2022年4月9日 星期六



I go to sleep

 Babaji: Go

在很久以前的某個時間,美軍因為發現….. 我的選擇!我其實並沒有過去的那個人,台灣我在台灣教育,不是中國,你們自己的中國想殺了你們,不是我!






這到底是哪一條 lawsuit 我針對你們?



你們其實十六年前跟我說,我記不記得誰誰誰?我根本就不認識了!小孩長大自己滾呀!我沒有一個認識,你們強迫我在十六年前還是22 年前,我才有可能反應呀?你們現在要我怎麼反應?我根本就不認識了!!世界上有人放棄過去,你們要跟爭辯?你們是說清海無上師的一個問題?該死的問題在 VS 上嗎?美國好像不是因為那種東西針對我吧?我高興我走我的人生!你們一定要針對我的意思?我根本就不在乎呀!






你們路上搶劫別人包包很誇張!台灣台北不是長那個樣子,我其實在這邊長大耶!我覺得回家是自己的家,我沒有那麼喜歡那麼高的男孩子!我很多東西,我根本就不清楚,大陸人口很多,應該是系統制,歐美其實 ….不太生小孩!


20 年前,一定是22 年前聽不懂的希臘文

20 年前是哪年哪月呀!我們在四月,在講 2002?

20 年前,我 19 歲的意思?今天新聞還說 Putin 的什麼私生女19 歲!?你們在找我麻煩的意思?

22 (🦅🦅🦅🦅 閉嘴) 是17? 講電影🎬?

17 again ?

你們有沒爸媽?22 年前跟 20 年前,我在哪呀我 …

2002 四月?我應該在準備離開 肯德基!要去加州?


有人會問你,你二十年前,二十二年前的到底哪年哪月幹嘛呀我!!?我準備去實習加州!City of Hope, 喔~是說你們現在再『西湖印象』準備告別的準備的意思?

你們是不是愛上 Hailey 旁邊的 Adam? 

亞當斯基 ….是說他是 17? 你們嘴巴張開我才知道你們到底再說什麼?

喔~這電影是不是很重要?就是主角呀?你們是說 Zac Effron 高中音樂劇的那個?



Shut up !!🦅








 Babaji: Go

I go to eat.

 Babaji: Go

不是喜歡說嗎 ? 沒有戒律的根本~沒有法~那怕什麼呢?

不就是你們這種臉的德性? 戒律是每一種喜歡叫做絕對不需要~會是臉上哪一條刮呢? 

不是發誓嗎 ? 說呀 ~牛奶~~

念 "牛奶"

愛不愛? 嫌不限眼?

你們發誓敢錯呀 ! 那就還俗 ! 不需要金錢了! 滾 ~台北佛教


不是很多勇氣叫做出家~綁架就好呀 ! 我說過~陪葬的代價是永生永世~繼續狂妄!  態度是堅忍不拔呀 !


你們以為只要有人不知道~只需要一絲絲試試看~我看不到你們的臉呀 ! 要出現 ...再有立法規章呀 !

人生在世,真的只有幾年 ! 須臾數年 ...在不久的將來,你們會記得的! 我不差尺一時彼一時!!永生永世

說永遠離開佛教,說了沒? 是每一天說還是那一天說?

好玩嗎? 我閒沒有事情~你們敢每一個字錯呀 ! 發誓~你們故意故意發誓永遠故意















為什麼我的 Line App 送不出去訊息呢? 我卡在家裡等我媽?

電信局幹嘛 ? I assume its 台北電信 !!! Not APP?  I know....correct, those two are extremelist, the wife, she is a psycho. Truely very psycho.

We suppose to go to 台北電信總部 Headquarter, Correct, I do or say on purpose. 對我故意的

Its every crap outside.

You cannot see it? 你沒有自己看到很誇張嗎 ? 那如果是 Okay



okay, I solve it.

What is an 隱藏名單? 類似 Charlie Puth One Call Away.....I do tell her things.

She understood? 她聽的懂的意思? 你們怎麼不把他們給監獄~?


全部都通了 ! 我打過去~訊息~她打過來訊息 !

2022年4月8日 星期五

I go to sleep

 Babaji: Go




 Babaji: Go

💖🍕🥘 System Sicence Major Resume ( 系統, 科學主修履歷表 ) 💖🍕🥘

I am making a page, long time ago, I say to you, you keep a progress of your video counts. Like in 20 years, if you produce 2 very very important video, that is more than enough. Quality video.

我曾經講過,在二十年裏面你做兩個很重要的影片,那就已經很多了,很有內容的那種影片 !




 Babaji: Go

I am on my photo profile 152


Good morning ladies. 你的 Youtuber channel 我可以拿下來那個 Comments 沒? Miss 李 (我原本給你三天,你要一個禮拜嗎 ?)

早 ! 我們應該是同一個時間 Time Zone.

有一種紫色的茄子要過水,你會用醬油膏吧 ? 美國沒有的那種!  青岡菜,或是某種有醬汁的紫色茄子要過油的! 你會台灣的某種春捲皮嗎 ? 那是一種手包的! 白色的不是越南的! 那美國的中國餐廳那種春捲呢?

美國有一種 Coslaw 是一種 package 你直接買有紅羅波絲+ cabbage,但是所謂當地的 Coslaw 是用一種 叫做 Celery seed, 你在中國,炸春捲你怎麼做? 我其實不知道醬料如果只有紅羅波絲+ cabbage, 在美國是一個包裝好的東西! Coslaw 是美國中西部的食物像"肯德基" Kentucky Fried Chicken. 美乃滋。

不是真的給我的! 你們整個中國巨大的版圖,長官的 ! 應該還沒有死光的那類。

 (我原本給你三天,你要一個禮拜嗎 ?) 

你的同年紀有人做了非常誇張的事情...弄錯了! 大概死光了! 基本菜!

我的 Pinterest 原本是在講我自己,不是在講長官的 !我沒有再說別人的事情耶 ...如果是別人的事情我有 Label,你寫一點自己覺得應該做什麼,我告訴你基本的東西!

長官聚會餐點! 正式跟不正式 ~有些東西他們真的不想看到! 

2022年4月7日 星期四



I go to sleep

 Babaji: Go

💖💞🫕🫕 Nap 💖💞🫕🫕

 Babaji: Go

Excel Sheet

UB Classroom (APO, CAC, Robotic....SA President, UB Spectrum)

MS Word on National Emergency Plan (April 7th, 2022)


Excel Sheet on Lotto


UB Excel Sheets + Birds budgets

Yeah, you all learn to re-write, but I have the original copy. You fill in from this PDF formats. Lazy human don't even see the options inside. You cannot possibly telling me a simple math from 105.



