2022年3月19日 星期六


 Babaji: Go

Facebook broken


 Keep going. 

Facebook broken, broken broken, how long this has to keep going?

Again, broken, facebook.

Still keep running the pages. 




Facebook broken 


 I don't want to type anymore

4 limbs off.

Its no one cares a thing, anyway.....

Sleep drip in blood. THat is a good start, to remember, next time try harder life.

Why you have break the things, while its very important things i write?

Can you all just fix that Facebook?

At all?

Women supporting groups, Young or medium age

Long time ago, nick used to have every holiday he provide his family dinner, his mother cook. He still remember all that, so on his first marriage, its real holiday festivity, he brings meat or fish....that is how those spoil kids grow up and becomes very very useless like in jail might be even, including all the other kids, descendent.

There is one guy, on the Youtube, I show you next to a wife, really dirty fridge, all systmetic looking, just like Adam' house, messy fridge. You will be very very tired.

The traditional women has no face, meaning ego, so they will never have a way making a living on the Internet.

People like Purna late husband needs a lot of faces, all guys.

If you become really that good, and get let go, it might be because....well, you are half eterntiy behind, due dates. Anything you do, its gear the women liberty, no hope.

Nick used to have all the recipe ideas, how that festival, which no commander going there, really. They know what it is. It every insurance suing money how expensive every family gathering one accident happened, to every skillful workers, included.

But that kind of family, if you decide to marry to, they have money, and you become orderly order, really really neat, right now in this Era, you have merits to do Sitesell, or one person website, you leading them or entire family on that course, and no matter what the outcomes, you could making a chance to make a living, in that gratefulness, you doing all that to delicate to God. No matter what kind of that lousy guy really is.

You delicate to God everything provide you, to every roads you going ahead. You given what God given you chance to everyone equally. You suppose to knowing all that. You suppose just believing in that. As if that hell is just so near, no matter what you do.

Their recipes are just the Italian recipes. Every kinds of Pasta, has one sauce, meat, fish, or seasoning.....he just always speaking about his sister could do one types seasoning.


Seasoning cotainer

Bottle you see happiness

There are certain things, zizzling like worm, when you say the face, or the impulsive, to see, to hear, to know, by your ear drum, wide open.....

Unseen photo mask .....

Because it all celestial, God has no money .....

Karmic Laws is the moment you are born, the air you breath, the air, the people, you are starting paying at, true. Correct. I agree.

Its everything you see. True

Its everyone done to you, Correct. 

Its all that they ever do to you, all the time. Right.

There are everything they don't see, they don't hear, they don't revolve, or evolve, around the things...you mean U-turn, going around somebody behind, to turn things around.



That is from Westlife, no wonder, I thought it was farmiliar......what a co-incidence, we all meet again, every re-routes, we see again, the new face, the new character, you find a lady, this is my guards.

You could just re-routes, next time, again. Every single time. You just need to see far....on the path you cross.

Is this Matrix, feeling so real?

Its so real, everyday you are feeling it, you just need feeling it more, really. Open your eyes and seeing around, your dull hollow sacket behind, the eyes.....bags, all around.

Crystal Clear?

Touch and feel it?

Funny, or better?

You have every next time, we are born different character, everything destine.

True, and correct, only the righterous sound better, and right, and one day, will become, or already becoming! Don't you agree?


Against your nature, against your Self | Life, everyone all lives a normal life, in the end of day, everyone will all say that.

You want to copy


" " 

Whichever senetnece?



Humane, being kind, being compassionate, understanding humanity....not to say humility, one day. Never getting there, really.  

There are a lot of ways we can doing this.

1. Turning into a girl

2. breaking the leg to two bones, whichever photo, or pain to become even.

3. Height resort, by education

Make it ....or re-submit the photos of all these lifes times in 1000 years.  Its the same, you don't do it now.....big deal.



Tall slap on the water, the entire body weight, side way

Must be so Whale looking, hurt.

