !

First, Tony Robbin, I am not a fan of yours. Second, Tamang is a professional MD. 

You go targeting your fan its better. And those are native English speaking country human. You got mix it up, I look like.....Asian suppose to be all small tiny minded....

All small tiny minded....like psycho, you all heard about Asian girls, or guys, they are all psycho human to white races.

I am not....but you target at...??? 

I don't know what you all did, you are not supposed to be do things ilegal, anyway....certainly not my eyes. 

Asian = no Speaking English, none Capisto, unglare....

Asian = taken you advantage, never bait you out of the jail. 

Asian = they will take away all your stuffs, if you let them, and you will heart and bankcrupt inside outside....You focus at the wrong side of the maps, that entire groups.

You are the leader, Tony Robbin?

There is a Tamang, your fan !!!!

I didn't see you 3 dead yet ....not even knowing if you are jail, or out....whatever these schematic methods....

No Asian does those spirituality, jump, flip, bounce, they staff indoor better. They can do some invention with some brain, like stationary, expo...those.

But not American military those physical require a better built, hair color, to feel confidence the day they are born, and live through that flare of...contempt!!!

Born statues.

Asian they have inferior complex, again, I say, they speak Zero English, not even Hank those human, he is 1900 those, being re-modify.

My mother is 1900, like Simon is also a very very rigid british, tide up, 1900, to look like American.

You just better focus on the correct things, as the American system, or trend, or your "missionary, service to humanity".

I deal with the karma, or the spirituality on Keanu, or Simon, they are Reisanacess, but you have a choice, you all have a choice, spread your wing more to the American local, your own American race, including classify too. I don't really know which Hollywood inside are American, native, or classify, you go and mingle them.

Taiwan does have some human do meditation, including all those YouTuber, small tiny mind human 阿滴 or 滴妹 they don't see themselves good or bad, just live as that. No need to improve....very slowly....they don't really push others to become better. 台灣就是烏龜賽跑輸的那一個~叫做絕對沒有什麼期望跟指望 ...的對待誰...但是長那種樣子的師父會有什麼徒弟變成呢? 

鴨蛋 ....

You Tony Robbin, Stephen Tamang, those....you go to Japan. They got fashion, and they are similar to Ryoya Takashima, you talk to the professional human there.

Their Zen is also very stricts, they beat people with the sticks. Taiwan, they let you use the chair, and fall to sleep....I am that kind....I don't do a thing to human being, and they rotton to die....like Eben. They got medicine, and hostpial. You will be surprsie what we got here...but you better go to Japan. Taiwan, don't necessarily wish you here, or not, they are lay back. They can be content. You Tony Robbin its talking aggressively, saying aggressively, hurting people aggressivtly....no, you don't understand I say Taiwanese or Chinese are different. They are like Rockefeller, or Simon those...they talk gentle, small tiny voices, they act on it, but they just....die, they have people turn better, but they don't really mean if you have to be number 1 those. 

Taiwan is more of 循序漸進的那一種

Like VS, Romance Journey, you understand what that means?

Gradually improves, like public looks at Senior Bush, look at Hitler....then someone to something to Celine Dion, Jennifer 211, and Jolie, and then they look at Eben....

Then my brother, then my mother, Rockfeller, then me.

Its a gradual learning for the general public, not in a rush, they have to become.

Like Eben, I might tell him, not necessary I go and punish him or lawsuit him. That is the culture in Taiwan, so their improvement is....at zero rate, I think. They think life and death is....a transpassing things, just small tiny minded enough to forget....their entire atomsphere becoming slow....not aggressive human races, not going upwards....they are all like that. 

Its the Taiwanese...you met zero Taiwanese....they are not Chinese.

Taiwanese, they are mild, more kind personality too. Lay back....just, the atomsphere like that, we have a material science, that is Sayer...well, he does bio.

The real Material science, they do those China Expo, or some kind of invention. That Mu, its the legands of that continent, yeah?

I have read about it.

