2022年5月1日 星期日

We gonna use the new sites.

That new sites: https://194002b.blogspot.com/

I gonna leave the things they are here....but I gonna fix the old things now. So until later I update that webste. They change the interface back and forth.

Slam Dunk 42 - ADD

Your stadium will have 20 kitchen, not the fire. Just storage room, to say fridge electric, or water boiler. You gonna faint in the shade places? Ice, and the boiler.

Water, and the kids drinks. Those are like basic supply. Napkin, Kitchen Tower, Cayenne pepper. First aid kits. (Iodine, cloth, those everything in there)

Now, you have 20 leadership of these smaller team, the girls or guys. So on the Award Ceremony, you see 4 friends of that red hair. 3 girls + 1 Kungfu leader. That would be 8 leadership.

Now the girls....do you know how you braid your hair? Switching position like that, 1 3 2,

1 to 3

3 to 1, 2 coming in....that kind?

So those are your team leaders sitting at that front row. Behind its your team leaders have 2  people, of that every 20 spaces. The rest going to the green behind. For that 8 human, whom sitting behind you, you put them there. I have no ideas these TV says, but Rukawa has a fan clubs, those are the 3 girls too. You could just switching back and forth until you know what those positions are all at. 

You starting at 2017 (I am 35) or 2021 (I am 38) - That is 41 on the beginning of the Episode 42.

In the middle of the open court, 8 hours sun exposure? Me.

Not you ADD, you are in the shed, spoiled rate. I was trained, on my faces. Most you located, are not Taiwan Sun, not really. We are sub-tropical.

I cannot watch it after 43. ....what is this. I think if all of you increase your stagnium, the overal health, wash your hands all the time. With the soap. Dry with the towel, or paper towels. Going home the first things its to shower, ALL the time.

Never put the shoes in the bed. Not on my floor. Clean, clean, clean...your hands touches every door knot inside your room, your one tiny room away from your parents, Kitchen, all the water facet has to re-wipe, alcohol, vingar, anything saying pain killer on all over me, internal medicine like ADD should have.

Anything to stop the pain, increase the health points, and smooth your life whatever your beliefs are. Eat healthier, capable to withstand the wind, the air, the sand, the sunlight, the cloud, of every sunlight might be too bright, cover your eyes. Know your strength, sitting down, rest a big. Going to the bathroom 5 mins, just stay there. Know your hydration, know your energy level, know that is what you want no matter what.

Not everyone loves doing those things. You could just stay in the 20 kitchen, storage room, like you moving in  moving out, I drive those pre-order SUV, to every supply I order myself, I set up myself.....in the middle of the ground. Its just 8 long hours. 

Its a microphone in the middle of the ground I talking to myself to the 4 round empty stadium, you spell you are nervous inside your own 20 holes, really....

I am telling you, you could just pre-order 20 roof here, how the birds talking the human language today, every day I am yelling at them, as 20 of your roof never exist, that is 365 days on rehersal, not your 4 week per Saturday rehearsal. You get nervous, I live here.. The water bucket in the yellow, its empty microphone, your hand up? Right hand cover, SCREAM in the bucket, they will hear it. They straight to my room now. Diagnoal direction, you need something to hit it. Too fast. I have one door, 3 hit stuffs, but 2 hands. They have a dozen probably.

Its EVERY single DAY, of my.....DAYS starting every morning.....outside.

What's wrong with this thing? Anyway? The water hose? (Otter)






ADD - your Stadium, like just me in the middle of that entire Arena, I put Mongolian Tent I show you 2015? On the Facebook? No one coming but me 8 Long hours.

Its 3 hours in the sun, and 5 hours til you finish a day? How long can you run that things? SWAT Team in the sky? You rehearsal or I rehersal.

You remember SMCH her Bill Conti, he is the Oscar, so he told us, when he was working in the Hollywood, Sayers his brother at...one of those Oscar places, 2000 years, that is about 30 year ago, the fire departments human are below his cabin, crawls under there.....The middle of the stadium are the grass rooted? Can you check your own schedule, they coming in to crawl or not? When you finding all ADD, you could just make your own civilization someday, really....

