Lawsuit 178: National Emergency Housing Plan (East to West) - SUNY Buffalo, State School

Date: April 1st, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao 

Title: In regards of all unfolding events to cut, or to hold ...

Introduction: I, Anna Jao, used to have a Youtube channel : YourformulaSheet, same as the past and present Amazon just disable account name. I have a facebook associate with SUNY Buffalo friends I collects in the course of my undergraduate school degree and graduate school degree.

Undergraduate Degree: B.A Chemistry

Graduate Degree: MLS, Librarian Science & Informative

Certificate: Public Librarian

In the events of Stephen Tamang, transfer to UB pre-med students in several TV drama, he puts a gun on the facebook a decades ago, that leads a series events happened including my channel I decide to close down with that Khan Academia from Harvard shows up, recently on TED, he says Organic Chemistry. I do not know that guy, he turn every background in Blackness. He establish the none-profit organization.

In 2014, with my entire facebook also close down, I believe a lot of what I used to know friends, they were still on my facebook finding out where I am, including the Medical Boards, there is a Supreme Master Ching Hai, that create a public TV annoucement in OU language.

In 2022, we realize, there is a war, just happened in the last one month, I collect all my UB college students in the housing plans, we started in Facebook Oct 21, 2022 nagging each other why everyone faces ends up on the TV, including a Tiny 4.0 400 millions dollars. So at that investigation, we found out it might be they fallen out of the Digital Era from Silicon Valley, but they have been taging alone with me since this channel Organic Chemistry channel started.

With the current Youtuber landscape like Taiwan Youtubers, I found out their age, and roughly about 5 years ago, when they were between 20-30. But the things was the requirement of Youtube was 1000 subscribe, in my time 2007, there is no such things as the revenue to what you get from the earning its directly through the online YouTube pay.

    I have create a Youtube Channel, Organic Chemistry niches in 2007

    I have receive a paycheck from Google 500 US dollar after 2010. Its the video color 3D module with a background color in my grandpa room. He pass away, so I came back with my grandmom and mom.     

    I pay off the debts in Oct 10-15th, 2011

    I receive OU language in 2014


Investigation on the way til this far 2022, we have a pile of stuffs, that never ending say, we will move from the East line to West.

I see there are problems to that 400 millions dollars including Tamang high school repeat in Twlight, so I define the education to separate that money owe, was UB, I collect what I used to know only. 

But as the decency probably after we define those attributes, we just bring those junks debts high school human together migrant to the East, including Karen and Adria Sweet heart, one which related to 5 Lords High school, those are very expensive private school, local Buffalo New York Area, if that is what Karen with that Bank, to do M & T move her. 

Like I say, we have 3 banks collaps after AIG event 2008, to be honest we cannot breath, and most of them are guys, and the girls issues, not cooking, not keep cleaning, and buying all kinds I see garbage stuffs in the video to say living alone. First their bf or husband are not inresponsible, but those are a pain, they never know they are wrong wrong wrong.



High School Sweet Heart

MD W two worlds killing all like Hank case to my sister current situation. 

UB Class - APO, CAC, 105 Honor Class

Alpha Phi Omega, Community Action Corp, Honor Program (Honor Class, me and Bill | Dr. Takeuchi, and Dr. Chambler)

How to 100 human ? You get 3 groups

APO, CAC, 105 Honor Class. Each you fill up 30 human 30x3=90

33x3=99+me, 33 human = parents coming, or you just really remove 2 groups. Focus on 1

33 (33x2, parents groups ) - You just need 33 human only. They call their parents, father or mother. Or substituted gf.


33 human = CAC, APO, 105


105 Honor Program / Honor Class

Wing, Jonathon (Pharm D, MD)

Hira, Catherine, Pharmacy girl, Ola

Brian, Eric looking, Jonas

Eric, Braid hair guy (O-town)

Zac, ….T

Evolutionary biology

Vince (black tall thin ), Andrew, Seth

Silas, Dean, Bill, Patrick

Japanese finance guy

Dr. Fournier, NSYNC song doctor guy. He drive me and Vince to see mushroom forest !

That’s 22 friends. In Class.


I don’t need APO or CAC

If 23 Lee Solomon human one extra, it’s one number sounds different than 22 like threshold, Linda 24. Victoria Secrets girl 25, still CADS tutor she might make it PCAT.


APO own fraternity national and regional chapter advisors groups coming in on stealing or ….whatever night out = The Day You Find Out, bum fire.

APO ( They are very overweight)

Mike (President), Tom, Keegan

Mark, Huffman, Kate

Sarah, Tim


Kim, Me, Kai  

Deep throat lady on TV, Heather in 7 Heaven no more tongue


Ayo (President), Wendy, Courney

Wei, Karen, Adria, Emily, Melinda


Dennis, Pete, Fang, Christian,

Library School, MLS


Psycho and Gambler (International Medical School, Repeat TV annoucement from High School), if you don't interfere, it will go all the way, not just middle school (Victoria Secrets, What's your name = Self introduction in English native speaker or parents first generation immigration destination if they already start flying since 2002, except Monday, Wedn, Friday, me and Dean remember our class to Silas Newpaper publication the night before the draft goes out, print by Monday ), but elementary school, next 16 years ends. We can report, not that we know why, or how, and whom did all that....we assume, if one day they found out (Korea Drama: Extra Ordinary You = The Day You Found out)

If adding one pair parents, that is one father + one mother

50 x 3 = 150 humans, probably not including Karen's 5 Lords stuffs. I didn't file for her side anything to do with the Lords, they are not happiest human with that kinds of ending situation, and she might be a psycho, or somewhat conditioned, it is very devastating for any family to find out after 30 years, really.

I suggest them to cope their own faces, and cut down. UB its funny name in Chinese, U Gun shot. So I am the one suggesting them, tie in to UB, not to get anymore outside whatever you collect junks, if you coming back to us, like home. We prepare a National Emergency Plans.

This video that old lady is Dr. T's wife, current UB professor staffs. Dr. Ester Takeuchi.

Snape is the Mushroom Professor, from City of Hope, in 2002, I was there summer Intern.

Conan Detective: Crimson Love Letter.

City of Hope in California, vs Roswell Park New York ( I think that is the only thing the Congress or both this institution are looking at. Only that frame, how funny....we are blind)

ET crash in July 4th I receive from Chinese its last year 2021. Its Roswell New Mexico, not Roswell Park, Buffalo New York.

Conclusion: There were a situation how we all just accept the movies and the Lotto are real in 2014. Last 9 years long. To my entire facebook and run around behind human, UB. Meaning we are not normal to believe anything like that, we are in the Digital Era, but its everything else others will categorize we just take it for granted, "Its everything inside the TV, its the issues of Tamang gun guy with Ola, International Medical School" - We get used to those stories, to see constantly faces between Ma'am Ching Hai, and Inelia Benz, both in jail, and yet, if they just getting used to that, we will have problems in progressing anywhere, because

We CANNOT SAY or explain. Meaning we need help. We are making plans, and the video for 16 years bracket from last first term, to next 16 years bracket to hope we get everything right. 




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