 Babaji: Go

Dean, you need to tell me what happened you and Justin, and your ex gf,...that ballet girls, because I do read these comic books.

Bob Dean, do you read I write you and Justin tie up sent to Classify?

You say...legally paper say, you have a Tamang issue + "The Day You Found Out", no you are not going to level up. Meaning that is an excuse not to go to Classify.

Don't worry about the Grapes those whatever garbage issues Justin says. If I solve the problems that is done. I think that is the only problems. Too many people dead.  

I don't know if that is the reason how the Medical Board design the UB Honor Class that time. We may never found out? Do they watch NSYNC and watching us die? Two of us? That is very cruel if they choose to do that....but all right, there is nothing else to do, so you all have to move to the West.

I don't really know whom that Google or UB top targeting to whom Indian. That is very bad of them, everywhere I see Indian or Chinese. Its every issues we have.

Silas has an issues, but he is set on a point, its every Class in that UB Political Science doing to get him. But there are 16 years pass, how many editors pass? They have to come back to this one issues on him. No, I insert him already back. Don't worry about it. I done that part.

I don't know where is Bill, is he with you, or he is dead? 

I gonna tell you something here....those MD doing something not right. They need to go back to their offices. When Jason and us met in Boston English Camp, I think those guys talks about some words. So they did something...but those things are not important. Not Annca, not Astor IV. No. They are stress out to enter Taipei, they got thrown outside the Metropolian, outside line, very far outside line. That is the only things to care about. OUTSIDE

So I don't really know where is this Henry or Jason MD do. They probably better just like you all quit their jobs, and go home and solve their own family entire issues.

Entire family issues.

Dean, you are the only kids right?

And no...Dean. Stay away from the Bank. They swap your entire 9 generation if you enter them. I am not swap, but I just tell you there is a reason I sort things. You need to tell me stuffs whatever these UB tall guys, you all left to go toward the West. 

We are not planning on Bill Gates on the Seattle that looking to the UB lower ends of that River.

Or Silicon Valley. I know what it looks like. That is the Google temple, the header area. (Like that template in the music site, at the Page, session)

We assume they target us, Dean. I have no ideas. We could only move one things at a time. I talked to Harvard once, that is it. It may not agree. Because they all doing their own things, might be. I am not sure. But I am sure, there will be someone showing up our door, if....they just decide they open their mouth to talk. That day. Not today.


Now Dean, you need to talk to these Tall guys, you collects in that Honor Class

Bank every paper works, you file for them. Like you manage all of them. You say, "We are continue to moving west. Right now, its the math session, we need to file every systematic paper works"

Meaning you print out first batch, and move that to someone's desk, as whole stack. I don't care how you print. Get it done before Friday, and sent it. Your name, current address, if that is a phone bill, utility bill, rent bill, whatever you have. If you want to provide a FAFSA, you have to login to the FAFSA and unemployment issues.

Dean, put all of them clipper, to stack them up like 25 them? 

Just stack them, and sent in. Make it very very clear, where is the "Dates, name address box"

No, don't highlight, you could write on the right side, "Date"

Practice your calligraphy. 

Car, and the car insurance

When you move to California, you need a DL. Car pool insurance, so now you collect the records. You need to put this in one session. Check their vision and talk about it. 

Do they have what regular car license, or they have a truck heavy vehicle liscense. They shouldn't have? Or they have a motorcycle? Tell them get rid of. Its on Taiwan Karorake commerical. Just get rids of the bikes. Sell it. 

Stay on the email or the phone, check daily next one week, on everyone, their everything. Their concerns, their worries, their other responsibility, every responsibile.

Ex wife, or ex household. What legal issue they have. Which state do they come from? What information they collect these far. You need not these information to present, but you put on your own desk, on the second piles of stuffs. Stack it up piles.

The Car insurance guys, do they use UB insurance, or their company insurance.....right now, what is the rate on everyone's situation. Do you all have a very bad car situation why your insurance very high, Dean, you need to find out all of that. 

You give them a list to prepare at home.

Do you remember I have a bag? A t-shirt put in that one bag, like the guys shoulder front bags. Do they have one alcohol wash? Some tissues paper? Fold them.

I buy the guy's t-shirt myself.

Can they clean one of their sneaker, those very near the ground. Their other tooth brush....get the mud off, some water damp, just around, wipe it.

Do they live with their parents, or at their home? If they have parents, can they go to their own garage, finding ropes? Whom has ropes, just get extra.

Check what plastic bag, do they sort. Organize the plastic bags. Not smell. Just fold them like ...I have those habit, everything folded nice and easy.

You do that for now. 1 - 2 weeks.

2022年4月6日 星期三



何嘉仁 (何家慶) ~~這小小 ...是長的像林心如那個 ! 可是鴻凱卡住這個 小郭 MD Jason, 你們到底誰在卡誰? 有個家慶在邊邊? 小郭住在新店呀 !

小小就是 ....照片的哪個女的叫做小小 ! 當初有一個建中的,大概小郭好像是小一歲吧 ?

鴻凱是 32 五年前,現在已經 2022. 你們到底在幹嘛 ? 鴻凱是日本的什麼家人一堆~ 他爸好像在台北,他住在台中,你們是台北小郭梯鴻凱回去台中吧 ? 他現在好像在承德路 ...的哪個車行,在北投 !!! 承德路六段 ! 

家慶是 23 我見到他的哪年呀 ~~~ 2018 4 年前! 他現在是 27 ? 他的愛在屋簷下 (媽媽的庭院)

我怎麼不說我弟弟是小呢? 他都在照片上面~現在跟小郭一樣高呀 ~

鴻凱旁邊是皇帝 ...我跟本就不認識那個人 ! 

祕尿科 ..有人把自己的前途變成語言形式? 會有這種東西! 都是一群政治極端,我告訴妳們 ....

提娜去新店住在一個我爸朋友住在新店的地方 ! 這種關係很複雜呀 ! ~你們還是去找你們自己的朋友!我都說了~我弄我的人 ...那個好像是小妾存在的房子! 我已經說了很多次~自己的同學自己弄到對 ! 

