UB advisor throw me in the Che 105 without explanation, its called Honor Class, not Honor Program. I join APO fratenity, because Tom says, that is not drinking or partying. CAC is not Ayo says to join, its they are in the same offices with APO. They use that office for club meeting. I met Melinda there. But Melinda works in Silas front office with her boss white. I went to eat lunch with her. I force myself to go there or something? Then Adria she referee at Volleyball, she saw me there, so the second semester, they all coming to play volleyball.
CADS its Wendy my roommate told me, so I went to apply Linda in face, to get that jobs. There I met Lee.
Where do you say my mind is weak?
Dr. T offices, its he opens the office hour every Friday 3-5. I don't have anything else to do, so I sit in there....for my future? I don't know what I want to do with my future.
Jonathon is he post the flyers he starts the club in Chess. He and his brother in the pre-med club, I went with Jonathon. Its Jonathon invities me and Tamang, and another guy to poker at his house, I met his parents. Its Jonathon invited me to his church group, we all have the car wash...there are all the activities on campus, my mind is weak, I end up everybody say? Is that what you mean?
UB 的學校顧問把我丟到化學資優班裡面,不是資優班的團體,我加入 APO 兄弟會但是 CAC 跟APO 是同一個辦公室叫做通用的地方,但是我在那邊碰到 Melinda, 她在 Silas 的辦公室的前面跟她的老闆工作,是我強迫她我去那邊吃飯的意思? 是 Adria 在 UB Alumni 做排球的主導的吹哨子的,所以第二個學期她們自己出現的 ..
是我室友一貫道她說 CADS 有家教的工作,我去應徵碰到 Lee 的
Dr T 的辦公室是他自己開的每個禮拜五的下午 3-5,我其實沒有什麼事情做呀 ~我就坐在那邊,我的未來在哪個方向呢 ? 我其實不知道我以後要幹嘛 ...
強納生是他把海報貼在 UB 說他要製作一個西洋棋的團體,他跟他弟弟在那個 Pre-Med 的社團我去跟強納生坐在那邊開會,是強納生邀請我跟 Tamang and 一個馬來西亞的誰去強納生他家玩 Poker 碰到強納生的爸媽,但是是強納生邀請我去洗車跟他們的教堂一整個團體,這所有在學校的活動,我的心智微弱,就是他們說什麼,我出現什麼的意思? 這就是你們說的?