You do or you don’t do thing makes no difference.
I just pass by, this AMerica is very big territory, a lot of country can just skill workers themselves in Visa issues with these profiles from Dr Lee. If they just become the MD literate from 194 country.
You have something to ask me.
You could just write it and sent to Dr Lee or TLC.
No, I am not a doctor, and no, I don’t cure others. I didn’t remember my birthday those times, no. Not even my name.
Probably one desk display probably how many profiles, 4 or 5? That many even?
A girl, a black, and a yellow nose.
I didn’t participate their classroom. Those public broadcast educational classroom.
It’s a wiki classroom. Another branch of Wikipedia. It’s an classroom setting. I have so many desk everywhere really. Profiles like your patients yellow binder with your photo on profiles. I don’t have other human exists there.
You could just decorate that desk yourself. A yellow notepad, A wire phone box. It’s empty.
🦅 the bird says they need their statue there.