Evolutionary Biology 200

March 26

Pierre and Meghan, from Sacromento to Disney it’s very very very far away from Orange County. I don’t really want to go that far, near by. We go in, I sit in the very shed under coffee shop on the street, exposure to air, you two human pair up a team moving.

We get to noon, we see each food places every carts, you all put a Loving Hut menu or food truck business proposal to M&T bank. It’s not a big deal, I already done it, almost every Loving Hut I visit and seen. We try to see where they have any souvenir shop, or we go straight to Sacreomento City Hall, there has to be one of those key chain you sent your parents sibling, cards, paper bags stuffs. Every seasons. 

Near UB, I think Williamsville around Pumpkin season, it’s a lot of food trucks, it’s actually real family gathering festivity, parents and kids on thanksgiving. Not college life. It’s a family life. Erin we went with 2 Thai girls. PHD nursing. 

Nick can really repeat ten times whatever he accumulate his bakery shop experiences. 

You know, college graduate does power point slide. Like a real professional, you all have zero presentation and words guys. 

You do water, electric, man power fees, per months if Toronto don’t snow = zero human coming in.

And catering business, how Calvin they fight every last resource ….whatever they all becoming. They focus on the food menu. It’s the catering menu important.

Catering ! They got free old lady does dumpling. there are cheesecake take out one radius they buy one piece. 

How they all become. If each you does 5 YouTube channel before nick + Each one food truck idea like Vancouver got theft Loving Hut food truck facebook. It will sounds more like you become a useful human really. Quality content and educational. 


No! Not college life, decorate bed header, wood or whatever !! National Emergency means your parents brought in or you just live there fine as your own places. We get to every step, before next step, that’s how every household does. We get to one goal, then money, then working the finest details, it’s you comfortable at your own room and bathroom. 

Every life when you plan, you design and really plan. You cannot get everything done in one time, but getting there might be everyone sleep on the ground, it might be everyone get sick. 

You nourish, get up as a group, no fighting. There is a reason why you go there, you make it Life!


No, you remember UB? There is a BJ or Wal-Mart, an Asian store and Wagmans, Tops. There is a bank, a shoe store and my Tomato pizza places, Sheridan Plaza used to DMV, that’s where Dr Will Turtle seminar was, right next by small unit, DMV moves away. 

When you are roughly ready M&T proposal, just one time two time those ready, we get Karen them in, her father. It’s just gathering when or how they poison us on FDA with their own assignments.

Food restaurant fried needs a permit!!

Toronto has a Fresh Franchise !


YouTube channel 

Number 1: breakfast, 5 dishes, 5 video, that’s a channel, first year, you are done. 

Number 2: math, sin, cos, tan, cot, sec, cos

     First, no one understands that stuffs, second you shift Asian I say you copy methods,

    Seconds, you repeat 1000 times, no one understand that stuffs. 

              I don’t really know what math that is under ( your three letter words, geometry ?)

You don’t need to know what that means, you just copy what I tell you to do. 

OU language, Py o 2

Pi O 2

Pi= 180 degree, Keanu Reeves height.

2 pi = 360 degree. 

One quatrain of the universe Bob Dean says….

You have 4 basic quatrain ….that’s 360 degree. But you usually horizontal at 180 degree, meaning x Axial shift from right to left

You repeat 1000 times these no one cares stuffs.

Just do what I tell you to do.

Number 3: Music, Piano song = Bread song

Do Ra mi

Do ra mi

Do do 

Ra Ra

Mi Ra Do

That's it! You create the playlist, like a traditional music orchestra, or you have your own liking music performance concert, high school singing Christmas, or City Hall whatever Ballet shows.....one of those tickets, you get it yourself. Levine they sell tickets online too.

March 24th, 2022

💝💝💝💝💝💝🥀 Commanders diet: like if me and Bill + his strangers guests 2 or 3 stays sometimes, first meal introduction : hi, White House Trump public TV on M Donald one menu, can you get that for us, exactly order from that TV internet, it’s our first meal together in the house. I am a chemist, industrialist, not nevessary I agree any of that…diet, you look at him you know that.

