2022年4月23日 星期六

Its not even 8

I go lay down.

Babaji: Go

Things you see long enough, one day....you just always knows every 5 mins, its everyone's fault right in front of you, anyway.

Don't you agree? Its never I win, or whom else lose.....all the way. Some human started when she was born with it. You are just all too busy....in love. 

Your American military Top .....they just all imagine if they would ever have these faces of mine, what would that ever do with it. As if they never train the human in their life, called implication, imply to learn, or else, Edison?

You forget, that age of your military Top, its not the same age as me. What I really do in front of them, just a groups of the human with all the garbage they knew, starting the day 1 of their every Military Orientation table.....They cannot be fired, or be killed, by the way.

You know what I mean?

Technically that jobs, of my every steps, are not supposed, I Anna demo at it....at all. Seriously. How failing the reports on everywhere..... They used to hear the better stuffs already, none stop 2014 2015 2016 2017 .....2018-2020 Its all the shows, for real. Its all these none stop singing craps of every lyrics written as the way it singing out.

I never hear you all response to me? oh ! 

Why don't you sit down your parents, heart to heart talking....my parents are those I cannot talk to starting when I was born. But you all apparently talking to your parents more than 5 sentence per week.

You have to find someone to go and talking to .....for whichever the reason why we stuck right now. I don't know why, or how, or what...right. There are so many things in front. I just telling you what the military hates.

Some human just know they born to be right....you know. That is the flare, that is the attitude, that is the height, that is.....how its appearances all looking, to each one of us. That skin, really really important, your feature, your fat weight, or your breast, or your smell, or you do aroebotic, if you have friends photo inside your room, on display. 

Guess whom room I been too?

Its missing thoughts none stop importance... (Shut up ! Birds)~~~~

If I ever be a guy? That is 1000% or One millions % forever impossible, that some guys know that. Correct. Of course.


You have a priest, a professor, a teacher, a mentor, a hired human, just meant every words True. I am not your World Religion, I don't even care that SMCH, really, the entire junks she imagine she put in front of "Her love in jail, loving all that in front"

You need a legal reason, why you are right, for that every reason, its just step 1 to 100, anyway, you need to be taught, you could cut yourself blind, no more learning. Proven, someone stands on your side, or else....that is just every single methods, you never got hear a direct things from me, anyway.

💖🥘🥙 What you want to talk about it? 💖🥘🥙

Babaji: Everything.

We believe different Gods. What you want was the superiority, like Reptilian. You join the military, for that.....they give you all those attitude, try out, like Zootopia. Some, if trying, they will be dead immediately, guess whom? 

Don't you all want to teach me something? Shoot. Its just another fan over the millions of that ages, never the same, everything exactly how it supposed to ask, answer, reply. That is called the humility running deep. 

1. What do you do everyday inside your brain?

If I am not on the Computer, walking or laying down, its watching the screen everyone, at the same time, since 2014.

2. So you have no more thoughts?

I don't really have time to think, not to say worry, Pixie they are the boss on my PC, they go ahead of me, I cannot just, sit and think? 

3. So you don't really care what we think?


4. If we tell you what we think?

That is irrelevant.

5. Why not?

You are not an important human in front of me, really. Not a thing worth thinking?

6. So you doing all this, not because you trying to save us?

Not really.....its just they set up the date, the house, the place....I cannot live those things, we have a national emergency, as I check.....I didn't know you were behind. If you would just tell me before I won't shut down the facebook. I told you the reason why I shut down the facebook.

7. So if the Babaji tell us to die, you would?

That is not what he supposed to be doing, you could just pick another every other idol God.

8. Only Sariputra?


9. That is the humility running deep or?

That is the way the things are. Never changed. You care about your priest, not really another Asia, to say which name really.

10. So if we settle our life with the priest, be happy, you will drop all of us.


11. We are the burden?

This world gives you some exit in life, but I think that standard always aim too high, just not meant to be. The rest its not relevant, you could just go to Bashar, the culture becomes the prominent....cute and funny. Nothing was his, anyway except the money and sex massage.

12. You doing a lot of things on purpose.

I absolutely are like that, no one hear a word, me too. We insist, how long which one of us will ever last silence.

What about you just say what you find things, this or that.....the things in your life priority human, really, just tell me exactly how you can leave it....that kinds. Your life goal, your money wants to sell my houses, to make your panther bank.

The day I show up, I show up with the injection you argue one words, you have 5 mins.

 The professors how far the 20 years or 30 years...loops, to the end, how will all ENDED, don't you agree?

So you don't care about us hell?

You are tears inside your eye frames. Some human, if I tell him, life its not sitting there, finding no exit, some human get those quality to become what they become together, its right in front of you.

My military orientation table starting 2015. how my left arm gone, you cared? See! Every year they are all coming with the same attitude, how the things they jump above their boss, and get smart with them. There is a military formation, I show you every step the way, how inferiority when you see me, the day, you flat, kneel, bow, don't bother getting up. The worlds its not scared enough for you, not really.

Its a freedom society, how you will end up helping each other to start, anyway......

I love watching myself on the screen. Sing!

 Babaji: Better

Tesla can only create the machine, not he is on it...befitted.

Babaji: Yeah?

Don't you have enough, doing this?

Babaji: No.

I ate...I drink....I tell my mother....Can you quit?

Babaji: No.

Squeeze people's eyes out of the tears, you must have a way doing this, really.

