Date: April 5th, 2021
Plaintiff: Anna Jao
Title: Master means I live longer than Eben PaganWe are not officially announce how the Victoria Secrets, “What’s your Name” on their boots camp to what the educational degree imply their longevity, like my brother autism.
Steve Jobs may not be dead because Bible New Testamnwnt “King….Jobs”, to “TTTTTT”
That’s a straight line even Eben says it.
About 20 years ago, man’s average age is 70, women is 80.
If Tim Cook or Bill Gates dead before Steve Jobs, it’s not the reason why the US do all their might to get that ่ฑๅ้ชจ,so what you gonna do to enhance the human life? There are many factors you do that for the weak human will, they rather die no matter what.
The birds and the animals are having too much stakes on me, their investment, offering table to every degree their luxury life …if I die, they die too. So they do a lot if might to ensure I never die, if I fall shorts strength.
No, I do not have that intention. It’s everyone dies and I still lives. I actually believe that, that’s unfortunate.
Longevity factor
The education certificate to enter some league circle or the gulf clubs
public hygienic
The service to humanity in any invention to their curiosity or the childhood dream, whichever they forget first.
The food taste, like Bible wild honey. The substance food.
Their religion doctrine to coincide to their dreams or belief system, good works sow merits to propel them forward, TED moving heart and soul story, for example: the Chicken Soup franchise business models in the 90s.
Maybe some priest or the public education meets a common ground, you eat FDA food or the plastic cup instead the Asian Hepatitis A B C
A proper setting of the music background, noise.
A proper medication or the diet or the nutrition to relief pain
A constant interests to learn, like any new knowledge and try on. Hygienic.
The reason you believe it the civilization it’s to going up, in their manners, the public education and every sectors development all gear towards the upliftment of the future civilization.
The participation, your family unit, the community, and the classmate activities or the spouse or the boyfriends or the girlfriend or the pets.
A regular update from the TV news like a more international approach others than domestic affairs.
Try not to be impaired including inside a confine home space
Stress less
A clear vision of your future, less rigid mobility including a belief doctrine.
Milder in your termpament than a political Extremelist nature. They sue in riot or a protest hot shower after light knock their head at cabin. They got shock, they die next morning a sudden death.
Try not to be cruel to the animal kingdom. They are all kinds of Gods including the sun Gods.
The vaccination and the public health or the education program. You will be more frighten if 1+1 is not = 2.
Your attitude, your karma sting.