How IQ none educated can be dead on TV. That’s exactly I meant it….til the day you run off merits, including Mormom. List items 1 to one million. Simon 7 Million dollars Bebe.
Everyone needs a learning.
Your choice is without the educator, or whip.
Then, it’s gun.
Understand ? With my heads bleed….your entire household MD keep going on….someone head bleed none stop, you keep airing show to …demonstrate it.
Perfect role, you imagine the wrong words. Militant mistaken military.
Free will society …louder your personal opinion of views. See…how far you will get yourself with everyone kills. It’s just you willing to breath air.
Drama is all we ever needed. Let run up perfect every loop shows one by perfect every step 1 to 1000. Challenges begins at the heart, not charity begins at home. Plain English doesn’t want to hear it.
With a white towel in the mouth, hot water face blisters….that’s how it’s down you are not drowning….
It’s just you cannot breath it. Right? 430.
I lesson that already, she is a patient same every mother.
I lesson a lot of degree. Her retire age is 65. I tell her, email her…what she wants to do. That’s several weeks ago.
You never will….at all. Vow it, right in front me like you mean it. Gas. Fart. Not this face, 50 years, if you last long faces…. Long Buttom.
Judgemental is a right, freedom AMerican liberty right. Perfect legal, and wining every terms like….correct terms in rights.
Next time if I say wrong, you die.
Not I mocking Mormom one million to 7 millions wrong, one person house hold…funny ?
Great !! 跪🧎♀️