You all UB APO, CAC, Evolutionary Biology and Honor Class Chem, got all that photo album facebook links?
Evolutionary Biology
I still think that is a decent things to do, just uprising the entire Kingdom of All world, other than the human world, with the water, sky, air, and the sun, or the Earth. That kinds of jobs?
Well, for the guys I already train 2 guys on, one pasta water cooking, one on hummus, that is only purchasing dozen in boxes Chickpeas. Indian stores are cheaper right behind the Wagmans, toward the sheridan, right next by Wal-Mart.
One cutting the ACE bread
One just got creme cheese / butter / caynne pepper / pakrika pepper / parsley / lots of winter storage potato / rice (White people eat long grain white rice?)
One use the ugly rice cook, for dozen white eggs, you buy 50 people, that is 5 boxes per day, so you only administrate like 20 boxes per day, you do nothing but eggs? That will last 3 days. The boil eggs alone can get up to one week? But you don't just do the boil eggs. You last 3 days, and you get into a routine, what other eggs dishes a big container scremble eggs.
One guy does 3 rice cooker, ugly its fine. You does white rice, oil hot pepper cashew rices, and cumnin yellow a bit coconut ideas Loving Hut rice. Don't use a lot of cumin. Rice needs to wash 10 times, keep water draining, keep draining, keep raining. There is a calaway seed, with cinnamon, I think Indian eat those. You do nothing but rice. You prepare Kale, because the American one person alone amazon rice cooker, that is white rice done, the monent you put the wash kale in, you leave it 5 mins, its done.
One guys getting water, those distill water you investigate Wal-mart they are selling real distaill water? You also get ices bags / fruits / fresh herbs, vegetable and cereal boxes re-filled.
🥩🍤⚡🍮🍹 That is 7 guys these far. 🥩🍤⚡🍮🍹
One guys does the bacon purchasing, with bacon can, kinda like Top those onion stick, for green bean cassorole, the top. Next by it, should be? You buy frozen session things, starting with fish stuffs, curly fries, or tart potato, or regular french fries. There are ice cream, or vegan sandwitch snack. The most known brand, its Amy. They have microwave burrito beans wraps. In Asia, they use dry small shrimp, or small fishes, my father eating those. You ask the grocery people what is the onion dry stick small on Green Bean Casserole. You are buying some storage tomato sauce in big can. I don't like to do that, but those can keep on the back. Tomato soup kinda base things. Italian sauce has too many kinds.
🥩🍤⚡🍮🍹 That is 8th guy, you all writing down your own department one sheet, combine 🍮🍹 Money, excel sheet, word sheet, you share where? Google Doc, or drop box?
One guy you does, Root Beer + Ice Cream, that is there are fruit syrup cans, for the party food. Some people only needs a little bit sweet to keep up the night. Late night worker, like SMTV workers, you also buy plastic cup, plastic plates, spoons/knife/ party napkin, you might have to run to a dollar store, a lot of those decorating ideas. You check all goods, there are plastic temporary table cloth, might be some picnic grass sheet...temporary. You also storage lemon. You do things with lemon., use some lemon, lasting 16 hours.
One guy you buy maple syrup, chocolate syrup, oatmeal, oatmeal energy bar, I think the same company. Organic luna bar, or cliff bar, those are for the sports people too.
One guy, you are responsible for those stainless cup, and hot water bottle. Those are in Asian store maybe or some retreat contact center, everyone can get one stainless cup. You looking for pots, pans, some Asian dollar store, or Asian American super market, you buy dozen boxes of coconut water, and there are "Happiness in the bottle", those jar jar ajr transparent coconut water.
You study...both this lists, and Tina's shopping lists, those might be display to those commanders + youth leadership spiritual, books, items, amazon plates to break or to dine at, like a regular house.
🥩🍤⚡🍮🍹That was 11th guys you all have. 🥩🍤⚡🍮🍹
One guys you do Tofu, soy milk in America has a name. Asian, they have their own breakfast to all that salty soy milk, or sweet soy milk, those human hasn't die out, you find out location their name usually are 四海豆漿, Tofu has low, medium and hard. You getting some spice to make vegan scramble eggs. Chinese store must be. Their Chinese American branding white pepper, that has no MSG, but one more....what was that....White pepper with MSG I think,
Ratio 1:2 White pepper: regular Salt, little bit cumin for color, otherwise the taste become the cumin. You learn the oil fired on the firm tofu, you learn the dumpling inside those you squeeze the firm tofu to mush....and dry out water. You could sprinkle parsley, or Chinese Chive, wash though, thoroughly.
You attune to dumpling department, Hoisen sauce full jar, to one filling, you don't need soy sauce anymore
中華一番 Chinese cooking TV show 90s.
There is a vinegar with water or some flour, you can learn that later.
You find some chinese local restaurant, vegan or vegetarian, or Chinese take-out, those some menu collection, you read and study those menu.
One guy does cetric belt fruit
You do simple garden planning, water hose purchase, trolly, U-haul location, telephone numbers. 4 wheel keys hanger at the front door.
You plant mint, that’s like a wild grass. Oregano is a brush. Nick has those information.
You need Towels, bath towels, a travel guys bags like I had or T-shirt you change any time at your work room.
You find local smaller farmer,
Farmers market. Honey, jam …local what. Events.
California has the farmer catalog, seeds, rasin, Macadenum nuts in box shipping.
A lot of purchasing things I can tell my mother to buy or call and ship here from here. You stock up.
💝💝💝🍔🍕🍤🦅 UB Robotic clubs gets 10+ guys, + Wing + Dean.
You guys can copy and paste. I actually don’t really know why there are so many robotic guys. We..just stood there!! All of them? I think they say they coming down too. They are all guys. I used to wear big fur shoes to go to chess clubs from them. My mother buy the shoes unlimited.
🍔🍔🍕🍱🍟 I think UB medical south or Medical board they go in APO, that’s disastrous …fat 16 years pass. Kim from Pharm D board. Well, I know vegan restaurant Orange County my resume Kim, she does 3 D vegan eggs and vegan orange chicken. They are too old or dead, she is a nurse.
My mothers company they sell Victoria Secrets
We ship it for you ….
⚡🍮🍹🍤🍭⚡🍮🍹🍤🍭 Its unbelievable, I am telling you. Nothing can produce one things for a household under any situation, at all. Your divorce paper went through yet? I think they coming to CAC too, whichever......near by all your friends groups together just like we met the first time, they were your bf, or ex now.
Canisus, going to CAC?
⚡🍮🍹🍤🍭 Did I say, that is unbelievable .... Its just you do one things, to make any of you useful, at all. Not one things to be useful or reliable, at all. I am telling you. You and your kids going there, I guess.....that is where Michael Vartan landed one day, before he die? With whichever gf, he introduces you all
This is unbelievable stupid ...
This is a store they sell bagel, away from SMCH, but they have all kinds very expensive Pang use Asian sauce. White noodle, these sauces? to CAC, monks groups, that going there? They Japanese eat Seaseme and Brown rice. I test it. It works.
Only that.
Water? Those white Asian noodles are in a box, you go to Wegman behind and see....
Robotic pages, Joomla Community.
Do you guys know the entire SA has the Greek Society meaning, that is not one APO?
That is fratenity and sorority combine, with the rest of clubs.
Seth and me both have clubs at? These girls are unbelievable....