I already say that too many times, I go to UB. I keep my UB 5 Lords, with the rest of them don't get themselves kill, we are doing the National Emergency Cooking House,Never get bothered with anyone any scene that Tina says what connection this or that....NO!!! Go back to your own class, like the TV says. Your own class.

你們自己去找你們自己的房子~我沒有要管你們要幹嘛 ! 這種關係不健康 ...只需要管好你們自己的事情最好,哪種關係都不重要我覺得,怎麼不說我最重要呢? 

不要去管這提娜的什麼關係~都是假的,自己的東西最重要,把自己的教室弄到好就好了~~~只剩下我 and Dean, then that wlll only be me and him, that's it. Don't care about no body.

Na da....Listen to anything I say at all.




 Babaji: Go

台灣 Youtuber 圈子很小,你不需要跟他們說話,看好兩個就可以了

一個是 Hailey 莫彩曦

一個是法國的酷 Ku, 但是他自己說他自己是美國人

(劉沛跟 Meghan 按到英國了)




慢慢看就可以了,commander 其實我不知道叫中文什麼,呢叫他們『長官』就可以了,美國總統是 commander-in-chef, 所有國家元首,台灣只有四到八年,三軍統帥的意思。


地表之上你們現在並沒有,音樂長官更不可能有『音樂總司令』,但是網路上面有 online protocol, 其實網路有法規的意思,只要沒有被拿下來就是承認的意思!

身高壓過去,撞他們就可以了,廢話少說!他們以為我跟他們長一樣的意思,我其實沒有 debts 但是也沒什麼錢,呢有 debts 嗎?


跟我的故事,9 年了!我們沒有人見過他們,可能死了!沒有人知道是不是馬戲團長短腳的人馬!你會以為所有人正常!那是一種幻想!


她哥哥是元元剛生一個男孩子,他們的爸是軍醫、台北 gluten-free “Plant”. 網路上有她的介紹!她是我堂妹,我弟的堂姊,Austin 是 …長的像霍建華 ADD 那個、我妹是類似小穎那個,但是提那是瘋子!

這個故事是家庭版,那個是方方軍眷村戴法的『永遠不可能的』副駕駛25 年前,姑姑的丈夫,沒有,他們沒有做出那種事情,但是在講清海無上師的一個洪水氾濫的過往叫做『印度五百歲』

麵包其實不是 gluten free. 這你可以讀一下,美國的飢餓遊戲,我做麵包影片上面!


15+ 25+ bio=62, math = 92 chem = 97 Percentile ,美國沒人唸書的關係!大概也順便不需要重考,死了!





我吃!但是我23 開始,你電視上看到的,YouTube 影片!


Pa Thai 會不會?fish sauce 有跟沒有呢?泰國有一種青木瓜在美國餐廳 menu 上面,我最近算小費在台灣 Adam or Hailey 前天還是哪一天的數學!

我其實是佣人的關係… 只是一個青岡菜!!


你是1990 的?

很久很久以前,有些人喜歡住在竹林裡,你的現在應該不是一個人 on filming 吧?你想回上海大都會過日子嗎?聽說你很多問題!你有念過書嗎? 很多人唱歌不需要唸書,叫做ㄏㄜˊ隆清淨(throat ) 人身不清淨的那種~~ ( 通常我不會太久 comments…)

我家有些 wild 他們自己飛來的,你一天也不可能看完,你自己一個女孩子家!

🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🌺🌺🌺💝 Shut up ~~





你不太喜歡那些黑蠍紅? 你看起來沒事,現在好點沒?

我弟弟跟你同年,那是你真的年紀嗎?沒有,他不是什麼特別有用的人,就是一個基本的好弟弟!有個湖南 x6 在電視上面2017, Adam Levine 的歌,但是他掛在我現有唯一的臉書上面,你是準備監獄去死還是,呢也想過來掛一掛呢??


美軍在第一次世界大戰的時候有一位軍醫,草藥的!也是剛好第二次世界大戰的軍醫!他常常沒回家,去監獄,有一天他剛始公眾演講,可能是 soft jail. 類似 清海無上師是 90年代台灣少黑的一件事情!你全世界就算逃,也不可能出了我的眼界,這就是我的兵源!

我家鳥他們說英文~~你要不要確定一下你住在哪裡?我住在我家,台北大都會地方!我去過上海世博會 2010. 在 Pinterest. 

2022年4月5日 星期二











Dean, death list: Wing, Tamang, Ola

Wing, in Sakura Cards little wolf. Meaning 爆烈點

Violence temper to screaming, yelling, other adjective terms. Kinda like Tina would do, or Hank. But Tina is a psycho. They learn on the internet psychology. When people do that, they got scared themselves. Like Steve Jobs. Very very dramatic.

But right you won’t feel good if it’s your classmate dead, the Honor Program does those things. Height. 

(The birds doing thing, my leg hips on infection….immplamtory ) I just get to finish writing, its burning so bad. Pain …..

It’s very very bad they are, Wing. We immigrant very hard to hoping a new life away from skunt and they on purpose destroy all including their life, they bet on it. Like Steve Jobs. Only gets his things for very very selfish purpose - eat. 

No, you won’t feel good but they are shorter than you all tall guys, you shouldn’t get bothered. 

1. A pen, on your back, you got shock. You like that? Just lightly enlighten you. 

2. Throw sneaker at you, they psycho on the comic books. 

Yeah…things like that. Their parents probably just knew they dead. Wherever they are.

Tina psycho case was the age arrives to these psycho, they cannot sustain. So the reality of that internal Hollywood it’s very fake. The real psycho human, their age don’t sustain, whatever that means to you. Not really.

Tamang, against all military to play swapping plans, he is an Asian, never do that in front of the military. He does on purpose. He mix humble in humility makes a clever tales, no one knows. Instead, he really just doesn’t know a thing. He just grew tall. He carried a gun, you just define “He is the gun man”, fire weapon assault intended, no different story those social news. Same. Very bad. 

Hank, he breaks laws 2008. Yeah. 

Hank might be in jail or dead. Sometime you really need to kill them. I will feel totally different. A lot different !! Many many ways. 

Dean, there are a lot of security people onto the Class like the Honor Class program. Right now, they can all dispatch away. It’s lawful, that Honor Program. It’s genuine you won’t want your classmate dead you feeling ? To go out again on practice, not really. Those are real things in the peoples life. 

You all wish others well genuinely, but…those are very very outlaws one to one thousands. Really. You never even wants to think, know or hear at all. Not one bit. 

