Not law
Not English
Not british
Not Russian on defense War on "middle school textbook"
There is a reason you all got jailed.
Do you want to know what is the system board behinds looks like?
Not just on Victoria Secrets Paper cup board? They stick a photo on the one island, that photo....this is looking very very bad.
Not geography
Not on singing talents
Not on piano
Not on fitness
Not on science discovery
Not on 9 years war with 商鞅與妲己
Not this bankcrupt Simon, its literally in front of me diagonally....
Not fedding 4 blind mices, mute, disable....
Not 5 years old of all that, to become....the GREATER Good Russian, in Flower Thousand Bone 3 Esteem, however that sounds in English, to put it right?
Not me becoming the Congress Dr.T's wife, to hit City of Hope, to shed Jonathon, or Wing.
Or the other way around...there is only one frame they look at it.
City of Hope, me let go, to against the Congress.
Both way they keep looking at it keep looking at it = One Frame, that Warrior.
Are you blind?
Am I blind?
The first day I tell you, "There is only one frame"....before that.
I told you like 2 or 3 days later?
I can see people.....I am the ones writing the laws, are you all blind?
Can you do something functional? If you don't deliver that, like I have to save myself....keep going against everything else. Its you are blind, you are not capable, or you just look like you have a profession, to spell money, and I have zero money seeing you, Heating cup, on stainless steel "Good morning, Anna's Military"?
Deliver the geography?