I don't think any of you going that far with IRS, on book publishing, that is minus 5000 dollar on editing alone, not to say, you publishing on your own costs.
Dr. Will Turttle
Remember I used to be in the Sheridan Drive, DMV used to be plaza, they left long time...it becomes the undeveloped blocks, a small tiny corner, there is a meeting ground, I put the art works on the Pinterests, those few printing out technology in Office Depot?
Like Tina' Calligraphy stuffs, her mother also write very nice.
Math. And Chinese too. She holds books, becuase she studies the hell of it. Ancient Chinese of all sort of slang,
England Prince, those time were for Prince Harry, at his Sitesell whatever he might be inside the system closure.
Read it?
Sitesell: https://letteryouwish.blogspot.com/p/sitesell.html