2022年4月2日 星期六







I go to sleep

 Babaji: Go

No, you don't live with the animals, those are wrong. They know you are wrong from one to one thousand. Human guys suppose to like you. Dirty all human, every dust dirty but nothing but disease in every being of you. Really.

Life only meant perfection. You suppose to follow every rules to leads that perfectiveness.....you breed disease, of all things seems real to you. You make a rebellion, against, all that should not be like that. You waste every life around you. There are human are on the jobs, only these you all skunt human to make the entire society pay so dearly, you should have suffer worse, not just in hell, you are in one right now. 

Paper works to file.

Words to write need

Math to run in speed

Finance to look after

You have very very very wrong on those Bank says. EVERYTHING so wrong, to the degree of....you should just hell. They never just tell me. Its the worse degree you should have hell all the way, whatever these....you come out hiding your finance, behind every single paper.

Your water Tower sunk it.....

You degree of internal health, dry out. No more water osmosis....Organic.

You have no health aspect what you touch anything in public, you wash, you dry, you never go to the bathroom. You don't watch, you don't see, you don't go away....you imagine everyone has to die on you, pay for you. Of all these junks TV, Whatever these ET, should just make you all pay the hell of it. If they even exist, at all. 

Bed to fold

Alarm clock to set

The book to read, and remember

You blurs your vision, of course, they make you see better if you have the money to surgically make yourself shining. You start to tell people, they are at false, you do not tolerant, what God given you a chance to breath, because you ought to use that attitude, you have a tongue to even speak....how rotton you really just ready to get to the phantam.

Whatever you define and against this Medical Board telling you, what you ought to live in the terminal, its everything on the TV already.

Its your fate.

Your terrible Ends.

No despite of disgusting human, makes someone IQ like mine so daunting how low, you really make yourself low....through the loss of your stength to breath life, as if every door exit, going in, was ....none deattach.

So sick of it. Nothing but blames on others.

SHUT UP! I should have cut you another millions pieces, I am telling you.

Family its what you got, the community its the Christian doctrine, you ought to obey, not cat, not dog, you are already dirty like a hell... yourself.

Everything you touch, oh my God.

You cultivate yourself, you build the community, then you pacify the World. There are Chinese teaching, there are Ancient saying, there are degree of things in the sequence you do, in the organization you file your bank paper first. That is the most easiest things I will get, in the of all this...END, I am telling you. 

Junk piling, to imagine Rich, to make the Wealth I am telling you.

Being love by someone, its a degree of respect of that maturity you making your way there.

Nuture the ADD, conditioned, or worse, the symdrone, its you telling God, how those patients and virtue, to what he given you a chance to redempt every lifes mistakes, through that service a Guru like those Almight might one day showing up, if you just wait 500 years, nothing but only one Goal.


But what you do....just so piling up all these junks stuffs for me to say, every single things you did was wrong on these Bank statements....whatever made out of you. So the ending results are these movies.

I bet someone found out what are those, and I bet anything with that bank has something to do with the result chemists my worlds has your water sunk it, inside what it is in the pipe. of every usage, dirtyness and disease breed.

So ugly human, to be skeleton curse, good for that ending saying....the end of it.

Close book. I have enough with this. Don't want to do the mature human does the mature things, the hell will await you. You have no fear of it. 

If the medical board makes you the perfect eyes, you imagine anyone will get jealous of it. Its the same terminal, same air you breath, the same air pressure going up and down, same exit, of one passport, you hope its you holding it right, not missing it.

Of everything the Bank should just jail you on the first bill, I am telling you. What I see on every side, to that important few sectors. 


I have fever I think....cannot be seen.

A lot of things you only goes by to the education. God gives you decree, you suppose to follow 1000 %. There is only one thing. God.

No Ghost, no dirtiness in the temple. Temple of God. Light of all that Him Given you. The water that Earthly mother provides. your attitude is very very bad. Its everything you should just hell at it.

Classify tell you repeat, you should just follow every order any governmental regulation telling you. In the degree of 1x, 5x, 10 year, 20 years....there are every thing callibrate, you are not supposed to thinking outside the box.

Everything you do, you go back to your education. NEVER co-workers. you drop all those human you never met, going back to some common ground. You don't save them they will die. Girls suppose to cook, and nurish....you all doing this bad things, you will go to hell. you don't believe God. You are aginast to breed disease, and glass breaking things, because you dare.

