2022年3月12日 星期六




 Babaji: Go

Lawsuit 137 | Lawduit 138

 On going to Conan March 12th, 2022

Lawsuit 137: https://194worlds002a.blogspot.com/p/lawsuit-37.html

Lawsuit 138: https://194worlds002a.blogspot.com/p/lawsuit-138.html


I think Taipei government says that.....you all MD Taipei going to Buffalo, through 華航 airplane third....

Well, you remember how republic party is in Taiwan.

Lawsuit 134 | 135 |136 ....too many

No one writing that much of lawsuit okay?

That is not a normal things, to process that much, per day cases. 

Lawsuit 134  |  Lawsuit 135  |  Lawsuit 136  |   🔥🔥🔥

Blogger: I use the footer now

 It’s getting ready. 

🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓 法案:溜冰天使 | Lawsuit 134

 Shut up ~ lawsuit ! Comic book - ice skating (overall story everywhere ) page ….

Shut up !!🐓



Lawsuit 134: https://194worlds002a.blogspot.com/p/lawsuit-134.html



 Babaji: Go


 Babaji: Go

※§ ※§ ※§ ※§ ※§ ※§ ※§ ※ ※§ ※§ ※§ ※§ ※§ ※§ ※§ ※§ ※§

 ※§ ※§ ※§ ※§ ※§ ※§ ※§ ※§ ※§ ※§ ※§ ※§ ※§ ※§ ※§ ※§




2022年3月11日 星期五

I go to sleep

 Babaji: Go

The miracle worker its here.....fixing pipes with a concrete, my mother carry shoulder a bag....

These Chinese magic box is the concrete my mother carried bag per bag concrete up.....

Data in.... March 11th, 2022.






 Babaji: Go


 Babaji: Go

Lawsuit 小鬼小和尚

Busy ...在忙 ! (你們現在幾個案子~只有你們小鬼小和尚中文字的至少? 三個吧 !)




但是要從 128 開始,所以至少是四個案件加今天的 ! 

案件 87 https://194worlds002a.blogspot.com/p/lawsuit-87.html

案件 129 https://194worlds002a.blogspot.com/p/lawsuit-129.html

案件 132  https://194worlds002a.blogspot.com/p/lawsuit-132.html

(穿插 案件 128  https://194worlds002a.blogspot.com/p/lawsuit-128.html )

案件 133 https://194worlds002a.blogspot.com/p/lawsuit-133.html

重寫的話就 ...


📂 案件 87 



📂 案件 129 



📂 案件 132



📂 穿插 案件 128  



📂 案件 132



 Whatever they say …..


2022年3月10日 星期四

I go to sleep

 Babaji: Go

I will tell you, I like the smaller houses. But if these packs of animals are running, oh ~ I need to do a lot of works....they becomes this clear, to talk in sense.

Their smell, if one things stuck inside them, not comfortable "Open your mouth and talk, or spit it out"....these animals are something, if you just ask them to take every needle, or wire or something out of them, its a lot of works. 

Being a decency human, what you aim to do? America its a happy peaceful land? No National Emergency response center, then what is this CDC public health guy in front of the news stand I see him all the time?

Do you know that, life changes?

Meaning not staying in one room permanently? Sometimes just how long you could rest, and medicine yourself....you just do that in the shortest amount of time? Not that I rush, the life changes instantly....

You don't do it now, you think next life you have a pharmacy store or America that nice health system, you could just....find your way out? Whatever that is, you have?

You cannot possibly leaving me with all these animal in one big space of that castle....are you? There will be....just what might become the air changes? Not good idea, its nice to imagine a little bit, but really....all the animals packs on the ground, to see, whom stare at whom....me to all of them, that is not a good to begins, those Wallace begins yet?

What happened?

Like What happened to Simon? i am sure that Wallace script on his facebook becoming 194 country translation, you did something with whom? And? 

Environmental I think there are money in it? Preserving tree, not to walking on land, like Lords of the Rings? 

🥧💞🪴 If the guys does the professional jobs, to make money....you home sitting pretty, hobbit only on cleaning....that is the most leisure things to do, seeing no one, hear no one, no phone no friends, just one guy, he never bothers you, and he buys water, and detergent, all the food, you could just practice practice practices every things he doesn't do inside the house, and you create a big groups guys castle he goes there, washing Panda....

I am free......Inside the house, to be lazy human does lazy things eating nothing but chocolate?


Working its because you are skillful in that compassionate mind of that feminine side....like in education.  The guy's job, its really, they just stop talking, to go and beat each other up, somewhere somehow, sometimes, before the time running out?

No one understand that language, why anyone could just beat and got pain, and bruise on the skin, to say, that is how they feel better, like boxing crowd?


You women can go beat the craps of the sink, the water, the bugs, the fly, the long ruler, the birds borrow to hit the neighbors, they are all the guys, here.....

