Sometimes getting a more well oriented University Resources, its because you hoping to aim, ONE university Faculty position.
You stand or talking like them, that might be better for you, really. However teaching sounds like not a job, or they are not a human jobs really just poor and dress......thin,
I don't think you trying to get a job, right, or ever getting a job, for a career aim, at all.
You want a career, not a job. I am telling you, some that I see, those were never my career choices. All the career offices, will tell you one thing.....go and networking yourself including that Graduate School, they hit you the hardest I think, if they talk more louder. SO I didn't have even one club in my graduate school. I need to get a job after I graduate.
To aim for one University position, you have several doorway.
Internal University resource, internal staffs
Professor, those are tenure, meaning community included, whatever they lightly hinted, I didn't even search the data, I just heard the rumors.
You pay attention to all the rumors and you observe every professor what they do, or become, or resume at, like driving an airplane, or an MIT, or North Carolina, those are Pharmacetical triangle.
I don't think you do a thing, to stay on Campus, those jobs, why Linda is a Coordinator, you could just replace her jobs, to see what she really does, and you deliver that jobs, you replace here, that is an internal university one title to start on your resume.
Not really just aim at Tax, purpose. Maybe I say that too loud?
Its a professor jobs, they have tenure, and once you arrive that tenure, you know how much they pay yearly?
These looks I will never get a job ANYWHERE!!! really...I know that.
But University resources, have all the walking free zones, all around. I used to that. Silicon Valley those cubical like Marconni?
Like what they say, the cubical offices jobs, like Keanu Reeves?
You know what is a confine one space, office jobs? You arrive the Hospital top management, that is entire walk floor big space wide places.
Like you see "A day of Life" From England campaign. What is so wrong to stay on campus, and having an university position? Some I realize it has to be the military background. These funnel resources from the small lab, to hospital, to the research imagine, what I say to you
Pubic Sector, = no registration name in your brand, like CERN
Private sector, public hospital, research complex, hospital-research institution ...
There are not a thing you understand one words, when I say to you their cafeteria required an ID card on your neck?
Called INTERN!