Which year was I here in 101, somewhere they put all these in display, 10 tents? Sporty SUV types of those on sales...



In ITunes (Apple Developer Forum 2012)

Kalaxy App  |  Glow-to-Go Send Out Card  |  Organic Chemistry Reactions App 

Reference - shaken the strings this morning 5/01/2022


… … is the elevator company to altitude basement to first to …101

If I were you to get things legal and correct, you go to Home Depot getting nick has “level”, it’s water flat things ruler in the middle.

You say, “To where the Bottom got push to arrive just slightly tile, the UB will tear down NSC all the way to Knox just like nick cliff back, UT professor looking for me his roof or that’s his wife in environmentalist…”

Anyway …


 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀what ?

I go to sleep.

Babaji: Go

What is SI unit? PV = nRT, set water earth surface of not you ever height to that degree of Earth Space, Altitude.....its Ocean surface = mmHg, to say 1 atm

1 atm at the Room temperature, that is your lab thermometer, saying 25 celcius, your America using F. 

That is what I remember

n = moles number

R its the constant number, you give you at the physical lab, or chem lab....its a sheet

T its the temperature....

So you have P and T

Correct, you are saying the control groups, or the normal groups, like how they define SI for?

Because that is the International standard you living on the surface of the crust, called Land. You are roughly at the first or ground floor in the lab. Whichever you define that elevator in NSC.....How human will remember to tell you in UB. The Parking Lot. 

SI its the standard at ...the science committee Whole World = International World

International Standard since 1900s.

SI unit. 

Correct, those time....it would be Tesla supposed to show up. The Science committee boards at those few population, ever exist....if that is when they define, wave or particle property of the Light.

Not just you know of the Speed of Light.

They use the equator at Zero, to saying Earth is roughly Round, on JC Chasez Head hair. I told you already.....how the water body of the earth, if not by gravitation pull you hope nothing got changed to say "forever", because that is bad,.....

Axial Dean's last name. 

Long long long time ago....where the Pyramids worlds, of all those used to be heard tales stories, are the populated lines and cross, to the set points....and yet were destroyed.  - Venus Women in the 90s American TV show formats.

Future : MD Comments - - - - - :

At certain degree of our Space and Time, we are set into the motion of this Matrix, therefore, just learn the basic materials of every degree of foundation. That is better than you to understand what is the crystal skull, those are irrelevant, some artifact of the past, and yet, someone took care of that.

To what today, everything else not upset entire system beyond the human grasping points, to create catastrophic events. 

The Past are just the past. Remember that.

What would be the SI unit in Music? Si Mi La Ra So Do,...I think

Its called 升降記號

The beginning of the music sheets, on those....Basic human like JC or Justin Timberlake knew that....the basic...most them have nothing probably at the beginning, called the flat human Disney makes unsemble....drama shows, on dancing monkey!  

(I drink ice juice....my cheek its on the pain killer not the Japanese brand, its the local Chinese medicine brand. We had an old guy or the girl pharmacist, my mother says the girl.....well, whichever looks like the eye glasses, they are about to die, so I told them both parents, my parents to run.....before they die. Every good stuffs to snatch before the post mail man, they were the system govenmental to set, how shall you say, your eyes meet the middle the consumer reports, where if I taught my mother....the system design would be....) 

Every store all looking the same I told Wallace and Mark 2018 already -2020. 

No one hears a thing why every step are threading importance....IQ and mobility at zero, makes the civilizatoin die on cancer rates saying the short live span were indeed the approportionally to seeing the Lords meet the Century ends, becoming...

The Wizard of the Last Century. Blast blast.....

(This patch smell goes to my nose, and scent to my eyes....isn't this cover the everything inside, not the outside, my eyes.....Left eye, is this things has the leak? hey, the birds outside, you can feel it? Its leaking...to up to my left eye)

They probably high tech their own family bones, and flesh, hate, food....its what they are

You mean the 5 Lords reviews, or you mean the reality? High tech. That is how they prayers means their thin, becomes the wrist, continue insisting to pray, and mediate for the cause of all eternity, anyway. Its not the precepts meant counts anyway, human meat, flesh bones, chewing, cracking your own very health.