But these human, can only does paper works, those material sciences are paper works. China says no, they have no exit. Taiwan is passive through China policy, everyone knows that, here got no money.

American not necessarily given us free money, they sometimes give China lean way, on the cultural development. But Chinese does bring more Hong Kong or Taiwan singer to that China platform, hoping their entire human uneducated peeing races on the road, would be a little less aggressive, like Dr. Bing Shen, in City of Hope.

That is a Chinese...Not a Taiwanese.

Taiwanese are like me. Lay back....you will hear about a lot of things, but you probably don't get anything in return, whatever they mean we have smalller land, its circle full of human from elementary, middle, to high school friends, like my brother.

They are all equip like that. They go to their neighbors to swing door. That is the culture they seek help, or they rumor, or they cure, or they heal....they might be so advance in technology,....

Well, Taiwan is very high in foreign those bonds in gold, if you check that. Its all True.

They can sustain in some kinds of a happy land, happy content spirituality, die soon, if American troops gives them supports in defense, they die old with IQ, too.

Meaning, you find out if Taiwanese live long...VERY long.

Those. Including the suicide rates. Theft rates, or crime rates.

📂📂🪴 Hank, you go to find that 台大易經教授退休了,林義正 ! You take him to California, you two stay there two years. You tell Sayers, you coming in, for 2 years.

You say to Sayer, "This is the guy you need to come back Taiwan with you in 2 years, find you Hank and him a place, two years, you 3 coming in to that 新竹科學園區"

You bring some coastguard back in 2 years.

You suppose to have a house or a garage of the furniture.

This one world has everything not to kill one human but you all choose it, to kill more than one human. More than one human, you are so out of your mind

That’s more than 1 life that the blood you kill.

You could just give up everything….10 MD has nothing just watch one human. 

MD are not made to go killing others, your hands touchs blood, you just don’t even care about nobody….where you will all becoming ? Outfit shining ….beaming Gloria?

You killing your parents in Taiwan tiny lands we have a law, guess where these laws coming from ?

That’s first degree murder to your own straight lines, parents or kids. As your greater Title MD.

Pompey coming here to glow?

I told you that’s first degree murder, it’s a permanent records, eternal !! System records !! 

You want to, you want to, you want to kill!!!!! You want to kill anyone not agreeing with you !!!

Whom it’s the nearest you? Your parents and siblings …you want it so badly inside outside to kill all of them !!! 

Your patience one day will be the ones most NOT agreeing with you, you think you can do that EVER AGAIN?

You breed one very very bad seed in, you never took those quality out, you will breed your karma like diseases !! Just because the court agree murdering, that doesn’t mean the MD paper says that’s a title you keep the bloods stains on it !! Anyone stands in quarrel with you !!!

Biden and Pompey both useless human just like Simon, might be just all needed MD functional doctor ! Entire America EVERYONE NEEDS to see DOCTOR!! Everyone !!!

Medicine, any kinds of medicine as long as reaching to the help, AMerica land gives you everything as long as you willing to go to pharmacy store and get a medicine or blood pressure checked !!!

Correct, Taipei it’s the metropolitan, we have the best hospital and doctors. I seen them all. 

I don’t need any of you, not really, if they even let you keep that paper. That’s the first degree murder, you causing everyone around having a first degree murder in implication. 

Now I see the Doctor the first thing I ask them if they have their parents intact…

Why the court ruling ?

For the basic humanity reason to being humane…your parents are from third world country…it’s more costly if you bring back human with you MD none functional practices as long as you shall ever be an American, but in America lands NO ONE wants immigrants here. NO ONE!

Seeing an outbound land to committed the first degree murder within the US soil, not just, within every person can see you, NOT friends to each other.

Not to the Lords,

Not to your professional groups,

Not to Valley monitor statistic whatever…you just favor valley, they believe you have some nice interests for the educational departments, for the kids !!!

Those security human needs you to go back to your parents, that’s NOT the reason the court killing your parents for, NO!!

