So we look at other options at the same time.
The girls whom living alone, their gadgets to collects for the guys in their....happy life.
You know what I think about the gadget? You know those kids blue big boxes, plastic? Navy or not that dark navy blue? Kinda like rubber plastic top? You probably put toys in. You put 50 these gadgets, you never mix up, its all exactly the same color of the things in there, with a sticker on, say "gadget English name"
Whatever you called it. The Screw driver, or wiper, or cleaner, or spray plastic bottles. You never get mix up.
Some white girls might like some of these stuffs, not every stuffs.
Just some small things they use at home.
For the girls. Some might just wish to live on their own, to have a career, whatever situation they have.
Why I always looking at the bad or the worsen things?
There are help
But there are darkness without the Help.....that is when you fallen in the wood, at those air, you thought someone coming in saving you, if you just go before you phone someone and say you are on your way somewhere.
People in this world often don't seem to be....normal.
At all.
How to do this?
You get rid of them.
There are every educational institution, book reading room, all these events, where these human shows up. Starting their elementary school principle, there are countless email box, you could register, and file a complain, someone is...killing with a warning, they meant it, they put stuffs.....right in front of your faces, these things, are NO!
I will tell you...when the karma turns, sometimes there are things just happened at the same time. They fall
They die on their own.
A lot of things if I tell you don't think, don't speculate, don't make a better just listen.
People like this, they know their karma are chasing them. I don't know if that is what it says, but they analyze everything in every degree its someone hurting them. Sometimes they have dreams, they sometimes seeing the birds coming to them, or the air, or the clouds....because they are alone a lot.
They are highly superstitious, kinda like those high school drop out.
Meaning, its every little things frighten them. EVERY little noise, they got frighten.
They would just die out in their sleep, or reading some Bible, at home...and next day you found them dead without no one does a thing to them.
You would be surprised...those, if there are others listen to them, or talking to them, not as easy as those, becoming tradition of some wizard arts of crafts to say, Home Alone.
That kind of situation is very bad.
You don't safe every human, you sent the priest in first. You ask the public health human, the social workers, the stack of phone books I give sent the food stamp human, you sent the home depot gardener, you sent the water towers human all around, finding out.....
You don't save human, they really....really....just die on their own. Without anyone does a thing to them.