Its every day in 5 Lords reviews....dead

 Babaji: Great

I took the medicine, today I was not going to take it, just one day....

 Babaji: Fine

I am in fever, last hour in the water, the birds keep going.

 I tear.


🌸🌸🌸🌺🤌 When the Lords got split in half because they are the container, I promised I never look at the water body - I knew the term New York City CSI. If every vocabulary was…avenue are cross and lines

Michigan states it’s a national standing moscout : https://youtu.be/dMmnJW2JG2E

Chicago it’s a lawyer office.

IL it’s a state, detroit it’s a ghost town no police.

But Obama lives in there Chicago.

My brother is off campus already but he went to several places.

But all that I see lines to YYZ lines “If I let you go”.

I only see the land mass. Those impractical ideas how the insurance human …becomes a super robot or pony tail 7 color on the rainbow sands they do that to the Barbi doll hair.

I used to know some American real human on robots 變形金剛

Oh no …I never see the water body ~~ too busy.

Nys those not human, until one day I written my brother I think they are all the name not human.

Old ….


Shut up ~~


How do you make it PCAT 90 percentile ? Asian Taiwan first 2, 3000 girls school, in between its 33 girls admission to all boys school, near my grandpa.

My score is half of that 3000. By height, by look, they becomes the “ Appearance team”, the Royal Palace guard like England. There is ABC. Grow tall first, not praying every one of them “To Stop.”

Most the White knows you are all Psycho against the constitutional laws anyway. The tall guys.

Why don’t you find out one Erin, one Carol, one 40 years on …2 tragic in Taiwan cases? 

You just need to open your mouth to demo, every reason Pixies knew, heard, lock, play, schematic….most time I won’t know but if I know. I just be honest.

The female clients photos are mostly on the wall. Like Lalla. That’s a guy?

What did I say wrong anyway? 

God says ~~~~

1000% wrong on every first attempt because you were fake …there is nothing genuine just look at your outfit like a whore Outback wheel on mountain to? Wild screaming ….Tamang …that’s a Japanese words.

There is a reason how that …someone never miss the target. It’s just like the transcript says…”Evolutionary..” C?


My volleyball setter + that tall Torus looks like Lalla eye glasses + short hair

 It’s the kneel big hole deep, as if the entire joint digging out. Bigger than my gallbladder stones.

And the Captain never returns me the 白衣羅曼史 to her last name was right to the 5 star hotel 葉公館

That’s …not just the restaurant mistaken the residence, it’s at Jason Kuo + Vicky their First National university. They both went to Europe. The two girls. They holding hands. 

They are the ones skip class before me to windows outside exit from underground tunnel below the swimming pool, a ghost above looks like 巧茹 book keeping Secretary. 

I return to the class that day. My teacher just look at me. The Torus her seat was right next to me. 

🌺🌺😡😡😡正中紅心是什麼意思呢? 😡😡😡

 The very reason, I lost all my mother purchased stuffs, in the drawer. 

You are not afraid they open every one of them starting 2018? Christmas ? Wish? 


 Babaji: Go

Its a double major of UT? oh my God, to which biology Marine? Biologist, to say Fatima what Evolutionary...I thought I seen Dean or Fatima standing in the front door.....at that one class.

Do they ever wish you would return UB, to get that one Class, anyway?

Its the Truth be told? We knew every stair front, back, side....whichever, you imagine to the Car ...lot. 





You don't want to know where is Sammy? He is a bold guy Swiss.

But then Adam, went to Nadin after we depart.....you want to say, whom are in Germany, next by Swiss....if Adam or not? 

La la Land......

Whatever the head crown means, the Pixies or not....says.


Do you want to define how the pevic bones, oops...the pelvic plates, to that Vocalno, Tatonic plates.....errupting on the missionary? You understand the English in the first langauge right, Canadian?

The sex the Gods on Mentra, its called, Tendron...or tentra...its...a breathing exercise, inhale, and exhale, Yogi....Yogi pants, tight tight tight tight tight....to tight..

What was my jobs anyway 2018-2020? Things forgotton. You will feel it inside outside correctly by the correct language....yet! To deliver, a soul means. 

Truth. Agree?

The police knows, but don't care about it. Its the Day you will find out. Instead of the missionary...doggy, Barking? That is not a bomb, shell, Pasta, eat it?

Its white sauce, you see...short tampon. Might be just wet....even I knew, what those are, not the Tampon. The guys its the yellow, but the girls are the transparent. The similar substance.

💖💝🥪🍲 You just need to ...pick Heather, get up. How argumentative, that cursing airs within APO, her eloquent of fighsty mouse... 💖💝🥪🍲

Heather, from Seven Heaven, looks like the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. Her nickname is : Deep Throat.

I am pythagorean methods, laughter. Recorded? Listen, that is failing immediately. She was huge butt, 20 years ago. Right now, they are just all becoming the giant obesity. 

Travis: He is fat, Tabacco guy in the music good morning classroom, next by the Piano. I never seen anything like that.

Amy, she was the high school, getting a job in the bank, in the photo, Madrigal, Emily's position. Thick eye glasses. Sailor Mercury. She probably got fired. She is the high school. The tall girl.  


You go to the statistic department: By height, by weight, by 

    1. Violence issues, gun, drugs, gambling.

    2. Smoking, they will say "Friends".

    3. Diabete I and II

    4. Income bracket, they will tell you, its the guys' height. Is that included in the girl's height, how their power shift by the height, with their proportionally income statues. 