You have no shame doing it, hell.

Well, how far can this educational human goes anyway, out of this 70 billions human population, one of your, will come to the "Timeline" to which curve down, your Lords is upper....

Near by the furthur to my herizon, you are the down curved, dot.

He is the Top where the line almost meet his dots?

Lords defines, like 5 Lords...I have 5 to 9, whichever this UB defines yet, at the lazy local court, or all the way has to say it in the Washington D. C Kitchen, my invitation never arrived? 

(My tooth hurts)

Can I meditate yet? The birds its on the left, to where she has to be in the bathroom. SHUTuP! Do you know what they just did? They do that too very so often, the massive noisy all at the same time, as the groups. (My teeth hurt, my cheek hurt) 

The education only 12 years, to that 240 books you repeat the title of each chapter to define 10 factors, you re-write 2400 Title. In the setting of per session of your own education. 52 weeks, per yearly, really.  That is probably meant you will become a better human beings if you finish really 12 years to get one ACT right. You ever make it to SAT, that is SAT II in the California, but aren't you supposed to be in the California Residents? 

That is really your in-state tuition never changed, without the SAT I or SAT II fees, I have to pay in the currency my time like 20 years ago, really.  + TOEFL.

Or that is really the singing talents to the vocal without the literacy to say Disney, I get used to this SMCH lineage saying no more education at middle school, where the height meets the sky to where the horizon meets the blind....really. The Sun goes down. Its the Earth really rotate from the left to right, that is West to East counter clock direction, forever......

Its the Lords becomes the containers!

The Space

💝💖🍂🍁🍷💞 My teeth hurts.....can you just shut up.... 💝💖🍂🍁🍷💞 (Black Ops)

I tell you what we gonna do, eternality, they may never have a 5 Lords x 2, x3, or becoming stagment on UB or UC what schools, to say Even x 2

5 to 9 duplicate none stopping. But then again, just one of you, like Patrick to get one subject PCAT to 90 percentile. That is one thing forever they will never get it done. You have how many textbook 12 x 2 x 10 =240 textbook. You swing flips one hour? That is done how many eons + kalph, some human never gonna arrive at all

To say one field trips for 10 subjects, you learn one thing per yearly, that is 5 years, you learn 50 things. You have 12 months per year. You learn one thing per month really. You still stay in the same educational last agency you will be. For me and Patrick or Bill or Dean that is the Honor Class.

For Silas that is UB spectrum

For Seth....never mind.

But if you are train in health, nutrition, longevity, hygenic, more knowledge, more video or movie on Youtube, you cannot just calling everyone impaired and IQ equal zero, you crawls at the snail pace, none stop eternally....cursed. We have no money going further than that education like the University, but mine was MLS, that is not a degree, but they ask me to pay dearly money, at it. uh...maybe I am at MLS. But I have to go back to UB undergraduate, I don't really know why. That is a honor class, I guess where everyone supposes to be?  Whatever....if you all just do some this tiny works, at the end of your last stop of your education you still looking the same human, with a little bit better health, nutrition, drawing techniques, listening French or write some words, or the field trips on the Notebook inscripts....Tiny education better than the rest of your Last Stop of your educational Classmate on that Facebook, whichever you set up to. Us would be at UB honor class, that is one class or 4 class in 4 semester + labs, that is a lot of hours, on the weekly sheet.


Well, someone does that, how many hours we spent together in One Honor Class?

They are in the honor program, I don't belong to. Apparently they put the comic book Sailor Moon Luna Project must be by now - how I end up in Black Op, for.....what did they say, the youngest of what at 33, or 34...why don't you say I was dead in 2014.....

You have about 2 mins. Lunch

 Babaji: Go

New Animation Black Ops to UB Honor Class, side to Unviersity Professors to 20 -30 students (NSYNC, UB 5 Lords )x2


How difficult could this be, SMCH and Yogananda funding a school 

Not University Principle (only aim at)

The University Professor (Can you just shut up shut up, birds, went crazy SHUT uP!)