Chop, fine, dice, soup, fire, on the stove everything just bubble, burn, and steam off....like they meant to be made....of!



You don't get along with your bf, or husband family in-law

You cook? Like family festivity ended at you will become the age 50 crowd, or now the divorcing crowd, to the second marriage? 

I haven't even got married yet, once.....yet.

How long you want that relationship to last, til the which side of family money run off, or the energy to run off to raise kids, or whom around near by kids, or whom else, just never bother anyone's life, everyone all on edge to scream to each other really?

Especially on eating? or Cleaning?


You don't get along with anyone, whom making money to whom else making the money

You want a career, or you want a jobs? What if I never had a resume issues, until now? That would be UB 2020 ! 

You need a career I guess you say 401 K? You sure, the guys are not the professional to put you all in jail, if you dare to try one more time together Tiny 4.0 at any given rate of.....Time and Space?

You left your fitness, and figure, a lot of people lost all that, and soon, the disease will strike them if they don't understand that weight slim down, to blood pressure, or cancer, or anyone trying to help them on the weight program in months, in weeks in supports, and they still feel....too wounded, to be mentioned?



You don't get along with the guys

That is when you meet the guys yet? There are human never met a guy, or on a date yet, I guess....to forever never say about the situation, how to get a guy in losing it.....by 10th days?

You eat like One Direction saying requirement ABCDEFG?

You really think a lot of people staying alive and well, at passing age 50, and you don't foster youth, you don't maintain the current, for sure you left the old human die all on their own, lonely and sad, and pennyless...really.


You don't get along with the girls

Women supporting groups meaning, everyone all have that one Taipei Women association, which that is in Taipei, Taiwan, ROC, not China address, or America Address.

You could just get the rest of the other address, not just calling all around, to get all things for one you women only human alone. I put up some women groups, its when they finding that themselves or my father was mute, never acquire to whom else, never help in....one of those year they might hear the call?

The women supporting groups to their own parents, if they starting now, they are reaching close to the age 50 groups, I don't have a lot of time, I told the Taipei Women association. But we are fighting on the property whichever ...might be Citi won, because that avenue is Banks owns I think.


You don't get along with your boss, to which what standard to deliver a job standard, whatever that is .....

You want to stay home now, cooking? It is the stress free jobs, if you just cleaning right, cooking right, sleeping right, beauty right, talking right, all the phone number to which you get your own money, and value right, your guys having their own career, will never say, you had nothing on career...

Sometimes you have a hobby to do?

Whatever that jobs its? In Education, in animal welfare, or simply.....you all love endow to spirituality, Christianity church Keith, them.....or UB Commons?

You could find all the investment opportunitiy for your boss, whichever area acadmia disciplinary, or small business proposal, or cooking lesson ABC 101 cooking studio.....anything spot their attention, you are bright and shining, and NOT SAD?

Including when you talking to your parents, in the discussion of....broken glasses.....if their topics has to shift to the fashion of the new moscout National, what is the Opportunities?

Your eyes blank out? 

No more talking?


Cooking 3 - lunch box, or left over.

White Rice, exactly looks like a correct white rice, nothing else.

Pasta, nothing by paste looking exactly like the pasta.

You could do the ugly rice cooker, those Chinese oil rices, but Westerner don't eat those, but you could make 10 lunch boxes, which one you pick, you take 5, you leave 5 home to eat....exaclty different rice dishes, to master at it. It cannot possibly to be that difficult. They really eat it down...I don't even know for sure.



    Fried Rice with eggs in its, and small kale stem, small tiny, kinda like peas, but not peas.

    White Rice

    Oil Chinese hot pepper rice with lightly soy sauce in it, with cashew, or peanuts, little treats.

    Green onion, corns, carrots fried rice, salt and pepper.

    Brococlli stem, white rice, salt and pepper


    Cheese, with green beans small choped, tomato, olives

    Onion sautee with all other vegetable fine dice.

    Can olives, with can artichoke, its cold blend, Italian seasoning. 



    Steam eggs

    Korean Eggs breakfast, presentation

    Sushi eggs, those are layers by layers stack up, roll it, and cut into strips, you can use in anything, Sushi wrap with white rice, cucomber, avocado and that eggs strips.


Wash Green

    Decoration in the lunch box, those they can eat or don't eat, with carrot knife jobs.

    Lettuce, for big groups of people, sometimes they mouth chew one piece they feel their blood sugar up.

    Ranch sauce, Thousand island sauce, honey mustard, Ketchup...

If you just liquidate yourself every part, you will at least pay attention everything liquid labels, really.....There are liquids and herbs, meaning washing green, or plung greens. 

When people turn away from the food, I am telling you, there are only hobby left, to do every day in jobs, for nothing on the computer to breath air.....slice, cut, chop, peel, die......Fire burn burn burn....and water sunk down forever....pipe.....water water water...down.