Its every eye sight wrong inside your eye frames, there is nothing but revenge, and vola moment, you thought you will get away. You imagine if the police don't do to you, you should just hell, in front of every World, every Lords, no matter exists don't exist.

There are every decree you suppose to follow every disciplinary rules. You get up, you fold bed, you have parents, you do your best, to nurish them, as they born you, tolerant you, suffer everything around, so you have a human body, to grow. To that evolution its your parents give your skin, hair, blood and flesh.

To that physicality, you shouldn't use love to wane 100, you never get human, you only need one life, and work on all that betterment of life. Its everytthing inside your eyes to create and breed disease..those are very bad things in life.

And with the ghosty, things in phantam, you don't understand every aspect of God Kingdom, there are every rules meant say, done, and be respected to.

You intend its not to care, or just getting your own self beneift.

You won't go far.

The police don't do a thing, I will kill all of you, for every mistakes you imagine I cannot see one millions out of you, everything degree you suppose to suffer in hell, I will make you one million worse times, you should NEVER imagine Steve Jobs, one tiny Thinking outside the box FOREVER and EVER!

Ever warning you do not obey my rules, you will see the end of all ends, .....for you

Try to sway one tiny mistake, in front, behind my faces.

Every promise God given, someone will find you.

I will deliver every word i say. That is how I kneel before the Lords, you have the World today.

Remember that.

🌮🥪🍕 You need to identify Youtube Video, like I did 5 Lords review TV remoter. That is 50 mistakes in every video. You done 500 video, its 5000 every video are wrong in every 50 things wrong runs at 1 to 50. Its everything wrong, in the end of next 16 years...there is nothing right. Its everything wrong. EVERYTHIG

We, maybe me and my mother needs to go to hospital doing the blood exams?

There are so many things, to be done. The water pipe the ending, it cannot be pure water. There is device, there is ADD, there is bugs...the ending of the touch of the fusile, to every end of monitor, hard ware, all these things you see, everything around you.

You are all doing it wrong. EVERYTHING.

The place you step, the material you touch, the zoning, you cannot see. Its the data pile. People die in the old age, they are useless, you need to go lower.

Everything I tell you, you are doing everything wrong. They phase, out, there is no more handler. 

You will be on your own. There is no one left, other than the youth. There is only system....This system will run next century thousand years, it will never go back.

You cannot keep doing this Youtube, every video sent to me, its everything wrong wrong wrong.

If you become good at identify, accessment, analyze, it svery very quick. Its 500 , its 5000....its everything wrong wrong wrong. They don't set you up.

You are the wrong ones. You are the false, crime, should be jail, but they let you free?

That is so.....tax payer costly. You should be dead.

You know....they are belonging to this Medical Board, not to die out human programs right? So Conan right now there is a flying up in the air....these Metro on Red River Manga, and Flower Thousand..its a real structure.....Flower

Eben is ....a Paganism.


3 Esteem.

Mahavatar Babaji is a legand about God.

Kail and all these garbage human on Cleopatra are story of Bible 2 brothers...I thought Eben just told me Jay Abraham....That is 2000 years ago, BC.

I am a little confused....

You say the modern Medical Board human they assume human don't die program, so Russian and Ukraine puppy, country, they...are driven.....anything like a War, so technologically, its a normal human does human thinking girls cook, guys run and jump and lifting water and objects items in the house, to say.....habitate for humanity.

Service to humanity.

But Police and fire man needs these SMCH impaired human no more sitting there.....

There is 1000 Mayo, and Tamang is not jail yet.....

But Tina disappear, 

Every human I see on the ground becomes the screen inside.

They used to have a walnut cracker....

Disney book is a close ending.....pine vine....green those are Berlin story of plants, that is very bad in every stuffs.

My birds and the sky, the cloud, plus flower are talking in Chinese and in English,....I have a bird notebook on flower saying Ancient Chinese.....

I am teaching kids....following something called classify.

Do you say, they are the  medical board, not international medical board?

Raising human program? Meaning impaire in the seat, like modern airplane, you don't travel, you travel to Pixel at the border for the Digital clock to say records?

Sakura Clear cards are recorders, on 22....

There is 7, there is 22.

I seen Lotto too, on every degree of.....us.

There is something wrong .....about anything I open my eyes. I only really see 2 human.

