2022年3月26日 星期六

My right nose so hurting, remember I say very brown dark brown nose inside things after green yellow?

This entire nose right side upper so painful.

Its everything coming from the foot, I am telling you, Right lip, right nose, I keep washing it. I go bathing, showering so I go to sleep.

Babaji: Go

Talking about your cooking skills. My Pinterests, I am not finish puking.....you were saying that is not the food you eat? which food is not what you eat?

I never stop finishing looking at the food everyday.

Food is not vegetable, do I tell you they look different, however you describe an object that is to be eaten down? Plunk the vegetable sounds like more preparation for the medicinal, you have a hobby?

 uh....Your Jewish human eats that, right? Or the Greek Restaurant?

How many human really left per Class, I am telling you, the way how everyone get kills, all together. That is when they say enough? ~Can you just feed yourself, because I might just end up in the empty house with a driver....looks like my brother has all the women's groups.

You don't care why Hollywood saying that, you just keep collecting them, until I am down. That's it. You support some causes, for the decency, and one thing I ask you to do, its you buddy together girls, to 

    1. Be Happy after your parents gone, both you hate guys, you wish guys, your past guys, they can die! They some admit that, and you just be happy.

    2. You cook some skills, cleaning some skills, so you pull the curtain of some girls inside the room, you be the best friends of this none make-up girls, to tell them get up, you change their pillow case, bed sheet, some kinds of everything wash, one day and dry them, and you took this one human for a eat out, you help them for ....what was it, your Christian American world everyone does that.

    3. You talk to some more association human, or you have more girls on the situation to keep them having this 52 weeks, on every holiday, you have 2 marking on those dates where they might just dress up or receiving the phone text, 2 times, you have a party to go and having a dinner somewhere, dress up. You all keep it yourself to be the best friends of yourself.

    4. You stock pile some food, you learn all this skills, til the day, when you get to 60, you might just find a lucky guy, when you able to deliver every skills I am teaching you difficultly, you practice 10 to 20 or 30 years. 

    5. I think these Pinterests food looks decent to begin your preparation, its everything lay out, as flat as every commander can see. They can always use one extra cooker, when the things goes, everywhere in 50 states, they can be anywhere, where there is one girl able to just deliver that, they can travel, they can visit, they can bring networks in, as long as you shall just do exactly...perfect arrangement, whatever these "Restaurant Bowl Green, Green Bowl food", that is what they name I think on the menu.

    6. You need to wash, sort, salt, clean, a lot of manual works in the kitchen, standing there, or you sitting down, you starting today, you make it every day, by the 100th days, you know you just quiet yourself one day, never go out, one week never get out of the house, but preparing whole weeks food, for your own survival. Do you understand what I am saying? Your own survival will last your entire one life, and beyond this one life, really.

    7. Maybe I check on the menu. American restaurant food right? Friday? Those? We have a Friday next to my job interviews places, Have I told you that was like 10 jobs, i none stop interviewing, round about. Interview meaning you going in.....

(... ... ... )

oh ~ I see what you are saying. You mean the fried food, bread crumb, bake, or what was it beef, BBQ? like 3 or 7 done? Those are....the restaurant food !

The potato skins, rights I think only they TGI Friday selling those.

Steak...that is steak, not beef, vegetarian mock meat soaking wet water beef.

All right, those you go on the weekend, right now you are on the diet? You need to learn the basic things how the guys get feed with the nutrition.

You know this Loving Hut has drinks session, or where was it, Milkshake? Some correct order of drinks, if you just learn one things two things to bring home, the guys could just eat it occasionally? Wasting my efforts?


🍭🍭💖💝 I cannot access to those Classify girls. Zawanna stands there. I don't know Kail is the principle as shocking to find out, to the day when Zawanna shows up. 🍭🍭💖💝

But....these are every guys make me puke these far, none stop.

Everything they ever do.....It doesn't matter what they do. You don't go to the principle. You think I look like that?

I just gonna tell you, they are psycho. Their guards, or....how is Royal Prince to become a school Principle? X man school? oh my God....its every story, make me remember the Chinese letter words of every Berline story. Its actually every story I told you this far, you just read it. 

The guys are just like the girls, they are arrogent in nature, but they are short in words. You don't have to be bf or gf, to get married, you could just lead them every step correct ways to do things, to safeguard what they comfortable in life.

Not every guys are bad. Some bad guys, you let the world some human will find out and deal with it. Women has more some kinds of.....express things, for the guys to train them how to say the right things, encourage them to go ahead, not to do that, do this.

Not every guys are lousy, a lot of guys are bad.  

Sometimes life has to give everything out, and you still die on it. This world teach you that concepts, you give best to live life, no matter what, its best for those human. 

Most of you girls are selfish, if you just safeguard yourself, at least you just stay away hurting any guys, and stay away any guys coming to hurt you or schematic you, like my mother's friend's sister, every money is gone. 

You hoping some nice guys, whichever their condition they have, you give what they want, what they willing to see, what they wish to further advance. Give them support, comfer them, give them friendship networks, in whichever means between that one day their parents gone, they can stand on their own, not just someone behind if they have condition, you are just being a nice friends, some guys is a normal guy okay?

Not those very bad guys til the legal ways, someone kills their entire family. They breed badness, for the wrong reasons. It stays on the records for that every reason so far I tell you.

There will have a lot of good guys. You only just be with one, that is enough. The rest, you hope they go on a date, and be happy, being on a date, just talking normal to a girl, really, its not a super big deal. Just come back home safely. Practice your eloquent. 

oh ~ I have no ideas they are normal, or they are nice ....or bad. But some guys will find out. You don't do these, every guy having every human killed? That is really stupid, isn't it?