🥮🥟🍁📂🥧💞🪴 Have to operate on my own foot.....cleaning time takes longer than all these cutting.... 🥮🥟🍁📂🥧💞🪴

I have to apply the pain killers.....strange. Should I put it on or not?

Kail says take it off, so I took it off.....My mother say pain killer patches. I show her the foot. 

💞🪴 You know, by the time you are 60 years old to see a foot doctors on corns, or those very very bad looking stuffs, they have high tech machines than this Niko And....knifes. These are industrialist knifes. 

💞🪴 If you tell that doctor, you starting at your 30+ sometimes about this foot, not 23, when I met nick, I cry in Thailand...I start to care my own foot a tiny more. He cannot walk, okay?

💞🪴 If you tell your doctors, you cut your own foot process like you see today YouTube, on your knee apply creme, oil, or Veasiline.....to which you just cut your own skin on the foot like 2000 times by the time you go to the foot doctor at 60 years old.

💞🪴 You watch youtube how they does those corn things, on their foot, their hard nail, and everything but they say you cannot walk? They have to cut in 10 stitches, or 20 cuts? If you see those high tech?

💞🪴 Every clinic has different foot care machines, really....I have seen them, like your tooth too.

If you just tell your all Rich dad, you dump water 1000 times inside outside head to toe.....exactly one thousand times, maybe he find real water, that costs zero.....tape water with chlorine in it.....

I don't know what to say to all these Public Health, how dirty, everything is....in Taipei Station they put chlorine air filter, at these terminal....I saw it. 

I have to come home every day washing my hair.....you breath in it.

You have no ideas how dirty, these instant noodle, cups, tissues nose papers on the table, like crying, or eating, or coughing....your social statues, of these.....infecious disease...no one can go outside the door, where everything is exactly....infecious.....

Your legs are water swallow, on your shin bones behind....just by walkng, I feel disease to look at it, really.

Certain clothes, you never wash them, not even dry clean, that is a wash, with the money in it. I bill Eben Pagan first, you know that? I tell him how many boxes sea shipping or dry clean times, I needs all these clothes, I tell him telephone number, with the photo in it. But that is unfrotunately, I didn't know he is jail in Taiwan, or exile in America, like I never done all those counting how much things I really have inside my room, really....

We have bubble bath powder here, my mother found it.....There are sink water, from the tap.....that is not like America? America is very very chlorine smell? No wonder, everyone its exactly how infecious disease and dirty, to every Tape water factory, me Chemist jobs, just never end, I say detegent, chlroine, florine....soaps,....

Victoria Secret Levine, first seen..... that is the soap holder, sea shell in nick home.

I didn't have to comment, on the second seen.

Cooking on Juicing (Weight Program)


Juicing since Eben shows up....he shows up at May, I start juicing very later on.....maybe a month before Oct 23, 2021?

So meaning that is 4 months and half? = 18 weeks....Saying 5 days per week, right now its not every day juicing....80 times peeling, saying 100 times.....about 3 cucumber, and 4 apples 1 big carrots. You probably don't know what system and quota you make it, the cut !

The guys handicap, and you trumpet all the way, til the end.....really.

I don't need to cook the food, but sometimes I make something for the night, occassionally, or I have all the synthetical food I buy for them outside.....

That is 100 x 8 = 800 peel Craig and Eben in pieces.....unknowingly, the Time pass so fast.....

You don't want to be diligent, just as the bimbo, you do that, for those book Academia drop IQ, to looks like really Bimbo.....Care about nothing, anymore, my tolerance to zero, has really becoming the minus every single day more.....minus zero, below zero, absolutely zero. 

Every year good morning I look different, sunshine ! 

Cooking 2 - Cleaningness of your hand.

Probably don't bother telling you, you come home first things its to wash hands, faces, get showers. I haven't met Eben. But yeah, I might tell him, the house rules....No shoes inside the house, like those Adam Hailey makes clear, they are dirty inclines, inside outside the houses....whatever those are. 

American guys take the shower in the morning, correct. I know all that.  No, you could take 2 times showers, just not my pretty house. We sleep separately, you go to your room, you take a shower next morning.

Food Preparation

There are can food, like Olive, or jar food, Olives. Being a vegetarian, not to get fat, really just without dairy, I will tell you, will save money, costs, or guests....they could just eat the food down, I don't bother looking at it. 


Bell pepper, if 3 colors, or just green Bell


Those are basic things you keep cutting cutting cutting every other day, since I don't eat, and my mother cook.

There are elements of the foods, just too lazy, too boring human does, for a leisure things, in the kitchen....those are basic ingredient things to do. 

There are dry seed weed.

Right now you heard war, you heard Pompeo, you prepare some extra food, sometimes, left over, that should be more than fine, you think? You let the guys to eat a little more?

