You want to be small tiny mind? 你想繼續做小心眼的人類嗎?
Some human they told me music is by intuition it becomes a hearing faculty in TN. 直覺變成音樂成就 TN 的某些人類 …
We have a music jargon dictionary - Pure Italian Nicky human on Croshado ….
It’s not business consultant jargon, it’s Music entire yellow small tiny booklet on music jargon, comprehendi my English ? Stupid human does stupid clothing package fabric suit to looks like black tuxedo uneducated human and truly at the end, it’s something really dysfunctional !!
Human pretend - 人們喜歡裝
And you two? 你們兩個呢?
Where is your music dictionary, music sheet books stand, steel made ?
Where is your pencil, to compose music, pencil sharpener, like eye brow shapener?
Taipei has this Yamaha has like ice skating books on level entrance grading, you checking scheduled ?
在阿媽家那邊的 Yamaha 有像溜冰天使 human 等級測驗!
You two has both major and minor instruments !!
Music theory
Music history
Memorial hall you dress formal ….中正紀念堂一樓大庭
提那 Pang
I have no ideas what’s your current company on educating you two dysfunctional human …try to be educated like a real money spending on classic music….not Elvis, not movies, not James Horner should be dead, not Justin Timberlake, not JC, not Disney those choreography human…
Traditional ballot, ticket sold in formal wears.
Memorial hall
1900 bake street
Orchestra, Andrew Bocelli,
Phantoms of Opera
Traditional literacy that suppose to EVERYTHING BUT Disney …
Music groups has nothing but rehearsal…. Like Olympia Ice Skating, like Volleyball formation rehearsal
Dance rehearsal, orchestra rehearsal
You want to check your local Meet-Up groups, if you still in America!!
You cannot possibly to sound like I keep saying my throat up fill-up on rehearsal really
我的每一天都在排練立人、延平、中山,我聽到都淹到我的脖子上方了 ….
Rehearsal = 排練
Routine rehearsal, formal rehearsal, warm up rehearsal,
Orchestra rehearsal, there is nothing in life BUT rehearsal, my entire ear drum fill up “rehearsal” !!