There is a Eben Pagan, was on my facebook to say, what he is again?

The engagement, the Queen is on Christmas....on Prince Harry?

Its every video I sing, its about every crime should be jailed......I have 2 battle two pharmacy store, to 5th avenue, bad banking human. Who are flying again?

There are 2 president on horse, and on broken English in the TVdrama, with MTV.

There are also my Chinese are 100 score, but my english is zero....Its everything target at me? There is an idol God.

Do you say, there is a justice Police, what Supreme, those jurisdiction court? Meaning you put people somewhere, inside the cage, not in the seat? Fix spine? That is my father, impaire should be done, in the traveling tunnel.

My foot....cannot walk, if I start on one. I tell you if you testing bone, flesh, bone, with one needles, that is how you know, they are the movie those things. But the modern termology, you just take blood test....its a standard things on the correct paper.

The modern lights it is the fluesence lights?

There is a sun, and my cloud, and birds every day outside. I think these building, needs to be stop on the ground, you know....those 3 places ...and so many bubble tea all around. That is...so annoyting to think they target at me?

Its on per second frame, the birds do.

Do you think you should take away some stuffs, that is not per mins or second, like what you see on the Geo first? There are a lot of threatening ideas, feeling it, not supposed to be peronsal? I kind of just close the door better. Its everything wrong outside the downstair first floor door. 

My cell phone has so many time just flood like Facebook. Its everything broken, on per second, my head hurts. Really......

This is what I think....there are kids, they do on purpose to die on their parents. Like Wing and Ola

For some reason, they think the life is against all the time. When you lost all that love, or something, you dirty, you sunk it, your parents nag you, your attitude, like you are a princess....

Some people are short of resource, but not to say, they don't raise their own parents. These needs to lives in the terminal, my father and Dr. Shen I think they lives in the terminal.

There are something about this indoor, traveling inside outside, that motivate them must be......

How stupid the life becomes like that, really. 

There are these terminal life I see Pirates of Caribean, I really thought that was Prince William does, its to flying none stop in the terminal like Edward Snowden. When I seeing certain things so often, I automatically seeing my father....really. Because the terminal is very very bad air, but those stiff chair, you cage in it, you don't fall, you don't do anything other than stuff inside that seat.

These human you never hear me saying what is impaire means? 

A lot of Asian are very very impaired. VERY. And they die on their parents, they have something they cannot live on their life, and .....there is every reason they are put into the terminal life. 

I am watching Conan....everyone here we have 150 human? or 120 without those human...are they those name theirs?

This conan was about a Blue Sapphire. They wish you to think....they have your profile behinds, probably. None stop flyiing human.

You observe their behavior....

1. impaired

2. Short and weak

3. Weak in Tempament

4. Not loved

5. Not really cared whatever other people do...the ones you for sure, they might be flying. 

We have to guess? We have anything else to do? My entire facebook human? From UB. 


My father used to be none stop flying all over the places, I cry when I was a first grade. I remember...he just left me in the Go Game association. They fight with my mother so often. He doesn't know how to say, what to say to the kids. There are a lot of situation here that most works are from my mother. Everything it she is doing it for us.

You see Ola or you see Wing, their background suppose to make it MD, in order to alleviate the parents loads, like Wing's parents are Chef. Meaning they work their entire life in America, hoping someone will take care of them. 

He won't. He is that type...he collects his own money, never help anyone.


They are very very lazy, and dirty. Very dirty, imagine the penis so dirty, a girl sees it.

They don't wash their faces, they don't have a towel to go and wash it.

You know what....if they are told what to do starting high school....they are being told or tickets every so often, by every move?

You imagine your life if someone told you what to do the entire life, to those, everyone of us, has to try out 1000 things, to get one things right, in order to get money, get lawsuit, get people convince, get to buy a house, everything is a no.

Their life its.....on tickets?



10% of 100 = 10 dollars

What was it? 183?


That is 150 dollar of that 10%, its 15 dollars

to that double of the one of them is half

That is 7+15=22



oh ~ they say 18%

okay that is 3 % more, meaning 2.5 percent of the 10 percent half of that half....

15/ 2 /2 7.5 to half 3.8, you know if added that 3% extra




Just 180

Too lazy human, you should just give me a pen, and a paper, like a recipe, they usually have in the regular dining formal store, like Thai food.

