Babaji: Go
2022年2月26日 星期六
Pang + Tina
You want to buy something, you know ancient Chinese use? Coins are travelers poor human uses…
Look at that ??
They have no shames doing THAT !!
Do you remember whom gives out the laws of the ancient current system? 幣制?歷史
It’s a history class.
Unify coins/ money system
Pang + Tina, I have no ideas where you both are. (Life philosophy) 自我成長,叫做短暫的曇花一現!
You want to be small tiny mind? 你想繼續做小心眼的人類嗎?
Some human they told me music is by intuition it becomes a hearing faculty in TN. 直覺變成音樂成就 TN 的某些人類 …
We have a music jargon dictionary - Pure Italian Nicky human on Croshado ….
It’s not business consultant jargon, it’s Music entire yellow small tiny booklet on music jargon, comprehendi my English ? Stupid human does stupid clothing package fabric suit to looks like black tuxedo uneducated human and truly at the end, it’s something really dysfunctional !!
Human pretend - 人們喜歡裝
And you two? 你們兩個呢?
Where is your music dictionary, music sheet books stand, steel made ?
Where is your pencil, to compose music, pencil sharpener, like eye brow shapener?
Taipei has this Yamaha has like ice skating books on level entrance grading, you checking scheduled ?
在阿媽家那邊的 Yamaha 有像溜冰天使 human 等級測驗!
You two has both major and minor instruments !!
Music theory
Music history
Memorial hall you dress formal ….中正紀念堂一樓大庭
提那 Pang
I have no ideas what’s your current company on educating you two dysfunctional human …try to be educated like a real money spending on classic music….not Elvis, not movies, not James Horner should be dead, not Justin Timberlake, not JC, not Disney those choreography human…
Traditional ballot, ticket sold in formal wears.
Memorial hall
1900 bake street
Orchestra, Andrew Bocelli,
Phantoms of Opera
Traditional literacy that suppose to EVERYTHING BUT Disney …
Music groups has nothing but rehearsal…. Like Olympia Ice Skating, like Volleyball formation rehearsal
Dance rehearsal, orchestra rehearsal
You want to check your local Meet-Up groups, if you still in America!!
You cannot possibly to sound like I keep saying my throat up fill-up on rehearsal really
我的每一天都在排練立人、延平、中山,我聽到都淹到我的脖子上方了 ….
Rehearsal = 排練
Routine rehearsal, formal rehearsal, warm up rehearsal,
Orchestra rehearsal, there is nothing in life BUT rehearsal, my entire ear drum fill up “rehearsal” !!
Maybe they are on my Music World sites.....Pang and Tina actually plays Piano, you know that? Like, they...own something or somewhere they allow themselves always get into the mood to sing and play the piano
I really play piano like when was the last time, besides that Simon Cowell Titanic...
That is not really a music, okay?
So where they are?
(Making the fruit juices....talking to both your mother, so at least these Tri-general ...well, military Taiwan, sent you two home for Music talent free lesson on "Music theory" Background, for Pang, that is not a thing? 10 lessons, how long can that ever be, with the questions sheets books to fill in the blanks, like the math ! )
Pang, do your remember
in Toronto, ETR Craig, last time, that....七
in Music, that looks like 167, like you see that piano I play? 和弦? Does your pang best in English or in Chinese. The comic book, I only now the Chinese name: 白衣羅曼史
Do you know how funny, that girl's height? I think it is 168 cm.
Pang, I think you best starts some that music biography human you used to know some name. Whatever their background or their nationality was ...genius, or damf, one of those.
But there was a Russian. When Tina and me were very small, there is a very funny Russian Conductor. Very very funny. Orchestra. I don't think you were really born yet, that old to remember anything.
Pang, the Conan session or that AT the Beginning, where Russian looking again, both the Eggs or the Cartoon.....the Ballet, Nutcracker....its the broken leg toy soilder got thrown in the fire. I always got sentimental seeing that, when I was small. Not Harry Potter.