Me and UB Bills.

💝💝💝🥀 Bill made these sushi, we bought the plate from a metropolitan I am from. It’s a shopping mall rich women goes. We are not Japan, but it’s a finance center I am from. 💝💝💝🥀 Bill made these sushi, we bought the plate from a metropolitan I am from. It’s a shopping mall rich women goes. We are not Japan, but it’s a finance center I am from.

💝🥀SIlas and me are classmate, he is the UB editor in my Class year, he knows Dean, a dentist, he has a twin brother but we all purchase a new simple gadge from thr facebook, washing the vegetable for three English kitchen. I have a music background resume I give them. No, they really this dark blue, navy color I think. Not Aqua blue.

💝💝💝📣 I had a bf, both Dean and SIlas talked to him about this Vaughan city hall where we went to the town meeting, these are traditional package italian noodles, they are not cook, it’s gifts for you 2 

💝💝🌺 Dean used to have a gf, I think she made that. I made this.

Silas hasn’t say whom to bring a date yet…he is the twin.

可能是披薩和顯示的文字是「西門町素食 SoFreePizza西門店 So Pizza 西門店 4.1 (962)$$ $$ (962) 素食餐廳•營業時間 營業時間 素食餐廳」的圖像

💝💝💝📣🦅 Jonathon he is our UB MD, his father is Roswell Park radiology, I think this is his wife made him, as if he comes here. I think they are in a different house. 

😀😀😀 we have few guys coming over, you all want to eat here to go out?

I don’t really eat, so we have several tea type Asian rich human goes, it’s a traditional ideas ….cloth fabric made niches high class women outfit but there are a take-out menu, Bill is the vegetarian.

可能是 1 人和室內的圖像

These dishes might be Ancient palace chef related, they made into the Cartoon I grew up with. It’s not Japan those brown rice and sesame seeds. It’s ancient Chinese sometimes words in poem formats to say Royal Palace Chef, there are many province and they are the offering to the sovereignty ….

Annul offering 


They are the fix water pipe guys, and few outdoor walking human guys, or indoor pets as the kitchen chef, to make a raw juicing movement to say medicinal. I was the chemistry major, but medicinal chem minor, lacking one class.
I told them I am the industralist, so they become the maid, that is how they agree to come, i didn't tell them to come, I say you could just sit in the jail for the rest of your life. But they may not get jail. Or you want to call more people?

可能是 1 人和室內的圖像

They are the UB my Honor Class or Evolutionary Biology class, they are on my facebook, that is how we are in contact for 16 long years.
That is about right.

Toronto has one Vegetarian house, they have the menu, my mother met my bf, we all eating there, she orders all kinds of stuffs, we are vegan, 3 of us.

💝💝💝💝💝💝🥀 💝💝💝💝💝💝🥀 💝💝💝💝💝💝🥀 💝💝💝💝💝💝🥀 💝💝💝💝💝💝🥀 💝💝💝💝💝💝🥀 💝💝💝💝💝💝🥀 💝💝💝💝💝💝🥀 💝💝💝💝💝💝🥀 💝💝💝💝💝💝🥀 💝💝💝💝💝💝🥀

March 23rd, 2022

Simon Cowell Menu   |   Prince Harry Menu  |   永大電機   |

Celery those carrot onion, if we get more women, could just sleep in the kitchen for every day their leisure things to do, and FDA standard, because they love to cook, there is a lot of things, beside that traditional things people like, the guys like, or else, I switch to this vascular human plants of that celery extracting juice to try out taste, not even a juice pulp you know how to clean at all.

 可能是 1 人和室內的圖像

Like the pulp itself like a cheese cloth, you seen tofu or cheese, be squeeze, but make that tea bag looking to soak in a water more warm than boil, sit there, not even gas needed to boil.....leave it on the table 30 mins, those Brian lazy human does lazy things, when you finish cleaning that bathroom, what do you get a very mild water?