If you want to be better at to be a doctor, you might really have to do a lot of listings. How humanity are, every age bracket. They remind you at the age 35 for whatever reasons, you keep thinking about it, until you found out the reasons. 

Like yesterday, those 3 princes might be just groove guys, nice, and mild and mild guys. Just groofy, but a lot of people hurting them. They wonder if everyone targeting them. But right…you teach them right or wrong. England supposes to get their things in order. 

Inflammatory …what’s the words? 我的 某條盆骨在發炎!! Those birds …..they know. 直的!

You look at the Transcript | 你們看成績單 (All system Domino )

But I think it’s upside down on mine, and it’s not in circle. It’s like ….a tag, rectangle. Music is all the way at the Buttom. Very end. On the left. It’s the beginning of the last line, 3.

3 thing.

🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺Shut up ~~



 Babaji: Go


 Babaji: Go

Hank looks like that Taipei Major, whom is the Surgeon, his female students die right in front of his working places. W Two Worlds its targeting the MD crowd, you should not have talking to your parents for 16 years, or else you will get them killed, no matter what.

There are the standard, whether you hear it or don't hear it. In Chinese I am talking to. You have very different language to those, whom don't used to talking to their parents. You need your maturity, not anything small tiny words, or else you go home, without money. Stay out of this competitive suicidal jobs.

Debbit has 3 brothers, younger, she provided them growing up, and they are 3 doctors like my cousin's father.

There are 4 MD just the way they are near by us.

Not just the Mormom 4+1, there is UB 6+1....not sure dead yet. 

    Dirty, Bathroom like a toilet has the urine smell, as the guy? No period?

    Bed don't fold, like my brother, you sleeping on the medium queen size bed? So you have a bigger room with a bigger debts like Tamang, or metal bar jail in there starting the first day? 

    You talking small language to anyone around you.

    You cannot bear the stress

    You got infection

    You just don't have any relationship with no statue on quotes, that is what everyone does in life. A business relationship, a School Principle talking relationship, a social healthy relationship, you have ever resources less than those ADD MD, I just need them open their mouth, and every records I say follow to create a hospital system on Joomla? 

    You wine things, not just drinking....you vent, you complain, you psychologically use your degree to hurt everyone in the words you speak, as you can pen on it. Not just pee on it.

    You believe the death is common.

    You imagine the things wrong wrong wrong.

    So no money go home.

Olympia 奧林匹亞! (All System Domino)


On Ice, you just doing nothing, circling, one, two, three....10, you will be exhausted by their tickets clock, that is 2 hours doing nothing but circling.

The Taipei Ice Rink.

I didn't have an instructor, I didn't learn anything particular in the roller blade. So its just circling. You already assume I stand on the ice, really. That is what you all just meant it, get on, and fly! 

Oh, you don't see what they do on the ice Rinks here in Taipei......

I am the sad, dooming girls on the audience seats, really. You put me on ice, the air its breathing cold, the shoe lace its toooooo long. You need to warm up, there is no ground to warm up, so you get on the ice to warm up all the way...there is nothing else to do. They don't let me stay on the corner, not even just 10 mins, if they don't use the hockey stick to bomb me out...that is what they really did, so I switch to which corner? Guess? Its the Circus human jump and land on my corner.

Why don't you say, I crawl and vomiting on the ice? Really? 

At the edge.

2022年4月4日 星期一



I go to sleep...this is so unbelievable. You don't hire some human with loads money, that is per line decoding....oh dear! You go to American military behind end, better.

 Babaji: Go

Extraordinary You ( 2019 Tamang TV) - skipping Class

Every story has a beginning (The Door, and the exit, the commercial)

Every story has a beginning and the ending. Let's assume there are ET saying something about...life. The Life in Conan Artificial Intelligent, its a choice, you make before you choose what door you pick and enter. 

Like a portal

When you life review, or seeing the life as the story like the England Queen....there are something about your English, not swearing the words.

Right now, you are talking to someone, as if you are skipping the class, because you went out with someone, you have every answer you wish to hear, that is not a class.

A class means, you pick what your life choices to do, not making up an answer of every choice in life, you bet on it. That is Tamang does. Poker life. 

There is...

    An Author

    A book format

    A story set scene

    The Author original plots

    The change fate methods (Erasing the fix karma)

There are different variation in this story, maybe not so chess moving, straight forward. Its entwine elements, like 40 goes back 14.

You see them warning once Twilight...you might see it every single time, how hurtful truly meant, if you understand the folly.


Oh ~~ that’s whom yell at 3 Prince? John Jacob Astor ? I see now. They used to go to very prestigious school, the upper class included. The manner.

You know, when the Twilight went online that was 2008? So the Queen or many England class were younger. If Tamang did not go on the short cut, right now we are 2022.

So Twlight was …ET putting the camera in that lab? Buffalo NY? We had a microscopic…but that was a job, everyone knows what to look inside?  Why don’t they become the cell I am looking at? 

I see.

ET always knows England no matter how old they are, they are always looking for the MD to look after their education for what they represent in the world, including the same age. I didn’t know this things. That …used to be the military in England’s jobs. Like the age groups. They start at teens? Like those whom originally reside in England speaking the British. 

Oh !! You guys want to be England’s doctor ? From America? Don’t you suppose to speak English?

Your English is at zero, Korean is 100.

….we Asian human knows Korea cheats in Olympia.

I think…someone goes to the education department…to those how many has repeat the school, to finish their education degree and what happen to them? Before and after? Are they more literate ?

Cope better life? 


Like Dr Steven Hairfield ? Tragic Twain’s wife !

These position are told many many versions of story 

Too many. You become a professional to be able to cope with any age, that’s the role of being a doctor. There are a lot of people like to hear a story. Like a book, like many books. Knowledge, poem, story, lesson, real experience. The literal feeling how you perceive that saying of a feel what’s comes out from the words. 

It might be just someone’s the whole classmates, their own friends groups. 

It might be a military, a prince, a chef.

It can be an elderly, a minority, like a shorter girl has no voice. 

Probably you need someone to go and compile those “Tamang position” story. There are things being say and spin to every one these people like you all want to be trial as “the One”. 

You really wish at 2000, it’s what?

You know the whole stage of all stories if?

What would be your wishes?

Wish at year 2000?


No…it’s Extraterrestrial…

Not ordinary …us

Not you

Not us. 

Not or (g)

 C ?

Hahahaha …. 😆😆😆😆

I am not sure England they teach them about ET. Uh …you need to go to the professional. 