    You practice your manner, and then you practice on the guy, to give them support, not your heart cut, and no guys cannot going out for a normal date. They go on 100 dates, and finding no girls, maybe you tell them stop. You mean you dating a girl, or you mean you eating a lunch just be friend, and where are these 100 human at?

Maybe you stop for a moment, are you breathing all right? Its the different girls, 100 girls, or you means 100 different tables, you say, the best friends girls? And how you end up its every date, its the first and last goodbye? You cannot possibly to just seeing them once, and that is the first time and the last time goodbye.

I live in my own room, you cannot possibly every time coming home, I look at you.....and???

I think that is how this new generation they develope this technology for the young lady, young girl in China, they live alone, and having all these very convinience devices

Those things are true! I thought it was something about that, but I didn't know its when you had enough about you entire family, they kill all of them for you, how many pairs of human. 

Before you marry, for whichever reason, you don't have any group support, or facebook, or clubs, or anything you access to say, someone can get help, that is the only help...its just sounds so....as it seems true, how these simple life gadget comes about.

I think that is the reason. 

That is how the blood thirst comes ! 

The gun, the red hair, the hint, the degree, the compassion to the humanity, starting on the First Blood Drops 

You know what happened to this people? When they lost their entire family all dead? They shrink in....life pressing too much, and they start to feel the entire house, the entire all those things they could ever have, having his entire family all dead, its only air gets really less noise.

Very very cold in the house, there is no more sound, they called "mom, or dad"

Which these words I never use for a long time. And their life becomes conditioned.....they fear those are the conspiracy ideas, to how they end up like that. There is no one around anymore. Its they love you all along. Sad.

They learn once, "Thinking outside every box, as they proven all the way".

That is how they end up.....all these MD. They have to regulate, in order to do the jobs better. Some human believe different karma, no matter what, that is how you end up, and maybe soon, you will proven it, all your life works so far, its all gear one chance of life moment.

The moment of life.

There is no more life, you cannot possibly screw it up ! Most people of their family, its their mother be always on their side, the kids' side. At least all I know of. Your parents would be just saying a word or two, makes you feel supported, not even one human to feel a close by.

That is a sad life.

No Its target at the MD

Taipei Major, Surgeon, looks like Hank, one female student die in the car accident right in front of his work place I think.....

I told you already, the normal guy are very dangerous, very very selfish, in order to Make it in the world, they do something in order to becoming....including this you have no friends on the facebook, why they even design the facebook.

So ADD or some conditioned guys, its best you work around be with them, and just help them, the decent things you suppose to do, if you found out they are the conditioned guy.

Those Irene brother, its the same guy...no consideration in any human life, no consideration as long as its all his, everyone else suffers with it. No one get any help, he just needs to....BECOME.

1. You could just be single, living that China invention, one person life, really.

2. You cultivate your spirituality and service to humanity, even die, you help one guy, selflessly, not this small language every words wrong, I think. So you pick the first life style.

You tell the women association, the first life is what you wish, not killing people or getting people killed with this Real Love games, you wish to live with this China simple gadgets life whether Anna says true or not, you want to believe why they create those commercial, and Anna is sure saying all that. You admit you are not capable to foster a guy, or foster a child, never even an entire family, in the end, its everyone get killed. You just tell them, no, not all that stuffs happening. Heart ache okay, best friend hurt you okay, but not one life to that chasing dreams and wind, end...its to get a lot of people killed for the Real Love. That is not right things to do. 

18 guys groups vs me One? You mean like Dr. Fourner to his best guy Vince, black guy....oh ! You all have no shame!


I group for you, don't mean in the end, I live with any. I might do things on the system side, for that one driver, inside its all high tech. Who knows....some human might do that. 

I don't know anything about that stuffs. But for sure, those area of housing to say, fake stream, river, kinda like SMCH main ashram, the photo I show you that TV Drama, was entire house of that story. Interior design.

Probably people don't think of it, when they see that kinds of setting....


We are not the best blood line, but we are the best looking one. I leave those message on my father's phone already. Now you all know every MD does this.....as long as they shall every achieve, things of True Love and Loving the Silent Tear....what a thing in life, to say...."How far its the Heaven and Earth."


To where your spirituality intune and to your evolvement in the world, to say how each other killing its "When you have enough'. not how much contribution the world you give out, its "How convenience, if without it, as long as that does not go in your own way."

狼狽為奸 ! 

The wolf knows.

If nick knows why we end up in Thailand, I eat those things he put there.....as if he shows me what those are. Its the German breakfast, but we buy that Soy yogurt to that Granola...Musli.....

This is really disgusting ....I probably vomit all the way of certain things when the world in large, and Kail becomes the Principle.

These Classify girls has to ....SMCH their idol, stop eating.

Its everything red room, you know why saying all that Disney, one time, red room? Its in the Children Literacy, not Harry Potter. Principle something so vomiting those human.....Maybe you should really read the correct books that you suppose to read.

There are many room in the Castle (Many room in Jesus Bible, whatever he says? Heaven's Gate?)

There are the world, very sensitive, just vomiting all the way, sounds like a plan, I am telling you. Why is the principle tutor me 9 full month, Oct 1, everything on math again?

I keep vomiting all the way to Holloween, to Thanksgiving, probably will be Christmas.....

你們有沒有先講重點? 叫做現在是幾點? (幾年幾月幾日? 安那到底在講個什麼?)

幾年幾月幾日~ 現在?




這可能是你們第一件事情先去說重點吧 ?

我覺得我講英文 ....(極品絕配) 

All your Ikea Furniture






連 430 可能都有我說的家具~~家具街...好久以前我叫他撒錢 ...

Even 430 might have these furniture street I say, where he spread the money all around, the cargo company. There is a SOGO !!! Those rich human wife, shopping places.