Its not a jump. 

Its a surfing

Laugh and clap one mins.




 Human pethetic nature...to say War, on told, Music? Unlimited paper works, desk.

Seeing SMCH, will give you reflects, what the air tells you.....all map behind the wall, how important every job is, really. 

Atlantis nature, like Dolores describe you, maybe someone will tell you in a full account, how lullaby, comes....coming.

Its acquaintant the...heart! Farmilar sound? You simon raise your head with the thick eye glasses, every photo submit, its right now!


Your have a professional Chef? Like Ellen?

Gnoki is Italian traditional potato ....something. But New York City Pierr has a dumpling. American kinda, white sauce. Italian is where the Vatican, Catholic is?

New York City only has how many really kinds of very known food. Bagel Frozen...cream. Jewish.

Buffalo Wagmans has this Rapinni Salad (Italian vegetable)

Buffalo Wagmans has this Black Smokey Tofu (They show me the seasoning, just not the Tofu, big long fat strips)

My four blocks, that is...tax included grocery store, they sell Rao pasta. Its actually from New York City. Its not from Buffalo.  Its an italian grocery store. 

Sacromento, that City Hall next by 5 Star 802 Hotel, has a menu.

Breakfast Yogurt display....

🍹💝 Quiche 🍹💝

🍹💝 Vegetarian Quiche 🍹💝

🍹💝 Raw Quiche, I have made 🍹💝

Japanese sea grass, the traditional Japanese dishes, just seeweed. Not Kelp

That is not really raw, but taste is fine.

Raw Carbo powder its everyone buys, with the money to say, at home, you have.

But really you just mix a mint carbo chocolate, that is the closest things you will say you custom to it.

Mike Adam used to sell Amazon forest Vitamine C those looks like sugar ...long tube (small), like coffee creme desk, they have those...White refine sugar.

Its from Amazon Forest. I bought it.

Boku, or any super food, I would not use too much, but occasionally per table spoon, that is more than enough, you build up the table spoon. I don't believe that stuffs, but nicks has all those stuffs.

I believe? 


You are not really in ....a guy world. To say even near the sporty....arena. European Soccer like Swiss.

Minutes: 4:16, 6:03, 6:14, 6:17

What I would really suggest?

You buy those Amy microwave frozen session all those rice burrito wraps. The Regular vegetairan brand. They have different filling and taste.

But then you get those microwave white sauce Alfredo Italian Pasta.

Like a whole closet fridge? For both kinds. 

Like home alone. But that kinds. Prayer to that table....that is Macaroni.

Cheesecake factory, Omlete, I like that stuffs. The most fancy stuffs I ate.

You Simon gets Native Food Cafe, not Veggie Grill.

Then Toronto Vegetarian groups has a kid used to run in his mansion house for.....whatever food they create. They have that cheesecake even make it all the way up to Muskoka. Its from Toronto Vegentarian Company,  I forget their name.

Nick like that stuffs, i don't like any of that stuffs. We don't eat cheesecake. Melinda like a lot of those things. Cheesecake Factory

No stress eating, I am telling you. She is a girl.

Thai food has a papaya salad, they have fish sauces.

They have pai Thai. Without the fish sauces, I used to eat with Erin, she likes the Thai food.

I eat Mc Donald Apple Pie. I used to be a kid, I like that stuffs, not loving, but like it. But then I grew up. No more. But I will tell you they have a ratio things they do. Just to imagine that, I feel better, I really don't care how it sounds or taste, as long as they tell me that is a kitchen recipe from Mc Donald. That I eat.

They tests....oh my GOD~!!!!!!! You cannot live life, to breath life, Matter?

Catholics, those human, like Prince William, too Yang looking hurt Catholics.

Mathrew or Dr. Steven.

SMCH she is not....that nun.

Catholic nun acestic....all looking very bad like Ola. BAD. Ghost past tear...shadowy....

Well....Marconni, kinds, to me, its like that.