It’s …a (c)

Copyright. Do you publish a book yet? 

See that scenes? Laying down ?

I think Harvard they can do that !!! 😄

Did them see Keanu’s book? The One?

Romance …when I met Eben the first time, I think, I was writing ebook. Maybe not Eben’s type of ebook. Like the word documents typing the English words line by lines.

“College Gravy” was my ebook. One of the books. But I don’t remember all the ebook I ever write the drafts. It’s …detox. Or podcast. Promo has a podcast. 

In my field …if in 2004 to 2013 I produce only 2 video. They take it it’s 2 quality video on DNA alone.

I create other video + a channel organic chem. 

I think they also need the laws. But I don’t really know anything about England or … that’s Ola = Catholic, the things I say 花千骨!

Organic Chemistry is not a light subjects.

Sophomore or junior year in college course. I had a book editor, her name is Adele. 

Writing for a women is therapeutic.

Tennis for a guy is therapeutic.

The girl in the bed class 保健室, that’s 白衣羅曼史!! that’s Asian nurse room pro noun ?

How do you say …”proper noun”. = 保健室, not in English. 專有名詞

Transcript  (results)

SMCH put her transcription reading lines becomes a magazine, soft cover. That’s …not a book. It’s a magazine. 

Change the fate.

Something about Scotland ? Financee ?

That’s a fake data. On others watch 

( I think it’s a language in slang saying …ET language )

😄😄😄😄 hahahaha ….

Uh..you need a family album ? (Commercial ? )

John Astor wrote the novel. 

Academia that’s not the Novel writing. 

That choice …in the TV, of that girls choices should be Lee. Because John Astor sunk it Titsnic. 

2nd wife. 

Scholarship usually from a foundation or a charity. Their review process to any high school scholarship to college it’s like 1000 dollars. 

That’s preliminary reports - the doctor offices.

Her heart hurts in the room. 


Did I tell you a Taiwan Law stuffs on the website? Teaching you official number written the "Govenmental Paper"?


These templates they sometimes come out nice stuffs. 

Don't you need to make some blogger, at least to feel it, what is a "template", they provide you? There are so many people doing so many different things. At the end, Eben just fired all of them, that is what he did.

And that is what I exactly do....the lazy human does lazy things.

My UB classmate, they used to see exaggerate things from me. Of course, I design those graphs a long time. 

Usually, you try on IPad Pro, or Iphone to see it.

💖💝🌮💖 I have to teach nick and my mother this Google clouds stuffs....💖💝🌮💖

How do you make that screen shot? Has to use Word?

The Screen shot cannot sustain that opening of the Google cloud...I use Ms Word?

The keyboard, has one screenshot one full screen.


Why you make so difficulty. I can put on the Music Site on IT department

Music World : Digital Era !

I usually just leave a message to Ku !!! He is an American !!! He looks with a correct height French?

Anyway ....Today is a holiday, several days, but he might be returning to Taipei, if they are not in France, anyway....

Dean wait 2 … they say they cannot fight the wars because too many lack back development of missing the fun of education.

 Dean, I didn’t do anything to them yet. No. 

🏖🏖 Without that guy, it’s Russia bear and China tiger left. Oh ~ I know that !! ⛱⛱ 

8:39 https://youtu.be/6XaxyuKFujs

Dean wait … 🦅🦅🦅🦅

Jimmy is a Telecom lazy, dirty human, short, fat, really dirty far away dog superstitious how everything went so smoothly, on every GEO methods. It suppose to be white not grey.

To that 2 posts offices having one “Day Opening ribbons” to every commercial running on the top of the adjacent building, and yet, that entire day morning market was nothing but dirty ness, entire block, floor ground needed, to SMCH one school 142 on flash Neo lights, passing by noisy human like ….phone inline…

It’s how smooth everything run at the very last stop blue line near south that airport…you will see every miracle how every Ku looks like every step the ways, Will sounds their maids jobs to delivers stepping all of …chemistry both TNT demolishing jobs, bus recking God Women on dessert, of that China Expo song” when you ready “- fountain of youth 



2 telecom company, to where the headquarter is useless…to become “mattress free”

Drawing of the two, you will see, smooth, and how superstitious works that convinence how you get in, never get out of the jailing methods starting so many years ago

“Years… ago”

Water of that company is chem jobs diagonal to that direction blind and doggy park to Poo…and worse she receive a bank bill 25 years later on …scaring me and my mother, if we pay in 2017, so difficult on my mothers account, because one wing…down.

They meant it’s a kill on Wing and Tamang 

Someone arrival Potato?

That’s Chinese vegetarian Shanghai vegetarian crab meats taste from mash potato paste must be……

It’s just one call, in-line. Land lines.

The preparation of 3 sent in human, you will see how it’s done…1 2 3 and 4 ….you imagine if there is 5th shows up human! Fun !!

What is ….skin your alive, shred your bone…marrow to pieces …still, inside the jail, you don’t know which photo to collect ….images really, friends softy alike.




You don’t think they it yet ? 你沒確定他們知道沒?

Oh ~ the bus wrecking the women dessert that one. I say water pure company, I say bus line, I say the telecom company, I say the second telecom company ….

There is no metro. 

I say GEO. They are underground structure.

This is in English. 

中華電信的總部可能一直不知道我家近,走進 1, 2, 3….4 yet? 還是五呢?哪種 business methods meant blind and deaf development? I guess you all fake it all the way !!

Keyword: see how you fall off the digital era pays. Just like Tony Robbin. 

Taipei telecom company

Taipei tape water factory

Taipei post office 1, Taipei post office 2, Taipei post office 3.

Taipei telecom headquarter building lost the business from the …random location telecom near me. The school districts. 




 Babaji: Go

Dean questions to write on Wing

"Whom are you target?"

"How many Anna?"

"How many Anna do you actually knows, the nationality?"

"Where do you study at?"

"Where you travel abroad at?"

"Which school, and which programs are you targeting at?"

"Are You international Student?"

Dean on Ukraine

 "Anna says, APO we have a huge crisis where the photo display. Tim just graduate from nursing, Anna and Tim met in the UB Commons, Anna can commuicate to Tom, but she is not sure about Mike and Keegan, the rest girls are just none sense, forever now. Anna says, you need to tell Medical Board to talk to Tim, and get the Photo ID the APO had, they have the name lines within at the National, regional or Local Chapter, including to notify the advisor, whom looks like Dr. T. the girlfriends they play tongue, like Dr. Chambler. Anna says, just do it."

