MD has to keep their jobs, or they lost their everything, like how Square's father probably never need to educate her, the entire life, so she becomes like that. If Square just rejection on the hospital ground, he got fired immediately, and these MD needs a lot of faces too. He is small voices like Dean.
They are not those Military Solider, One Whole Life Professional Solider. Permanent Solider. He is just a military surgeon. They put junks guys, but still their works are to... "cure the mass", behind "make a mess". Its real, that is why these video comes up.
A lot of MD needs a lot of faces, meaning, no hugging, no kissing, no carassing.....the normal guys. There are ADD, those face cards, probably.
Human are not good, so the system design, its like Cabel says, eliminating the mass. When the movie telling you something, your insurance on the house burn because you are not home, or you are impaired, you cannot see, and drive too many car incidents, you will get lawsuit and put in the jail, if someone reports you. Probably its true. You are every morning from which day and time to night, to reach that traffic.
One major, guess whom?
Its the Entire California Metropolian Traffic System implemented.