Nun church. its all nun. Bad looking, background, shadowy...just the sunlight, all looks funny, wherever you say those statues on everywhere, at all. Mary or Jesus. They don't put lights on it. I describe you too many times Ola.

When you heard about Early Christian, that is a different sounding, just to hear about it.

When you hear names, to whichever Bible Chapter, New Testamanet, just different, those are guys. I may not know Yang or Ying, but those are more newer feeling than Old testament. I used to read Bible.

Ola is those self blame

Self ruined, self hurt, those Da Vinci Code stuffs.

The books I gives to Tina, the entire lists of it. You have a round oval carpet, with bean bag, or some kinds of comer chair fire places, to reading those listing books. Just quiet the mind.

When the girls does not be with the guy.....I don't know how to describe to you. They may not be that neutral short hair, Lalla...its white looking skin and their hair really short style, not spike out. There are things...I already comment over and over and over again. I don't want to talk about it anymore. 

God has commandment, read it!

I don't really know whom gonna arrive, when, how, or ever will....you Silas, just telling them each room after get done, you brings some onions all in, cut in half.

Superstitious reasons

And disease!


Most time you are so worse condition....That's why you get like that, if that onion is cutting, to cook, cry, and tired to sleep.

That immunity, has to built up. But most just never cook anyway. 

    You started with half

    Then Quarter, that's it. 

Kitchen seasoning

American side store: 

2 Coconut cream / One their small tiny soy sauce I guess.

Some rice noodle

Long grain white rice

Pasta all kinds you all eating. I eat all kinds, the Wagmans pasta, they have different shapes, not nicks. Shell looking or fans looking.

Parsley, Basil, Cayenne, Pakrika, 20 bottle, or you have a better way to refill it, then you wait online. (First arrive, first month to 3 month, that is 20 bottle, you use 3 months to learn online shopping? Just get 20 bottles.)

Bay leave, you get online, 40 ( Soup )

Sunflower seed oil

Olive oil

Balsamic Vinegar 

Potato bag, in the dark places, see how long they can keep there, dry places, You try first month, If they last long enough, you stock them.

You just get 5 bags, big long bags. You might just leave on mesh potato for a few weeks. You used milk and butter, salt and parsley. 

Chinese store

Coconut water 2 boxes cases, you know how to be on the ground and cut that thing, don't use the table. The real floor, outside.


Chinese white vinegar 

(Sweet sour tofu soup, my mother knows how. I don't )

Piano Lessons, they are expensive...

 Music....are very expensive.




College admission, Medical Board, Pharmacy / Pharmeutical, or Law Association are the only things can never fail, understand? Education included.

I don't really know where you look at your own career options. To talk right, sound right, or sweet homey, die together with Billy, drunk and drive, the California Mliitary Navy those nick pass by, they are all those drunk and drives, wild animals human wearing white uniform to say....coast guards?

Funny and tale. Those sea water is so cold.....I never knew you called that Beach life?

What a waste the government money, you cannot swim! That is not.....

Whatever, I don't bother to comment. Of my entire life, I never know people considering the degree of suffering to say that is heaven life?

South California Beach diet....if I were to be guys, to be that articulate to tell you...how worse condition you live here better in Taipei.


 All the plate...isnt she ....looks like

I remember npw, next to Ola, next Simon Lauren.

Its the Iron Man crew human.

 ....Simon has 0 friends.

 Paltrow? Not Powell?


When the girls has a drinking problems, it sounds exactly right on 4 of their faces!!!

Calm and Mild, and lusty....without a food.



Iron man those crews cannot just have that formation all guys…there is no hope on home cooking. Whatever his name Robert or Uncle JC

There is no food. You all useless human just trying to be 5 or 6 girls talking nice in sense…I will tell you, it’s better for you, you are all short. Saying spouse that is half eternity impossible. You are living in democratic and automatic vending machines with women right lifting.

It’s half eternity impossible. But you just create the dishes I say, get out of their sights like a confident things to do, whenever they pass by. It’s exactly the same food they hear.