That red uniform.
One of these people care about this Wallace, or whatever those popular music, like POP Justin Timberlake those music formating.....frog's son....蝌蚪
However that sounds tod?
How funny there is a Dr. Tod, there is a Nemo forgotton fish, and there is a dentist fish tank, with the containimation, now my turtle is one week...or under...what recovery program, to become a brand new, my ear damf, cannnot hear their conversation whom ask whom to do what whom.....
1. There are few things you agree, I agree, so I tell you abcd, you help me efgh
2. They accord. Meaning concurred.....
BTX has the Turtle, Pang your faces are everywhere, really.
You want your mother all sets of tea cups? She collects all these photo made furniture cups, glasses or 磁 ... Like Beauty & the Beast, do you remember Karen, Pang? She travels say the ending of that story book close?
The ending of the Beauty & the Beast, Pang, your favorite Kentucky, Disney Cartoon, ending, I say if you look at the very very very last frame. How funny, Karen is your mother's name in BTX.
Pang, do you want to get the children's book from Berline child literacy books on that rose...don't fall on one padel, or else the floor stain red from the inside castle spreading all outside, how scary, you really know all the rooms keys story, they are duplicates of different versions of the books formats.
There is nothing we even begins the conversation of the music development of your own inner quality, beauty & the Beast ! Really.
🪴💖📂 Indian Ocean, or what was that Gulf ocean, or Atlantic Ocean 🪴💖📂 Talk to Black Ops, That WAY~~~~!!!! We stuck !
When I email Havard, MIT and Duke, it was more of Alzimer, collaboration one day, not really just impaired video, only.
But they on themselves really went to call out the Commanders. I didn't do that ! There are a lot of things I didn't do, NO! They probably meant, they stuck too, whomever they take it here to rope that China coastline on "Whether its the ship parallel always to the speed of the ship, away from the shore, or it will just no matter what, that is curved edges to different turn, its still all parallel? "
Its always the parallel. Indonesia, they are all the way at Zero, Equator, really.
I tell you one things, its however long we stucks, those are commanders, I am not sure where Havard, MIT or Duke included that MIT I contact them privately on the ghost study, beside "impaired" video to that Alzimers, at 35 ET says...Whatever these 3 Ivy Leaques Schools makes them contacts whom these Commanders, I guess I mean one or two those kinds....
Some commanders don't care how long they long as everything collaps base on anything, might be included a paper certificate marriage, they stuck here, not homey lands, whatever the reasons there is, or here.
There is....
The news here my mother told me are two incidents, guys mid-night hit each other, about 2 location happenings bad things.
There are a 5 star saying, or....some kind of location, or address.....I think, I just didn't continue that time to look at it "General", not sure.
Vegetarian Buffets
Well, I ....we were the School Team, not that....not even the class ones, we had basketball and volleyball players, so our class doesn't look like that.
There are things that no more, there are things looks bad stuffs happened, there are things like COVID 19 becomes the local guys faces but speaking the perfect English....
There are a lot of strange things, but my day Time doesn't change with these birds....Some human does turtle things, really. Its the recent news.
But....these Commanders, it was last year things? Adam & Hailey or Pierre or Meghan they left right....those probably for the blessing will be.
They probably live on the ship....its suffering. But Taiwan, its only these big, really.
Mega Millions, 87 millions, Feb 25, 2022, Friday
Conan Detective - YouCry University
Ocean University
A photo
The Private Eyes' Requiem
This is a story about a groups of people between those, kids, high school detective with husband, ex-wife lawyer, trying to get the Watch Exploded cases to Stop the Time.
Like the Invitation of the Time : Hunger Game.
Stop the Time, stop the invitation to arrive ....
Usually, public only needs only one story right...
One story, other than that story, really. Just one story.