NO! Not testing my patiences ….NO!!

Some human are found pack holes in the wall. They giggling like jokes smiles on their face with a beer bottle. 

They have the reasons may not be directly related to comet, but I assume they seeing me doing all this. It’s all them with you coming here shot the comet, still going back your poor lands. American willing to wish to explore others country, all on the map, they bring other MD, Priest, EF people human marry in your lands to your best friends, give them, resources, money, new bf, new gf, if they divorce them. They give them movies, money money money and MD, medical equipment and technology as long as you don’t touch my nuclear factory !!!

American did wish others good, as long as they get educate, with the style fashion, with better education, with a better attitude, with a better Language, not cursing words. Eating more organic, bring juicing ideas, bring lose weight ideas….for the General mass, no matter whom they are, if you just tell America, or don’t tell them, they marry in willingly given your entire country, better in service, in costly medical operation so some die old and happy !!

I declare a title, I lie to you or something ? If you just follow everything I tell you so !! From the first day on, whichever first day on !! You will have everything you ever dream off …EVERYTHING!!

Tina and Pang will not even lifting a water jar, next by my mother  just walk. Just carry the ugly water jar, if their mother did all that for them. 




 😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃 有一天

2022年3月4日 星期五

I go to sleep

 Babaji: Go

You suppose to talk literally and politely…professional to your parents just lifting a water jar, really.

Professional attitude.

Eye sights …look and go beat up. And get hospital coff.

Isn’t spy networks are the professional US clearance included …package under that FBI or CIA?

Governmental standard…talking literacy like a human, functional maturity, playing tricks and games til everyone ruined all by themselves, it’s the TV says on Bill, Dinosour….自相殘殺

So you stay away …those human in their eyes sights, they grabs in love, posses, argumentative…to, that they actually feeling hurt.

It’s everyone stupid so no one needs to breath.



American Eastern coastline military ~~ what?

Getting lost …in the benearth the horizon,

That means you choke with the water ~~ really …

Define :


Peripheral not Brewery …they will all be dead in time. There are certain human delete all. 

Youtuber don’t last long career okay? First, they are not happy, second only MD are career, only National emergency are career, only the professional soilders are real career…you don’t need to make it inside …

Remember Pompey material?

Far away the seer next to you seeing blank out eyes sight toward the sun going down …”the horizon”. That’s where the line the water and the sun meets the junction, someone drown there choking…say it, whose name is that?

You know why by on-line protocol. Someone could just step on Tesla head or Prince William in jail or not to say, 

“Music, Commander-in-Chef?”

Because someone dare ….tricks and treat …understand ?

Your boss, just wish you all determines to become the commanders.

By eyes sight,

By height and look


By mobility, initiative to go out and do things, not Simon sun glasses or Harry eye glass reading a novel to feel the air too chill….the house burn on fire, the gas bomb.

I cannot hear well the CAT, that’s a straight flying airline lines to? Buffalo !! Through California …

I used to know one guy and one CAdS wounded retired military guy and a girl. They acting and talking different. Really. 

Everyone has a major, minor or graduate study really.

That’s 4 years or one years and half.

My 4 years are chemistry …really !! Something never changed !!

I think if you try to imagine your fake enemy yet to be, better than those useless …Paganism, UB 5, Tamang black white so unlawful…those past gone memory.

If you found Simon Mute?

That’s a sun glass sun tan lotion? How to lose a guy in 10 days?

Human they lost energy and in love games never wane, eyes crying tears like Bebe, ideas to when falls benearth the sun…or stairs..lts an air curses, to that unseen accidental insurance. 

Every insurances company knows that. 

They are too busy whom right or wrong, your commanders means only delivers a job, however thar jobs supposes to be ! Really ~~ no one has a tolerance and guess whom patience is the lowest?

The one that has no mood …





 Babaji: Go

Medical Boards - they just got mad, and will throw people at the jail, if they see them become the kids....for no reason, I don't even need to proven them what...but then, if I did become.....Big enough mass, they might just kill human, for real

Killing probably its a little more exaggerating.