I think they fly to their new destination, so they are on their missionary.

Bye !!!!!

oh no~~ this screen is so bad...

If I close my eyes I understand better

Its 150 I missing 3 dollars?

150 10% that is 15 half 7.5 half of that 8/2 = 4

150 15+8+4+2 = 153+15+14 =153+29=183

Because I didn't calculate 3 dollar extra to saying 15 % missing 3 % from 18%

So there is 2 dollars more in tips. 

Usually Erin used the calculator..... I think it was 186....I didn't see the screen. Whatever that is. 

If you give me a pillow let me close my eyes for a min, maybe that is better...its dim light inside the restaurant anyway. 

明明很愛你 ~~~


🌮 The guys speed are different, we build up things different. Right now like 2nd days, of their lists together they do? Even if they found one extra human? 🌮 The girls we have only one things.....debts and cooking, this far, your education failing I bet, no more momentum, if you don't drop and straight down dead.

You want to participate the guys' fast moving speed, you like the guys or not?

You hate the guys all the way, I am telling you. 

🌮🌮 You like them to be maid, I am asking you to do the National Emergency including taking care of their parents if they go out and purchasing the food, their parents staying inside the house, can you make tea, can you talk mature, can you asking them warming, where you from, how is everything doing, answer everything they ask you, or you just gonna sit there, their parents asking you a question, and carry a conversation?

Do you even know what is a National Emergency House, for? 

Its to house the human temporary until they find a better options? In Life, you make it life, when you land, you move forward together to find hope. You pray like you should before you eat.

or drinks?🌮🌮🌮

🥓🍔🍳🥯🥨🍲🥘 We can just always accuse others, things are bad, we are not on our ways doing this and that.....🥓🍔🍳🥯🥨🍲🥘 (National Emergency House)

🌮🥪🍕 A house where you gather you own University Clubs, to solve some movie crisis, so your entire day schedules, would be cleaning up your room, clean the sink, clean the veggie, and the rest the other guys do? 

Do you think of the best thing you do was the menu? The time when we were running the Loving Hut, nick says, those are wrong. their first things they do was the food menu. That is the wrong thing they begins, that Franchaise. 

Me and nick had nothing but running those address, and in the car, going everywhere, the real physical works, and talking to the real human show up on that property, one by one, visiting by visiting.  He just practices his talking skills. He is nervous at the hand shaking, greeting, talking smart....

I am telling you, when you seize the governemtal control of the Central Kitchen, whatever you do, that is the beginning, not starting on the hand shake, greet, talking smart, or finding money.

You seize the monopolize right from the govenments, that is everyone does. I think their Loving Hut was a volunteer jobs? I heard they lose every investors money, and everyone thinking they are in blessing to get away the karma. They quarrel all the time. I was home that time in Taiwan 2010, you all might see the photo. I talk to every Loving Hut on the map, including those not the Loving Hut, got fired, those internal Loving Food...Ying Ying..... factory food places. Low wages.

What they all have becoming, in the end of this Life, stlil....their heart linger the most, are how much the money SMCH cheated them for....every penny for. They believe something, and people trick them, on the money, on the take, and the business never take off.

Everyone all has one attitude, its to blame.

Its to accuse

its to always hate each other, of this one things they do between 3 of the investors. or few employee of loving hut, called "Turn Table Rate"

Meaning rain or shine you open the door for business, in the winter like Toronto, if one day snow, you lost gas, heat, and every money, stands there for opening. That is the reality.

So do you talk to your parents, your hate, your envision, your motivation, your excitement, every new life, you wish you finding a guy, my guys lists, or someone else, you seeing your interests? Talking things that motivate your life to go forward, as the girls.

I think those guys give up, if they become very very fat, and debts on millions, they just have to leave, I am telling you.

The whole world is full of human, to every turn, you just be what you suppose to do, not limited to 3 human, in the end of life, you will know the hates are not worth it. Being not seen, or being seen, either way, you meant it, those heart ache, really....just 3 human, all your life taken with you, the desire, to reborn...its those 3 human?


What would that be saying to you? Whatever you believing in it....


因為中國好像應該是共產,而且憲法是共產給誰執照,我們其實沒錢,去貼錢把東西趕在四個宗教之前,補上,其實我尊上大人很累!不只跟 ET 戰爭打了九年,沒完沒了!