It’s the same. But display like the buffet types, it’s day by day the same jobs. Same !!

I will tell you something strange I see…I was in volleyball team.
UK I had a short girl I know, 105, it’s all short girl, with ..?
Then CAC, these girls ….you are American ?

Middle school, I had very very very heavy backpack every day.
You have a locker ….

A perfect homey, you one girl apartment steam cooker, perfect white rice + perfect kale
Open lid and put clean kale in 5 mins.

Wet batter, assort clean broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, yellow zucchini with a few sausage, take the plastic out, see the plastic Korean girl?
Oh my god …
The fish in the sea that’s how they die. Our plastic bags. Trash, Ayo does. 

I didn’t ask you to do anything extra, not holiday, not mutant conquer entire block worlds or feed the kids, eliminate disease on animals permanently….smell.
You just get to live hygienically with the books you love ! Your bf will be busy doing all that, but they afraid you screw them up.
Irvine, CA

Or the court is lend me my apartment, I tell you how to live day 1 to day 30, and you are on your own ?


Oh you gonna tell me one each you one unit too lonely.

Adria Billy if they are? They stay together there watching you all, Chris come up.

He is drunk. 

There is only one blocks you drive to grocery store. You cannot possibly you tell me you lose car ability, you have no choices as american !! I live in Taipei, not you girls.

Dennis coming up and down. That’s all his stuffs !! There is a university Irvine, see if you seductive game to any full time jobs in there, by how?

A literal sense your parents will be proud if that’s a faulty meeting, no hope the Professor, Any others position else? Adria helping you all?

Those human looks like Kerry lady will tell you door old girl. I lives in her headquater, you see thumbnail. I live in there. 

I sleep in futon living room. The bed too tall. They got stolen. My mother says. Their room is too small. I always have very big room in America. All room starting James house. 

They have the family house options. 

UB Bill. Your first love story to talking to him or anymore other male professional, Will sounds like your height just like your maturity ?

Movie: Tom Cruise recent, all girls dead. If they don’t stand in the way, that will be much better really.

Accuracy, precision. Someone behind. That guy too old, lost all words to memory including …the guy just simply says the chest opening was, “I love you”?


Your medical boards is a psycho. Love games or emotional stability ….I already say if not because they CAC forever no jobs, otherwise this freedom society I have to find you a way on money and you will die Ola eye glass no heating house with pairs all 20-30 years underwear, socks…a couch, personal comfer coach for a book on light reading.

I have no hope. I keep saying that. No hope!

Sailor Jupiter - Ice skating , too tall, height that kind, girl height, skeleton, bone. Too heavy.

 Why don’t you just ask me ?




 Babaji: Go


 Babaji: Go

💖💝🧁🍬🍤🍹🍮 Facebook broken.....badly. 💖💝🧁🍬🍤🍹🍮

What was it, we supposed to working on it? 

The birds this morning cannot stop......tell them to shut up ~!! very early in the morning started.

So loud, so loud....oh my GOD, what had happened? 


小鬼小和尚~我乾脆找你們好了!知道什麼是攝政? 就是進進出出像饒邦一樣!!飛機場,他們在弄一年,我就真的七年整!!九月,意思在六個月!有人買房子六個月嗎?








2022年3月18日 星期五


 Babaji: Go




 Babaji: Go


 Babaji: Go

小鬼小和尚~你們的影片 Channel 那邊在上傳 !!!

At your channel !!!



跟那一天我沒有上傳完的皮膚跟生化~~脖子 !!

The glass of Day | Those people old people, like Masterson ..... Craig. They don't die. But they got put in one groups somewhere Talking like Tony Robbin, you like that? Seeing which sons should up making a lot of night market business, no Digital Era.

Guess whom shows up?


Tamang has a theme, 我不是購物狂,If you don't do digital Era, you will phrase out. 

They groups you in the public dining hall eat together, public shower, you like that?