All right, Medical Boards, is highly outragerous, they want to know if that degree of descriptions are exactly like the TV says. 


Conan Detective

None- English Speaker

Tina, Anna

Hank, Tina's first bf, Pang

MD Doctor Groups - Big Hero 6

Hira (or Alice), Ola

Wing, Jonathon, Dean


💖🍁📂🪴 Some people wants to be a girl, you know one this Series, they become 4 I think, 3 or 4 Witches story, I saw Annca, but I didn't read it. 💖🍁📂🪴


Maybe I didn't say it clear last time. 夢幻遊戲

This Dream Exchange Games, in the story itself, there are 4 direction of the 4 Kingdoms, which each has a Pheonix types of National Treasure Animal.

Your sporty arena its called Moscout, in Ancients, they have a name, a degree of reverence. Dragon, Pheonix.....there are in 4 directions of the Guardian of that Quandrin Universe. In this one books Manga, they have 28 different this....label things you see in the sky.

So you spin these exactly the story 3 or 4 times, when I last read was when I was in UB knew all that? I never read these stuffs, it was on TV so I know what they are.

When I met Annca, he is just everywhere...really. He is a gay, he told me. 2017...That is when these books I see....but I got confused, I have no ideas what are these things at all. So long ago, I knew the first Book of these story.

Dream Exchange Game on TV that one, has a second entry, like when they apply the College, they become the College students, so there are a broken glass events. 

The rest of other spinning story...its all about these witches girls wants to make a wish. More girly story, about you going in a library, and flip a book. That kind....

Eat Lunch ~ Aria & George, at your pages....

 Babaji: Too many navigation links!!!

Dr. Lee, TLC Profile

Both are the same Title name:

Eternal Love or  3 3 10, (3 Lifes 3 Generation 10 miles Peaches (trees) Blossom)


My and Eben (or Mahavatar Babaji, might be the Cloth those)

Pang and (I cannot type Chinese) her and her father.

Her father is Chemistry factor owner I think, Chemical engineer. This computer keep broken....I need to re-start, I have a shortcut to key in Chinese words.



I re-start the compputer

Kill 1000

China spokeman I think he is a guy or that’s a girl? 好像有個女的短頭髮 (Ukrain plastic tent it’s at West side Russia)

You blind, Russia movies their capital this Timezone 6 years ago, so we have 3 body sailor moon stars at the chest fighting on music ? Russian are orchestra themselves paper form ?

Taiwan doesn’t keep you all tent. You could just tent in Ukraine. I never see inside map yet. I know French map. 

It’s probably there are certain things you don’t do this side Timezone. 

Hollywood has a display - Ocean 11, 12, 13 that groups. I didn’t touch it. They are trained at the movie set for real. Those human.

 UB I think the Medical Board recycle them. 


The Prince who, in jail ? Trying to copper plates that niche’s to see how to double space? He just needs to open his mouth correctly. 

Girly human does girly things, yeah !!



Do you know how to use tooth pick ? The traditional one, not cigarettes?

Biden to Pompey, right…but if I knew you are these psycho, I will not help no one

Biden - Simon

Indian girl - Pompeyo

TLC to 3 and one to one, you all get jailed, you will start a series of circling killing events….

Ukraine, at least you dress like your own President and start reading maps?

We Buddhism ready 9 years?

Oh~~ I didn’t think I have a 4 religion around. Correct. Not really, you talking about Merchanary.

The photo, that’s Adam Levine human Cameo Appearance!!


Me and that Alan Walker Sariputra. Correct, it’s kinda that dress color, he looks like that, I look next by. That’s not very imaginable what you say mountain range, whom has what conversation.




2022年3月3日 星期四


 Babaji: Go

笑傲江湖 ~ 36 ( Its at very funny number okay? ) Ola they are at age 36. Disney groups also not too far.


The last thing you ever wish, were another copy cat, girl doing that, really.

