其實那種戴帽子的為什麼叫做 Pixies 呢?因為其實只需要 copy TSA 那種殘暴的人類、才會變成那種詛咒的東西,叫做永恆的咬來咬去是他們自己的 hobby, 真的有夠誇張的~~他們的人類意識就是拆散所有人,那是他們唯一的 religion, 才會叫做 pixies, 沒有人性的東西~~~🌺🌺🌺🌸🌸🌸🐣😘😘😘🥰🥰🥰🥰
他們一定扒了誰的書,他們自己的 crown !! Granted the wish of thy themsSelf…
They are the chef, they are the classroom building, they are the dishes …they are the A3, becomes paper A4 白紙!他們怎麼不乾脆變成巴巴基算了!!
I tell you how to watch it —
Smallville = a circle. Circle you out
You never thought about death, spiritual insurance.
The Day you won’t ever found out, not really. This is saying you always want to stay in the classroom where the simple girl and the simple guys are.
They are the people whom have debts….but all of them are in different direction.
Book in, book out, flash of the scene.
If you were,
If you were not,
Memory fades of becoming a destiny, your investment will drop.
I think the best things, it’s you Montana looking for your whole Lou’s circle of debts friends from Chica wa ….you will feeling completely different to a brand new reality. A lot of girls you remember, don’t you ? Tamang ? All of those girls combines debts your brand new world.
That’s how distance far becomes a less responsibility. Their parents are not your parents, Tamang.
You must know why you come in UB for a purpose !! Whatever the purpose that is ….
How to define that formula? Me and Dean is gf and bf definition …..!!!!
That’s the main theme Betray but keep in touch !!
Dean has a diagram !! It’s I draw for him.
Under the premise, “If….then… “
Do they ever mean, someone might flight in to see …
Him ?
A3 ?
Then whom is A4 ?
I want to ask the court if Tamang sees that 2010 China expo, to where Gallbladder hurting me on purpose, passing by buffalo chess club with the gf or wife. Because that’s what he does ….I call several time, one day he says “Let’s go”, he plays games like he plays to the Queen.
Dean …hold it. Are the girls got jailed before and you got the communicate like?? If a girl being jailed by years amount to say the “female inmate”. I am still watching it….they graduate scenes.
I graduate in 2006.
Oh no …wait. Not that…whom are in jailed it’s “when we gonna found out the Day we found out”?
We have psycho.
Sailor moon 16, that’s a psycho girl chasing the airplane or airport. And Jonathon best friends eye glasses are the first book sailor moon. Someone it’s currently jailed none stop or yet to be jailed a real psycho unbound?
No, Tamang he is not our class.
No, me and Tamang are not together he married to another girl, not the red hair.
Tamang he is Dean’s height.
No, I never go to him Tamang high debts, gun on facebook, threaten us all on purpose and strain my mother right now on the facebook.
I think I know now, that’s the park, Pete, there a new police station at, behind your church or house….!!
Tamang he failed his US MLE, that’s repeated exam, if you fail the second time. You drop from the medical school.