I insert some diagram.



Lawsuit money.... 10,000 each case | Per case, I add 10 video? I heard, my video its 1000 US dollar per video. So 10 video per case, its I add 10 video in, probably.

Well....How many cases, do we have?

156 case.

You know some cases are beyond just the money in "If I added 10 reference videos in"

I put the Slam Dunk on the Top navigation bar (灌籃高手 90s)

Just adding the same things we talked before.




小鬼小和尚 |紅藻素肉愛家 (滿慈子 SMCH ) 其實跟外國人不可以說那個產品,棗 紅棗,中國醫學叫做茍幾,Chinese medicine ( medicinal )

亞洲人知道那些中國藥材是燉雞的、養月子! 國外人你們不要說,現在你們是吐司夾起司🧀️



素肉其實是已經 process 加工品的意思,其實解凍之後就可以收吃,素的!

但是你們因為夾麵包,你們不確定那是熟的,其實是熟的、就是不夠熱!!你們可以微波爐十片,你們自己按那個 Paninni 的夾三明治的機器!!🥪


(Loving Hut Red Yeast mock meat)

國外素肉叫做 vegetarian meat 但是很多叫做

Mock meat 這個有點像 (mock me =嘲笑我, 尊上罵人的時候重來不手軟,滿慈子其實看不懂中文 1986 西湖開始的時候,是要別人唸給她聽聽呀!尊上我也會英文呀呀呀呀呀!!~)


Imitiation meat 模仿肉




No, the guys evolution is higher. For example, if you read some books, you do some works. After having some food and a clean home to live and sleep, doing nothing. Next things you wants is an intellectual response.

You just find out probably pass what age, you talking to a head set phone and a maid, that’s it. It hurts my brain, he told me “I cannot do, what you do.” At the brain. But he has skills and he does what he can really do, already.

There is something in the house too, he put there just be, one of those Mike Adam or Dr Gabriel stuffs.

No, it affects my head.

You probably wish to go smoother your life, not just karma you say it’s every step the way. Everyone told you there is a solution, you pay money. Correct, that’s at works.

You wish to have an evolve family unit, the look, the height, the appearance. I am not a tall size, okay? But one day if you found out a lot of things you gonna tell me something about the height or the age or the yearly incomes.

I will just tell you, those girls better to be on head phone. Because they are jealous …they say words badly to hurt you on purpose, one day, it’s no more words. No matter what it is, there is nothing on the girls side to provide any help. Not really.

And it’s the more you found out, let’s say I tell you, you do that 10 assignment…what if you jail everyone of them?

My answer to you would be, you jail 1000 of them. Correct, including the whole city blocks. 

( 🦅🦅 Shut up !!!~~~🦅🦅🦅🍱🍱🍱💝💝💝🍕🍕🍕)

A lot of guys needs a lot of faces okay ? I guess you have to work around their personality. But sometimes the guys have a network, the girls side I keep telling you it’s a disastrous things, it’s better you be with the girls having a bf. That guy might be all blind but at certain circumstance that’s all it really needs. 

( 🦅 Shut up shut up shut up !~ there is no 199….whatever you say, shut up !!)

(Shut up ~~ I am on pain killer, shut up !!)


You know, one day if you become Eben don’t requires eating too much. And if …you know your mothers don’t eat much. And you don’t eat much. The day you found out. It’s every video appalling to their lips how they chew….I think that’s what I think you guys have that kinda of words and saying. It’s everything I see the comic books or the TV….. it’s the food in the girls mouth. Or blindness.

The video on the facebook 


It takes some works to relate a case here with the tape water factory

But you need to learn how to fill in the paper works, now!!


It’s better, Lee. You eat exact the same food, you see, you know, you heard of… That’s a Meal. White rice. White rice. Wash white long grain America brand whatever those rices.

I think the commanders have the budges not necessary the money if you just do what exactly I say every steps. 

