But my house here those birds did the Terrance stuffs, its when those human in the Preisdential Suite deciding with their Congress there. The birds don't live on the first floor, so is this American military, they are on the ship, or in the hotel, or really just right up there til we finish these hunger game why 101 went all the way up there, to every degree of investigation of that Clouds, the sky...those study has a name. Called Weather, of troposphere...those words 氣象
Those words from NASA human resources, not just every other country human specialist, deciding how they transpassing here in Taiwan through Hong Kong. Right next by. If they just design the top floor as flat as these birds never leave premise, they put a 7-11 elevator arrives, I never go down ever...I think for as long as I ever shall lived?
The legal court might see you here, not I care you arrive here or not, not really.
We are the democratic starting 1911. Meaning the democracy laws. Not China....they have the laws, or the court room....wherever psycho like those Hailey and Adam are jailed human whenever they step in just like Trump's daughter, those are exactly the human right they mean the communism. Its when they feel like.
These here are the original Party from 1911. They migrant from China to here, secure this one island, land. There is nothing funny, when you imagine my position, not at all.
What is the 4 categories of the College Entrance exam? They started at 11th grades, we separate that major.
First category are history, humanity, memorize of all those textbook
Second Category are the material science, chemistry + physics, of course Chinese English Math.( Same like First category, but they have the history, and all those.....hard memorization.)
Third ( with the biology )
Fourth (Agriculture, its all the same to the third? Just after assorts are different, by the scores. I am not sure)