Taiwan might have a program. Not my best friends, I have 2 roommate Taiwan.

Nurse is very very low, human in occupying no IQ required. Low Salary, and hard works.

Erin and Carol screw up their high school, Vola in their College,

Erin is PhD, at Roger, where my Asian MLS professor coming from. As the professor. But I am not sure when I asked her to do something, she never done, and things are showing up on the building here. I contact her. She says she is right at the airport to boarding that day.

Carol, becomes a community professor, broke up immediately to that PhD UB Taiwan Association, one of the position. She married to a new guy, filled up the facebook photo. 

I believe you go straight to the Educational Department. You ask them, because they know every programs on Earth. Especially the nurse, one human dead, you will be dead. The Education department will fill themselves up in the YouTuber business including the police, the main goal its to raise the overall education, not necessarily hoping they die on the street. Raising the education, so they verbalize their mouth out, what they feeling.

Their Target would be

    1. Tall girl not enroll in the military

    2. The Foreigner wish to get tall girl, coming to the US or going back to the Asia, not touching the White World. They are the low moral human, not stable.

If too many lies got detected and continue one by one got jailed as the ending consequences.....they were already on the target. To which the ending results are listing one to one thousands, anyway....

The gay community usually stays in DKNY, where my aunty Amy were at. Those are belonging to some industry, of those human, apparently....there are some facts, just telling 430, best. The height, to look good, the money, they don't really care a piece of paper of....Love, some. 

Its only the Money talks.

List of 1 to 1000

1. They fall, on the head. Indoor, or outdoor.

2. They got sick, the flu seasons. Absence at the work, often.

3. They make friends, by what they can see, not really sitting on the chair, using the long finger typing Board, Tony Robbin.

4. They don't really mingle at the short girls when they become very tall. 

5. The automobile insurance company. 

6. Sandra Bullock drugs on wedding dress, get drunk, the combination of what substance, becomes the end...or almost.

7. The Super tall girls, I never seen them in the assistant living home. Not really.

8. The Over size weight clothing, are...selling in Taiwan, where I got from my little monk's white bear shirt. 過大尺寸 or I think those Gluten Free near sites.

9. Debra is another big tall girl, has a mod on her faces, married to an indian, moved from Rochester to California university professor.  Her son is gluten free. She hates...she often telling me about it. His mother indian mother-in-law, asking for the money all the time.

10. I know there is a pettie store inside one of those Kolms, or some Mall inside, there is other department first floor, there is a pettie session. I never looking for the Melinda size if she gain too big deals of the weight, she was chulby. 

11. They bend at the stair header. Nick knows a good morning sunshine low income house, mental indian girl from the center, say that to me. Meaning they hit their head, very often. 

Do you want to ask me how the people human fertil, futile..., so easily to die on the reason one to one thousand? Its called the Sudden death, no reason written.

They really throw their high heel everywhere, on sleeping the sofa, they feel??? Not organizing their paper desk. Whichever Time frames, you set first life to...16th lifes. The pen is too small, if you look at Tamang how he holding the pens? Not the keyboards of course. The college course, are all? Textbook. 

12. Hitting would be meaning the playing, or flirting, or "You pushing me....", really. 

Define the pushing, not by the paper format, they roll their eyes, shifting their eyes sight. "Life economic diminishing capacity reasons". "They do on purpose to starve me to death"

Imagine the language from one to one thousand, if they just open their mouth and talk, like a human. What degree of the grade school has every of their language from grade 1 scale to grade 6. To which problems, was the initial costs?

Want to see a show? How the period bed, on short hair.....to that dropping on the bathroom mat. You could apply the fireman jobs, carrying the heavy gear, going up 911.

Lastly, use the jail data, its New 2021, 2022.

How many set free, or the wide space of the jail room, if the guys just willing to honest said what happened in the things they remember. Just the room becomes the too big, they ask for some towels probably to cover the smell. You use the plastic bag. The Plastic its a substance, liquid, vapor, smell.....

They killed the girls, the lies, they steal, they hurt, they play "I love you."

You could just be honest, or time its forever, someone behind anyway, we do step by step, its not the days how counting down the lies, and reflecting into the eyes of the public, if some just do their jobs before.....Screening shows, really.

It’s probably better you guys watching that Color version of the 90s TV - sailor moon. The Crystal season 123, that’s not 90s.

You can read the comic book, that’s black & white.

MD comments: Sailor Moon Color animation 90s Sailor moon. 

Correct: very very loud. It’s entire chaotic cursed internal. When they argumentative push…”Mean girls”

Arm to arm shopping, that’s 2 girls. “She is the Man”. Very aggressive. Arjuveda and Indian Bible, Bagadva Gita. There are 3 types of the food; there are three types of human.

And which does Lords tell Arjuna? 嗎?

😡😡😡🐣 You Dean told Eben like 13 years ago Fatima height if shows up CNN next to Adam, a regular guy? What a thick eyes glasses, lustful eyes playing your Dean’s hat, she is inventory managing jobs in UB? 😡😡😡

Some human killed half india see Fatima 3 Indian Google, UB, Tamang

The girls.

Then if they found out every india guys bugs me near me, neighbor, apps guys, Hank’s spider houses..

They just all dead, i am telling you by the legal fate. 

