She looks like that girl Korean too, Video editing Love Century. One of my buddy friends, on the other side of the house. Not just those Taiwanese video editor in front of me.
When you enter a group, whichever human shows I know what they need. Its the cook food. There are so many these experty human girls or guys, you just tell them sit down and talk.
And treat them like you own the house.
I own the land, so I have the right to ask them every questions about their life. Including what food do you usually eat, so you all maid writing it down, you ask someone to make their life easier, from every country they travel. I keep saying it to you, 25 country scientific high school convention Canada ground.
Not mermaid 2 Disney version.
oh my God. What human does, to ruin everyone's life. High school drop out !
You will never make it on the ice rink. But you could start to pick up any physical training. Cooking required washing, standing at the kitchen counter very long time, washing all the wet water surface, see, clean, touch, use the Kitchen Towel, as if you waste them on trash, or on bills, really.....
Its every things you see on the ground you feel your socks wet, or your bare foot, so you run in you run out, like a maid, to clean up every water if its on the ground for your mother.
Every training, takes every 10 years, like Flower thousand Bones say 2015.
That is now 2022. You understand the Time?
I am telling you. Dr. T should throw his 16 years guys and girl directly on the ice rink one day.
Just all going on it and start introducing each other, whom you are, what you do.
Pete is on the Ice !!!!!!
You all girls have to start cooking, by the Order of Congress, I just gonna kill them to force them make you all girls, at least when you become old, you can feed yourself, at all.
You have no money going out for a dinner with your uncle, or your father. No money, you have to cook 7 days a week. You kill yourself, better than you bleach every day on the field.
I hold the UB Pepsi Walls! Right behind, its my apartment, big kitchen, very very big living room, its empty all the way...where all the birds arrive.
Mail box to see Obama, North?
That is Pepsi Ice Rink. Pete went there? Its at UB. 16 years....or 20 years?
Dr. T plays Hockey.
I hold the UB Pepsi Walls, Ice Rink Walls!!! Thousand times I am telling you, I don't ice skates !!~~~~~~~~~~
You want to tell UB, calls Taiwan Ice Rink, how many times I enter that gate. Seriously by numbers, you might ice skate more than I did in UB, the romance dates with your father.