The worse its everything exactly the same like the TV says.

But yeah, if you just follow the instruction, get rid of all those people around. Its just one Episode

Tamang and Jonathon if their MD boards says go ahead, that is however girls life, they improve with their 20 years plan, something else they have to watch it again. Normally things close to your nature, its the most resonance when someone else being observed. It may not be close to the movie set human, to do it all that in person on the movie scene set ground, but as much as they could decode their own movies, to their own profession, other people evaluate their situation.

Not to waste their own brain, for the underground fighting.


Its part of the Digital Era packages. It is just how you present them really, to the Medical Board. You do have a job, how you make that jobs becomes more permanent. 

A lot of people when they imagine 100 years human life, when you get to Eben's age, like Keanu Reeves 9 years ago, you imagine, there are older people at 65, still watching your progress, they retired at 65 years old. So when you give an instruction to people, they expect you, always be there to live up 100 years, to be rely on. Age of all brackets dissolve very very quickly to the younger age bracket. Whatever that means to you, at your heart.

Right now you are at 36, you imagine you are fostered by those age 50 years old human, while their behavior is like 17 years old.

Simon wish to receive comments from AGT, producers write those scripts? Starting by 20 years old?


Some people will tell you, you are a piece of junks, and you cannot even do fine with your own paper, if you were just more attended to those simple movies scenario, but you use your own faces that well, one day, you won't be that lucky, 36 years old, Tamang is 38.

Tina + Pang (Music Class, 音樂課 )


If you calculate 1950, you know how? 如果算數 1950 開始,知道為什麼你們現在兩個有叫做即興音樂課? 你們誰要伴奏,兩個都練?

廢話我當然是 Back-up ~~你們就轉到你們什麼時候唱到對 ...我其實不在乎你們的鏡頭 !

你們有可能還在美國嗎 ? 好吧 ~我其實真的不知道,這樂透怎麼說你媽的...搬家? 

在台灣要住你饒邦大人那種洋房...是要開車去 Costco 我習慣台北做公車~你們只需要列象地點,叫做開車的五個定點開始~做一個 routine 的習慣,你們是可以有那種進進出出,台北邊邊的對山脈的那種房子~~~我看到很多呀 !

那種大房子有三個 fridge, 3 個 freezer,做一種~其實我當初較三軍他們是去...煮飯安安叔叔~他們最後是坐監獄也要去打掃 52 禮拜的,同一件你饒邦大人去看沒得東西? 只有 12 個月的那一件事情? 6 年過去~~又開始你們的即興表演...

Dr. Lee, that Desk, a movie: Frugitive.

Dr. Lee that desk need a movie:


No, I just checking it now, at the Chinese Little Kids, little monks session. I sometimes write there. Updates.

Probably someone telling nick about? He likes those movies, really. Janitors guy.

I am at CNN.

Maybe you call CDC whom it’s that National Emengency on UK-US slow snail ligation.

It’s called ligation. I think. Not just allegations ~~~ because others are in Wars, we are indifferent. Me and Pompeo.

I say before long time again…

    Cooking, good FDA presentation full scale kitchen

    Chemistrisy, Jonas, and 小龍 her father California.

    US-UK women community, be happy, the guys can die all by themselves hitting each other’s seeing you all be happy indoor carpet air-condition with the Queen or Simon.

    Herbal usages, I already say several things 

    You never grow garden, so start the first year, by third year, me and nick knows it’s every summer things grows better at the Sunny world !!

    Photo talks, Respect what Biden Mr President Says.

    I don’t know how many things he says, really. Digital Era, align with Tim Cook, Bill Gates.

     Start healing yourself including your own tiny brain tiny height. 

    Periods cleaning, washing, changing underwear, having a guy talk.

    If not Eben or Craig too old, find your own niches and tell Mr Biden. He goes near them all beat up one by one. Eben has a flyer. 

🦅🦅🦅🦅🌹🌹 Watching a movie and uploading one bird video. | Mummy 1

Mummy 1

That’s Tamang and Jonathon’s best friend. Funny looks. 