(🦅🦅🦅 Shut up ~~~)



2022年3月17日 星期四

I go to sleep

 Babaji: Go

💝💖🍤🍤🍹🍮 I don't know from which Era or century, its always been a hopeless situation....whatever this is.... 💝💖🍤🍤🍹🍮

You girls don't cook, don't keep fit, and you all need a career, not just a job! 

Certainly not householder jobs, to keep the house clean, tidy, and neat. Whatever the furniture you got, you want to go out to eat with some friends. 

I have no ideas where to decompose this Lee....he is hands on biochem.

I think Lee can run a lot of things multi-task best, with another girl partner, sometimes I go in...but there are so many students, to find one human.

Run every tasks. Smaller houses.

You know, if you, as one guy, going in a new town, to throw everyone out, you find some single mother with 2 kids, and once you done with that house, you give that unit to that single mother houses to raise kids? You sometimes go in, until everything settle and you retrieve?

You all have nothing else to do anyway.....

💝💖🧁🍬 Silicon Valley needs a National Emergency Plan - Near that Mc Donald, to one vegetairan SMCH disciple open, me and nick went, I rotates all the plates that one. 💝💖🧁🍬

Near that road, there are development all the apartment building, they were building it, it was in 2016 Spring. I saw all that. 

There are only few roads from one side to another. The major city, I think its in the Hilton, but I didn't go there anymore. I was told??? ?

There was a few degree of hotels I can go to, repeatedly....Court yard, meaning they really have a center grounds. True. I bring all the donuts in....vegan donuts at the table, myself.....

No, there is more expensive, and they have zero food there. Only drinking bar, and snack bar.

All the way on the Top, that is where the Google is. There are rotten hotel, only....I guess industry are there. I can see it. That GPS. Midnight

The strip where you all like, probably are the Olive Garden, that leads from Apple to Standford, furthur down roads, are Glass factory, you start to see factory people, no more nice pretty Tim Cook black tie human. Those are red hair workers. But they have a tip points grocery there. I been there, as far as there.

The two malls there, one is very West south, that is actually...Sweet Tomato is, the exit door from the South area going up. 

20 mins or how far?

Those are the hotel, where the cows are.....its individual flat. Military probably nice to be there. Nick used to talk about all these hotel property to run at ....so I seen these places. But from the Silicon Valley to south Hollywood, there are two roads...well, one its really all white exist, no Asia, I was wearing legging, all my Gods. Those are....also some kinds o industry there, because all the houses are so big and wide, where no neighbor talking to each other I guess. Its white store, not welcoming to Asian. But I have to stop a night, coming down.

San Jose, that is dangerous downtown, I was by myself....very dangerous.

Its called Merits Vegan Restaurant

Yeah, that is right next to Mc Donald, I walk over. That...the One makes me change my diet inside the Valley, I told you that. Something I sit on that Cheese Factory restaurant, for every day. I have no ideas why I sit over there at the door entrance. 

Isn't California has 2 franchise vegan, like Veggie Grills and Native Cafe?

I think that is Reed's jobs now, they are not all jailed, I guess....where the money spent from Apple ! You could recruit all the Pitch Perfect girls, those are not jailed.

You know, some....dietation, tells you, Ying and Yang ideas....to there are a lot of guys, they feed by their mother kinds of.

CAC has a Courney, but she wears the eye glasses. Did you Silicon Valley text that eye laswer things? You all have nothing but money to spent, on all.....eyes to the girls, to look straight how to be maid more....

I used to...

Would do anything for that, if I was the One talking to Myself!


Like my case would be one day or two days to start at that house.

Sometimes juices, sometimes vegetables. Why is Hailey's dad they drinking blood in the water?

Eben...and his brother....they have no hope, I guess, one or the other whichever this ETR ends, at! I only say menu 1....I didn't say 5, to repeat 3 different vairation, you cannot possibly to tell me cooking and display could be that difficult.