Dean, another

 "Anna, has some thinking about this high school drop out to a Circus, like you Dean with NSYNC Justin Timberlake resemble, not just the MTV inside that person looks like, Title, Video hurting, they are the Concert Tour, to what we know as the Early 90s Disney Program. Anna is not sure they finish what schools, but both me and you Dean does Ice Skating, or Roller Blades in different Catalog. you Dean took me Anna with your mother at Pepci Center at which year...time....But after 16 years, me and you discuss or trying to get in contact, several things all break out loose, no one understand a thing, especially Anna keep seeing strange things on Justin Timberlake. Later like SMCH Mars video, Anna figure it out. Its "Wind Down." Anna says its in Sacromento, she saw Wings with a happy jolly friend, laughing right across her peripheral, because she Anna doesn't remember how she running back and forth one person going all around, You need to pay Anna for everything she does in that California, so we have today, for whichever cause. Anna says, when she was in Taipei, she had a vendor on purchasing Lord of Rings, Full rings places, one day, that entire Metro lines stop, meaning that entire street is vacant. Anna did a video on zombie Lands, saying, if we touch the tickets? She was not sure, because they display a zombie movie in front of 101 on her TV new commercial. She cannot understand a thing, so one day she asked that vendor she is a girl. She say your friends its here. Anna was talking about a Hong Kong boy. So today Anna talked to you Dean, about.....she thinks there are Circus human short or long legs, like she sees that Pierre and Meghan Youtuber, on that amusement park. She writes a piece of her reflection on the myth or legand, or comic story to 9 years she watching movies. She says, that is horrific...NSYNC if not a circus, then Victoria Secret Side by Side, did a Circus, the ending was Tiger. That is SMCH. 

Anna says, they got friends, the most disgusting scene you will ever seen, if...you behave like Anna, she was alone, but she keep running, she has no ideas she keeps running. Her bed in Watermake got stolen, she told her mother. They spent 1500 dollar per day, near Hollywood. There is high tech in there, but everything on that tablet was broken, you need to call in, they do sent things up. Its 5 pairs slippery, with 5 white robes, or whichever every 5 sets, ends up in Vermont, Hotel FRIENDS. And 802 Suites in Scaromento, right next to City Hall. That is...Utah not 1800 number in Phebe not Riboflavin, that is not vegan in SMCH food lists, she doesn't know. But Anna knows. She quits pasta still....her gallbladder situation. She cannot see where is Tamang is right now. She thinks Wing are in Hong Kong, right now. They had a riots on the news, but that land is no more Western hands since 1997. Wing says to Anna, he has UK passport. She remembers that." 

Dean, pen borrow...

 "Anna says today and yesterday on her channel News, are Taiwan High speed train tragedy, and Taiwan train, an old man dead there. Also several birds events acts up, including the Otter water hose. Anna says, you need fully investigation including one Earthquake Anna was in sleep. There are several indicator from her video, you need to move all Terminal Living, None Functional human, Whole Life, no debts, no plans, no renter free, life Zone, Jail life recrods high school drop out, immediately moving the routes away from Taiwan, and Sacromento.

Here is CNN links on them, we are the lines, you Dean, ....you put your stuffs here, name....We don't have a road, we are self cage in first, for a while. Too many things happened all at the same time. Anna say there are two birds on her phone, she says Iphone is very mel-function, to Line, to Battery, to one of those phone company including facebook, she is away from communication, its too fast. She cannot handle all things crush down, including have to send nick an email for TTC to get all those horrifying things keep happening too near too close, everywhere to us. We need a lot of back up. Anna say last year those MD none functional one year Intern suppose to close the book on 夢幻遊戲. There are a lot of stakes, if you could just get up and send some back troops, or back channel people that allows all communication, Anna is not enough one human, she says."


Babaji: Go

It must be one of those human like Keegan force them to do things - I have no ideas why someone’s says he is Simon (hair)

You never do hair in the wind when you walk ?

4 blocks has nothing but the wind. I just made a video. Anytime you swing your head, you tired. Really. I am upside down on my bed tilted, slight edgy on my bed lines? I don’t do often. Comb my hair. My fingers.

You start 15 degree on land jump, single foot land better.

I do that on the ice skate rink, their front desk. Goodbye. (Not on ice, no one sees.)

Before the tickets entrance, actually it’s the exit, same resting bench seat. 


Ice skate - turn inward? In someone’s arm? Like my own video? It’s too long, some becomes reflex. That’s 2 foot on the ground. Let me think ….this things so long ago,

They have the skill on one foot, turn. No. I don’t know what that is. You cannot do those blades. Roller skates might be? Roller blades means one straight wheel. 
They are Olympia human …you don’t compare yourself with them, they live on ice or breath on ice. 
The first opening that’s way too fast. The back X? That’s to accelerate, very very very fast. Not even I do that. I have to cut it when I do that. I just told you there was nothing comfortable there every single time. 
Yeah, i can. But, no, I don’t get ever do that. No. Toooooo fast !
I don’t need to those things. 

Front X too?
Too…she just do it for show. That’s …no necessary at those step. She just needs to go forward at the crowd…that’s redundant …it’s to accelerate and she has to immediate stop. It’s VERY VERY tiring ! Just look at it, I cannot breath, can you just look don’t do it?
The opening you can just jump at 15 degree. Really. The ice skate it’s you hit on the ice and jump. I never knew that 40 years..
I told you, I am not curious about anything to look that flashy.

It’s just one time opening 15 degree jumps? I do one full circle on the ground 40 years?

I hire one human …like every Olympia sit there with a teddy bear. He buys, and shut up, sit. 
When they read scores.

I look exactly right, at far distance camera, I am telling you. 

花 冠 安 琪 兒




                            赤 (Red )          棋 

                            壁  (River) 






(vomit) , anmiotic 胚胎

Some eat those like the movie to stay young     

2022年4月3日 星期日



I go to sleep

 Babaji: Go

🍕🥪🍲 My entire back skeleton bones is hurting.....🍕🥪🍲 I need to lay down. oh my God, what was I watching?

I remember now, your college friends means to you. Your....every classroom, year book, I think those human are high school?

So you stay with them, and take care of your both parents, I mean the girls, if the guys are away. I don't know what to tell you, the American guys don't necessary have to be at home, to fight their parents, to them, to get their other age stuffs, really. 