We wonder if Fatima study or walked. How short it’s 

    Hira, Persian

    Fatima, Indian

    Jonas volleyball thick eye glasses girl…

They are all shorter than me by one head, if you look at me and Adam. 

Very short…VERY thick eyes glasses. 

I think if their primary country wants them back, it’s a clear head IQ?

Next to Earth Prince, it’s a bomb and a pink girl short, like Lalla La La…

If you look at Dean height and Fatima from the far away distance at Dr T office…..

Most people already scared to open their mouth and sing out ...

Moving their 4 limbs, or open their mouth to say it....those are not that intuitive to some human. 

I go to eat.

Babaji; Go

UB Morning neighbor house, wire.......Solar Panel? I mean the Speaker Phone!!!!! Home Entertainment suite!!!!!


💖💝🥪🍲 Asian has some PC games zone design, on the music "Step", like a dancing machine. Kinda of like Wii Board. But in the real Game Kids Play Grounds 💖💝🥪🍲

You see that in the Tom's World. The same building where I told my friends if they lost from the Taipei station from the airport, that is one place has the vegetarian buffets, all the kids can eat in there. That building its the floor exactly the same elevator or inside escalator, to the Tom's World, Daiso, or every department store...The Apple Factory its right behind. The hospital is right next by. Not far.1 mins by taxi? I live not right there, but it won't take me long to find your entire family with the kids. 

Meaning they ask them. Whatever you are imagining. 

They just shows the video, and ask them, whom goes up ....

Revolution Girls


No, they ask both the guys and the girls. If they can become the Sailor Moon, its still the biggest theme toward that Indian 500 years old. Not just the Renaissance...the Military to these roles are aggressive. They do wish their trained girls have friends, both the guys networks, or the girls networks.

They might even just ask those Korean (TV: The Day when You found Out)

That many girls.....and you one blonde going in. That kinds of saying. "Get alone!". I don't know how, but it might be expected. Skilled.

Like, you have a story plot, and ....you set the scene of A, B, C, D....I am not sure what they meant, nothing its clear this side. I just say roughly they done something, I don't know what they did. I say one million things, they have to make them becomes one zillions.

You are not confident, if the sun means the East, or the west....you are not sure to draw a line, or a map, by your head image....if you gone to the school.

You are not sure, you are nervous you making a mistake.

You are afraid someone prepares something before you.

Do you know what's wrong with you? You are not sure your uniform was washed the day before you get on the stage, or every weekend, you knew you supposed to do the laundry inside the dorm? You are not sure the math coordinate, X, Y, Z. You are not sure if you buy the pen, or pencil. You are not sure its the brown sesame or white sesame when you get to the store. You are not sure if you bring your car insurance card, you are not sure if you bring your driving license. You are not sure you update your passport. You are not sure which outfit someone sees you sewing your cloth.

I tell you what your boss, or some guys, fatherly did...grandpa those are in the nursing home.

They ask you .....because they are rich daddy, mommy. Whichever clothes you did tiny adjustment They pay your entire closet out, if you tell them which skirts, shirt, pants, dye, hair blower used, to all those you carefully craft your fat or tiny dress, fit or not fit anyway....expensive or not. Its the dedication of the small details makes you smile.

    Like an extra buttom. Not the guy gift you a 胸針 (Brooch)

    An extra ribbon

    An extra pearl

    An extra shoe lace, like i buy the entire color shoe lace from the ABC Mart, switch. I cannot walk on the shoes, those too cheap night market shoes. 2 for one price, none of them can be walked on. You remember ABC Mart? Mark Chao human special stores.

    An extra knots

    An extra tiny things you find in Joanna Art & Craft Stores.

    An extra shining, glue on it, makes you only sees, no one else sees.

    Both the cheap or the expensive "Humility running Deep" Skirt, shirt, plain, or color, or that Colar, you know the V, or round....the guys cannot see your Tank Breast, "Public on display".

My periods now are like 3 weeks, last night. A little bit. This morning, My left arm its soar. Like the first vaccination. The upper arm.

I think my mother says their reactions are serious, usually she comes home to sleep. I went to ....Burger King, or Subway after that vaccination, they are like 160 dollars on those high tech screen how to order a burger....that is 45 x3 ...oh my Gods.

Until I cross 2 roads back to the Hotel near by those restaurant

380 NT fish, and next by its 420 NT, two clams, what? oh my Dear....next by its the Family Mart, so I look at it. There are the vendor in front of that 5 Star Hotels, so like I used to, talking to the human at the Farmer's market. 

I come back....and having these whatever...done.

I went out again Mc Donald, that was Friday.....So I come back with a drink its still in the fridge. I drink that....I used to like it when I was a kid. That is about the time, I made 4 video on the singing. I am just checking it now.

I told you already, the music that is not a subject. That is recreation subject on Saturday without the mandatory school. Meaning no uniforms required.

Is Obama a Commander-in-Chef?

... No. Not anymore. 

Are they going to make him sing?

Some preparation lessons, but he is a lawyers, not the music entertainer.....

What is the difference between the commander and the Commander-in-Chef?

It means the President of the United States Seize the control of the land, sea, air. In other words, he is the Top commanding power over the Marine Corp, Navy, and Air Force.

So the commanders are not the Overall Chef?

Not in the 3 these division troops. Someone can be the commanders within that unit. The different uniform color.