可能是 1 人的圖像

Celery and carrots juices combination its nick drinks that all day all night, just hear about it, fill up my throat.

Like all these broth, you cook the night before one hour, boil methods,
Meaning you boil the water first, and then meat....THEN in in the boiling water, and then lower heat or higher heat, you play in the kitchen for one hour, close it whole night, that is the brooth,
Lamb broth
Pork Broth
Beef Broth
Chicken Broth
To be honest, there might be 8 stove there.....in that house.

You don't want to stay in the kitchen, there is something of that facebook so important, really. Or Line App.

You make a 5 weeks projects.
You buy 5 different kinds of oil.

Dump in

Its called Lukewarm water.

可能是 2 個人和室內的圖像

There is nothing you see or do there I like, so its not I am hurry to eat, my air is different. There is no one does those things with patient, you have to like doing those things to be there, if to cook a whole pot. But the modern technology of those food processing like Coke Cola, those giant company, must have tests it out, those called the artificial flavor department, whichever these synthetic ideas. The Traditional cooking might have merits of those something.
There is.
Warm soup, Ancient Chinese medicine cook for a long time.
You have to love doing those things, long time long time long time.


You look again, that video cooking.

There are so many things in life, the skills at the end....its where you start the beginning really.

可能是 1 人和顯示的文字是「 LIBERTE SIN DD 」的圖像

You better than the women, only because your IQ last til when.....or disable, to dimentia.
You could follow an instruction.
That's it. There is nothing else you can offer, not really.

They might just ask you, if Anna one person deliver all these list by herself, how long that takes?

These birds is wild in this city, meaning no one cage them here, one day the cage Parrots find the way here, its the beautiful green.

可能是 1 人的圖像

They, if making a ground like that, there is an intention wanting to see things flying down, all by themselves, for whatever reason, you see all these video, without the human.

You could cook for a year with your mother. A few years learning something traditional, there is nothing you can offer to me, or to UB Robotic,...your parents know that.

Of course I have ways to fix it....
You do the quota before the 6 months
5 weeks, 5 times, once a week, you do Hair salon high tech, eliminate whatever. 角質 or neck massage 20 mins.
5 weeks, 5 times, once a week, you do Hair salon high tech, eliminate whatever, you do the foot massage.
5 weeks, 5 times, once a week, you do Hair salon high tech, eliminate whatever, you do the foot nail care, padicure?
5 weeks, 5 times, once a week, you do Hair salon high tech, eliminate whatever, you take the trash cart on the street, to breath the air seeing neighbors.
You finish these quota.

Correct, you stop after that.

 可能是 1 人的圖像

March 21st, 2022

Pierre and Meghan they lose the baby cart in the amusement park with the rest of 2 guys? The Crew? Sacromento, there is a musement park, you are living in one.....really. Its a zoo, or it will become a zoo, you see Birds of Paradise, SMCH books form Amazon, how she design their houses. I think at the medium points, its those fuzzy, cozy, soft, insulting pads, they sleep on the height ground.

We have 10 people staying in, +1 that is 11 human of that 20 going to Disney? Sacromento has a Disney?
You mean the playground?
Whatever...if its near, we do that like China expo.
We have 11 human reading that amusement park map. It happens in the Expo China, my mother studying the maps.


I think you rest 3 months in your own houses, you getting lost and dizzy. Really.


We go to each facility, taken photo from outside, kids fall off...and get back to the seating places where they have ice cream. 11 human sitting there, its 3 tables?

You cannot see how the balcony distance, where your eyes vision is zero?

You identify the exit and the door entrance, of each facility. That is 11 of us, 11 facility, you cannot see it with your eyes?

Where Janitor going in behind.

Yeah, that will be it. Repeat several times, we done. Its ice cream and souvinor shop.

You mail stuffs regularly.....