Jonathon’s high school friend. 

Isn’t that scorpion and the kid story? His son is from his mother !! Haha…where is he now? Them? Jail inmate.

They should group 3 guys doing just THAT whole life !! For real. 

Input every girls in. Female studies. 

They do for 20 years …exactly the same script

They might really becoming …the next 20 years desert movies again. 

Yeah if words spoken out words by words …you all see truth ?

Me and them?

That looks like Adam and Hailey’s dad…they meet at this same times?

Funny …

Someone touches that bugs, jail I think. The plaque.

Maybe Adam really needs to…go O Connell that way not this Way. THAT O Coneil !!! That’s the guys name. I can hear. I don’t know how to turn English translation. 

Her name is Evie?

all right, I know what this is.

Training one functional women, every cultural groups, every civilization of a functional women, they staff at library. Yeah. Every civilization lacking women, I keep saying that. These guys, I know in my classmate and Youtuber, they guys knows they die, jail or still be dead no matter what.

But one solid girls, one !!

They if generate 100 girls, that’s …just I tell you, every civilization I have heard problems.

Eating and fitness and IQ brain don’t last long. 

Probably no drinking problems no matter what. 

No, you call the movie industry = they really training a lot of people through the movies no matter what that is, you do, you don’t, someone else others do those things, everywhere.

“You must not reading from the book”

Uh…whom call whom?

Hailey’s dad did … is this your inidividual collaboration company, medical groups, Hunger Games ? I don’t really know whom Adam & Hailey is, but all right, I seem their both parents. I imagine I see stuffs. Yeah.

Spinning to Eben and Joe Polish, I staying, yeah

That’s…behind what’s said, really.

Morman see Pasta green !! Oh !! (Drinking water red)

So they Mormom has a problem ?

I got locked up again!! Remember, Pompey here yesterday.

Whom is that and that? Tim Cook and Pompoey? O coneil and Jonathon?

Whom is the Jonathon’s face?

Oh no, that’s the bird, few people around here. I didn’t go out today, no.

The bird did make the sound, Apple !!

They go to England or here? Or California, where is the Queen at? 

I think, you go to California to ensure you don’t see US turn to becoming the mummy!!! 🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎

Not Tim quo Tu ?

Sounds funny…that’s Jonathon says, Tim Cook names changes 3 times or Hermione clocks turns 3 times?

Cat…my brother fraternity is 2 words. Mine is 3 words, APO. His faces are not complete. 

Use drugs or mouth ?

I think that may not be ….trumpet? 喇叭🎺?

China is keep seeing you all doing these …we are just a channel across, really. 

🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎 Stop air travel, emergency !!! 🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎

Is Queen recovered? Or is she always attend worlds matter? You want to borrow that guy for a look? Jonathon’s best friend. Do you recognize whom he is? His air, his tempament?

England always been an ally to the US. No, they are not mummy. They are …”priest”

Probably SMCH Ramses meant red river was “the Prostitute” - again training women. 

    Yesterday was a talk, dragging chair.

    Today it’s on an action movie? 

Whom uses drugs? Guys?

… …

(Chanting )…

Enchanting …chanting will not work, not to those priest Catholics young probably. Drugs, the Queen is far grow pass that’s I think. If you say service of the humanity projects, the Cat, she might listen. 

The Priest, whomever my brother or Any high priest will listen. The sutra, the Cat, the piano, the gold.

Those will work. 

Not enchanting….Ella? No. Not that !!!

Tim Cook = Jonathon, cooking…what’s the book he read the only cover ?

Muji, I did that. Here Muji !! At that 5 Star Hotel. 

Maybe someone goes to save your own Queen? 🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎

Is Biden has a condition like my brother? What kind?

Benny is SMCH dog, probably dead.

You know…if they are all at California, gold mine states, your women Adam Levine projects really just drop zero Simon dust to dust, Earth to Earth? Pitch perfect those projects?