閃電霹靂車 | 夢幻遊戲 | 浪客劍心 | 怪醫黑傑克 |
There will be a day, when that one case to open, it will beceome the forever & eternal jail. It may not be today. It will be One Day! 在某一個的未來,有一天的案子打開的時候
Do you know what a jail looks like? Right now, someone is inside the jail, at least the police and the military or the Supreme Court American knows that. That is not by accidents they are there. Its being considerated to be that jurisdiction of the Law, today makes of the America since 1789.
You could be jail, you could lose everything, its all humanity meants it for the money, but still, there are choices others make to reach this far, not to incuring debts to that gamble of a jobs they do.
The public may just really hope to know, all that, was a destiny, that every choice of that making to arrive that Time and Space, to see...something, they coincide, its not a completely driven by the selfishness and bad language, that no one what everyone does....its not you meant it, that is a forever love, on
a Last name.
Whatever that is.
Maybe some believes its the ET does this. I don't really know okay? Sometimes this, someitmes that, You assume, I take it, its all ET. There is humanity to consider, a little bit of some other human might exist.
2022年2月25日 星期五
Feb 25 2022 Video - Deliver your own assignment, Digital Era.
Why is the title disappear?
Why the video does not load?
Why again the post disappear, if I update? You think this is funny?
This is the 3rd time.
Digital Era Talk, what was I saying again? In this first video?
I think I give you a warning, that is what I said. Deliver the right jobs with the professionalism, I talk all day in the facebook. Every professional jobs.
Good and Bad Dementia
Yeah ... No, you imagine you live old or unhealthy, one city fit how many old human, they never take care of themselves, to in the old time, being stuff at the crowd area, never fall down, just by going to the dining hall 3 meals a day.
By the escort.
My screen is blur, their vision this bad, looking ! My video cannot see....the monitor.
Digital Era - Silicon Valley, All System Domino
There is a degree you listen to nothing a word I say, from A to Z, really. I am telling you. I have to describe to you, in the "motion", pictures frames, you feel it, you see it. The Monitor, called a Glass of Day?
Cooking Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
I am explain to you, how you focus on your attention, this guy you feel you seeing them 7 days a week opening your door like Keanu Reeves, your love attention its his attention is your, all Eben Pagan.
But when I say serve him a tea, you start to resent.
On the Part 2 and Part 3 video, I am stating a fact, that, you don't just become so making people despite you as a girl, really.
I have no ideas how to re-words these again, if not on the video, this time, I say it very very clear. Practically speaking, I keep talking you about the same rudimentary things, you just don't understand the step of why, ABCDEFG.
There are ways you say Buddhism, Ancient Art, no, you deliver perfection starting with the small things. Focus on your confident building, if you make every act correctly, you really don't want that life, at all!!!
You want to compete.
You want to demonstrate
You want to show
You really meant it, it hurts you. Those things don't call hurt, you don't deliver maid jobs, you never achieve. I just gonna tell you all that.
You need to deliver the maid jobs, no matter what. There is no other exit. Just give it up your fantasy, its better for you, and move over to Christianity like you always growing up unsemble, you feel more nature and easy things to do. Prayer and get stuffs.
Brain - how to break down your tasks into small sessions of the plans to-do
Flower Thousand Bones - 15 items lists on Police Station, if you just calling them or the fire Department, or Transportation of any departments, to start, your jump, flip, bounce, the reason if they pass you, then you can get ready talking to me. Including your own insurance company, if you get one. Don't talk to me until you really get those works, done. I sent them all the things I know, I say no already.
Female Leadership Part I and Part II - you should seriously considerate your Christian roots, going back to your growing up pain - First Love, notebook.
Its not insulting, its just... more appropriate to your standard of dropping love grades, of hire a trainer, to do what Anna says, its every 5 mins wrong, you cannot breath life. Its every gesture, you emiting out your body, your eyes, your hair wrong wrong wrong, I am too lazy to tell you. You should go to church, re-start. Talking to your priest, there is just one book, tiny small 2000 years artifacts books. Deliver that.
