Date: April 2nd, 2022
Plaintiff: Anna Jao
Title: Today I telling my mother, if normal human like me Anna having a kids to say disable, that is sadden news. But if its a conditioned human having children, and highly evolve, because their whole life, both parents are conditioned, on training, you only need 1000 case to proven, you don't want all your life hard works wasted. (One memory about my age, born time)
For me, not as normal as you see in appearance, including the color light hair to more darken hair, through the age, I did went to a very challenging growing up time, in Asia. That growing up has fit in, fit out, getting position pains in the elementary school. No, I never know you need to grow tall, not at all, or make-up. No.
But I told my mother since I was 23 years old like Obama educated her kids to be poor girls mentality on purpose like a waitor in Friends, to spell Sea Ocean near by, front Save Haven. I am 39, on drinking liquids one more month. Like you say 16 years pass, or 20 years meeting College friends flying back and forth none stop, like Wing, Hong Kong, treading every step in my high school, like Ola might be playing volleyball internal court, where I am in Taipei?
There are situation where 20 years evovle, they meant, I born to work my 5000 water buckets in hard working unheard, unknown. 4 of my family members are conditioned, so I make this case, because my birthday is official Death. Dragon in Chinese sign, about 4 or 5 years old I have one or few images, visual as the baby born.
大班 we run around the clubs. But one year lesson, we nap. I see myself napping, or I walking outside seeing myself napping inside. Nothing else I remember.
To that if there are a system design, which I really don't know. Not this....more programs, to say System? I only know what is the math A or B problems with my school UB. But if there are system in defining, not to waste the human efforts, educational budgets, looking down humanity, to say cruelty poor girls mentality, to those none military family, why the country marshall law order are the only Supreme saying. Any militant overthrow democratic, might be under the name, I have only one task to do under my father, that is China 5000 art Museum moving from China WWII to Taiwan, its here. Chinese Palace Museum, under climate change.
There is a general somewhere Syria on my facebook, I give him 3 days. He should have gone on the first day I warning him. He walking in the wrong classroom, not waiting til the 3rd day.
We have the climate change issues 20 years ago, the air conditioning bill is 28 celcius, guess what is the temperature now? 34. Human skin is 37. These things cannot last, you say artifacts both in calligraphy, if my father is really a color blind, my grandpa is lieutant, one rank lower than the General. That General is sign the WWII treaty with American, the only human General. One General, that is him. He is the Memorial hall, beside Chinese Democracy Father. They may not know what this is. I know
The French some Sentor Chef came
Pompeo is here Taiwan, my mother told me.
Its when he or whom will listen. Certain things meant, you hear, don't hear. Get out. You can use National Archive in Congress to move that human, imagine he is a General of every decree he lost his memory or vocabulary....never wane. I had an office, might be they needed, for FBI, following the Movie: National Treasure. Some human tested the Facebook recently, all those spot location, its not because they can see my camera, my home if I am nake to go take a shower, its because, they are spot by GPS location.
I dump water red, in all city, where, he or them meant they don't hear any industrialist can do....common sense. Its the water Pipe!
I remember you have a facebook on lawsuit too.
Its the photo issues, that is not personal, several marks on my facebook blink in blink out, on display. If not your Court order, maybe you try someone else to find out, why my facebook friends are blink in blink out, and missing 2 human on number, or quota.
(Lawsuit numbers are in the URL links)
Facebook Lawsuit 141:
Fate Law 2 & 3 & 4, Lawsuit 48, 49,51 :
After Flower Thousand Bone 2015, Lawsuit 128 :
All System Domino Lawsuit 162:
This is part of the lawsuit in the continuation talks to Flower Thousand Bone & All System Domino, followed the lawsuit 175.
Lawsuit 175: The elements of W Two Worlds, 26 (All System Domino checking continue )
2022 March
The photo air date on the top left. Two dates.