You know what I think...he was saying operation, surgical?
... ...
You are in the modern technology worlds, where you are not really living in the ancient, you eat foods, so you get like that. If you use the Medical new invention of everything they have, its more expensive, but they might have something to....know why it gets like that.
Everything is because of the diet, but a lot of people have to stay on eating, really. Anything I have on the techniques, you are talking about those.....some very little human, lives on water, liquids, teas.
You have to have a nature you don't love to eat. Too lazy to eat.
That is the weight....are you sure the Medical Board meant you all just keep eating? Built on weight?
Not I try to stop you all eating 3 meals a day....., that redness, you see. Its a wound. Those you see, that is when you stop, correct. I done all that, but those are wound. You will feel it, if you do what I say before. Those are very sensitive wound. To straighten the toes? That is what he says? Are they deformed, by decades, this is not the first day becoming like that, at all.
This is bad, indian girl. If you all just wash your foot like 5000 times before you see a doctor, they will tell you, that is 5000 times water volumns. Like statics water flows, or none stop running water flows, really.
They scrap?
Like I can see they do that several times, he cut one side, and open, and then slide that off, and now they scrap the whole things? That is a wound.
This is not, one of that 15:40, washing the bath shower, or every sinks human, put their foot in it?
Their house utlity tank? That is not what she says?