Your age is not young anymore

Youth only uses the old to clean clean clean, really.

If they become rich, and wealthy. They see you like aunt, like mother, like more aunts, everyday talking like a professional.

Your guys may not dump you, but....there are youth needs house keeper. That is where you stay? If your guys just die on drugs, diseases, too old? Got murder by their own kids? 

Erien has this boss where they company with Senior home, they have business meeting, she goes. I never say a word.

She has friends in Buffalo whom lost a lot of hairs, all nurses, PHD kinda of....from taiwan....if she just got herself married there, with those whites....but she is not appealing in look and her cabin is rice on hole in the bags.

Your professor is your savior, or you just love him? He talking like a normal human does? Replace his wife? There are many professors in UB.....a lot.

You could just make yourself to become friends, not to say 10 years, for sure that is over? In Age, or in Photo image? You care about the Tenure now? He has a stable income per month per yearly, to that retirement?

Not to go on the field to say military?

Stable, what does that mean stable? What's wrong working on Campus, to just trying to walking like a human looking like them, talking like them, mingle like them? Just when to replace them at all? You don't tell him in front, you tell the whole world in front.....

Educator never hurt people, only the reality people human outside hurting your feeling all the time, and put you in jail.

I just never shows up, lots of hugs, gifts, kisses.....Goodbye! 💝💕💝🥮🥟🍁📂🥧💞🪴💝💕💝🥮🥟🍁📂🥧💞🪴💝💕💝🥮🥟🍁📂🥧💞🪴💝💕💝🥮🥟🍁📂🥧💞🪴💝💕💝🥮🥟🍁📂🥧💞🪴💝💕💝🥮🥟🍁📂🥧💞🪴

National Emergency, when you moving around in the warehouse

You need to bring your own purses, ID, some kinda of all things in with you, so its always not your parents leaving your seat, you have 4 people in the household?

You want to cook Mike a jobs, or a meal? He has a title, on the paper near that Clinton? There are every ropes holding on his neck, wherever I made him shows up for?

You can do juicing, food cooking, decorating food, carrot and cucomber....all kinds of snacks, chocolate bars, you really eat it down, or you become air ballon all by air? 

He looks like Chinese monk, in that Journey to the West, The Chinese Buddhism Top, the Me Before you. Its not an authorize data, its my vision data. He and that Lightening guy. That is what I told everyone behind.

He may not be the monk, he just....a regular guy, or someone looks like him in chair, his purpose its to eat as big as he wants, no more beauty pegeant, those are the real practices...he has a butler.

Living in the Castle like the movie: Me before you, Finnick guys.

The shopping plates, the books you read, the literacy you bring to the table, beside you second all those they say in the table? Whatever they meant to say in English = Greek.

You learn what he cares about, you bring your points constructive, beside IQ = Zero, you talk to the women supporting groups, like sailor moon, someone has something to ask somebody, that is what the telephone company for.

Its to exchange all the women supporting groups data, or all these gossipes......I sent out!

"It is amazing, and astonishing you actually eating things down, like you are hungry, or you meant your sense lost too? Too fat food, or everyone weight control? So ...they say National Emergency was all fake? But I watch.....you swallow it down like Brat Pitt, that is called swallowing down looking, I can tell. "

"But I never really see human eating anyway....so long time." 

I can write my own comments....yeah

"It is amazing.....they eat it down. I haven't' seen the human eating my food down, my mother always say she ate the lunch already."

"These Asian pizza, is not tomato sauce soggy.....that is not all your style? This is what I eat home, not there....gulp, vomiting I mean."


"Tea? Those are soup pots? You eat soup? ...."

"oh? ~~"

"I think you eat subway, like I told my mother Adam Hailey told to say Burger King, it was the Subway next by that hotel saying breakfast vegetarian. Falafo.....if you just walk there.....right."

"So that is the cold subway sandwitch.....you eat Asian cook food, in UB dining hall?"

"Juicing? Orange juice its every hotel carry, I can see that has to be legal, becuase its the only thing American sell in the store."

"Mint leafs they grows like a weed, horrificly....they are not meant to be drink it as the tea, but those water, to say, looking clean.....these mints water if I create....its not to drink it down, but you drink it? No, I don't need a lot of them....that is one whole full jar.....I clean everything everywhere all the time.....I have enough.....nothing got done, lazy human does lazy things....."

Cooking, again. | Water Jar lifting, really every jar of the distilled water you drinking down, you carry that yourself, to know your own beauty pageant, to all these lazy human, that lazy on the bed, doing nothing to start, their impairment, "Don't Move"!

When you have a national emergency, you could just be match up with the guy next by to you, he never shows up to the group activities, him happy, or he not happy, he goes to the group activity, I am home alone !!!!