我現在想起來了~這是講法國料理 ....喔! 所以是說 That Ku Human French police their French Youtuber, ends up in Taiwan?




什麼? 太誇張了吧 ... 連環車禍 !

oh ~ I didn't do that......Brian they are in the Honor Program that side.

i think I deal with the APO, not right now yet.....Its raining hard, not thunder hard......Raining pouring rain right now.

hey ~~~ That is Taipei Women Association your ID Cards, or Citi Bank? oh My God!!!

Not this again.....


He has to leave? Where?

We are not doing the hotel venue

We are not doing the night market! oh no, that is not what we do. Food truck....we are writing the small business plan, I really don't care, how many copy they come up with, it just Karen supposes to deliver one, I don't have time to write, I tell the guys to go and get each them write up, they could just go and copy each other, and ask nick to review, and do a few presentation to fill up Karen's dad M & T. There is nothing formal about this.

太誇張了 !!!

Meta Millions 50 millions, March 25th, 2022


Well….在你們家!! The last book I read the whole book it’s Dianetic, from Buffalo downtown library shipping up, the entire books.

It’s…at your Hollywood. 

Tiger China that lady host plays Karen….Wallace knew, you shows your book every page.

Correct, it’s on the TV, before I met you. 

….do I know what that means?

… …

Knock knock?

No! That’s a picture book. 

😀😀😀😀😀 Keanu 😞😞😞😞😞😞😞




 Babaji: Go

💝💖🧁🍿 You want to stop plunging leaves? Herbs.... 💝💖🧁🍿 Whatever you see that you plug off from the stem.

How old are you?

( Give it to me...some human finger too long....impatience, to that every mouth lifting jobs, makes human eyes despise)

What is your occupation? You have a religion belief? How about you go back to your own religion? Buddhism, I annihiate them, or their system long time ago, from the political and police or fireman department, re-set that LONG time ago, may not get things right to get the Bible, just for the decent human doing the decent things.....

Your school textbook are the same educational material almost, your every city, supposed to acquire almost identical materials each year. From the educational Department in that Congress, Washington D.C.

Human evolution might be eon, or kalpha, ever heard of it? 

No one goes out of One Life Liberation to say, why they never need to work for but kidnapping, so they bankrupt, long time ago, not just the entire population becomes more impaired thanks to them efforts to spread...God's teaching.

Temperament of your own beings its started "you have a desire....to becoming Great."

Most desire the fashion of the lifestyle, I say that too many times on the Devil Wear Prada, Annie Lalla high heel shoes throw in the air, vola on the sofa and die on Alchol.

Its a Vola life, makes a drinking women, to short hair, and one day, that nutraliy, you will see.....tattoo wall Toronto Downtown, again, the metro line wall. Its the artists nature. Toronto is the art City, in case you didn't know. No one gets into the niches if human just develop their IQ how to become....broaden in minds how to make themselves useful in life.

Everyday to God, if your mouth is full with the money, correct. That is your best bet, going to Jewish or Christian, to fit your own reason, that is what makes out of you. 

In the real guys world, every popularity of the guys are defined, by...Number 1.

They don't have to be the number 1, many just trying to be the girls, I keep saying that. That looks good on them.

And you could just trying to be like them. Getting early out of the school, to proven, you have a spiritual belief, that very Top Bracket, you never imagine whom you will meet in the end, really.

People die, because their time is up. Plunging Leaves, you want the leafy greens telling me, on my flower shopping expense? Most of these are deductive every governmental projects on the human harvesting activities, = "Civilization heighten value"

When I was in UB

I met Silas, Seth, later Dean or Bill......but  most time you hear would be Dean and Bill.....because we actually talk in person, and lab partner. Well, Dr. Fourner has a reason did whatever he did, next by Andrew and me, and Silas behind with the friends, and he is the editor. So like I tell you, there are guys they becomes of some networks, there is our world, they become what they become, the American Flag.

They probably all know each other somehow. I was eating mostly in Seth dining hall, second floor expensive = UB faculty or downstair, mexican flat bread inside with the cheese, and pressor on it.

What do you call them...Tortilla? The cheese one, I hate red sauce in the pizza, and those cheese, are not home town cheese. There is nothing I like about. I eat Chinese, and every campus food, on the Pinterest I show you.

Most this UB RA, like Dean and Silas, they have a dining hall cards, except they eat at Ellicott, I wonder if they dead in there, by whatever Doom shape looking "50 shades of Grey".

You see....Tony was a very very bad kid to a lot of people. Plan B was pro or por....one of those Medical debates, but life ruined by one kids, its torn every family on the blocks. EVERY blocks, its when they will ever end! His existence of values is at Zero. Absolutely zero and hellish.

Being standing out in life, often, like those in the end this Facebook will die, you better use it soon.....if I were you. Its entire them go. Because Steve Jobs and Eben Pagan got in. That is the only purpose that is being done that way. 

It does not look great, but that is as fast as they should to retrieve back things, so they will be all gone, instantly. It does not matter the system helping them or not, its the situation its being said very very loud and clear, American are pointing at these seatings, not Olympia you see ice skating, but they have coaches. Because the old senior home they will tell you, how bad the health becoming to these people. I was the one, Audri Patterson told me.

Wealthier family background of the girls and the guys, they are more noticeable, because they are more serene, meaning, they are not up or down. They are more happy on their own. Happier. You picking up a girlfriend yet? And your background of picking up the girl, or for your daughter to what Senior Bush would do?

He got one of those gasoline station business after John Rockefeller 1920 after. They breaking into 7 branches maybe. All separate that time.

Manner, swimming pool lessons, Lincoln Clubs, piano lesson, music lesson, we actually have "manner lesson in the private school" every Saturday club, to the noon time, its not uniform. I never had my hair down until I go to the high school America. Its how funny they make into the drama, of.....an Ancient guy, doing that.