你們去看電影叫做 Two Weeks Notice



我其實寫的手很酸,今天很離譜,我晚了 20 分鐘誰的中餐!




 Babaji: Go

台灣你們想 lawsuit 嗎?我其實不喝仙草!高鐵在電視上,不是出事情嗎?(Taiwan lawsuit bubble teas, 20+3 +4 commericial store, insane.....Taiwan Youtuber )

你們要自己寫自己賺錢,還是我賺?你們找滴妹寫,通化街 20 間珍珠奶茶,因為台北捷運應該在抓小琪二樓的,真的!有點遠但是他們抓!!小琪做建築二樓在永大電機上面,她們以前就在這邊住著,賴太太。

這邊倒了一間珍珠奶茶🧋在國家大廈,這邊有三間珍珠奶茶~~你們故意太誇張吧?滴妹開四間嗎?你們怎麼這邊多珍珠奶茶,我不喝珍珠奶茶,通化街 20 間珍珠奶茶,我家附近三間,永大電機,滴妹四間珍珠奶茶,你們所有台灣 Youtuber Adam & Hailey, and Pierre Meghan 一直在弄吃的,並不是珍珠奶茶,蔡桃貴爸爸他們有幾間珍珠奶茶呢?

⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡ 來~ 我來教妳們怎麼寫 ! 只是錢的問題,你們台北這麼小! 你們去監察院,說三塊地,三塊土地建商 ! 針對一個色盲在 Trump, New York City Grant Hotel Plaza Pink color + horse Sign

1) 銀行第五街 六年

2) 前菲律賓大使館

3) 郵局通化街 (銀行接直接抵達,第二號出口,警察局出口,消防局出口,小學旁邊)


監察院 - 告法院 ( 美國總統跟台灣兩位總統傷害你們的絕味極品 - 家家那個 MTV)

他們已經 ...死了! 驗證 ! 誰死了~


被告跟原告...我其實搞不清楚 ! 我去告 =你們去告的人叫做 Plaintiff

所以你們說有三間珍珠奶茶在通化街的隔一條全毀的土地之上,線外岀現三間,同一個時期,Taiwan 你們的 Youtuber 叫做滴妹一直開了四間珍珠奶茶,你們不清楚是全部 Youtuber 退出圈外的台北縣外,警告,因為蔡桃貴的珍珠奶茶帳單,一整年的消費是在電視上面 ! 他的爸爸剛剛就在廣告上面,他們有接單就是有工作拿錢 =經濟公司是准許的,但是在整個英文界內,真正有英文小學工作可能都是常春藤,尊上我大人跟法國 Ku 續問關照他瞬間出關台北地表在三重,記得嗎 ? 你們寫好所有日期,等監察院,說烈火如歌燒到哪裡的 40 年,叫做什麼才是最值得的高鐵新聞就在今天的 51 台之上,寫日期 April 1st, 2022. 

我剛剛打過電話,室內線,在台北的電信局,信義路上好了因為台北聯絡人是電信局的總部 ! 他們倆個可能都已經在監獄了~因為那一塊地!大安高工的正旁邊!一個大門的地下室,Coffee Shop 的隔壁,所以你們跟監察院說,還是告珍珠奶茶比較快,其他太多個人因素了 ! Too many personal reasons, not GPS reasons. 你們只需要 GPS 定位,真的眼睛看到存在的東西跟電信局,總統、五院,跟台灣有經濟公司的 Youtuber 那種比較存在,算不存在搬家了~~~那就是你們跟高鐵說了時間,叫做今天 !

我去躺著睡午覺....剩下自己看著辦 !

我三月的照片,有一整個部門 Processing 尊上我的容顏在歌詞的上面 ! 2022

March 24th 2022

🌮🥪💝 Lunch 🌮🥪💝

 Babaji: Go


💖🥙🫔 Dean, Tamang is deciding left or going right, looking at Adam 💝💖🥙🫔 He knew....he cannot go to the West, not there.....

Sometimes you need to stop these kinds of swing human, because... they written their rights, whom shot them, or something being abused, but he lightly tested you, or exam you, or hint you.....he is the minority.

He will look like he doesn't look at you, because its better he learn whole life, Chinese looks like Indian to spell smart, never interfere someone's business. You write that Anna says that is Tamang's personality, in regard to this "one operation", he had 16, or 20 patient on reviews, ends at.....Review dates. 