德       智       體       群        美



Grade 1

Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade 5

Grade 6


Middle        Grade 7   |  Grade 8

High school

    Grade 9

    Grade 10

    Grade 11

    Grade 12


Four season:  spring, summer, fall, winter (England are quarters)

    Fall semester, Spring semester (one year mock up)

10 subjects

    English (Chinese)


    French (UN 5)





    Social Science

    Civil Class

    Gym Class / Scout Ropes / Basic Lapse (why don't they say every Wedn Volleyball gym up physical at all)

    Kitchen Class / Ssewing / Sewing bags

    Health class (middle school) / Nutrition

Putting into the staff of the educator back into the position of 1 2 3 4 5 bracket down like MS Words squares branches of One executive down

Then that is putting back 

One physical building, One office walking and out, One couch for the community service, 1 to 100 service house.  That is the exactly same human you will never have the security fake issues?

The ook review of every semester of 2 to make 12 years of basic education check-up, 24 books per subjects

Making (10+ 1 Gym ) x2= 22 textbook

x 20 = 440 text books per chapter 10

4400 chapter flip by pages numbers 100 pages

440000 flip, copy and paste

How difficult you just open and swing flip !!! that is one hour?

Why don't you say one day.  That is 24 hours 8 hours in sleep, really.

SHUT uP!!!!!

One morning 7 to 8 of that Pang grade 1 to 6, or 7 and 8...

My 7 to 9

One desk 10 books? Open and 10 chapter title read, 

They are the snails.

4 to 6 am 2 hours studies before Volleyball 7:00

Breakfast and transportation 30 mins dress up, eat cereal, 30 mins walking small lane.

By 6:30, 30 mins warm-up serving (not the team formation, individual practices)

The home school useless human in run about.

7-8 am are the real team practice Monday to Friday

Wedn are the only physical.


I finish the google calendar, drag all dates on the lawsuit All System Domino + 花千骨

One extra things would be the Future of the year

How surprise you will be still wearing the American flag logo on your unfirom.....

Year 1000

Year 1400

Year 3000

You are still in the science of 1900s textbook, I re-written year 2000, 2014 -2022

How the birds still sounding the same to you, the same sun you looking at 50 mlilions never die out the same Earth = 365 days of a year revolution you define....geography, its the same God image of the human in Bible.

Its the Bible 1000 years after 2000 years, begins, say AD at year 3000, not Red Cliff Chinese Drama AD 266?

Whatever they sounds starts 206 AD?

Year 1000 = 3000 AD

Year 1400 would be = the year where I am, Year 2000, 2014 - 2022 = roughly to that 3400 AD

Year 3000 = 5000 AD

You can never be wrong how 4 other religion their calendar its void in white, plain in white, all the way if you drag your marking in red......from year 2000....to forever...its public white...red, or purple, whichever you define your Blue Purple Pixie saying....you become the dragging pen.

WE marking at my calendar, see it?

Copy it!

I already know how to use that Firefox, both the extention or the plug-in

I already know how. Those are the background color changes, no one else sees but you? 

That is One Firefox

In Joomla, they called it Module, or Plugin ( they may not called it Extension) - that is for the browser Firefox.

The Developer Forum

    Joomla (I use)

    Apple (That is my developer uses, but I don't have that anymore, its an annual year fee per yearly 200 US dollar, too expensive) - you could just see if you can register, its the same email you looking

By the way, sign up that MIT newsletter on funding....whatever I say last time. I don't really read it. They just sent it whenever they feel like. 

The Wiki Class, those are not the Wikipedia.

Its the same interface, you enter the words text documents in it. You see the photo, you see the text wraps like MS Words. UB they know how to wrap the text around the image, in the MS Words Documents, 

We will be taught or doing that in MS Words, or Excel Sheet. I might just ask Patrick, those Excel stuffs, plot X and Y, its very easy. You drag and the photo image shows up the coordinates. Its just UB micro, they producing those UB IT CD, software inside, they change those software by the expensive tuition fees called MS Words/ Excel/ Access....its the combination price, they update those software every so often. So the version where I access these MS Words are all different functions in different years.

You have years 95 Windows, 97, 98....Windows, we were in 2003 or 2004 MS Words

Erin were the UB PhD, they use different probably, I have that on my PC. Taiwan, we have these MS words software, what do you call them, Microsoft essential, or what?