I was that National Antheme of Taiwan songs. They have nothing but old system of the militant, not military, its 軍閥制 Probably they meant more of Japanese suicdal those. But when you say curfew is on, usually meaning that marshall laws = militant.

Not really just the military, in my language.

Life has many desires, stricken rules of those Ruling Elites, are those few only chosen roads. Not really those flowery ideas, or....puppets, playing flower papers girly, to sounds like tormenting others girls to really becoming Kate Hudson, don't you agree?

You know Dr. Steven told me one very simple rule one time, he reflects that every single day on. What would that remind it him?

Everyone wants a ceiling, ever heard of that saying? Not just the roof on the top.



Things has to be sustainable, how it get there....one day when you look it again the End Game, Part 2 (Iron Man Avenger?) 


Ant Man and Wasp


I know you are researching. Learn it well. Its on the faces and presentation.

A lot of people like Pierre & Meghan, or like Simon Cowell.

Fun of that life to captures the great camera system, without the family hindrance.

Imagine I just told everyone this morning case, I have a places,

A dog (you are the only visible things, let's talk.....sit or kneel?)

A car guy.

One day Pang comes back with all these useless girls, one side is 13 his father's junks

With Irene and Square...they are inside the video 閃電霹靂車, they are all family really, just girls. By that time, they only can do just the girls talks, its all the family gathering, still a very big noisy house.

Which house? On my Youtube header image.

I have nothing else to worry, I just need to spend money to foster them. Yelling at everyone to be more attune to their own education. UB they are in their own every program houses.

I, for example, having my own houses.....I have no ideas where Eben gonna go.

CAC, APO, Robotics....everyone resume to their own positions. 

That is a lot of photo taken extra-curriculum activities, and not on my money.....

People knows you put up a show, correct.

Sometimes these photo unseen, but its on another side of wall or people's desk. There are different reasons, why the human worlds has all these circles to attune to each other. Not the end results, whatever that means.

There is Harry Potter groups you can join, there is SMTV groups you can join, you could just go to the French police you join them? You can join FRIENDS Hollywood, You could join the Ocean guys, or Ocean girls.

People with the people, having different interests, its just one groups. You could just monopolize every world groups, and still living a few human inside the house, that is a dog, walking 4 things on the ground.


There are a lot of people don't get alone with their sibling, a lot of them, they all have a reason, really. Correct. Its every reason don't getting alone with the sibling. To Tina or Pang, I never compete with them, I am the first born kid, kinda like saying, I have to be going on the Exam first trial out all the time, first by myself.

Music contest

Music performance

Middle school, high school stuffs, including American State University + Transfer.

If I would have a sibling, I could go on and asking them every questions.

I think Dr. Steven, if you talk to him or just really how many things you can ask him, he probably doesn't mean, you lose it all your family to become the Greater Good, what you intended to please him or Dr. Gabriel, really.


I just started to give Tina stuffs, and she disappear.....That is unheard of? Why would I ever do that? 

What life that bothering you, might all have a reason, correct. But sometimes being a human doesn't really need a reason, only a religions belief, whichever that religion nature binds to.

Your world is Christian or Jewish, Catholics? Talking and joining some your priest meant you good, not criminal activities, as if you just show up once a week, as if that support you have its ahead of others, if I were you. Sitting home alone in America, in any kind of the design box which American design? Your government, just the sipping through that thin wall wood panel as if you touch its, there is no support to fall, where the cold sipping at the winter is colder, no human around to sound like a Siren going through.

Earth has its own housing of the being that await you ahead of your every path. 

Being right or wrong, in that FRIEND, to one day 17 again...

or saying 26, Within, to that Home Again....there isn't much reality, to believe.....anymore just whom right or wrong, if Anna would be the only right, that kind of right on, its not your foot step on the wrong start makes the end.....trajectory tragic.


 Babaji: Go

Just important things doing the important things its. Time pass, those, never come back. Things will get dropped without you knowing, its your eyes sight gazing that book lines.

You have no ideas the reality you living in it right now.

American legal age for the assistant living, 60. That is as bad as I look at President. That is so bad. So bad, everything I look. EVERYTHING

North Tonawanda, those near where, they have those whole building very depressing senior apartment, you collect them all in, you open every door, they hold a book in chair wearing eyes glass, I shot every film myself, that is every guys just re-locate in. 

They will know how the internet power shows....what they meant their future will becoming.....Snow White. 


Your own dream of one person achieve life, its solitude without your parents ....Reference Links, no bf.



Karen is a sub human, suburban. Far away from highway, far away exit.

Those....table cloth, its home probably like forclosure business she does if getting smart, in the town of every city hall meeting present like California human you met them at the home depot.

You probably meant you become your client's wants to see lifes, right?

Why don't you change on the first day I tell you so?

If I live by myself again, I can buy those Target 20 white small cloth, no more Costco those tissues, really. And everything wash out, if you leave them there 2 or 3 days, or, did I try a week? 

When the bucket is filled up !

Not really, my entire room, I have no ideas whom are living in it, I have to use the toilet paper. I cannot change that, not right now to save money.


Your organization skill, beauty ideas of design = 審美觀 = zero.

What is .....the Art, I think English word means you lack of the Art talents. Its the design in the spectrum to make a line or cross, in the way, I could just throw them all out, I am telling you. 

I hate these stuffs.


You cannot wait for your parents to see your room you achieve, really....what you got in stuff, whichever money you acquire to buy all that, the purchasing power...goods!