No, you pair with one guy, you could wear your own bag or you leave it with us, just your camera, or phone. 5 times

I sit there 50 mins.
We go to the souvionor, and then lunch, before 1, we get back home. Do they open before noon?
I think the restaurant its important, that menu.
We have a lot of stationary here....writing letter, pen pal. Your English is ligible.
Your Youtube Niche its just one textbook.
You could add one cooking, one math, or just 5 cookings
1. Oatmeal microwave with banana cut on the top. (Mother's market in California ) + Brown sugar utensil
2. Watermelon ginger soup (Raw food)
3. Meat ball green beans cassorole by then, you will already know what that is?
4. Macronni and Cheese
5. Bacon and fried eggs. ( parsley, salt pepper shaker)
That's it, you are the guys, you don't know how to cook regular.
I used to have a roommate from Rochester, her name is Meghan, or Maggie. I think Maggie. Blonde, taller. Waitor of her father's restaurant.
She brings in a crew of her own looking, kinda like those JC singing at Sorority, blonde types, not Brunette.
Making Spring rolls or summer roll.
There is a scarf lady, she lives in California, Dennis traveling up and down there,.....whichever whom just refuse there is no more room for one extra houses. She keeps her own stuffs?
Just 2 kinds of rolls foods, Ayo can live on that.
She had a very nice car, meaning she knows how to do the car insurance paper too. Her own car insurances paper...

James, we met each other that house property was a son with his gf, I don't think that is a very nice gf, but he or her both are very very tall. Looks like a subtle human too. About the same height like Evan. Much more cleaning too. Evan he is not clean I can see that.






March 16th, 2022

You all UB APO, CAC, Evolutionary Biology and Honor Class Chem, got all that photo album facebook links?



Day 1 on the National Emergency Plan

Evolutionary Biology

I still think that is a decent things to do, just uprising the entire Kingdom of All world, other than the human world, with the water, sky, air, and the sun, or the Earth.  That kinds of jobs?

Well, for the guys I already train 2 guys on, one pasta water cooking, one on hummus, that is only purchasing dozen in boxes Chickpeas. Indian stores are cheaper right behind the Wagmans, toward the sheridan, right next by Wal-Mart.

One cutting the ACE bread

One just got creme cheese / butter / caynne pepper / pakrika pepper / parsley / lots of winter storage potato / rice (White people eat long grain white rice?)

One use the ugly rice cook, for dozen white eggs, you buy 50 people, that is 5 boxes per day, so you only administrate like 20 boxes per day, you do nothing but eggs? That will last 3 days. The boil eggs alone can get up to one week? But you don't just do the boil eggs. You last 3 days, and you get into a routine, what other eggs dishes .....like a big container scremble eggs.

One guy does 3 rice cooker, ugly its fine. You does white rice, oil hot pepper cashew rices, and cumnin yellow a bit coconut ideas Loving Hut rice. Don't use a lot of cumin. Rice needs to wash 10 times, keep water draining, keep draining, keep raining. There is a calaway seed, with cinnamon, I think Indian eat those. You do nothing but rice. You prepare Kale, because the American one person alone amazon rice cooker, that is white rice done, the monent you put the wash kale in, you leave it 5 mins, its done.

One guys getting water, those distill water you investigate Wal-mart they are selling real distaill water? You also get ices bags / fruits / fresh herbs, vegetable and cereal boxes re-filled.

🥩🍤⚡🍮🍹 That is 7 guys these far. 🥩🍤⚡🍮🍹

One guys does the bacon purchasing, with bacon can, kinda like Top those onion stick, for green bean cassorole, the top. Next by it, should be? You buy frozen session things, starting with fish stuffs, curly fries, or tart potato, or regular french fries. There are ice cream, or vegan sandwitch snack. The most known brand, its Amy. They have microwave burrito beans wraps. In Asia, they use dry small shrimp, or small fishes, my father eating those. You ask the grocery people what is the onion dry stick small on Green Bean Casserole. You are buying some storage tomato sauce in big can. I don't like to do that, but those can keep on the back. Tomato soup kinda base things. Italian sauce has too many kinds.

