Date: April 27th, 2022
Plaintiff: Anna Jao
Title: The airport crush outside that sea like the black box found outside the Silicon Valley, Taiwan Silicon Valley.
That’s Taiwan Silicon Valley, everyone knew those news. We all knew it’s a black box.
I just gonna say I haven’t travel at all. However long those system indicator I drawn you, I told my pharmacists already. I will arrive the 6th full years.
The system diagram to when those be checked out time. I remember that Silicon Valley I live at, I did say they sell cars so hot that road, right? That one road to the mall Loving Hut. Not the edge mall. More of the standard mall to that road of the cars. I didn’t know you are not supposed to fly. That’s very dangerous because that was very very bad news in my youth time we talk about in the school.
We have all these horrific story on that news and America has nothing says but put on the grounds to check up? Can I ask if that happened to in America ? People dead?
James Horner die on the Airplane. He drives that.