"Wishing others good and foster that, including foster any life form, human or beast, or worse sentient beings as your entire whole life missionary, and control your own emotion, to keep your body, one physical body clean, from top to toe, eat healthy"
Yeah, not too much, I am telling you.
Dr. Lee Again
"You want to take your eye glass off? ?! You know most the doctors puting the injection first, when we draw the sketch of what you cannot see it, if you don't lift your arms....can you lift your arms?"
"You cannot see behind you....."
"You want to seat up with your eyes glass, to see where I draw it? I haven't done a thing. Here is the mirror. I just wipe some alochol on top of it, shining and new skin."
"No, I didn't draw it. Its shining and new. You want to seat up and talking or go home? I have your insurance card for one time office visits?"
American Military Eastern Coastline, your Lotto, PowerBall Feb 23 Wedn, 45 Millions
Sunlight....its where you think we are warm, they are cold?
No, we are the winter time, right now. Its the summer at the South, really.
I can just go by that, but probably you check the Geography those earth to summer and winter axial diagrams to the Sun, they show you the surface heat receiving from the sun, that tells you the calendar, summer or winter shorts of the sun lights.
I think your commanders know, this entire Earth is filled up with the noise, you never feel alone.
Canada movie : Proposal, they tell you Aleska...same thing, to your location if you are in the North Pole, they tell you.....whatever that seasons looks to me its the summer. We are at the winter, right now!
I have a problem, military.
Uploading,, not at your any album, but yes, suppose to be American Military Eastern Coastline, that album. Cannot open it.
I shut it off first - the Facebook.
NSYNC - no, they don't look like a girls, no. ( Probably if you really want to claim, you make only claim things you really really really really really sure about. Correct! I know that)
I only does assure things.
Only firmly assured ...
No, I never even occuring in my mind, they raise me.
But let's say, just purely playing the mind behind, I getting things, I getting that, yeah! Those are guys, I think. GUYS!!!!!! The guySSSSS does THAT!!!!!!
no, I take them down first.
Its not the money issue. I can tell they suppose to have money, I have a position of Tesla that time. THAT Time. Some human doesn't live up with the money when I grew up.
So it was a play, but there are situation I keep seeing duplicates....I come back and figure it out, I cannot come back? That is from whom saying that?
Justin Timberlake ! Twice!
Victoria Secret - Pink Planet
I still getting my eyes.....on they looks blacky skin tones....sun tan right?
Not the Make-up powder white....that is probably I mean, they become looks like one of those sluts.
Alyssa !
There is a lot of ads money.
They got clicks on the ads, and received weekly money, like Adam & Hailey.
Dennis? Pimpoo Doctor TLC
"You know you gonna die on it? Shut up !"
" I will be doing the first cut on your hit anywhere with your head before? On Purpose? To human or to the wall?"
"No, I am just asking my mother has that tendency, if she doesn't hold her two hands on the wall. or she knocks her own head on the wall all by herself"
... ...
"Do you know you might die with this things, open or close? Yeah, answer me."
"Now, you have 3 of these things....I will ask you one by one, I need you to die on this chair...probably. I need to stab this things, your heads not suppose to be bleeding, cyst, you might already seen that. Now, those inside cyst are fluid, not the blood... they are one of those blister, you open it up those things ...I did enough that, so I know that on TV. Now, the real procedure require me to remove your tissue around this ball looking, to take them to lab. If I stab, and you just breathing regularly on the chair, this things might struggle, you feel it? If you do feel it, tell me."
"all right, we gonna leave it without the light, with the cover on top.....they are attached to your tissue, so your brain is protected no bleeding occuring, but the wound its open. I need you to breath normal. Now....inhale deep, with your stomach, now, let go"
"One more time....I am right beside, no, nothing coming out. Breath it again. exhale."
