Conan Detective - YouCry University
Ocean University
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The Private Eyes' Requiem
This is a story about a groups of people between those, kids, high school detective with husband, ex-wife lawyer, trying to get the Watch Exploded cases to Stop the Time.
Like the Invitation of the Time : Hunger Game.
Stop the Time, stop the invitation to arrive ....
Usually, public only needs only one story right...
One story, other than that story, really. Just one story.
閃電霹靂車 | 夢幻遊戲 | 浪客劍心 | 怪醫黑傑克 |
There will be a day, when that one case to open, it will beceome the forever & eternal jail. It may not be today. It will be One Day! 在某一個的未來,有一天的案子打開的時候
Do you know what a jail looks like? Right now, someone is inside the jail, at least the police and the military or the Supreme Court American knows that. That is not by accidents they are there. Its being considerated to be that jurisdiction of the Law, today makes of the America since 1789.
You could be jail, you could lose everything, its all humanity meants it for the money, but still, there are choices others make to reach this far, not to incuring debts to that gamble of a jobs they do.
The public may just really hope to know, all that, was a destiny, that every choice of that making to arrive that Time and Space, to see...something, they coincide, its not a completely driven by the selfishness and bad language, that no one what everyone does....its not you meant it, that is a forever love, on
a Last name.
Whatever that is.
Maybe some believes its the ET does this. I don't really know okay? Sometimes this, someitmes that, You assume, I take it, its all ET. There is humanity to consider, a little bit of some other human might exist.