You could make the ebook, by the cover, the budgets, the whole sale, the looking around the places. I used to be at the Hell road, California, near....the renter. After Simon ex, gf of the Dr. Steven's wife, that .....houses, I find the store to carry all the coconut water, to get ready for AGT, or Bootcamp, I telling Simon all that....they do that in July.

There are things you drive around to see things....finds things and call. Some human does one things in front of the PC, one things outside...its the same time you utilize how to...Live your life! 

Organic is more expensive, but every tincture, or herbs, or stuffs, its an investments, to do all that, you only needs to do that one time, 7 years, you will be different than the rest.

You don't really know how big is my house? Like my room, right window to birds, or left kitchen still window, a music TV in the middle room?

All right, if I have to keep washing these cilantro every single day. Those are filter and buckets

You keep rotating the filter buckets and the original buckets, we have two sets, 摔摔摔 how do you say those verbs in English?

One is cilantro, herbs

One is regular vegetable

Like today I am on diet, no more noodles, I had lunch like small plates sweet potato and a combination of green curve beans, Chinese.

So I have 2 vegetable tonight with few small wonton. Some juices.

I actually have to cutting all these mushroom, belt pepper to strips, but the most works are carrots, its just daily.....like these guys, right now they are not putting there yet. But let's say, I pass by, I spent one afternoon every so often, I just do 3 hours works, nothing but cutting, I make 20 bags of those carrots, red bell pepper, with king mushroom in strips. And few degree of sugars. Too boring.....in life doing all that.

Then by the way, I making vegetable washing in the big bags, because most vegetable takes a lot of spaces. Chinese vegetable places, have these buck ko? So you buy 10 bags, so keep washing, washing washing...water running, and all that.....and same things, cutting or washing, or just let the water run in that kitchen. There are way just keep doing all that rotation jobs, one afternoon. They only need one afternoon all the green getting ready, 2 or 3 days uses per week.

One of the 7 days, but they have the greens for 3 days. 

But every time, you finish washing the herbs, you have to wash with soaps, before you touch your keyboard or mouses....

I am telling you, there are every degree why I say you are so dirty, and that Taipei public transportation is just filthy.....


I think there is something when you are looking at a ....brand. Like what I hold in my hands, you have a desire to open that and drink it.

Like a hunger response, or drinking....ideas. How to swallow it down that stuffs, through your throats?

I cannot possibly washing all the bathroom, but I will show you one of the guys, how this is washing, just keep running the wall, 4 walls. Its just once a week, I wash like 3 bathroom? I let the water runs, one year, I will finish washing that bathroom once, each places. 

I used to watch this, isn't this guy on the baking soda package? We used to use big package, not small tiny boxes.


You know what I think...he was saying operation, surgical?

... ...

You are in the modern technology worlds, where you are not really living in the ancient, you eat foods, so you get like that. If you use the Medical new invention of everything they have, its more expensive, but they might have something to....know why it gets like that.

Everything is because of the diet, but a lot of people have to stay on eating, really. Anything I have on the techniques, you are talking about those.....some very little human, lives on water, liquids, teas.

You have to have a nature you don't love to eat. Too lazy to eat.

That is the weight....are you sure the Medical Board meant you all just keep eating? Built on weight?

Not I try to stop you all eating 3 meals a day.....

....no, that redness, you see. Its a wound. Those you see, that is when you stop, correct. I done all that, but those are wound. You will feel it, if you do what I say before. Those are very sensitive wound. To straighten the toes? That is what he says? Are they deformed, by decades, this is not the first day becoming like that, at all.

This is bad, indian girl. If you all just wash your foot like 5000 times before you see a doctor, they will tell you, that is 5000 times water volumns. Like statics water flows, or none stop running water flows, really.


They scrap?

Like I can see they do that several times, he cut one side, and open, and then slide that off, and now they scrap the whole things? That is a wound. 

This is not, one of that 15:40, washing the bath shower, or every sinks human, put their foot in it? 

Their house utlity tank? That is not what she says?


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