That groups of human 25 or 33 might just have to learn a lot of these things themselves, why they becoming a lazy groups all put together, doing nothing but eat and party. Its their next 20 years education investment to the youth, really. 

Or they could all just get the girlfrirends, to be examed at.....

You feel you need to deliver all that.....whatever it looks to you, talk less, and works!!!! What you put into your 4 limbs, you actually reflect in your mind, not to blank out in the space, or you really wish the guy coming inside a house, you don't know what he is up to outside the house, but he entered the house first thing was your eye glasses with a book, you shrink inside whichever the ugly old chair....no style, and you are reading a book.

What book?

Keanu will ask me a gazillion time, have I ever read that?

No....I don't think so. I know the title, yes.

Like those Mark Twain those author, I think. There was a lady very famous....what was her name. Everyone knows she write poem, Annie Hallway story. 

I read only certain thing.....those are English literacy....psycho to me, really.

Let's do this again, no more TV news....so distracting, I cannot do my jobs.

National Emergency Food Supply, its everyone needs, you , your parents, your sibling, gathering in the church, you really like those warehouse groups on the floor in the sleeping mat?


What if I could get 3 houses, that is APO, CAC and Evolutionary biology? You like these people you know from UB, and they are a good decent person with their parents, so your own kids taken care of? Whatever it means, that station was for the Sky, the moon the sun, the water, the animals? National Moscout?

You make yourself useful, at certain times, and you found a way, you get away the group shower, together? Public shower?

Really? You love those hospital to be inmate, to be together with Annca, I think. Public dry air blower, public bathroom, so dirty, every door knots are four people human shared? You know how many times I wash my hands? Too many times.

Whatever you believe you cannot live in the tent, true. If you just be so reliable, to get one Commander, whichever Commander, one person dining experience, starting with the correct White rice, drinks, home decorating, water pipe, I cannot do the grass, but you pick up the weed one, you could just live and live and alone one human at you pain times staying home only, just washing washing washing....everything, your hobby is like that.

I cannot find the girl, its not I don't give those guys if they don't want to come. There are certian situation, they will become psycho on their own, and if too many things I teach them, they will becomes 20 years ahead, then what happen?

Its the first day, you fail? Before you even touch the door, that door?

Food Cooking

Those are not hardest things to do okay? You cannot be that IQ low enough, you cannot sort plates, cups, drinks, bottles, extra lunch boxes, left over, wash wash wash green vegetable, herbs on hands, fresh things everywhere, lemon peels, wash wash wash....there is only thing washing none stop !!!!!!!

(I have to cook some stuffs)




 Babaji: Go

National Emergency Cooking - For one person ....


I think its the things you married to and divorced.....to.....and? Any more important human you will forever never meet.....impossible forever, or you at least try table manner, with all these to look right even?

White rice basic, pasta, white noodles, or rice noodle

Sauce soy, or sauce BBQ....maybe sweet and sour.....That is called the desperation with the can Spanish, its on American commercial. You buy Arby's cheese sticks.....some fruits, at least you know how to cut the orange....apples.....

Cucomber....that is.....raw started to look a full round table, for one person meal. 

What you see its exactly what you eating it down.....

National Emergency - Women Cooking Test, on APO, CAC, and Honor Class (Evolutionary Biology, Dr. T Chemistry Class)

What you gonna wear, when you cook? Hair up or hair down?

One person kitchen? APO, CAC entire women population starting Tiny 4.0 there is a National Archive, with 2 National guard Capital...human might just show up there, if you do all your might....we are next door?

They end up on our pond?

We say you are on the street? And shelter them in? Do you know how those human talk not normal? You couldn't just open your mouth say, why you end up this side of the wall? CAC is next door, APO is next blocks?

Kitchen has 4 stoves or 8 stoves. Right now my house its only 2 stoves, really. Me and my mother both cooking, that one side each.

You gonna cook for your girl friends in CAC? Just two of you? or at least spare of 4 of you? The rest girls, when Ayo finding them, one is Wei, so she cooked. Dennis, Fang, Christian, Pete....they bring their kids in?

Kitchen Stove 2 or 4 or 8...

Groups meeting, to groups eating, require plastic cups, spoons, forks, napkins, paper plate, and garbage bumpster, or trash bags, those are all plastic, including the bubble tea cup.

Plastic number ...12345....

No one asking you to sing, at all.....You are CAC entire groups of yourself....Ayo, looking at how 2 becomes 3 to become 4 without Melinda, I guess. Then you 4 finding how to talking to these CAC guys?

Not on a date for sure...your own bf, coming in for Canisious?

Do you eating with the music on, do you need the home entertainment studio, do you invite your own professor, or instructure, or whichever affiliate to talk right, to give lectures to Ayo?

My side of the house, those they invited the UB faculty, the professional human, because their level is upper, and you all, CAC and APO?