The combination of all the Microsoft products including the frontpage those time.

Gaming zone character charts + that Smallville TV Drama Data base



Just layout you square vertical lines, horizontal lines differently, Eben Pagan's invisible frameworks. IT department does those things. I do those things as the librairan, too. Correct.

Just line and square behind, you dash those line out of the solid lines. 

IMDB those are digital database. The Wiki Class or the Wikipedia are online by donation to exist, outside that Google Library, you have a public domain, copy and paste wikipedia. Those are not encourage and will not be taken into the consideration of the academia paper, but its easier for every literacy human learning the facts and memorize at it. Copy and paste inside their brain.

The University, you go to school learning the behind operation. That you pay at the money at the undergraduate or the graduate school. The access to the vendors of all the Corporate, or Private or somewhere Informatics Database. For Eben those, they pay extra, they are inidivdual private small tiny company.

SUNY, they are system of the State school....I am sure they do things differently at the State level + the Educational sector in New York State alone, are a big issues like the union you ever heard. 

You finish school, you will be learning that, with the degree everything inside that school or operation or ranking, or major, or professor, or tenure, or office hour, or TA, or PhD TA you meeting them with different language other than the swearing words. Really.


Do this - you have an account ? Do you gone to the court or not, with whim, your parents ? This is the google calendar. I need to get to the pc to see this. 


IT, you download Apps? You know how? All google, when you see “Google calendar”. 

As if IT it’s a department, you did a list one to 10. I done to that music sites, instruction. Just the paper works. You do one and everyone reports one app, you have 5 people, you share 5 things to each other’s or 10. You ….both groups update me at “Time return”. Those things never end. 

This things if you organize. It’s not tiring. To be the actual military, so long I retired …so, it’s just….not retired mode. 

Scientology  (Hollywood )

430, you jailed or you finish your furniture or not? Display 1 to 10. Those interior design you see them street, you could just copy paste exactly. It’s the same street. …those you call them the space module.

Mode….well, you say module it’s fine. That’s a word in Joomla. The Similar ideas. Get it done. You download 10 extension, 10 module, 10 plugin (Firefox)l, 10 paid app,  Joomla, they do have something small tiny paid stuffs. IT department you learn 50 small tiny things.  My first post Music site. That. Sign up wiki classroom, that’s not Wikipedia, my brother those useless line by line stuffs. APO. 

Is that PC gaming, zooming zombie, character display, like Smallvile Whitney dead? True. That. It’s similar to MS Word documents, one photo, align to the left or right, but you wraps the words around by the choices.

Both 3 groups+ UB what you, them, that.

    Sign up the Joomla forum

    Anyone in 200 US dollars per yearly App Apple developer forum


NSYNC you retired anyway, get one Google account, that subscribe to 

    Medical Boards

    Law Boards (or Law association )

    Dental (board or association)


What they used to have its called RSS feed burner, it may not exist anymore. You just delete them every week until this year ends. You don't necessary have to read it. Just skim through. Or just delete them. Set it up.

You do one IT instruction, like my Music Website, the very first documentation, any kinds of IT, like the music SI notation tricks and plays. In the Organic chemistry, we use chem draw, those have the step by step, just pick one things to instruction its very easy for me. I done that 8 long years at YourFormulaSheet.com

UB saw the ending products on the paper, but when you say the screenshot, I already done that on the Music Site, the first post. You do that. One page. Just one.

You entering the field, doesn't mean you do anything. You share, you schedule the meeting, get those things done, this is only one sheet, really.






Does the guys like to jump, flip, bounce?

You mean they have no skills? Sit be princess and be inept it’s about right.

The guys, what guys, theAsian or whites? They probably needs more it’s the speech Vola monent like Eben. In the communication speaking, how to dress up like a suit. I don’t really know. IQ at zero to say sporty? They are blind by height or by impaired really, those are the defined medical terms to say natural born disease or naturally inclined or naturally ….modify….might be naturally endow, happiness, joy, peace in all walks of life, for the people, off the people, by the people, standing at the lake gazing forward …


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