I buy Tina a lot of those things, are for her Master to bomb it on the ground.
There are certain types of people, when they don't eat that much anymore, and really, don't have a particular on things what to put in the mouth those kinds, for real. When you actually see food, its very different than you imagine you put it inside your mouth.
Its very very real, to my every day I live.
Like I pass by the mall, seeing the same human like me around. But all these stores, are one things in common, its where people to go to eat, and they display.
Me becomes that niches, its zero. Correct. But I will tell you, I look at those glass panel, too.
Not because I am hungry.
There are times when you grow out of that, you will prefer to see "Art, how craftman, they did, to make all that."
I have no reason to eat that stuffs, but at least if the kids they play, to display, to just waste food to start, I would look at it too. That is probably more close to what I say.
Was that really a procedure, on bless food ? 子歇?就是你們師父做的那種事情叫做丟糖果,給加持的意思? 是給小孩玩的還是大人? | |||
我只是問問 !!! 不確定 ... |
我覺得東西長的像可以有點藝術,我其實沒有極端到一定是要日本的東西,但是如果他們沒有把他們自己弄到死...叫做乖乖地待在地球上,做它們應該靈修的事情,那對,我會看那種東西 .... |
我其實沒有特別吃哪種東西 ... 沒有食慾那種,不是你們想像的 ~~其實沒有耶!
我曾經告訴你們我中毒幾次? 魚? 好幾次 ...提那的泡麵有一種魚粉在裡面...那一天我發燒 ! 我其實知道中毒是什麼意思...因為我清身體很久的那個,我常常恢復飲食的瞬間叫做中毒,我常常不喜歡那種感覺,那是一種知覺 !
你們立法是說如果中毒是不可以吧 ?
我曾經有一次洗廚房,用氯,在我手上吃了下去,一個夜晚痛~我以為我死了 ...非常痛苦
有一種食物中毒! 我其實只要看到...關於會中毒的東西,好像都是海鮮是吧 ?
我其實長的像我的臉 ...其實已經很多食物叫做我很討厭看到,但是真的知道是毒的那種感覺,我也不清楚為什麼你們的臉叫做,可以吃下去那樣東西!
一定是可以賣才會存在的食品吧 ?
我寧願吃罐頭也會不會去你們哪種高級餐廳...其實很恐怖 ~~
你們其實把很多種食物擺在我的面前 ...我其實長的就是我的照片的每一張照片 ...
從來沒有變過 !!!
不太算輕視 ...但是好吧 ~ 你們一定是那種寧死都會去"吃"~連自己都不知道吃到死的人,你們腦袋真的是很離譜 !
我是不是長的很餓 ?
中毒跟常識....會中毒的東西,我其實常常直接看到就是等於的意思 !