2022年4月22日 星期五



Today is Friday? I go to sleep. Why don't you tell me Friday, when.....they eat? May not be 5:30?

There were a lot of people, family with the kids. U-bert. oh ~ I think America, I have to use those service. Every back-up emergency....really. 

I go to sleep

Babaji: Go

If the Ipad does not break.....meaning inside to outside, you don't need this kinds of Music Skills, study on your acadmic, might be better off. Plus, those things, from the military, are.....whom they teach anyway....the musical competition, as long as you shall every just open your mouth and SING!

I don't think there will ever be any musical contests, in so many hundred years pass, I can still see your face on the 1900 science, really. 

You talking about something highly detectable. Those things don't exist in this worlds, for those festivity....some standard of the civilization, you just keep waiting another 1000 years pass, that is 10 bracket of the 100 years lifes. 10 human lives up to 100 years old. 

People will tell you if they deliver a speech its like .....A BIG THINGS in the world, not to say just join a AGT, really....just singing to some human that is never gonna be Simon Cowell

    You care about your hair

    You care about your acne, meaning the make-up     

    You care about where you get your make-up

    You probably care about something like...those moisture, or some kinds of the jar, some kinds of things I don't know what those are, makes a bag, like Annca's has.

    You care about outfit, if you sewing it....

    You care about your facial muscle while you singing, not a big mouth jaw, on Eben Pagan, or else whichever me die, those scenario....

    You care about your tip of your mouth two side, were smile, or less traditional orchestra, more like the pop singer.

    You care about your eyes to look straight, or something, like....I don't know what, SMCH if you look at her teeth 90s. She fix it Benny's teeth, then she fix her teeth, so she turns one way to laugh loud.....

    You care about your "cloak"....seriously whatever character you boy play....Cow Boy. Nick had those....he told me. Just like Zawanna did all that stuffs. 

    You care about your greeting lines, never my story to Simon Cowell on the AGT the first things in the morning.

    You care about the rental car, or your Daddy's trunk, all your belonging to one shot of One Life chance, your entire household must know about it....

    You care about.....your outfit, how you compose, your entire.....National Moscout, entertainment...meaning amusement Clawns figures, to make people laugh, whichever effects you intend to happen, the moment not Simon Cowell shows up. Its one judge on AGT, your first entry door. I went to the second round.....you have to wait. I didn't know. My period came.

    You care about everyone supports you, you care if you failed on the first walk-in AGT. 

    That was a girl.

    You wait for a long line, long hour....I didn't. I belongs to this Giant Object Category......4x4 you know how heavy that was? 

    See, you don't care about a thing, I ever do stuffs.

    I know you love the cup tricks, Pitch Perfect. Why don't you contact Adam Levine, he is the Rock n Roll human....you might, love those things to become the Super Front. Not the back up production management human running around. Behind the stages.

♫♫♫ ♫♫♫ All your Music Lessons ! ♫♫♫ I write it on the other side of the post. 4 Song.


Do you figure it out, your own Pavillion, or what exactly you see in the China Expo, in my Pinterest, 你們到底搞懂沒? 什麼叫做七殺殿 = 我的中國那個 Pavillion 市博,那白色就是你們其他加起來沒有基礎科目的東西


How to drag a wire to Silas, Dean, Bill them...those human at next by neighbor house....see what the interior design, you all just trench human living in at it.....

Every morning waking up !!!!!!!!!

Anyone, like Dean, if you find out this Zawanna human garbage means, this is real? Ice Skating? Serious?


16 lifes that is a long time.....

Those Eben human eat 420 NT or 380NT what’s currency 31? By 10 by 4 you left 2 penny for telephone …..oh !!

One egg, not a box, that is 10 NT Cooked A fish, that very expensive 380 NT, next by 420NT Near the Hotel Restaurant.
So in the hotel, that is 180 NT, that probably all right, but 90NT, I don't even spent, on fried rice.Milks its 32 dollars. So expensive....

My mother say where the Baguette was 980 NT near the doctor offices. 


Shut up `~~~ Birds !!!! Can you stop?

Its 34NT per American US dollar ? So to those Eben human, that menu is like 10 dollar from 380 one Fish? Was that 320 NT or 380 NT....one entire fish. Why don't you get the Mc Donald the concentrate fish, fried FDA, I think that is 45 NT.

This is very expensive, but all right 34NT exchange rate....?? Not 31 dollar NT exchange rate? Someone bankrupt, I am telling you. So that is 12 dollars US? Thai Food, I think big plate, its about 8 or 9 dollars in UB near by? So that is what its normal human does?

I asked my mother that strawberry milk, so expensive....she says its the strawberry cake???


If you eat one egg per day, will you die in the hunger? No. If you stop intake any substance in 41 days, you die, but you might have the milk or the water, or the pop soda. You just hungry but you lasting. On the street. 

There is a kid's drink 8 NT, not that 3 milk + one egg were 142 NT, oh my God. 132/3? What was that pink strawberry milk, we had 6 on the invoice at least.

40 NT? That is so insane, 8 dollar, I am just one thirsty a bit.

Eben and his brother, one penny telephone.....right now they use the telephone cards.

980 / 34 = 28.82 =29

420 / 34 = 12.35

380 / 34 = 11 US dollar ( That is looking different US dollars)

142 / 34 = 4 US dollar (3 strawberry milk tiny +1 egg)

45 / 34 = 1.32 US dollar ( Mc Donald one single order fish, no drinks. Its a box)

10  / 34 = 0.29 ?? Maybe like 30 cents, that is 3 coins US = 30 penny, but 3 10 smaller silver coins. I need a lot of pouches.