You know anything its a threat to him, like hinted..

    Eastern American Military

    You Dean, at the end, X, but burning to the Top, Melinda.

    Fat allow to eat, Melinda is Simon's best friends, without nagging Kate Middileton, husdon river to eat comfer.

    You have a full string Dean's friends, swinging down.

    Its .....Anna's Friend? Never seen it. 

His ex gf may not be his wife, but was one of the ex. He lightly says to me, where I should become, or achieve in 16 years.

I sing...music album, Simon Cowell manufacture deals seal, or tight, whatever he did. Before the bankruptcy.....

Full Kitchen, he needs the freezer or else he has to pay.....all those table he sees display, formal dining expense, his entire company, he did started it something New.

Anna is a Blonde, by Tamang questioning......envy, jealous.....

Drop dead 4 blocks, he is the student althelets, no he cannot die, he is the One. He see all massive prophecy, how all human dead, or Tesla....they whom all just chosen, shell close. It might be eternity. 


Its not really a big deal, if I write things down.....but Tamang writes too tall bothers his back, but he sits and write perfect English. He used to be English writing well.....I believe that.

True. Not retarded....face card would be nice!

His mother is a red hair. 

Ex gf was the red hair, I seen his formal wife. That is....his brother nad whom Melinda on Love Actually, if Jonathon shows up with Ola.


This photo before or after. It would be "I am a blonde, Legally Blonde"

The blonde hair races knew like Adam Davis, when he was a baby photo, hair gets darken. Everyone knows that. This kind of white race. Its EVERYONE in that bloods, knew that.

I am a blonde, Legally Blonde.


Maybe you should just print the entire things out, when you copy, paste, transcribe, some correct English, in the MD writing. Sounds like Class 10 level ELS, that girl in "Extraordinary you", Korean score 100, English at zero.

You ask Tamang, which language he is at Zero, Chinese or Hebrew?

Adam & Hailey, loving it?

How IQ none educated can be dead on TV. That’s exactly I meant it….til the day you run off merits, including Mormom. List items 1 to one million. Simon 7 Million dollars Bebe. 

Everyone needs a learning.

Your choice is without the educator, or whip.

Then, it’s gun. 

Understand ? With my heads bleed….your entire household MD keep going on….someone head bleed none stop, you keep airing show to …demonstrate it.

Perfect role, you imagine the wrong words. Militant mistaken military. 

Free will society …louder your personal opinion of views. See…how far you will get yourself with everyone kills. It’s just you willing to breath air.

Drama is all we ever needed. Let run up perfect every loop shows one by perfect every step 1 to 1000. Challenges begins at the heart, not charity begins at home. Plain English doesn’t want to hear it. 




With a white towel in the mouth, hot water face blisters….that’s how it’s down you are not drowning….

It’s just you cannot breath it. Right? 430.

I lesson that already, she is a patient same every mother. 

I lesson a lot of degree. Her retire age is 65. I tell her, email her…what she wants to do. That’s several weeks ago.

You never will….at all. Vow it, right in front me like you mean it. Gas. Fart. Not this face, 50 years, if you last long faces…. Long Buttom. 

Judgemental is a right, freedom AMerican liberty right. Perfect legal, and wining every terms like….correct terms in rights. 


Next time if I say wrong, you die.

Not I mocking Mormom one million to 7 millions wrong, one person house hold…funny ?

Great !!    跪🧎‍♀️

Girl crime -Tom cruise recent movie

1. Old guy mental even knows saying “I love you”. It’s a breast open tank. Most guys seeing girls wearing that 24 hours none stop, TV, commercial, school.

False. It’s…he got earphone say it….not knowing it. It’s one morning CIA on jobs she needs 2 hours shower crime, iQ at zero, shave, dream contacts, and put a tank on her breast….so ruined every operation by what she says? She inquisitive the plots, she might let go. Favor Tom cruise. Repeat, behind. Someone comes. Again next by dememsia guy.


Whose fates is Tom Cruise, weary tired get old faces….

Dean, right now he is at home. No, nothing happened him. But today on…it’s his own merciful fate, whatever that movie or Tom Cruise says. Escaping the military draft. It’s a chess move lists items. 1 to 1000. Loving it.

It’s to repeat. 

You only need sufficient amount evidence, ghost, impaire, movies, and Tom Cruise / Kate, against the UK crime. Trisom. 