2022年2月24日 星期四
🪴💕🍁 Do you girls finishing your cooking talents for Levine? Adam Levine or Craig Ballantyne? 🪴💕🍁
What is a solvent, what is a which of whom being dissolved in the acid, like Keanu Reeves, 10 Clove lane field. (Movies)
There are the music groups, I only take my own personal, my father side stuffs to make that for George, for Tina's 5 years old, first grade. Its a boy.
💖💞💝 Cooking Recipe
Rice / Pasta / Noodles / Millets
The base of the things what you usually used, are mince carrots, or long string cut thin carrots.
Carrots, Chinese Chive, Green Belt Pepper, red hot chili pepper.
To that base of things to decorate in between the rice, or pasta, or noodles, these are very sufficient for like left over next day or next 2 or 3 days, you just mix with other things.
Grilled Zuccini, or grilled Tofu. You have so much money, you buy those griller types like Paninni Sandwitch pressors.
That is a temporary meal, very quick like you have so many plastic containers. All these grilled zuccini, or grilled tofu, you storage in the container, like piece by piece, you eat the whole container? Then you make 2 or 3 boxes. That is one week supply in the middle of the week, you stack it up again.
Like the rice cooker, I am home all day, Jewish has this brown sugar +carrots holiday food. I learn that from the SMTV. you use the rice cooker to cook whole day long, that carrots in the flat round surface will look and smell correctly.
💖💞💝 Eggs
There are so many things you can do with the eggs, but boiling eggs, or these ugly Taiwanese rice cooker, you could just cook 10 eggs in there, like the boiled eggs, done in 30 mins. Sometimes you just need to swallow one or two eggs and run to go !
Something always in storage, you will feel that home always have the food inside the fridge, you just open and eat one thing in your fridge, you don't know how that feel? Its always stack up the food, just one or two eggs, you feel the days are different, or you run a household with some people, family gathering, like if my sister shows up, she could just swallow some of the food....its filling in the stomach.
💖💞💝 Cashew or Macademia nuts
That is the book recipe, macademia nuts + grapes raisins.
💖💞💝 Tofutti Creme Cheese
I buy like a box,= 12 small tiny Tofutti Vegan creme cheese. You suppose to make the cheesecake. Nick eats those things, i ....dont really eat dessert when I grow up. Anything pastry I gulp, like fluppy stuffs.
okay...those are in the frozen session right? French soup, those bread sheet on top? Those are pastry sheet right? The Traditional French onion soup, with the fluppy top, looks like layers or....chewing pieces fallen everywhere, that stuffs?
I hate that stuffs, but I eat them. You press into the soup.
💖💞💝 American sell Potato Can soup.
I hate that taste. But a lot of food ingredient of some taste bugs seasoning, like Asian store Mushroom extract seasoning, or Can coup, are all mushroom flavor, even Italian has those fragment of mushroom.
There are ways to use that, I think rices...
I don't really know what Eben Pagan eats, okay? But there are recipe he just tells me what exactly he puts in his mouth, I stack it up on the fridge. The 2 or 3 days....I actually have nothing else to do but staying inside the kitchen.
I hate TV, I hate movies, I hate music, I hate practically everything that is nothing but station brainwash like Bob Dean says.
Middle west they use crackers to put in the cheese soup like Devil Wear Prada....what is that Chedder soup, or milestones, or some kinda of mushroom thicken types of...I cannot eat those soup. I make that for the entire APO human.
They are dead, I guess....
💖💞💝 Finger food
There are things in the frozen session are already finger party food.
Nick eats these no yeast German thin bread from that SMCH center near by. Those are very presentation looking degree of thin dark german bread, not RYE, I hate rye.
Its salty, yeah, you could taste it. But you have mayo, or veganaise, you put something like you make the egg mix salad. SMCH website has this hummus eggs looking vegan version of eggs salad.
There are chicken peas, there are cheese to blend....for the vegetarian groups.
Eben I am not sure they eat meat.
But okay...for the meat, well....I don't really know what are those, really....maybe the thin one its I cook that, I see if human eating that for real. There are a lot of this TV, cooking....I show you. see the knift....look !
