I know you are all working in the Big Hero 6. I think those MD, they going in, to help out APO. Too fat. You could just copy the Science Major, Evolutionary guys. What I need from you, its the Joomla design, on my pinterest. You admin, back end. But I need you to going in these guys given them access, to edit their own photo, description, or few lines whom they are, or if they want to say little bit about anything at all.
You does the back end article restriction
And change my light bulb, your house and Evolutionary + Chem House. Sometimes stair, or paint,....light bulbs.
Robotics, means, remember those semi-conduct plate? Those are wiring.....box original PC? You are the physics department? Me, Jonathon, Ola, Wing and Hira, I think Fatima, were in the same Physics lab. That is double e? Like Charlie? So you all know how to do those 256 Lights boxes? on Tina's pages? I wire the box, just not the software design.
I does the drilling, wood carry, you tell them Home depot, 4 by 4, two pieces? Hank car get my home, but I made a friend there, was an Italian to take me home or post mail box I keep running into that same human...
I does the 2 pieces of cloth together, hand made. That is...Bashar fan, I sit next by, she shows me, so I copy and done that.
Doubles e, what do they eat as the double e? Like my neighbors? They are all double e. All of them probably, they are the elevator company, next door. In the birds video, those are their top floor too. Most people they are downstair, they...called truck take out shipped inside their first main entrance door.
They are one avenue away from Trio.
The Love of Century, SMCH their group, Ivan, he sings Moon of mine in the .....rehseral and the real show, he is the double e from the First National University Taiwan. Charlie he is another double e. In the photo.
I knew a UB Math professor, I ask him the matrix, long time ago, 121. He was young, much younger than Dr. T or Dr. Fourner.
There is a Jason UB librarian at the stock room, he drag long trolly to carry all the books in from the back to check system ...I think. UB staffs, or I am not sure what kinds of librariy, he is tall to do those jobs. He probably knew one retired by now male librarian does that S & P 500 Database....finance. He invests in it and he connects to the book vendors. He doesn't control the budgets, but he does investments.....My UB professor. Fat too.
Charlie and I bought some loving hut food, he drives me all the way down...before we go to Director's house, before next day airplane, all move to California. I don't really know what you all human eats, as the physics department.....
You could make pizza? You see my video? California is very warm. With my oven, that is half hour....me and my mother pizza....we getting so fat.
That pizza dough base, in Taiwan, we are so warm.
You could make anything, that is the same bread in Hunger Game, that is Bill Patrick, those 251 human ate it the basket, the same dough but in the small piece.
Pizza, they use Olive can, you have to keep washing, cutting....that is my jobs I think. Usually I wash a lot of things. Bell pepper have 3 color, but the green is the most cheapest one.
Belt pepper strips, olives, cheese, light those red sauce you buy and make it less....that is too tasted? You like those taste? I don't like them, you probably need to add more sugar, or lime.Or lemon zest peel in it....The Prego, the jar.
Basil leaves
Some could use artichoke (probably can) - nick use to know a big distributor, they have this big bucket red pepper, that is one of the tradition Italian has, if you tour their Vanghan dining area food. (Frozen 1 and 2....in between the tradition )
I took the real physic class in UK, UB I think I had only lab.
My high school 2nd year (your junior year in high school), I started to learn Physics
So I have 11th grade, 12 grade, that is 6 month schooling, I got in UK
I took TOEFL, SAT, SAT II and 3 exam, unlimited quiz for 10th 11th, 12th years combintion of all subjects....whatever that means.
Its just 6 months.
UK one semester or 2 semester physical
That is I repeating 3 years physics, like chemistry. I cannot understand why I just cannot stop repeating anything at all. That is the truth. Maybe you say, 1 and 6 months, and then 1 year(?) in UK. UB that is just a lab, I don't think that is anything at all.
I do nothing but repeating stuffs, correct. UB.
Underground fighting
2nd floor Dean's foreigner exchange student program offices, keep going toward the Capen, that is career offices on the right. I use their computer for the UB alumni system people.
But below, I have contact lens one year, one eye ruin. Left eye. I could see every face coming toward me, crystal clear, I never had that ever....one year I keep the same contact len, I wash them. But one day I realize its too dirty, no matter what, say goodbye. I meditate anyway, I never use the contact lens anymore. The eye glasses can see clear. ( IT department inside windows, there are outlight coming in. towards Capen, the basement from NSC.
Its very expensive, my mother bought it for me all the solution, you wash, you soak, you have container. oh ~~ the way how I see.....you, and girls, all....its....unbelievable dirty human dirty things, to dirty worlds to become your roomy, or moody....really.
What does Robotic do?
A bus like a football team, can you, extract one of the guys to pick up Mc Donald menu, website, Pizza Hut, Burger King.....that kinds? You take to go? Kinda like Pitch Perfect those girls go on a bus tour, they just eat the fast food. You have any science competition?
I have no ideas what the robotic clubs do, to become the Big Hero 6, with Wing in it?
When I was in the club.....there was no Asian, just white people in it.
(Looking the trailer)
The aunt is....like the Harry Potter story? Actually the movie functions are everyone could just be the Harry Potter...and try out and see things. Its how everyone plays.
I don't think Wing has any gifts in Physics or Chemistry, or Music.
I don't really know what he is gifting at....
( separate )
You go that side | | You stay this side
(Shut up!)
You could just all deliver 3 or 4 Harry Potter. That is 3 on the map, on that robot arm.
I thought a bit....
Comment MD: I think you best in the physics departments, its to go to transportation like GM, or Chevolat, mechanics. For the health experts, there is one field called "Medical Equipment", they live in the gulf course, Kentucky, Lexington, one of the exchange student she invite me to go to her prom. She has me eye liner...I don't know how to do that. High school.
Medical equipment, are those you sell to hospital, you probably ....needs the legal, or something, best to go to Congress, there is a health care provider on the Elizabeth Holmes case, right now.
My brother told me that movie with my mother we watched it together.
Comment MD 2: UB...MIT. Do you want to check with the Sacromento City Hall first....any State School California zone, where I took SAT II for....they only care about their own ABC state Calfornia, those residence human. MIT they are in Boston, how funny....they are the American Eastern coastline human.....wo hahahahahah...
The technically speaking how we coming down to the State of California, meaning their entire SA every state school fail their fratenity or sorority = their Greek Society. The Entire Strips of California....are all California Residency school, where I couldn't get?
Comment MD 3: Jones, Pang's friend from SUNY Brook, he is an art major. I think Dr. T is in SUNY Brook right now.
They 2 + Wing + Ola, that Poland deliver sentient beings of them 3?
Comment MD 4: When you had enough someone is playing 17 again...its really just saying it very clear, am I? Am I clear?
17 Again
March 18th, 2022
Video UB Alumni President Obama
National Anthem / Obama Enter the Stadium / Speech
March 30th, 2022
💝💖🍮 You know, we collect these many guys, the same equal debts situation like the girls....I am sure, each of you having parents, both, or aunt, or uncle....💝💖🍮
April 14th 2022
At least you should just tell your parents to get your local investment groups. How many UB near by banks can collapse, there is no economy there !!