🌮🍔 If you just get your presentation right, there are so many guys, will just look at you a decent girl doing the decent maid of everything. Washing, cleaning, cooking, you actually love doing that by nature.


There is a reason my evolution comes to stop.....no more eating.

Do I speak chinese/ Madarin? 我說中文嗎 ?

SHUT UP! 知道尊上唯一的娛樂就是叫所有人閉嘴,錯、錯、錯、錯! 你們沒有覺得很光榮,所有東西都是錯的 ? 轟出去,滾的意思!



🌮🍔🍕🥪🍲 These are something wrong, everywhere I go, there are some human just slap on my faces. I think my back skeleton everything I thought of something, might be still hurting, really. 🌮🍔🍕🥪🍲


The garbage human never dies....


I remember this.....我記得這個,那是很久以前吧 ? 非常久的以前? That is very long time ago?

The old lady young?


Maybe We talking those Dennis' girls, or Chris, or Chris them high money debts, or Billy....Their alone life, 4 girls to be happy ever after, Unviersity of Irvine. Linda is not dead yet, you want to ask from UB, how to get a university jobs, like Tenure professor, if CADS tutoring math, or something simple, its what she Linda, can give you a honest opinion of views, just try? 



    There is a White Board in CADS lab

    Digital Era, means YouTube Channel, get into the field, kill them all Indian, Havard Khan, before you guys all getting up and do something? 

Ego? That is.....those SMCH talks about. Ego complex, its what you "identify yourself with". You identify you got hurting, feeling hurt, feeling inferiority complex.

You stay away from human, you won't be competitive. There are so many cyber system people use to create a success business. Its called "The virtual offices". Its a cold cut business. No more those Sunday Donuts someone brings in expenses. 

You are not supposed to do anything ilegal works, I am telling you. Some human see one, clear all, don't care what that really is, sounds like, smell like. 

.... These things they eat it themselves, are fine. 

No! I already say it one thousands times no. Starting cleaning one leafy Kale correctly, one exactly looking white bowl rice. Nothing else, you could put salt and pepper container next by, whichever you use it. 

Look ! Its everything wrong.

There is a reason I claim online protocol....Its EVERYTHING WRONG!


No, i don't know if he is the first degree burn....i am telling you. Everyone the only investors on bio stuffs, I have, was how many times I explain, your butt skin to your faces, are skin transplant.....You know how many times, I am so sick of explaining this things like hundred +1 times? Its your teacher teaching you stuffs.

You want to print my photo? These are all so psycho to me....everything. I have nothing but to stare at these four points frames. Its everything psycho.

I cannot understand why anyone wants to turn themselves they are psycho intended, or psycho driven, or psycho kills, right on the television. Its every degree burn, just to see it, step 1 to 1000. So fill up my throats. 

I gonna tell you the commanders, they are train.

Some human are train, you do not put food in your mouth, when you see.....ABCDEFG

European has a tradition, party. Those are finger food. Even just look at it, you automatically know there are human around, not the bowl. The Finger food.....what is those called....Pot lock! 

Finger food.

Or throw at the animal, I don't eat those. He just talked about every kinds of animals don't use the water hose, in my roof.....They hang themselves on those ....tower wires, you see girls doing that, I am telling you.

Maybe just automatically register 5 Lords happened, to all having loads friends around, more than 3 its loads. So...finger food when you multiple 5. You prepare 30 ~50 to 200.....some take home, so you prepare the containers for their next day, because you love to create the food, not to eat it.

I don't eat anything of that.

French pudding, or French pa fait...UK, University of Kentucky selling those. They have wraps, not Mexican. UK has some dining stuffs. Green wraps.

You know, you are not supposed to waiting that happened....for the police to get up here? Til that Day? The first day?

Do you ever fly? You hang somewhere to die? (They are not talking.....)

The Ice machiine? Its not the kitchen ice machine....at KTV Kararoke places, you make free like those? Are they the same ice cube machine? I use here, that Kararoke ice machine, you scoop the entire ice on 5 cups drinks.....I have 4 hours in there, in one tray.

You don't know what I used to work at? Free....jobs, at these I serve myself 5 drinks, in case I die on it, if 4 hours none stop talking the Climate Change....like proven it how wrong she ever be, you repeat like 10 times, every single time its different? How many times can you repeat those things exactly the same stuffs.

Right....the food places? Correct. Its the same company, they use the outside bound line store to show you, how grand they are. I use another one, next to my high school, with the police station right there. I have no ideas whom put it right there.

....Whats is this Crepe? Spensor, Why I have heard this name before....

You know why I order Tina' a long lists...for her selectee, Master? Whatever that happened at the end. Really....I use to be in Tina's house, entire my mother suitcase on whatever kichen ware, I broke all of them in there. 

I think Jesus has a name, you allow him to do everything like that. So those are a long list, they live eternal. Plate are not for display, its to....get away, if he hit you. All these bugs, why they ever exists, its to kill all of them.

You throw food at....you throw strawberry at....I am telling you honestly, your hungry defines your entire being how much you rely, on .....at the edge, you becomes something, exactly how the animals makes them to become....the eyes.

At night .....

oh ~ that is not Vietnaese. French 可麗餅? The one Ku had? Thin with the butter and chocolate syrups, he puts the stuffing inside, that...is, i don't know what that is. Flower?

Did I tell you Mahavatar Babaji might be more than Jesus, those human uses every maid, just like the TV says Flower Thousand Bones? Whenever he got back? I am the maid? 

Those human girls destine to go to hell, I am telling you. They went to some guys, and talking like....if they have a desire not to go to hell, lasting about 2 hours desires. They just meant that is one life novel guys begging them.....to flip their legs, on ice, to see Salmon raw in sushi....really. The professional use the stocking ! 

How do you twirl in wind spinning....You've Got Mail? Oh my God. I live in the celestial for one reason. Its everything down there below the clouds are wrong.

... I think he meant Apricot sauces are very expensive, and pancake are Ihop....those APO human knows the long dining table....in case that is for Spensor's husband, the crepe.....Strawberry?

Isnt' the movies makes those long table dinner all the time, in every prince or princess movies?

It is weird.

Systematic, Youtube Channel, one things to learn how to write, how to talk like Eben, and how to create Digital Era

Or else you will becoming Tony Robbin Fate. There are people got possessed. You know what are those? Transpassing worlds. 

You could just copy Venus, them entire head, say "Go to hell", you create your own entire new System on Top, makes a new world. Everything exist, perfectly. Eden.