💖💞💝 Sauce, like white gravy
You know....I am very lazy...but if you prepare those sauces like sitting in the fridge, I use soy milks to makes the Thousand Island dressing, its actually a vegan, you use a regular cooking oil. Sunflower I think oil okay.
💖💞💝 Mock meat, Asian food store.
I used to use vegan essential shopping carts. Those Adam Levines probably stays on eating meats, or his body guards, now I know where they come from. Its in the Harry Potter stuffs.
I don't like the mock meats Eben probably have to choose what kinds, and he has to really eat them down. I am not sure the guys really eats mock means, you really gonna like the mock meat?
Japan has the best engineering of many vegetarian mocks meats in the 90s Era.
Like Yellow fish kinds...salty duck eggs, those. Yolk parts.
I actually don't like vegan cheese, or mock meat anymore, these kinds of diets, happening too long ago, I change to meat diet now! And beside Taiwan doesn't really sell any of them, so I drink milk, the MIB Chocolate milk.
💖💞💝 The Party food, like Soda with ice cream, the guys eating the cup with root beer ice cream?
Yeah, one of those to starts?
Like i do best its to harvests herbs, like cilantro or fresh parsley, has to be Italian parsley. In one plate of this Levine's roomy, Big....table, suppose to be.
You put 20 plates, on each, Rice, gravy, chips,
Salad (Tomato, cucumber, onion, cheese, chicken strings, spices of all kinds )
Candelabra Bread, like ACE bread its the same, you warm all of them, keep warming them in the kitchen
Some steaming kale
Some Ripinni salad, that is probably a little cold, you can put millets in.
Cheese and cracker, and sour cream
Then one eggs sandwitch like pressor kinds, that is a square looking with the edge sandwitch cucombers.
That is 20 plates?
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
They may not look like the real food, then you put some pizza there. They might just bring some pizza. Usually I hand made if the weather its warm.
You put zuccini, tomato, olives, ham, pine apples, lots of cheese, you deliver that one oven two trays?
That is 2 big pizza.
💖💞💝 There are Swiss Hot Chocolate, you buy mushmallow
That is after meal, snack times? like Tea & Biscuit? Macroron? No I don't make that. Too much. You know...because I don't eat these things, when I prepare all that and seeing you actually eating them...its not I envy you eating it down. You will eat it down right?
That is an actually works.
Or you can give me the correct menu what you do eating down, and tell me, I prepare exaclty that ...its the things you actually have to eat it down.
No I never get jealous of food....I don't like food, I told you thousand times. You have some reasons eating those things down....
💖💞💝 Korean has this Chae....some kinda of sweet potato glass looking noodles
Cucomber, or carrots.
But instant noodles if people like them in one Party Day, its just all the black bean sauce mix with hoisen sauces, because hoisen is a little bit sweeter....The sauce ideas if you get it right for the entire groups of party people food, its like they come to the table, its 20 plates or 30 plates of food, you keep putting things on top.
No, I don't get hungry, you have to like those food, to tell me, you mean you like those jar, or cans before I buy them for you. I assume you eat them in America, I seen White guys eating Asian food. Sometimes they might lies, but those are big company human exists, they shouldn't lies about that.
Or my mother makes this oil + sugar+ soy sauce...they are like Taroraki sauces...maybe not exactly the BBQ sauce, its for the vegetarian chicken mock meat.
It goes with everything, like Chinese white thin noodles, for like 2 or 3 friends, with kids, the kids eating that....white noodles with some kinds of flakey things, mix with corns, or peas, or paste stuffs, that is easy to going down.
Sesame oil
There are seaweed, I eat that yeah ....
Talking about the Sushi, I think they told me American like Sushi, you mean the raw meat?
If just avocado, cucomber, with raddish, that is very easy combination you prepare a week before...these kinds of raddish....well....In America, I don't think they sell them.
Vietanese spring rolls, those with the hoisen sauce, you use vegan shrimp....I don't like them, but they are all the finger food.