🥩🍤⚡🍮🍹 That is 8th guy, you all writing down your own department one sheet, combine 🍮🍹 Money, excel sheet, word sheet, you share where? Google Doc, or drop box?

One guy you does, Root Beer + Ice Cream, that is there are fruit syrup cans, for the party food. Some people only needs a little bit sweet to keep up the night. Late night worker, like SMTV workers, you also buy plastic cup, plastic plates, spoons/knife/ party napkin, you might have to run to a dollar store, a lot of those decorating ideas. You check all goods, there are plastic temporary table cloth, might be some picnic grass sheet...temporary. You also storage lemon. You do things with lemon. Some....travelers, use some lemon, lasting 16 hours.

One guy you buy maple syrup, chocolate syrup, oatmeal, oatmeal energy bar, I think the same company. Organic luna bar, or cliff bar, those are for the sports people too.

One guy, you are responsible for those stainless cup, and hot water bottle. Those are in Asian store maybe or some retreat contact center, everyone can get one stainless cup. You looking for pots, pans, some Asian dollar store, or Asian American super market, you buy dozen boxes of coconut water, and there are "Happiness in the bottle", those jar jar ajr transparent coconut water.

You study...both this lists, and Tina's shopping lists, those might be display to those commanders + youth leadership spiritual, books, items, amazon plates to break or to dine at, like a regular house.

🥩🍤⚡🍮🍹That was 11th guys you all have. 🥩🍤⚡🍮🍹 

One guys you do Tofu, soy milk in America has a name. Asian, they have their own breakfast to all that salty soy milk, or sweet soy milk, those human hasn't die out, you find out location their name usually are 四海豆漿, Tofu has low, medium and hard. You getting some spice to make vegan scramble eggs. Chinese store must be. Their Chinese American branding white pepper, that has no MSG, but one more....what was that....White pepper with MSG I think,

Ratio 1:2 White pepper: regular Salt, little bit cumin for color, otherwise the taste become the cumin. You learn the oil fired on the firm tofu, you learn the dumpling inside those you squeeze the firm tofu to mush....and dry out water. You could sprinkle parsley, or Chinese Chive, wash though, thoroughly.

You attune to dumpling department, Hoisen sauce full jar, to one filling, you don't need soy sauce anymore

中華一番 Chinese cooking TV show 90s.

There is a vinegar with water or some flour, skills.....like..but you can learn that later.

You find some chinese local restaurant, vegan or vegetarian, or Chinese take-out, those some menu collection, you read and study those menu.

That is 12 guys....I take naps first.....

One guy does cetric belt fruit 
     Variation 1 Dr Christopher
     Variation 2 - nick had, I don’t have count ratio, left over, more lemon and grape fruits 
You buy vegan mayonnaise jar, that’s good size for transportation.
You use Feel Rite organic apple juice that bottle, its glasses jar too.

   Organic Apple juice, too sweet
   Organic grape juice, blood
   Celtric Belt fruits
You buy Amazon those dump throw juicer, cheaper and in case you move. You only need some juicing to repair. The commercial too expensive and heavy.

    Orange juicer, everyone knows
    Asian my juicers it’s nice
            you learn how to wash grapes. My few recipes on raw food websites. https://annaonrawfood.blogspot.com/
You stock up Vitamin C, L-Lysine, Oregon Oil, and Ankenesia 

You could call Buffalo, Williamsville towards Lockwood, there is a green house, they sell boxes oranges. You can ask the whole sale chain in California. Sacramento. 

14. One guys does bubble tea, purchasing unlimited money for, let’s 20 Cup, decomposed trash lid, pour all in, stack the cup, this is the party house on notes. You call city town if they soil free since 20 years ago, James house, you say, we might buy Home Depot nitrogen fertilizer soil….
You learn these bad water, throat hurt, star bucks tea and bubble tea water, no good. 
Frapochino okay, Star Bucks. 

You do simple garden planning, water hose purchase, trolly, U-haul location, telephone numbers. 4 wheel keys hanger at the front door.

