Guess what that suppose to look anyway ?
Craig had a comment, they never call me and inform me.
Not really. We don’t know each other. It’s the two brother story in the Bible. I cannot even read it, they made a wed already, so the girl delivering already. Congratulations! 🎊🎉🎈🍾
People often in debts they becomes one human spaces….no one knows those secrets behind. They waiting every calls. I never say they are not genuine ~~ but the business worlds fill with lies so they used to call the police without given the police a solution. The very kind gesture anyway why you exist to keep receiving problem.
People love bad story, like you insists it’s very pleasing to keep seeing them around. That’s how you settle at home having an expense delivery baby, where you see every item objects pay at the costs hanging toy buy not your toy?
You trying to say that’s the reality or you pretend you really having a small nucleus family, in Mexico?
I say to Adam Levine …and Craig copy the 5 mins rule.
When someone lost their control in life or they wish you all just washing him die on Joy
They are psycho I say once I say twice I say three times
Because? On the biz funny world they have a mouth to open and chew!! You know how longevity to your next …Journey to the west, it’s you surface every single issues unintended to hurt everyone else.
Not hurting me but you hurting Britney ! Or unless you have a problem on Dr Will Turtle saying yet …I just told you 2 days ago…how eternity begins. Seat tight, hold on …the jail will have the meals. It’s a promise of the forever ….
Shut up ~~ chicken (birds ) 🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔(🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🌺🌺 🐣🐣)
Oh ~ I sue them my faces I am telling you…2016? Why would be a metropolitan city has the military chicken on the roof, the multiple them cascading ?
Shut up ~~~!!