8 / 34 = 0.23

What is 380 NT next by the 420, ( 380 its the fish, next by are 2 clams, why don't you buy a bag?)

A fish its 11 US dollar....that is a restaurant, for the American human! Probably cheap? That is so expensive fish.

A Mc Donald concentrate fish its 1 dollar 3 silver, 2 penny.

The kitchen stuffs are more expensive, but you don't eat 3 months, you will have one decent things for every single morning. Those Zawanna junks humans, if you use those Korean fried pan, they have everything the Hallo Kitty now.That one rectangle fried pan, you use once? In front of those junks, you cut that in 4 strips, let's say, he brings 4 human + One tiger, you only did 2 thick, very thick, full scales of rectangle, you cut in 8 long thick width, height, length. Just on the side on the plate.

That is Ravioli, fresh cut bell assort pepper, some greens, One strip this Korean breakfast.

Rice Casserole

Some pasta....They all eating these carbohydrate, what do they eat?

Meat...right. When I get there I figure it out.

At least that is a 8 stove kitchen, in 20 mins, everyone could be on the table, not on my couch. I get a boy maid, to prepare all their assort drinks for that 20 mins, cut right in front of them. Bottle water, or must be those high tech world, the computer system drop down boxes.

When I come back to Taiwan....Its so expensive, I am telling you. Right now its 6:20. That is the food time, right? I think the time its always the wrong things. The Silicon Valley, I forget to shop the cloth, or the accessory. So I come back here, all I ever get was the Clothing and accessory, including the bathing powder, and the hair, the hair salon, or the..I am not even finish these Hair stuffs from the Taipei Station, they already gone.


That is where you all making some money, to make a night market vendor one day....


I always wonder why they will eat that stuffs down. (SHUT UP! How do they blow the whistle, somebody???) That white....ham?

Do you need to call the police?  My facebook broken. 

If my outside door toward the kitchen is not open in the morning, I cannot hear the dogs or the Siren Whistle? Police whistle? What kinds of the birds are that?


I have a vaccination to go. Bye...whatever this is. SHUT UP! Going out!!!!

What is the China Expo Pavilion, Its an each nation combine artitech, they put their own special design for the ....tickets holders.

We were the VIP, so we didn't have to wait that long. There are Asian, Europe, Arabic....I don't remember if I saw America. Its very hard to get to see any ONE pavilion. Its an architecture they develop the entire ...that city to do this kinds of events.

For what I heard, they move the entire things back to each country. Like the Taiwan Pavillion its at the South. Taiwan itself has a lot of this tech display show, south too. Like the Flower Expo, or some kinds of technology you see people design.

Shut up shut up shup up ~~~ Chicken ! (Birds!!) Right or Left, or the other side, SHUT UP!!!!!!!!! 🦅🦅🦅🦅

 Shut up ~ Shut up ! Shut up~~~~~~~~🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅



💝💝💝Nap 💝💝💝

 Babaji: Go

I really need to live in the illusion I am telling you, 小鬼小和尚來~~~說 "好" | 一個月內你們要講話像個人樣、走路像人走路,上學像穿制服一樣

來~說 "好"!!!  你們唱低音的!!


Your literacy is not polite, your outfit is not neat, or polite, your manner is wild, and honey, your demeaner is gambling mai, your behavior sciences is child neuro linguistic.....meuro pathway distort...by your TV monitors or the Rock n Roll band...why don't you rock and roll on the Ice?

Your IQ = Zero

Your history = 200 years

Your democracy laws were = Zero Pixie Laws

Your creative = zero

Your art = zero

Your bed sheet = color zero

Your experience in literacy, geography, geology, stone, rocks, pebble, children literacy at zero

Your every degree of subject, math 9x9 table might be at zero if not Costco cards?

Your science are zero, your weather are zero, your degree of Face cards is proportionally to your facebook? Can you just pile up some useful human on your facebook? And when you keep finding without it, you could just shut it off......

Going back to your garbage world, again this Cpanel. YouTube, you don't have enough looking at it? What is this danging things?

 The meaning of her life.....

There are the reason I blow up the entire zoning residential places, no more houses, but your vision test, Flat, White Big Tiles, of the Ground, the Concrete!

Shut up, birds!!!!



💝🌮 I think you all really want to go to hell, that is why, you insist to do what you think "Humility running low...."💝🌮


( You can just pull the volumn of the video, on the left side buttom, to small. )

I don't think you really decide what you life its about, to be passing 16 years almost full....in less than 8, 7 months....You spend the Christmas for one week. The public performing arts ....UB that center its called "The performing Art Center".

The garbage Human !!!!!

Zawanna (Red River Manga 赤河魅影, In the Comic Book 白色圓舞曲)

Its funny. Only the garbage human has those kinds.....of the eternal merits. The Pearl on the floor.....



 Babaji: Go

My rental car, or driven car collections | How many times I sing, that same song. Practices number. Listening times, Spreading European, Australian Band. CD album purchased.


Why you need the basic education? Face cards?  

    At least, that Dr. Gabriel or Dr. Steven has the book publishing formats, there is a cover and publishing company. That is ISBN number registry at the Library Congress, Washington D.C.