Your own advisor boards?

Food preparation

Its lasting one day, to 3 days, or one weeks. Do you do the night out, BBQ? or Every meal, we have swing door, for the sun, the moon, the pond lake....where these, things crawls....at. For the CAC, Ayo has no time to call, you could just bring in your own parents groups so much earlier on....no one there caring you alll....not even one UB professor. Ayo is black.

I have a french black professor, driving airplane, landing....

Drinks, ice cream with root bear....

Do you need sweet, sugar cake, I have no ideas if the guys really eat what is this..desert. La Pafait.

Like Donut, Coffee, maybe, the pastry shop those cakes? Not Tops cakes, those has nothing on top, its....bread looking, blocks. You throw at the wall with the painting buckets....that is a sponge. That is a food, or to soak in the paint bucket?

Zawanna might be so prince like.....in Frozen, far away at the horse shelter....That is the cake, eating cake, or sponge cake, to soak the excessive blood or oil, or.....gasoline oil?

Right....whatever, maybe it means you bring the sugar coating on top, one of those.

Onion prinkle? Green Beans cassrole, requires those onion prinkle.......its in Tops.

CAC are women's groups, with few guys are all on the TV really.

Where you last works at? You talk to your parents beside these boss of yours? You are all end up in the jail yet? If not, they say the business proposal, on the food or medical expense, on your hip?

Soup....or....salty, how you measure your per spoon intake daily?

Daily intake....

We occupy the castle, not the Frozen property down there, those might be similar to Dr. Steven Hairfield his unit junks.....to say four wheel...we hang keys at the doors, its outting....

Where you are going to locate yourself, you push Ayo, or those 25 human my side pushing Ayo, I will tell you, they get rid of the girls, and they bring their own buddy to make 33, in the end I think. Its a ....castle roof Top....with water park all around + 4 wheels.

 Is this things from Taiwan, facebook IP?


Chess Club, that is Jonathon things, they are all guys. Chess Clubs is a ranking Chess Association Nationally. I met them. Tamang took me there, we drive there. Brady...and those.

You CAC are all girls groups, these much guys all around, you cannot possibly telling me not a dozen guy each you all just cook, and phone, and text Line, or whatever App you have Bear Emoji....they doing all these things to me.

Your entire CAC are filled up with the girls. APO are just too fat girls, there is no hope in there, really. I have a line top thin Kim, a line down fat Kail. She was a pharmacy major, like Wing. I don't know if she does things for any of them, really. All becoming very big girls or big guys in there.

APO and CAC has a lot of common projects, if you just be there Sacromento, that is where the California Clerk offices at. Capital, I mean. Like Albany to us, in New York State. At least you know that much ....

Hair / Make-up important? Ryoya, like I didn't met this guys almost like 4 years those things, he and his crew members have these demonstrate of 3 or 5 aprons? I don't know how to use that for....its all Wal-Mart Frozen food, you could be this difficult to say "At the beginning"?

You could draft, makes a list of sequence things you do? You do hair, you do nail?

Whatever you trying to do, like a professional kitchen, that is a commercial kitchen ideas to start a home business? So water, pure......brown sugar are expensive, so what else you bring to the table, if you were just eating the crowd with your parents prepared all these lists for you before you turn 50, and becomes somewhat reliable to them, at the 50....that is 10 years from now, not even 16 years, I say, I don't even know you have one year, this way lookng.....downward evolution on your face muscle tones.

We have no houses....so I don't even imagine in my head, I ever have a cooking lists, I tell Levine, last time, how many times I wrote these food eating what ought to be, not what it should have be at? What did I write before, I don't even remember....when I get there, I figure it out all these stuffs.....whenever I land, I guess.

You should just talk to your parents, like your life don't have other things to do?

These are the Ayo have to do things, that is Mike has to do things, and there is a Jonathon MD has to do things, meaning finding a location and the house, and the communication device to talk to...whichever accounting, they manifest....to whichever upper branch those human, they agree, to sign, to keep a house near by, but that is not a solely reason, any of you girls can just live there, at all. You are being given a chance to demonstrate your willingness, and just low, flat yourself...these starting with the food, to all the girls around you, as if....if you get off that location, the door slam at you, you return your happy home to fight with your siblings, to say.....you have a text app with all these girls you keep in touch.

That's it.

These guys if finding you all out, that is one time chance, "All Out!"

There are other branches of Ub, to every year down, they finding their exit, til they find at least one National Emergency human that is stocking room equip, capable to deliver something, so that things can run smooth, and looking pleasing at all.

Not pathetic, if next 16 years on, you won't even have 16 weeks.

3 weeks maxmium...you going home with your parents. You will feel breathing again.