You plant mint, that’s like a wild grass. Oregano is a brush. Nick has those information. 

You need Towels, bath towels, a travel guys bags like I had or T-shirt you change any time at your work room. 

You find local smaller farmer, 

    Farmers market. Honey, jam …local what. Events.

    California has the farmer catalog, seeds, rasin, Macadenum nuts in box shipping.

A lot of purchasing things I can tell my mother to buy or call and ship here from here. You stock up. 

💝💝💝🍔🍕🍤🦅 UB Robotic clubs gets 10+ guys, + Wing + Dean.

You guys can copy and paste. I actually don’t really know why there are so many robotic guys. We..just stood there!! All of them? I think they say they coming down too. They are all guys. I used to wear big fur shoes to go to chess clubs from them. My mother buy the shoes unlimited. 

🍔🍔🍕🍱🍟 I think UB medical south or Medical board they go in APO, that’s disastrous …fat 16 years pass. Kim from Pharm D board. Well, I know vegan restaurant Orange County my resume Kim, she does 3 D vegan eggs and vegan orange chicken. They are too old or dead, she is a nurse. 

My mothers company they sell Victoria Secrets

We ship it for you ….

⚡🍮🍹🍤🍭⚡🍮🍹🍤🍭 Its unbelievable, I am telling you. Nothing can produce one things for a household under any situation, at all. Your divorce paper went through yet? I think they coming to CAC too, whichever......near by all your friends groups together just like we met the first time, they were your bf, or ex bf....by now.

Canisus, going to CAC?

⚡🍮🍹🍤🍭 Did I say, that is unbelievable .... Its just you do one things, to make any of you useful, at all. Not one things to be useful or reliable, at all. I am telling you. You and your kids going there, I guess.....that is where Michael Vartan landed one day, before he die? With whichever gf, he introduces you all ....si? 

This is unbelievable stupid ...


This is a store they sell bagel, away from SMCH, but they have all kinds very expensive Pang use Asian sauce. White noodle, these sauces? to CAC, monks groups, that going there? They Japanese eat Seaseme and Brown rice. I test it. It works.

Only that.

Water? Those white Asian noodles are in a box, you go to Wegman behind and see....

Robotic pages, Joomla Community.

Do you guys know the entire SA has the Greek Society meaning, that is not one APO?

That is fratenity and sorority combine, with the rest of clubs.

Seth and me both have clubs at?

Day 2 on the National Emergency Plan 

My mother buys here the Winter socks.

15. You get the plastic bags from the dollar store, you check these.....like hardware store, two type, Chinese/American, or real Hardware store, like right next to the 306 Sundown Trail that one, near by 711.

You help that dollar store guy, and this floor composing dirts guys. You drag the trash cart out, and you look around that neighborhood, like you walking, seeing, documents things you see, get rid of all the blocks people, you see funny things. You get white and black trash bags, I have no ideas what laws there, or here, really. You can do recycling, like the plastic cups, that one with the changing shirt guys, set up a workshop like wood panel, kinda like Ryoya, but outdoor more like carpool, but not the solid concrete garage, that does not take a lot of money. Its just a shed.

You see that SMCH house in Menton, those rich human has these green plants all over the walls? Yeah.....not the house. That carpool. 

You find the police station and fireman department. Or City Hall, phone number, address, official, or you see uniform people walking around, those coast guards human included. You check the state school, Ivy Leaque....I know where is Standard, no very far. VERY.

16. You does things with the insurance guys, checking all these guys insurance name, policy, agent, states...Driving liscense. Just do those things. Sun glass pair with 15. Learn about Lemonade...and garage sale, like Sisterhood of traveling pants. 

That is sugar water + lemonade. You keep a jar by jar those coffee creme, small tiny.

17. You does nothing but the roof, and that green shed car pool, like watering, you keep checking. That Sacramento has a grape looking vine, but I don't think that is for that purpose, for grapes?

You learn each room interior design, bathroom stocks.