Asian Vietnaese they have the peanut sauce for the spring rolls, small tiny plates for 5 dollars....really. They design the entire Loving Hut food menus always with see them thousand times, to gulp, its the exaclty the same food exactly.....every loving you have guys they eating that make a basket those party container.
There are greens in there, there are mock meats, you have to make sure they mean it, they eat that. I am not sure. You use Asian thin glass noodles, soaking them in the hot water, some raw carrots.
But you have to do it with the FDA ideas.
With these party tray, you probably have to buy one or 2 lettuce to decorate the side.
Its for the decoration or apples, or cucmober....decoration. Its very easy to make decoration. Orange, decoration....
There are cheese slice, meat slice, just stacking them, I look somewhere, maybe some human will eat that.
Did I tell you 2 days ago, i met someone exactly looking the same, he email me today, his name is not Dr. Bing Shen, from W Two worlds?
Is this one of the things I keep seeing ghosts? They look exactly identical !
The Radiology Chairman from City of Hope. AT the Night Market.
He is a priest from the church groups. I didn't remember the W Two Worlds....
💖💞💝 I cannot get the correct cup .... 💖💞💝
For her to go on some juicing ....
Tangerine is very sweet, with some nourishing ability.
Where are these psycho and autism, human ~~~ 我說那種叫做自障的瘋子跟自閉的
自閉真的就是弊了你自己的意思嗎 ?~做人真的很簡單跟生出來是一樣的 ...
You know how Egyptian are, in Prince of Egypt? You ever seen them? Wrapping in the baby Diper....
Imagine that image, how Ramesis wrapped in the baby dipper.
Whatever that is said.....
Most patients are very scared, they don’t come out like 20 years a stretch
I just start a different routes of medicine when I land here really …
Chinese words have some side School those saying on hair, nail, head & toe.
No, real.
The real MD offices they do evaluation first, they all have modern equipments, like anesthesia and very cleaning germs all procedure when you expose a wound in the open air.
The real procedure you have to go to Dr Lee YouTube channel to watch hours.
Military probably has all those data really, the most complete ones even. That’s what American do.
I think she says lipoma or lysis.
They are all waste, last time we say about that. Those are not part of the body. She was saying the brain tissues, that’s very very bad….bad.
That’s TV networks - legal with advice when she says no, she won’t get that case. I seen that.
Dr Lee doesn’t do detox, I do those things including brushing my teeth…yeah, funny saying.
Your entire body just keep washing washing washing washing washing ….those jobs are daily, really.
Technically I used to think you save human life, correct. I used to. Not to do with God or anything, my birthday it’s legal notice I don’t need to be a MD really. I never thought of that.
America millitary has everything they can ever do, to make a miracle. Like I say before, just go to American military whom oversees that what left remaining doctors to what can be really done at the emergency.
Some human has nothing but the curses words, looking inside your eyes.
Military training its = you don’t wine like child or putting tears inside your eyes …some human no matter how you beat them. They don’t tear.
Not water inside their eyes. Sometimes they cry, but they gradually just never cry. Those are education department oversees.
It’s a survival instinct = I live you all die. You imagine everyone is like that, called quitting lifes.
Some just tears filled in the eyes to make a full day lamenting their tears on the tissues to spell handcakchef- yeah like Keanu Reeves, Simon Cowell, Will Smith.
If Seth sees Ola, he will tell me, there is something very very wrong all that MD groups looking…starting with the tears inside their eyes.
Karen’s Seth probably not gay, but I don’t think he meant certain things about quitting life unlike tears filled up good friends gather together and pray .l. that kinds
You want to be a MD, you suppose to know all life forms.
But normally your character …well, MD suppose to be functional.
They just never put those human together in one room. There is something very wrong.
I just don’t bother telling you what had happened.
You They say jail, die, and gone, I actually don’t care about real or not really. Not really. I know exactly how these system works, you hope right now, this is the End.
For real.