When you have that much power and money, you buy several commerical, SUV, really homey looking, not that expensive to the Upper class, and you could just hire the driver, "Hi, you walking in, I need another driver, to drive me, you and you finishing really go wrecking all these cars somewhere, you will get fired, you get 2nd guys 3rd guys, whatever these insurance human keep charing you, I pay....that is why you get hired. I cannot drive. You and ....however you turn yourself plastic surgery, as long as you finish every car" 

"First, that is Elon Musk Physics department, second, the math, chem and bio, these ancient Chinese I teach human educational, you need to read them all. So there is every reason you using those cars to....say tested, we cannot go that way. Got it?" 

"Here is your 10,000 Euro in cash....whatever you do, whenever you finish your money, or your cars, or gas, or oil....whatever car service included, car tier rotation every 6 months, car oil, you follow your stuffs, filling up every correct car inside paper form, you could just live in the car, and finishing writing all that stuffs before you get out and breath, if I were you." 

If you end up in jail?

No, you shouldn't be wrecking, the reason to go to jail. I only say....wreck it. But ....can the jail holding a paper bag with the cash in it? You hold it inside, do what you do best. I don't know why you end up in the jail.



There is every annoyance, they never will get it right. I rarely going out to the night market to eat, its Hepititer ABCD, You need to bring your own utensil. I cannot, but you can.

Correct. I use alcohol to wash those things, the public utensil, I hasn't die, maybe they meant I just eat it. 

I might just get all my video back, so annoyance to start sewing, or cooking, or whatever I ever did before.....there was 700 video in 2018-2020.

THose guys just need those...not very gluey in kisses, hold hands, public display.....not like Austrailian those tree holding.....Kowala !!!

Some human like me is a kowala.....I get rid of all of them. They need face, they need ..whatever they say they need, those face cover, human only have 50 years til the end, that is every ten years design, those are automate responder, until their own program calling them. Its not really a thing, but they make a big thing.


    Some push to education

    More books

    One day become Eben, sleeping and dead in the books, silent every night.

    Closing System design.

No, the girls lost their memory, I think 25.

They say Pubvity...that is....disease I am telling you. You asking the killing human programs. They might have an excel one to one thousand why both legally and not legally - they should be dead.

.... They fall off the Digital Era, like those Tony Robbin, one jail, starting....and forming an alliance, all got jailed in with every kids, ALL together will become one life everyone ruined, and they separate the jailing unit too. 

But yeah, they think they look cool, but they really blind, like Tony. They stand there too tall. They only see the hair or the horizon where they cannot meet the eyes of those...what you say, romance in the sight to feel every occasion, if you just blind, and close your eyes, sitting in the cell is "saving you". 

Stupid little things, why every first in love at sight, its worth a hotel visiting, called "Conference".

Usually business association you could just go to the City Hall like me, if i were to be that needed to compile to M & T. I didn't really read them, but occasioanlly I saw the post they pop up.

Doing those things, many people will tell you what they learn, correct. I Anna, deal with my own ways, I have zero money.

There are 3 places I could go

    City Hall, its right next to me, I actually walk in so often next by Taipei Expo, every few Saturday, nothing but my backyard.

    Business Bureau

    New York Labor Department, where I got my last unemployment insurance before MLS.

There is a reason why I keep talking to them, to get my money back. They are putting quota on killing human blood. So I say no....give me money back.

I used to remember there is a library know a site....well, UB doesn't do a thing, I don't have that guy's contact through Dennis.

There is a gov site, to where to look every city town in US, their business name. Small tiny search engine under. So I visiting these Irvine Business center website, or the clerk offices to get a business name. I just don't have a home to stay in, and sort my paper works. 

Beside, the military commander, whichever side.

Taiwan Military that is American Mliitary, with the commander how Adam Hailey ends up outside....or Pier and Meghan, its the Mlitary commander. They say out, don't bother coming back. True.

If I end up in America, still the same on the UB Military, that is 5 Lakes Defensive...but I cannot see clear which side of military. It might be the Eastern Coastline those. Same thing. So whichever Bill bringing in, or within them already exist, I just have to take it, that is how that goes. For whatever reason until I can send them outside. They just only get things, and get out.

I need to bring the girls percentage up....a little bit digits, I think its numbers, not percentage.

I don't know what to tell you....numbers, in one digits....to spell right.

There are a lot of bad things girls on the whimp thoughts. Some guys, at the moment of really mad, sometimes they just go outside, sit and think, that is not a right things to do. That is not what God meant in Bible.

So the girls dead. They might really got killed, by....human money pay agency, that might be true. Other country probably....no legal system. There are unbelievable, how degrade mentality, they are. Money you make its because you bow your head low. ITs EVERYONE knows that.


oh ~ I don't want to hear about it. 

If a human uses 4 limbs, and confront the wind, shire, sunlight.....so bright, you cannot breath, running....guess whom belongs them to?

You will see every psycho I say they are just truly psycho, and you are impaired.

If you use the military methods to train these girls, you will hear this things, (They look at you, like if you are very tall....you cannot see. They look at you) "No, I cannot do that." And they put down their plates or whatever in their hands on the table, they go back room, and cry.

Whichever drama, you label 1 to 10.

Its every degree none sense, that is why you will never see a girl in that houses, I only just sent the guys out, if you can hold and last however many dates you go out happy with the guys on dining table, I may not even eat with them, fake.

Too many fake, I am telling you, I lock it my every door and windows... "SHUT UP!!!!"

    With those girls, you cannot breath, you cannot be mobile, you cannot talk on the phone, you cannot be far away on the airplane doing anything, on the phone its about their mother, father, sister and brother....whatever things other than works, if you just get up and make money ! 

There is zero human having one tolerance, me.

Cooking....don't bother, its a date, you make it 10 dates, the guys say okay, I will tell them get out. There is a certain protocol, you don't need to be the science major, at all. 

oh ~~~ I could see it. 

Its something about the books.

I think its the book, like why there is a publishing company. Girls and the guys. There is something inside that book, I keep seeing the TV and I remember people telling me about....they read the whole book.