You study the roof, Canada its all nice pretty roof for snowing, you are in California. Roof its expensive. In any big mansion houses, any water leaking its a lot of money. You have to be equip with something like screw, to tie up that....each water or repair things if any animal shows up telling you. Yeah, you help those Robotic guys this house, and that houses. They do lighting here, just changing light bulbs. You could just stock up this light bulb, cheap or old...or news...there are all kinds stuffs in the lightening business. You pair up 15 /16

The concrete drive way suppose to be fine. Only the snow pavement broken every so often. You start calling, you don't need them now, but you start calling, hard store driving all around.

You stock up 

White paints, yellow paints, lights bulbs.....basic things anyone has a garage knows.

18. You get 20 first aid kits, 20 weight scale, 20 sewing box my mother bought me. In my video....at little kid little monks those video.


You check some weight issues, their skin issue, there are stocking iodine, those are for disinfection. For the dog, or the police dogs those, they are very polished well.....You get all their contact to their first emergency contact, one reference contact, in case all failed.

Facebook link

Youtube link if have some

You imagine no one lose all that stuffs, really. 

PC brand, laptop brand, car brand, like I used to have 1998 Nissan Altima 1.6 L...

Their DMV those sticker in front of the car, those numbers, if you just copy both their Driving license and passport photo, and store it every file. Their social security, you ask them if they still have it. I write it down, but I lost that cards. I lost a lot of things. No, I remember that number, including Taiwan number after 15 years, until I got here, they tell me "Fill in!"

I remember that in my high school. 20 years ago.

Anyone coming in, you register whom they are, what they are doing here. You might just go and studying the door, buy one or two with your Visa cards.

You see Tina' one of those buying list, are 100 children bags.  Correct, you find the money, and throw one garage, those useless things 100 kid bags.

The bandage for my finger and the foot, require a regular size ok bond, or a little bigger for the foot. You stock those a lot.

🍮🍹🍤 You could just talk to Bill right now, there is.....a block ....us. 

There are the movies X man Past of Future, this land is any time Past of Future. If that is a block of the school district, whichever saying zoning ideas, after getting rid of the human, whom reserved, no drinking drunk stuffs.

You can just import those Chinese marble things I say 麻將

I show you ....how to Ting Array of those....cards. Its a math, similar kinda like Go game, they don't really show you how to count. I show the behind military in Watermarke.

Yeah....not one by one of course.

Lazy human does lazy things, one of those. Your military unit might just need all the IT human watching that TV monitor, or TV rack....that rack inside outisde...

Or the Glass of the day, those human at the airport, they might have a full wall Iron Man, one of those never stop touching the wall....you want us catering?

I think Silas that row has 2 guys with him behind me and Andrew, but his Spectrum has more than one guy editor I saw him next to Silas seating area. 

Do I missing human

Seth, Vince, Silas+2 + 1 Spectrum, Andrew

Bill, Patrick, Braid hair guy

Brian, Eric looking, Jonas 

+ Eric




And below video


There is only one day Halloween of the year, guess what time is that?

You have 10 months.....well, 7 month, that is Nov 1.


CAC - Spring roll or Summmer roll (with the peanut sauce or some kind not allergic)

Their father or mother says, that is only 2 rolls, they will train the girls. The mother says... CAC just the people I know are 4 girls + Courney + Wendy. Its more than that....girls. The entire offices are girls.

I used to do nothing but checking Loving Hut menu

Ohio, Florida Orlando, Georgia, Seattle (They are Nuyen that Tien and what is her husband name Huang, their parents owns Seattle and Georgia Loving Hut, give away Seattle)  I been to 3 Loving Hut Silicon Valley, 2 in the mall, one at Milipas. Toronto its 2 Loving Hut, my location, or nick location, I calculate all the numerology.

Correct Broccoli washing methods, and cut it, and steam, or boil.....by we say how many clock you look you watch you time?

There is nothing hopeful, I already told you all. The End of everyone's life, its these girls exist, at all.




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