You are running against the Time, Runner, In Time.

Stephen Sommer?

My brain a little blank …out!! You don’t know what had happened last 3 days? 

You put a United States previous one of the Secretary States on a tiny island. And I buzz at them, Tim Cook and the Secretary States of the United States? 🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎

You just say you don’t want to participate, that’s it. You have a will.


Not that. 

No body knows what that story is !! We imagine we know.

Most human cares about possessing their right to own another human. The revenge human to makes that…? I don’t think so. 

It’s not a blood line guy to murder a guard, then 2 priests got kick out, not killed.

This guy must be a hell of a guy.  Just by the look of it, he has a beard, is that a style in the past? You can check anything on fashion saying to girls or the guys?

If the guys grows the beard on his faces, he personally don’t know how that is what is? Feeling good?

Apple before was a Netscape…why don’t you go and find Bill Gate, on my data a Jewish whom they decide Bible by per line square horizontal or vertical. It’s a laser patent guys. Might be too old.

Jail human, what?


My entire parents/family sibling are not normal, add one nick ex bf long time, now Eben …yet to be conditioned.

Tina probably gonna admit she needs to die. 

My mother she is jumping up and down right in front of my room TV, she had her own side window TV. She walking in my session, jumping up and down …at the TV. It’s music.

See if Tina die, they have one less suffer with 2 kids, they can become more normal again. 

They technically don’t randomly go and kills human, they written strange things on TV !!

Corrects she is that name, scarf lady, Wendy.

No, if you talk to her, she is just very normal. I don’t know what’s wrong with her. They all look very normal to me. I just find my mother a job, in case. 

Those profile human from Dr Lee, no, I don’t need anymore cases. You could just do nothing 6 months, live your normal life.

You do or you don’t do thing makes no difference.

I just pass by, this AMerica is very big territory, a lot of country can just skill workers themselves in Visa issues with these profiles from Dr Lee. If they just become the MD literate from 194 country.

You have something to ask me.

You could just write it and sent to Dr Lee or TLC.


No, I am not a doctor, and no, I don’t cure others. I didn’t remember my birthday those times, no. Not even my name. 

Probably one desk display probably how many profiles, 4 or 5? That many even?
A girl, a black, and a yellow nose. 
I didn’t participate their classroom. Those public broadcast educational classroom. 
It’s a wiki classroom. Another branch of Wikipedia. It’s an classroom setting. I have so many desk everywhere really. Profiles like your patients yellow binder with your photo on profiles. I don’t have other human exists there. 

You could just decorate that desk yourself. A yellow notepad, A wire phone box. It’s empty. 
🦅 the bird says they need their statue there. 

Jail - last time I talk, today you have that plate not gold. It’s probably my money !

 In the equal prison standing, there are a female space institution.

They die, you space becomes double.

You know about what I say about the memory loss, I can just make those females whomever you know you don’t know seems to be free outside inside, whomever end up in the female prison doing the labor works.

Tell me your wish.

I may not able to deliver because it’s your mind set, your prison life and your degree of doing thing in cruelty, you may still be jailed this life. But I ask you.

If you hear this far, you can just talk, talk now.

I or then listen. 

In the modern time, this era it’s called 21th century. I have things I wish to see. You may heard or you may not heard. But you try to outlaw again, you will die this time. 

You may receive education you may keep hearing strange things, you might just shrink.

You might have the mental degree, you might have thousand things why you are not function like that Adam & Hailey Taiwan, Youtuber.

This is a modern technology, if you don’t get up learning or if you just wish and prefer to die, you could open your mouth say your wish to die, we separate you. No, you may not die. I just ask you.

Education means you learn a better behavior not spitting, not swearing, not looking bad about everybody and you just go up and tilt a food plate. You can learn boxing.

We don’t need a lot of these talks. Just occasionally showing up. Sometimes that space is boring, I had only one girl Vietsnese making scarf to do the prison visiting. She cannot possibly tour every institute in America !!