I did do the sewing, not just SMCH has a Paris shows on her own fashion design runway. 

Do you really know what you "REALLY" are doing? The educational materials, its when you read it and comparison, not just the 16 years, I started in the middle school math college thesis writing methods, that is more than 16 years ago collections, on paper, or on audio, or on Video through those...Pixies


Middle School: Sewing on Shakespear performance, we memorize that English (Greek)

High School: Its the graduation performance, to those whom admit to the college entrance first, both Foreign, or Local Taiwan University. 

2018-2020 閃耀暖暖

Maybe you imagine how you breath once...you are on the left side, or the right side, to the degree what they all becomes, in One Life time.....Faces. If you producing one Medical Exam, to fail every human in one classroom setting, 200 lawsuits, and every world destroy lawsuit.....You might just make every room fill up the materials, only the useful human present at their energy concentration blackness in their aura, its every hell break loosen....those White human are fake and superificial?

Medical Board | Law Association | Silicon Valley | CNN outfits SMTV journalist Real

Birds and Flower, Flora and Fluna, talking in Ancient Chinese Language at the Notebooks.

Anything art, will prefer something with your IQ or brain, I am telling you....whichever this 3 esteem to you....was real or not real 1000 years to come.

    "At the beginning"

How shameless you just keep adding the photo, for Learning disability Edison or Rockfeller Mute, to do this 9x9 table multiplication, most ashame things you all imagined......College graduate.......

Where the unimaginable is no bounce......Because people automatically register, you meant your photo, not When you make your own photo, you say, you are humility running deep or too shameful, right?

That is the standard, make it! 

💝🌮🥪 Remember I told you | China Expo technology was 2010 present it. Pavillion, Entire big monitors what I Anna Jao ever do? Photo, Arts, Poem, Video, Educational video,....

On Subjects

On Poetry

On Invention / Discovery

In English / In Chinese

    In Music

    In Art

    In Dance (Cooking behind video)  

The stage of that Flower Thousand bones are two side. (Drawing as the below)

Anna Jao                                                                    (Dr. Gabriel, Dr. Steven, Barshar, SMCH)

In the separation of the room, where all these Digial Formats, Writing, Video Talks, Content, Used to do the works /Transcription, Translation....

Your entire Pavillion is at Zero, if you were just put under me, "As the photo of the past 16 years First Bracket Human exists on the facebook", You are starting on your second bracket, or you exist as the Zero album on the first bracket, right now its 2022.

There are the calendar events of

Adam Levine Victoria Secret Acquatic Angel

2002 UK

2003 City of Hope (UB)

2004                                                       CADS Tutor (General Chem)

2005   Minor Medicinal Chem                CADS Tutor (General Chem)

2006 Nick Soap (Graduate, first job)

2007 Starting Retreat Nominji Taiwan | CADS Tutor (Organic Chem)

2008                                                     | CADS Tutor (Organic Chem)

2009 MLS graduation 3.1 (Medicine Liver Flush, Glow to Go Art, Self publishing Site sell, Organic Chemistry)

2010 China Expo

2011 Love of Century, Venus (2 planets, Gallbladder Stone on the Video)


2013 The You Generation (TYG) , Vanghan Vendor Art (Glow to Go)

2014 AGT, American Got Talent, ET War on Harry Potter ( Lotto I Ching )

2015 Every book flip, English words separation Da Vinci Sacred Text, Earthquake charts

2016 Silicon Valley, Food offering, 5 Lords Reviews

2017 Jan.....Feb, March, April me, May her, June Signature (Time)

2018 -2020 Long Stay Competition, The Celestial 1, The Celestial 2 (Lineage Holder Life after Life)

2020 UB2020, Finding 10 jobs, running around. Taipei National Library, First University I Ching retire Professor (Youtube)

2021 Flood issue solving, Medical Board, CIA, Obama Kids Trump kids, ....Textbook Publishing, Self publishing on Prince Harry Sitesell, Washington DC Kitchen, England Kitchen, UB Facebook Oct 21 starting.

2022 All your First 16th bracket years ended..... On the Chinese song first Chorus, 16 years 

Needs the translation?

Publishing: 劉忻 + 陳曉 - 十六年 (官方歌詞版) - 電視劇「神雕俠侶」插曲

Chinese Song: 十六年 (Accent)



Unknowing the 16 years already pass, every day imagine you are still. 

Heart cut, soul cut, shredding soul in the dim style, its a complain, leave me one person in mundane world.


Unknowing the 16 years pass, all those missing thoughts never changed.

Sad, cut through your intestine for venting life on spreading all around 4 directions, I think we gonna see each other on the above sky ground ( Heaven)


The past its not like a burn ash smoke, I must enter the celestial idol gods.

No matter Up to Gem stone fallen, to going down to where the Hell Kingship world.

To find the origins of the Love Sources.


Wishing to encounter to seeing you.

Also afraid going to see you.

The past of all those bed sheets, are those just the life tests?

(Same time below)

    Guys: I really wish to be by your side.

    Girl: Why missing your wife, 26.

    Guys: I really wishing to see one extra sight.

    Girl: Infinite missing thoughts.


    Guys: The years corrosion the faces appearances

    Girl: Never changing the Face Appearance


    Guys: This 16 years.

    Girl:This 16 years.


First chorus ended here.





I change the Pinterest the entire album cover photo

Its just a cover photo to up or on the...left side.

