The education means will allow you to see things better, crystal clear, why you get jealous of things, if given to you, you deliver? No, drop and hurt that stuffs. Can you give that to someone else, in the future?
Whichever that blessed to be future? Or another girl, not me Anna? I already......don't care about this anymore. You imagine, I care about the video, the wedding, the friends say, the military say, nada....not really. If you all getting married, to fine future happy life, you think I Anna say anything?
As long as you shall ever just delivered it.
The nobility in you, the generosity in imagine these guys, are what?
Small tiny language, how small tiny, like their height?
Really? They look like not a thing, too tall human? Really? So do you want to collect these shorter guys and make friends ONLY!!!! I never say anything else? Foster them, give them hope, give them healing one day just grow tall, when they are ready? You wish them well? At that time, by their side, you still be friends with them no matter what?
One human per life to make friends? Just one friends to start be friendly? You admit yourself you have every flaws, to start that conversation?
They are the easiest, and nicest human you bow down your head, and lay low....really.
On my facebook, they are all nice guys okay? From UB. Whichever junks human you other UB human collects on your facebook, one day you will open to share to whom, what junks you really collects? Just like you?
Can you imagine, the worse degree its ....MY FACEBOOK friends fails to each other, they don't even know each other, its already over!!!!!!!
So can you all going back to get your own stuffs, make it there.....or the reason we all met in the clubs, that way. SHUT UP!
Some human don't really have friends on their facebook, whatever they say they were friends. So now the time you using my facebook friends are over....go back to your facebook, make a new world next 16 years.
No, I don't really look at any of your facebooks, the wall, yeah. Not the friends. I think the old facebook see friends? Yeah, I seen Dean's gf. I remember that name Ana. That I saw it.
Everyone else don't really update their facebook on the newfeed. You don't think I Anna had too many human on my facebook UB from the class? Now I remember, looking at you, do you have any friends from UB classroom, or anything UB clubs, or anything you join Bible, or sunday church from UB? I didn't know that, you having what friends on your facebook?
I got a car
I went to work
I have about 10 students not by the office hour, meaning they don't show up.
I have to take PCAT 2 times +1
I have to find the pharmacy school and application process
I join the club
i join the fratenity
I join the intramural volleyball
Occasionally I just alone to go running in the gym. I did. Where I almost thought I saw....
I use everything inside that UB micro.
I venture every building structure, I think that Dean told someone we went up ? That door was locked, now I think of.
I use, we used to use ebay. But I found out the
I stay in the Barns & Noble.
You know, I almost thought UB wants to tell me that is AOL? oh ~ You mean ICQ, or MSN?
What is VPN? Kinda like Itune, its an interface you open. Like you ever imagine what is the UB alumni.....???
Well, those are not free, really. Whichever money you never get to become wealthy.....You know what I tell my father's friend to go ...its to get one 1/8 price of that Silicon Valley Microsoft phone, and 3 UB micro iMac big and shining, to ship it to his own basement for his 3 kids. And the end results would be ..he asked one guys for one phone, show up 7 friends to the brand new that Microsoft phone.
I told my dad.
I don't think he did anything.
I need to go to sleep, I didn't do anything to fix the website today. I need to stop for a while.