🍱🥮 I don't want to watch it anymore 🍱🥮

National Emergency - Women supporting groups

National Emergency - Back up stocking room human, most are guys anymore

National emergency - Kitchen groups, Driver, Musician

Builder, Governmental, Security,

Binocular groups, on the castles.....

Every day I am looking at these news on the TV, you know, I have only one jobs, hoping one of your women, whichever groups, come out to cook right, for one person, for some groups, not long...

Testing purpose only, for the groups.

For one person, you can cook as long as they say they do to you.



 Babaji: Go

Nashville, National Anthem

I still don't know the exact words, really.....

I think its the snow flake, hail....she sings???

Its "a n th er m?"

all right....should be right. 國歌


Music, Commander-in-Chef

 URL: https://musicworldannarao.blogspot.com/2022/03/music-sheet-we-used-to-have-no-internet.html

Main Website:  https://musicworldannarao.blogspot.com/

2013 Winter, Not Winter Song, Victoria Secret 2018 or 2017 ( The You Generation & American Got Talent Demo ) - 256 lights 4 by 4 Home Depot

Someone falls. There is a Comet issues in the Christmas, I remember I made video, that is 2 times comets hit points, one on Earth, one on Sun.

Ison, Ison, in SMCH OU language, transcription department audio, exactly transcription

II V= 25


2018-2019 For Flower Thousand Bones

Announcing slow motions, "What is your name? My name is ....."

  • Long Stay Entrance Competition
  • Celestial 1 competition
  • Celestial 2 competition (For those, the lineage holder, might be life after life practitioners lineage holder, Double Body Practice, Tibetan those concept, Prana, Chi.) 累世修

All by color indicator, rot cloth, white disciples, to.....red to purplse


Red River Manga, Taipei Metro Subway map, continuation from 2018,2019-2022

Its not just a flower 3000 years from now. Step on it. "Its just a piece of flower"

Red Line

Upside down

But the geographic river stream its another upside down, called the Sea water pouring in backwards, Typhoon. 海水倒灌 Not sea submerge, its.....Circulating wind and sea water just by the way.....flood backward in down to all water sewing system up.

Flooded....(however it sound to you, you become the Y terminal in Taipei Metro underground eating shopping area. Did I tell you I flood them? Its at the beginning, Harry Potter Magic of Ministry....exit way, so I flooded them as the commanders, to see....what coming out of that.....Y)

I will just tell you, don't bother to talk about it.

So here is the song, same theme, to the Red River Manga 赤河魅影

你們其實什麼東西都很難過 = You are everything to you its sad....really.

 ... ...我其實覺得你們活在室內有點像假的感覺 ...有哪種人一輩子可以躺在那種安全的假想!  但是是給那群人或是鳥的動物或是嬰兒~ 我其實不知道最後是誰拿下 ...要有錢才有可能 ....



Music, Commander-in-Chef


So dead


🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅 Good Morning !


2022年3月9日 星期三

Time to sleep

 Babaji: Go

💝🍁💕📂 Life isn't fair..... 💝🍁💕📂 I go to tell her Taipei Center 5, all the way here 9 across is 8, Tim Qo Tu is 9th, meaning she keep going straight to 101 behind, there is a begger, she got scared.

I say things sometimes we can think about, not necessary we can do it, but there is a wall fill up painting, you say those no one lives in there, you go and touch those wall.

I already told her National Emergency things.

I say sometimes kids born are coming here to "fight you", they do on purpose,

Brahma case life after life physical merits, are all the time, but some wants to become the monk, no matter what things all looks to you, to seems real or not real, there is just one purpose, he does on purpose.

I say there are about 150 human, the house I show you, 3 houses....Its the National Emergency, they have 10 weeks, to go back to their own country, or their own tiny world, but they got sick in the 5th weeks last ti 7th week.

I show her Adam Levine on my facebook, and few human faces, on my facebook. I told her there is a CAT, bad, 5 Lake defensive, but back. Those MD class as long as one human reach to the star, as far as you can stretch or reach to....that is the problems everyone solve, she looks fine to me. 

I say Hank is very ambitious, he has no friends on the Facebook, knowing all the friends might be trouble, and he went for NYU, he is the same language like me junior going out to the Montana, Foreigner student.

He got second wife, and then having a kid, he humbly, saying he is not legally blonde to anyone, i guess Lauren Silverman.

She yells at me, NEVER talk to me about that person.

Like he can just drive in California, saying he pass by the houses? All your stationary houses. Like here, he pass by deliver all Tina's junks at my mother there....

I am negotiating, shower bath, my left foot very itche, birds scream, or whistle, so kindly nicely, the Sky says La la, so I whistle....I need to negotiate....

 Shut up !

Jail human their mind thinking the wrong things all the time, that is why I say, you NEVER EVER thinking outside the box. NEVER. That is why they jail. You never do those things, thinking outside the box.