I have a mother, her same names. Conditioned. Service to humanity might just mean - one step closer.

Want to hear a song?

It’s perfect describing you…a mood.


It’s one of those your parents had told you, they had enough you should be dead, how many times anyway. 




 Babaji: Go

I don't want to watch it anymore. I think I keep saying the same things !! 我不想在看了~我覺得我一直講同一件事情 ! 真的

我自己聽到都很累 ...

I hear myself talking also feel tiring....

Pandemic is = National Emergency Time

War on Terror = Always National

Wars with neighbor and actaully show up on the TV = National Emergency Time for real.

You finding the National Emergency back up human, you are not one of them? 

No more books, no more movies, no more music. Cooking, plastic tent, washing, drying, hooking nails, and pulling wires, assembling all the house, or temporary shelter, and shut up !!! For everyone can work, and you just sit there sleep and eat, and doing nothing no use human !!!

How many times I say they were lazy? 

Everything its everyone else does for them, not their parents, then becoming me. They just need to stand there and Smile! 

No, water filtration system you get baby, women !!

Fire, do you know how to make a fire? Burn down the nicks house is a fire ….

You finds things to burn, garbage. We live in the garbage ?

You need a truck, he is a license bus driver = operating the heavy machinery with the experience. 

There are emergency Berkey filters system. US for 2012!!? In Simon me video on the second part? Right behind me? The filter water bucket? But you need a clean water to tap water clean and assemble that water filter system.

If to move some military in….

Well, you don’t get along, you gonna get everyone killed.

You need the doctor, you need microphone, you need speaking your language human, you need nurse, you need a military doctor for the military there or you could be that useful, how many jobs you delivers?


    Guitar, music

    Guys moving goods, getting gas, getting transportation, they have networks. 

    if you drive 10 years, that’s what you have. 

Shipping the water jar, food boxes regularly with the older human, my mother or nick, you don’t nagging with your mouth opens ?

Nick used to have SUV, that’s everyday we do BBQ, grocery store they use the 📦 to carry the food + we have the plastic bags.

He see things, I see things?

If you secure one location, you could just facebook me.

I told SMCH junks, she is junks? She says? Every single days it’s refugee plastic tent and blanket since 90s.

There is a NATO on my facebook !!

There are networks exists okay? You talk, you phone, you find out and collaborate. Everyone gets hungry if that’s not 3 meals a day. European eat baguette bread. Baguette 🥖 

Apple, cheese, ham, a piece of washed lettuce. 

You need plastic gloves, you need a kitchen, you ever run a full kitchen all by yourself ?

Water system

Transportation system

Warehouse system, Skype 

Bill Gates, I forgot how to use MS access - Costco.

I find vitamin bottle, blanket, cover your throat scarf ?

Someone they always have allergy like Asthma ? You need a full function hospital 

I think if you become one person running all that, or couple someone else, you will be kidnap taken by either Ukraine or Russian. They use bags. 

If you exile out Ukraine, you can cook for them, medicine them? Or baby sit them I guess… 

🥃🥃🥃 China is psycho like Russian…you need to stop the Olympia, just say pandemic is not done yet !! If for any reason, they stir up one more infection

 The worlds will kills a lot of Chinese or already did.

Then China will declare war.

No, this CNN says holes in the school wall. But if the people die at the school, Ukraine president will die by their own educational department. 

You only need one driver

    drive water, food in one truck, to heating device

Their educational department don’t even have one driver, themselves ?

Driver, seeing things human ? 

Get the key warehouse, knock it down, move the supply, read the map, from location A to B and be there?

Connection to military and getting consent A and B and C.

If me and nick were at that time …we have to do something in one area, we secure, whatever that one location region to secure. 

You just assume the education it’s 100% implements. But you need to know how to do all I say?

Reading the map, drive from location ABCDEFG.

Without a phone what each me and nick and deliver? If no communication ? Talk with your mouth open ?

Drive !!

Stack things, looks where are the stores the military, the gun, the emergency human looking, talk. 


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