You make a plan of 3 to 4 years.

Don't need too long. My heart going up and down,....I am here 6 almost full years....5 more months. There is something what they create behind. Their psycho path to kill the entire psycho human. 

Those ABC in love, they dare to kill their parents, they have nothing to lean on as the Asian. Nothing....but their uncle, their ancester, like they believe those things, those things have some supports, everything has some supports.....first degree murder in the legal system....those are criminal incline. Not just emotional up surging, swing mood, to be....Drop dead, like a sudden death. Those guys horrific !!!!!!

Some are not tall. Asian are not tall. They wear eye glass.

Well, you do 3 to 4 years, then 1 to 2 years...."Where is Anna?"

Some human needs some sympathy, not this.....

No it’s land on the right foot. I done it. No. Right foot on the ground.

You swing from the right 

You step on the left foot.

Look at the photo, that’s per instruction page by page. 

It’s April 3rd, 2022. They suppose last year close the book?

You just keep low one more months your statues check on progress, self-improve

Read some your Western teaching. That’s what is matter. 

The girls it’s everywhere the same. They kill you. 

    They happy, they sing like psycho on getting one cup bubble tea on a full stage in front of 50 students class

    They sad, they kill you like mute.

They are all about the sentient being to be delivery …rates. Hopeless. 

They have only one concept: Suicide

Or you say “die”. ET tell you hypnosis on commands … Ella Enchanted. It’s every hopeless roads meets the road edge by edge.  Or edge to edge. These things 5000 years not broken by…any impulsive legal measure. You use Star ship…war ship? Big deck with the airplane on top, those sea navy human. Like Conan telling you. 

I have no ideas how long to hold them becomes a zombie psycho destroy all. By temperature or by frequency. 

UT, UB and 5 Lake

Suppose to come out something in a correct format. You suppose to keep all these things because you don’t know what’s in it. Like the crystal skull.

Some human don’t believe hell or something, I am telling you. 

One of the most subscriber it’s ASMR

There is a black gloove Korean guy, that is exaggerating on ASMR.

They made a lot of money. Don’t care right or wrong, just look at it.it’s not a big deal study them the Youtuber landscape. 

Asian are insane race if not in office or in solitude to that ….they suppose to do Zen, meditation, guru, either Chinese or Indian spirituality. Meaning Buddhism. 

They don’t lock up indoor, they Suicide on stress too big. You say they live long… well, there is every tradition they don’t learn on porn, that’s Japan biggest industry. A lot of guys are very suicidal, if you push them on expressing face ego complex. They are not born to ….lose faces.
They kill you.
In American you can just sue someone if you want to be a comedian. 
That’s the top ultimate system. Asian suicides, stress zero, there is a curse in the air…about ….
What I just told you. Nada all that. One straight road, they miss that one life chance.
There is a consequence, why you fight against all odds. Some human just don’t like them. 

That continent One World One Love

It’s continent weather, inland and on land 
America will kill those Chinese Drama those. You only have 100 years old human. But there is some stuffs in it.
I didn’t leave writing on any cause….but you got a modern fire department nosy …or album. 
One system not the other.

Later this Horse road so big, they made into trailer.
You don’t give me a road to walk, really. 
I cannot breath on every level things. 

It’s governmental. On horse. Not 4 points frame. 

I personally hate make-up got into my eyes I sleep….but if you love to collect them, not on debs, you can beautify your entire bathroom without my bathroom wall…those are under the sea, all over this green vile outside I ask you all to grow “on car poll” ugly, deattached to the house.
Observe…junks. We all gonna die. 

Oh ~ keep clean. No powder everywhere just like your period blood …everywhere. 
If putting make-up are some skills, it’s not bad learning them. But they are so complicated, every money to spend?
No…if you put some make-up to light up your mood or others….right now it’s a mask time.
Some make-up I think it’s enough, I don’t do exaggerating thing. Internal built up those are money too, you know?

UB Bill you all moving towards West - Mozart, Beethaphon, Bach

 You start to built up your listening range 10 mins, 30 mins to one hour per day | In the interval of 3 months, 6 months, 12 months. By next April, you do a progress report of your own : seeing interior feeling of all around, and rhythms in momentum, jumping in and out the shower.

Buy, a book on Bach music sheet, that’s a technique of a 18 century piano ? It’s not our piano modern.

Comic book that expression, is not Kim. It’s 關珊穎 90s

I show you. 

    The book states the face or entire mock up “score” by judge has two parts, one is skills, one is Art (The emotion expression from music)

    The pitch or rythm or tone, the music range which the vibration mock up of exactly same music pieces = music song, was no fluctuation

That’s the review after saying. 

    In the real ice skating world, if you are fan of Olympia. It’s short and long program. Or there is in the music every entrance examination might be “free program”. If that’s in English words. Not here. We assign major instrument and minor. Each is memorization per assign the song by the music teacher. It’s by the music teacher you acquire, you become! I don’t really know which term the exactly things they use in the real standard. 

I know the land jump
About one full circle, you can just do 15 degree or 45 degree simple light jump, turn.
Follow the book, copy paste. 
I use to show NSYNC.

… … I mean one foot land when you coming down. 
I will tell you, when I small. I think I just automatically knows that’s one right leg swing up land on one left foot? The book, the TV?
…. No, your right leg swing out.




 Babaji: Go


1. Youtuber 是不是有馬戲團的長腳腿,尊上說有 iRS 美國的 Uncle Sam

2. 那個牙醫協會的粉紅色,尊上的蟲看不到,尊上說其實是課本裡面的蒼蠅是黑白色,但是鋼鐵人等什麼 allergy 是草莓、還是草莓口味,你說牙醫協會找他們,不知道是誰

3. 尊上開始搶東西、抓東西,是! 但是那好像誰因為俄羅斯態度惡劣在1995 三個 frames 的美少女戰士,但是尊上說美國其實是魔動王,但是好像不是日本系列,因為當年,尊上小鬼的時候有卡通跟真人版的粉紅色,女的一個其實的五個人,叫做小孩尊上的幻想

4. 尊上說 pile up list/ piling up the list….(疊起來的浙堆紙…) 可能二十件的每一個間隔一百,有一天你們就會變成跟尊上一樣ㄧㄝˋ道…. 吐血的意思,大概就是吐到不行的ㄧㄝˋ道了

5. 所有東西都是錯的可能包括你們…. 我們不是你們所以我們是跪著



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