I read a few lines, I do something. I cannot read books anymore, and there is no pictures. There is something about that book open, words inside.

I am on Pinterest

I eat those things.

You have no literacy in anything, any sense to what your face are…

Lazy, arrogance, on pain, small tiny, gluey, and why gluey? It’s because you lazy, you cannot see you fall, you scared, you fear.

You actually love the ideas you becomes the novel hostress. Conan clients are all big houses invitation walk in walk out …I already felt tired of it. 

You actually thinking, if the guys read you, the main actress in the book novel, your behavior becomes ten times worsen. You should go to jail, I am telling you.

Facebook broken

 I have no more saying !! Just the voices !!!!



Facebook broke

 They might really got bombs I am telling you. 

2022年3月25日 星期五


 Babaji: Go

Enough lessons? 夠多的教理沒? 我要去講電影~國外的那種沒有用的東西叫做 Digital Era, if you fall off the Digital Era

如果你摔出 "資訊世代" 


每一種人,都有自己的宿命,這每一種宿命也不是天命...因為其實不由人 ...




只是一種型式 (刑事),就是一種顛、是一種掀

傷 與 痛 

Tell me, in the end of the road, if you all did....was to meeting wolf, 真正的狼 Really animal wolfs, what you gonna do?




世界上真的有狼嗎 ?

殺戮的氣息, 但是那些人其實是 ???

殺戮的原因會是幾種呢? 曾經想過 ....







放下叫做哪種英文? Let Go


業障難道是真的嗎 ? 世界,真的有詛咒嗎 ? 詛咒他人的神情,一的團體,這是誰曾經講過呢? 


曾經有一個人,他的名字叫做釋迦摩尼佛,人稱古佛 ... ...



也許可以呀 ! 不就是金錢第一嗎 ? 還是位置第一呢?


人生有很多的不方便,人生有些就是不需要低頭去 quest lifes

知道什麼是 quest life means?



知道那是一個什麼故事嗎 ?一個關於? 尋求某種事情的最後 ...現代的科學並不會有人真的可以看到什麼是魔戒,也不會有人連想都不想,為什麼這一件事情是永恆的開始,只是一個過往雲煙的一個 1920 剩下的,一個排版,原本地印刷稿子 ...




是嗎? 還是對與錯呢? 

很多電視就在你的正前面 ... 我也告訴你們世界的真相叫做,每一種事情應該存在的樣子

這一生,你可以有很多種選擇,最後的選擇都是錢的開始呀 ~



很多人一輩子車商、建商,講的像是一種信任的朋友,像提娜娜種 ~! 但是當你有了一個團體的生活,到一種形成的團體,電視呀 ! 衣服呀 ~吃飯呀 ~ 修練呀 ~修行....這有時候就是沒有什麼人存在叫做信任,很多人也是都為了那些位置,有些是 disable human





長的都是一樣的人 ...是一模一樣的亞洲人...但是進入的室內設計,你沒有事情就是坐在那邊鼓掌,大笑三聲,唱歌,表演,一群人

會是在講個什麼十六年呢? 是哪一種的十六年呢? 

那我現在又在幹嘛 ? 有些人一輩子也只有 150 個人呀 ! 講多了就是 200 個人,很多東西只是人做呀 ! 懂嗎 ? 每一個時間只有一種事情做,也許 250 人呀 ~ 並沒有到整個世界大家一起瘋狂聖誕節呀 ~但是因為有些人連 20 人都沒有呀 ! 聽的懂嗎 ?

有些人願意呀 !



清海無上師的德林童話,格林就是德國的一個城市 ! (Supreme Master's Lessons to learn in Life)

許多爭吵的台灣 Youtuber、以及英國皇室、珍愛、沉默的眼淚

There are many rooms in the castle other than one room.


There are many keys, except this key




There used to be, having a speical memory, about one person. Its after 16 lifes, every life you kills 13 human beings.


The same story, I keep saying, there are many rooms in one castle.


可能是 1 人的圖像

公主小妹片尾曲 以及 公主小妹 (電視劇本 2007 )




Its actually Yogananda 他師父的師父在喜馬拉雅山的故事


(Wait..... SHUT UP!!!! Birds!!!!~~~~ SHUT UP!!! )

其實有很多亞洲人,一種圈那種叫做沒有用的東西就坐在 SMCH 那種廢物的地方,一整個亞太地區~叫做我說蝦咪做蝦咪!!!美國就可以不需要爭吵、打架的氣氛、一種給予自己的詛咒叫做爭吵,這種氣憤是一種殺戮,在眼前,就像你們臉上的表情,所有人其實在遙遠的地方
閉上嘴巴~ Shut up~~~!

可能是 1 人和室內的圖像

SMCH 她們是需要審核的一群人,還沒死,聽說還在,那你們摩門呢? 你們找的是哪種亞洲人? 都是長的一樣的亞洲人?

二十個人或是三十人,剩下 SMCH 自己全部拿走
可能是 1 人和室內的圖像


殺戮的最後 ...會在哪一個點落下? 自己的一朵花?
等待 ...人生,錯過的是...只是一群人,隨便走路都是一堆人

人生到底有個什麼選擇呢? 正確的事情到底會是哪幾樣呢?

可能是 1 人和室內的圖像

What do you want to see the reality?
I show you.
The Truth? 


That guys' name is Adam. He with a girl to kiss.....And this guy looks like a Albert II. I think he is an Asian, as fat as that, and he kills all.

Some Asian has no religion belief, just like the American.

確認法院? 是不是有人長的像那樣殺了全家的那種人呢?  是不是就跟 Stephen Tamang 自己是亞洲人變成外國人的那種 Smallville 呢? 超人 ... ...人死了就不能復生的 ! 