There is a law, as long as every step details to every reasonable IQ logic saying, it pass.  So he repeats ! UK is not US.

Correct, every old guy is = Dimensia, they drowsy, sleepy. Retired data makes 401 legal. Imagine you are Wing

Second coming get old himself. 

Deserved it, legally. 

Priest items plots, Hailey prayers first grade to 12 grades, none stop praying…finally one thing works. It’s the money. One day she will take it…= retired. 

Right now we just keep airing shows, under the name “despensible”

Trigger system

“Spensor” “sponsor”, Diana just recently jail or monks those, in her name. 

See, this is how it’s done !! Mathrew !!

Legal get rid of 9 years Oscar, TV her, VS Romance Journey, for any runner up state position governmental to “Trison”. Not near, not tag, not imply, not birth right even.  

If I were you.

That’s a China ware, a tea….cup, lid. No….uh….陸貞傳奇 ….uh…no. Curve, mouth long, tea…lid, cover


I dissolve that pill in it.

Kail doesn’t know there is a thing call, Cleopatra Cobra snake poison. Cleopatra in Chinese …really meant the other kinds of saying, or movies makes pyramid, cursed saying, things within that setting. It’s in the movie. He probably not the type putting liquids everywhere…alchemist.


He and Zawanna …uh, just what they tell you the books. 

No, that’s a lethal dead pill. 



Understand ?

That’s probably long time ago. Long long time ago. Long time ago, already.

The fashion of a lifestyle it’s a vow.

That’s not a religion meant says, forever vow. Life after life Bramha caste. As long as shall born….

Of course Kail they were trained …like that Indian Commander-in-chef, hungry. But …

Everyone tells you, some comfer to be thoughtful, it’s probably meant well, no matter what humanity. Never poor girls mentality. With the guys it’s every problem. Already. 

Not blind girls

Not psycho girl

Not Dimensia girl. It’s first time you heard that term. Some, everyday only see and heard that terms will tell you, that’s a formula eternal law. They lies none stop, every eye sight. At it. Every TV just disgust to every point gulping…

But Zawanna is a Flower.

“I am, legally, someone dead, in line, throne.”

I am

I am legally

I am legally someone dead

I am legally someone dead in line

In line

I am the throne

You need to 行叩拜之禮,九叩十拜

It’s greeting at “吾皇萬歲萬歲萬萬歲” all, like Chinese shows you. Entire Congress.

See, it’s every jobs you don’t do you are just …a chef.

I am a liquidarian. You know the term, books? 

Every kinds, including medicinal. Minor medicinal chem lack one class UB. Not UK, University of Kentucky. 5 Lake defensive pure water region, SUNY Buffalo, not Buffalo States. It’s “At”, not “Of”. University at Buffalo /


God, clouds, eagle American passport, statues. Fire, water, snow, gracious, Earth. Not Cogis.

Home made forever not round but square zip bags, plastic co-workers, boss, throw at. matrix. Mr Anderson. 黑暗帝國 
It might be Patrick. Devil Wear Prada.

Henry 2, pillow, they just hand him, canot see far away. “Which one you get? “

Size matter. 

If you swing at the Eben like Eben’s eyes. That’s not a microphone swing.
Our temperment is different. 

Seeing things difference.

 Previous or Cherish 


I translate and transcribe English audio/ both Madarin and English

Writer, research TV shows format: Science and Spirituslity

Major:MLS, Master degree Librarian science and Informatic, married to Digital Era Guru claim, double dating guys Eben Pagan. 

Not underground fighting (Big Hero 6, after someone dead)

Chemistry is an industrialist renting Canadian the unit industry, across Center, international association, exact name: donation charity check to, your first line in throne vegan banquet on TV.

Real on airline England.

Legal name: Supreme Master International Association

Address to: Association members (TV scripts)

Headquarter 1986, Taiwan not metropolitan I am from.

It’s far away ghost house starts. 西湖苗栗

Mia o, train station, high speed, you stare at it? Right in front of you, really.

For every details you miss ….you hope Small Harry knew pillow cam be seen it’s at him. It’s Verdical higher. 


Guess whom is the martial art defense in there? The main historical story !!


That’s why on TV 30 years ago…25, 20. What’s the difference. (Bride War)

It’s every one of them you can get yourself full out. I don’t see why you have any particular IQ problems. 全身而退


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