Drag it.

UB this entire crowd, how about you start wearing the Black Suite you have....on the airplane, that is a coat. Talking like a human walking passing through that gates of passport holding.

There is a bathroom before you coming out of that luggage places, you have 5 mins, to clean yourself up and look inside the mirror, wash your face, pull your cheek faces? 

You are so stress out just thinking of the Washington DC Debates, that might one whole life impossible, but at least, you are dressing up to imagining?? Sometimes you fly?

Second image ....EVERY morning....


Can I put my own music on?


    1. No transpassing....only those mental, ADD, sent, kinda like Pixies, trained human, they have disease inside their own head, born with it. They need to move their 4 limbs or else sunk it. The Martial Art rules.

    2. No zither, the modern instrument is Piano or Violin. The things you see in the Orchestra set up.

    3. No traditional drama (unless you are so dame sure that is real? Frame by frame photo on showing their relation or data records)

    4. No anymore this Animal eating....what... not human they meant it Cooked?

    5. No cover in nonperforming....the dates...whatever that is.

    6. PC desk jobs are that keyboard so dirty.....not wash, not eating there, not notes pads everywhere.....can that guy sees?

    7. Of every other days to which days.....PM again.

8. The top 2 guys, about not sad....sorry, that is a girl, I cannot see in my typing small image. 

9. How long this has to keep going....my sad life, or that 1000 cabins on the wall, really......and I am about to turning into???????? of 194 country border lines merits, One human collective karma? Blue purple Pixies?

Why don't you think in next 16 years what you will all becoming, not just in 5 years? This entire division were already separated, long time ago, but you were in the school 16 years ago?

We had a facebook physical merits, to lasting about...Now?

I don't want to talk about this, every, single time....anymore with this. Every morning its the same things repeating 1000 times, you starting 2018, I have enough....


I live with the human, not the animals. The animals are not supposed to be talking in the human language, or....the aviation shows on the sky, like the glasses leaking the water.....

A day in Life, that from PM England, you could just copy that guy's brain, Johnson? oh my God....its EVERY MORNING!!!!

    You try to be conservative, or you trying to humility running dull on the color? I cannot see....

    Youtubers jobs don't lasting longs....you feeling up and down just like the stock market. That is intuitively knowing, that is wrong wrong wrong. Anything touches your brain uneven, you go to hell Precepts rules, not the educational rules, better?

    With a big crowd, its always forgotton the keys, the car got lock in, the credit cards losts, theft, lost of the pouches, the hotel reservation sheet not printed.....Just hear it ...not enough?

    Maybe Classic music, like my keywords says are better than those....untouched the folk Lords songs? What are those to you anyway? You don't even know what the basic notes to hear on your head, or brain to subside, whatever, you all just uncilivized human, on boxing, to break your entire 5 fingers bones structure, and imagine? You will have anymore Hands?

On yourself?



2022年4月21日 星期四

I go to sleep, I don't care about this anymore, every time I tell you what they told me really happened, those...store, or what, knowing you all trying to copy...but its everything wrong one to one thousand.....

 Babaji: Go

What? If I work where? I take over that entire city...every blocks of it....that is why I never get a job?


Fan ... fan fan.......fan ~~~~~~(sigh....)

扇子- 台北節日節慶佈置飾品派對活動用品專家-國泰禮品

No, they are not the National Emergency human....NO

Those are what you say, if the electricity goes down, their mood goes down, so you need to have a musician, or guitar that sings, or generate atomsphere to how to live on "water bottle" to whichever food, blanket, someone handed to you. Like I train those UB guys to do, they pass things around....Its not a big deal on suffering, those kind, see, relax, sleep, learn.....

After you watching all these, you should just saying reading out loud 10 textbook, A to Z, how to draw, square and lines, really.....your IQ. On the Youtube channel, how you reflex your facial muscle like you lie or something....your IQ stuck it....in your tongue. You speaking English !!!! Native!

You guys always think I lie or something....really. 


They all living outside where?

Silicon Valley? Which Silicon Valley? They built.....at ...


日本櫻花竹扇和風日式折扇二青笑扇真絲女扇絲綢女士折疊扇子| 蝦皮購物

oh ~~That is very expensive !!! ( The below video)

I eat Rapinni and Carrots...salt and refine sugar...to that whatever seasoning in the freezer....Some spice sauce.....

They are in which Silicon Valley? Maybe I gone to where that Steve Jobs says, Cupertino to Tesla / Standford, that whatever the City Hall Mayor says? 

Fan fan fan....`

折扇- 優惠推薦- 2022年4月| 蝦皮購物台灣

You never grow up to hear what is the Governmental employee, and their benefits? Like....whichever says? The government pays? So the private company always bankrupt or being merge or acquisition...so that if the Mayor shows up says...that stock market, where the entire land mass disappear on map right in front of a guy, looks like my brother....

uh.... That is not the place where I suppose to be?

Where are these people from? Silicon Valley, its the San Jose, but the City Employee, its at the Hitlton that side, not the Apple Campus. I am talking about the road Steve Jobs says, where all those things he drew in the town meeting, Cupertino, and you use the GPS, that is where you found out all the hotel, you pick that road map says "Cupertino" because Steve Jobs didn't say, but it shows up at the GPS? 

There is an option inside the GPS on the near by hotel?

That is where to find things?

That is not what you supposed to be doing, then what you supposed to be doing? 


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