You actually look at the map to see where you currently are? Eastern Coastline of America? 🇺🇸
No, if you foot on North or South pole= it’s all you see equal white.
North Pole is ice called permanent frost, a chunk of big ice, no matter how you drill, it’s reaching to the water, icy cold, or methane you burn a fire to get warn, you die on explosion. If that’s what they say on SMTV.
South Pole is a continent, you don’t know what that is, if?
Penguins I think they say they are at South Pole, north polar bear. Like you never just hear people talking ?
You go by boat on the sea, meaning water, any water body like lake, stream, river.
Or land. South America land or Canada land. I already tell you in the video…there are only two things on your map you holding still, holding on.
Let go. Let the map drop, you see you drops?
🍟🍟🍟🍟📣🦅 Maybe you are too nervous on the whole thing,
💝💝💝💝💝 You are overreacted.