Chinese has an ancient poem, I tell my mother to unplug all these Christmas flower, make it all on the floors....春眠不覺曉


What did she say this?


( ......... ............ ............ .......... ............ ...........)

         ( ......... ............ ............ .......... ............ ...........)

                         ( ......... ............ ............ .......... ............ ...........)

                                              ( ......... ............ ............ .......... ............ ...........)

We never end....Shut up

What was the jail things again ? ( The door close, they are mesmorizing, the soft long ruler, next door....ding ding ding ding ding....)

SHUT UP~~~~!!!!

9 years ago, they just ready with the hope to get out the world, from the Medical school, something I never know which one is which, okay? I am too occupied that one Simon Cowell, with his bimbo, and Keanu has bimbo, too, I thought I remember telling you all that, they have a lot of bimbo........

(She went to moping the entire flower below floor, we took the flower on the top off, i tell her too, so she hides all the buttom one, whom on her profile MD? All dead)

So what you all degree to say, its best you go and negoitate with the 3 Art....while I am busy here, I told everyone like one week materials, that Keanu hear too much on that,......

( I told her, that vitamin Bottle has one wet changing color tale, the bird leave a leaf on the left side window, outside the kitchen, they stand all the way on top, tell me....that is one Leaf, on that Otter, not Simon's pet, that is 2, so I told her, Idol God on the TV, they only care about one thing, she doesn't know, so I say...like Buddhism number one whom entering the referee seats....)

She mops the floor outside, I tell you all that....SHUT UP!!!!

If you just functioning like you talk to 3 Art if you going to or passing by Keanu Reeves. Well, technically I didn't know whom he is. Really....so I think he might be a jail guy, not just delyexia, I didn't think there are unhealthy human like you all faces, illness or disease to see the doctor...no.

( She went to paint the kitchen wall, talking to me.....What does that mean? Watching the bird on that side? I thought I say stick....she went out twice...that paint its in the ceiling, upstair....all her junks she hides, what else she got this time? Beside the paints? Paint brushes? )

You know, if you all just travel in that US land, like there are things you suppose to be doing, to entering that California police zone, or OPP that is in Canada zone, Craig Ballantyne expel, sometimes nice to him, sometimes tell him NO! You got the pictures wrong....I think you at least imagine there are some human still exists in that North America

(Why did she painting the kitchen? I have the music on, in the living room, she likes the music on, to paint the wall? )

I need to lay down....

I went to talk to her.....

Shut up ~~~~

Can you all just go your own things, I am busy.....

Terra, not Terry …KY/ UK

Well, Simon has all them Debra becoming since 2001

2008 was 9 years +5=14 years, that’s not 13 years, sound longer okay?

Smch contact persons in jails groups. 

Simon probably believes by now there are ability people exist, yeah ! Magic cards. But if you just really does NSYNC jump, flip, bounce and quotes that’s Bible says on “Jobs” - that might be less Circus looking …Singapore, whip. 

You don’t mingle the people why they becomes the jail human or suspect anywhere near the jail. 

You don’t follow the Bible, go to hell with it, that’s it !!

Now these birds, clouds, earth, water, wind, air talking …entire Animal kingdom…oh my God.

I becomes blind, not mute.

9 years ago….what was 9 years ago. That’s …when Dean they were like Tamang still in school or ends up in jail that time? Probably in school. They finish at 2015. Tamang at 2012 burn out.


I think if you just go and pick a fight with that Tony Robbin or Dean guy on Eben flyers…one of those uninvited guests …you might seem to be more oriented to the upward evolution.

They are nice guys.

💝💝💝 you know, anyone see these Jonathon Wing Dean Tamang Ola crowd like Mormom them 4+1….and me shows up, anyone knows that’s a fake okay? It does not have to be 9 years ago…

Okay what was 9 years ago….you want to be a girl …

🥯🥯🥯🥯🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🧈🧈🧈🧈🧈🌯🌯🌯🌯 You have to know how to cook

Buying clothing and some meals to pay with a functional credit cards. You think you can do that?

I come from a state school. We have no hope … 

American MD degree has to be the military oriented, that’s how you make it.
You could just tell UB, you wish not to be a Military doctors forever ….ever.

Whatever that means … you do things for the American interests. You have AMerican flags in mind, AMerican anthem in mind, the freedom of that brave ….democracy, not communism, not atheists. 

Respect to your own President and the Secretary states, ex….it’s a basic manner you have at the war time. 

9 years ago

What was 9 years ago? Red Cliffe? Do you read your history book. Leonardo Da Vinci, 2 refugee king, one is Melan at War to lose it to France King I or II? Italian against the France ?

3 Art and Syco

You could just burn some fire at them 9 years ago or 430 Sojiro David, scientology.

My friends they were at the school, inside the medical school or in jail.

I have no ideas how to write these starting 9 years ago. 


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