 Babaji: Go

I am calling Winsor, but Facebook has to break down!!!

 How far this keep going?


 Babaji: Go

You see, everyone needs a support, needs a lean way to do things, there are only how many ways, you will all end up in jali, one by one.Its to live a normal life as the normal beings, its when the times counting down....Agree?

 That is so Tuche.......

This facebook just never finishing the problems, at all. Nothing but problematics.

The Honor Program, has their own programs, or something like their advisor. Me and Bill undergraduate Cooke Hall, only has ONE advisor, her name is Carol. 

But your own housing plans, have these girls issues, with the IQ heighten useless guys, you suppose to come together educating each other. 

I only care about my own stuffs, I guess. 

Patrick is taller. He and Dean is the tallest I think, Bill is already tall, similar to Silas, The shortest is Seth, I think. They have nothing but selfishness, whom compete to the ends, its the skills matter, or the professions matter. You make a mistake, you will be taken out, then make it right, a happy Life together. Its not like anyone cares on whom you are. 

Jonas has a buddy Volleyball mate, its a girl, shorter, then Hira? I think its by height?

Sad, very very sad, similar eyes glasses to Jonas. Thick lens. 


2022年3月24日 星期四




 Babaji: Go

The Cyst


You be aware you gonna be on the Television?

How many years you envision to be on the Television?

Do you shave? Like your jawline of the redness, anything particular I can note it down? My bf has a different skin, apparently there are different invention of the razor, money or no money. 

How do you sleep at night? I seen your introduction that is TLC put for you, or you talk to them, or you both decide on your own? Including that friend of you, saying you never go out?


Do they grow bigger, like what time in the interval of years, month, days, between each of all those activities, you ever drink? Dump the alcohol on top? And? drip on the beard?


So you sleep on the sideway? Right side or the left particular?

Those texture of the hair, are....your wish, to be, or just the style of, what coming out of it. So...you open down there and see? Yeah?


You have anything particular you explain to me, what you know about yourself, and these? If you shave all the way, from the toe to the top, every skin hairs off, and you just alcohol none stop outside, after you done these surgical works, alcohol, and water, rinse.....you dilute your alcohol before, between rinse, or between lightly soak, or what do you do, when you have a towel?

When you were a baby, do you know anything of a procedure of the baby, they wax out of the hair, where you are born?

You have any documentation of all your vaccinate? Like every so often, your parent did all that for you, in America?

When you were a kid, were you often got sick, like cough?

I think for a year, you keep rinse, and disinfect, someone keep doing that for you. I keep seeing a lot of these case, they say they coming back. Its probably you shave everything out, for someone check some CAT scan, in the hospital included, there are medical equipment.  You are overweight, if you don't sleep on the back, to the head on the bed pillow, you sleep on the chair? 

How many hours you sleep at night?

How is your teeth? Do you ever have migrant? Headache, or ear ache? Eyes, mouth, noses, the internal feel ?

You want to eat a seafood, for a year? Not to get yourself poison. See if you can crack a teeth of it, on the back.

There is a reason i don't end up on the television, because you might pain for a while on that....as if no ended....you cannot describe your entire head skull on pain.

Probably you try to talk to them if you have a permission, you sit in the buffet hotel, whatever you get, and you figure it out, looking at these things how to get the permission first, and you seat back.

💖💝🧁🍮🥩 I think our house, needs to keep some aluminum containers, and a lot of take home boxes. Like you keep washing the greens. Those animal might reacts different to the commanders, because they have Power 💖💝🧁🍮🥩

Animals are....knowing your voice or your attitude, why you show up there?

No the Aluminum boxes are for the reason you wash, and you dump in it, its not for the eating. You eat in your own plate. Certain things you do, passing the plates like the Thanksgiving those, i can just display all the plates on the table, you just grab each, its not I need that stuffs, just looks....at all the plate.

I don't know what to tell you, when I seeing those things. Like I have none? 

You eat it down, then eat it. I prefer some water, milk, juicing, orange juice. I am actually thirsty! Very often.



That is one called 雞排, Asian human eats those.

That is called Fried goods, 炸物, for sure I don't eat those, not really.

🍖🎂🍰🧁🍮 Washing the greens has to keep them dry, the only things big enough its the aluminum boxes. You buy 10. I actually eat a lot of the greens myself, here. A lot....most dinner is those and wonton, boil style with some hot sauce, very expensive, you only need a little bit. That is just like 6 won ton, small tiny.

You can centrifuge them a bit, I took them to the sun, for 5 mins, take it back in. I used to do all those stuff SMCh...blessing point, or there are other healing stuffs with the sun. I do a lot of things, okay? Its I don't use those technology.


This guy is funny ! 

I know, they even have a problem to order, that is why I demonstrate all the shopping lists, on the webpage. Its to BUY!!!!!!

There is a reason why I collects those useless guys, just you follow the instruction A to Z. Stay home until I get there. The girls is completely no confident, and probably eternity, their brain wave is everything other than the things in front of them doing it.

Those guys, whichever ones, if just one task, they can make it. 

Maybe not like too many tasks, but one things to starts, they all can make it. You should check your own Honor Program, other useful human, when you get jailed, how they....unselfishly bait you out, with the food, and decent human decent things, really.

Honor Program MIGHT HAVE a reason why THEY ARE the Better and the Chosen ONES?

You know what I mean? I would never get jealous over the IQ reasons. But you know, if you keep deattached from me outside, that radius of the useless human will become, the full packs of every few blocks are all you facebook human exists in the houses?

Most of you, cannot run and go, you need your room. When anything happened with the Warehouse, that is the end of all your down, sad days. Then You hope that war things are fake, and like I say, it never happens in America.

I don't really have help here in Taiwan. Those.....I don't even want to talk about it anymore. 

Facebook broken


小鬼小和尚 ~ 我們現在在弄我的以前 UB 大學,我很多那種東西叫做 UB Robotic 他們可能國會做 Joomla 因為在電影上面 ,意思有一天你們存在的意思 ~

你們現在在哪裡? 中國、美國、有一天從歐洲直接跳美國?

知道什麼是 Joomla? 在美國的 Joomla Forum 裡面其實有 Joomla Community Forum

就是你們看提那的那本我寫的~他們自己放了一張她的照片 ! ACE 那種有些軟體叫做 Plugin 有些叫做 extention, 很多是免費的,等我拿到他們以後要幹嘛 ,出現之後再弄說怎麼遠距離你們,你們可以每一個省自己 show up 呀 ! 

但是因為 UB Robotic 借我用給 SA President 他們兄弟會姐妹會跟一般社團,你們哪一天學會



然後自己架設 Joomla? 我這樣不需要這麼忙 ... 我家隔壁叫做詹先生,你們佛教錢多呀 ! 叫做如果我們可以買下~我媽可以自己來這個屋頂房間睡覺~我去隔壁的意思 ! 你們的佛門大弟子可以回來,但是 Joomla 是說我有東西我可以架設,我上次給死了沒的霍建華照片這個那個擺...你們去美國最重要的一件事情是要有一個地址,一個信箱,一個 DMV可以認證的駕照,你們可以網路買很多當地美國的東西,包括網路,你們每一年自己換手~因為所謂 Joomla 就是後面 Back-end admin

鳥說他們也要~在我的那扇門的外面~Shut up !!!!!!

那個是幹嘛 ? 就是你們可以幾個省都是最後面的一個 Back admin 你們給我一個 Access right, 



Youtuber on 9x9 multiplication table 九九乘法表 ! 

You see, eyes with the tears, you cannot see. You just need to fall on the ground once, you see what your father says....its just "Accidental" ~ the air is curse, I am telling you.

Girls, listen carefuly, you just need once, very carefully craft, how your license be taken off from America, you have nothing but the car to start, moving!


Political nature, has to go louder, understnad?

Fuck harder....like you know the end of that, laughing none stop.

Its telling you, at your baby's face, perfect?


Trigger God's wrath, that has becoming a law, i am telling you. Whom has no mood, anyway?

Hatred has to carving every blood, every statues, every heart, every word, you see, you hear, you know, you read, you becoming.....the thin air that you breath.

Isn't that funny? Laughing one min, I cannot stop laughing already. Stupid human only ends up in hell, that is over 16 years ago, long long long time. 

In Japanese are cute sound, "Gun Ba Dai"

Its very very cute, cute cute cute girls encouraging the Japanese guys, with YA hand gesture.....

See what we all become!


You'll see. How I build my world.  Every thread of it. You don't listen, you don't start, you don't eliminate, that is all your tiny mind set problems, forever issue, not just eternal becoming...

Chinese has a superstitious, you just need to look at their MD professional Hospital women photo.

Its all round faces.

That is too unfortunate. When you imagine....the Monopoly...

Tear is just tiny stream on the face, to say.....slowly makes to the jawline you wipe all your tears with? dirty end sleeves. You see?

Out burst crying, has to lasting hours by hours, and you will still see the forever worsen hell forever and ever. I promise you all, girls. You deserve the worse, don't you agree?

Worse of all worse, crumbling of the Heaven done, you will not breath, not even eat or drink, or sleep, but hallow eye sight, exactly I plan it out, every move, things, in your thinking, crafting, exactly how you deliver yourself, to your prime nature, like you say, you mean it well.



We all reading books, or the comic book, where you think there is a cute side of you, both Asia guy or American guy, whom did I say? You think its funny, ever will be?


I used to trust nick, for things he does, for....whatever google search engine, or whichever, fix things, he goes by price, of course.

I am telling you, the day when I start doing things myself, its everything I do, I start to find, its smooth, and faster. I sometimes look at him ....Just look at him.

oh ~ Now, I thought about maybe the American make a way for me to do things?

Its lazy human does lazy things, I am saying that many times, not just this you take over SMCH flip her table 1000 times, she supposes end up in hell, and she will feel it 1000%. I can careless you know or don't know. That is not even touch a tiny standard. Just all none sense, at all.

You don't want to be strict with your life, you want no discipline life, that is every frames draw to you between that sailor moon, or the 4 Heavenly Kings. There are UN free public lecture, she saying so many things in the free sample booklets. We never talk about the nature of my works, because apparently you all girls believing that 1+1 is not forever 2. That is COSTCO entire department bankcrupt...you can tell them that, now. Its Fallen In LOVE!

One of those garbage, you could get every premise wrong.

Let me tell you again, about the science we have today, if you copy other people stuffs, and makes a PHD thesis, you will get jail, like Taiwan, that girl, might get killed, she was lazy human too...however she done it, its NEW feed everyone device.

South second capitol scandle.

A College graduate.

Worse condition were in Japan, and guess what, he plagism, the wrong things...and being found many years later. That entire school don't know where end up, I guess.

The reason all this UB human guys are not important, was because their professional degree will never arrive, their IQ is low, and they are very dirty. When you don't make it the professional field, whichever combination of all field, one me Anna does, none of you will come in, whatever that means, you are barring out, forever.

Not just one life


That is the end of 16 years ago, Long long long time ago...you will die one day, and that has nothing to do with me. Pray to the God that you believe in, as if you have any faith, like the mountain can be move, the river can be detour, why don't you enhance your English vocabulary, and seeing through these words and condition in the small print, no drunk and drive, or medicine mixing the alcohol, to say alcoholic beverage, is forever sparkly bubbling, BUB!

The Day when YOU ALL FIND out.


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