That is 4 size, I double check the dates, the time, the formating. But those are 4 in on design favicon. Yeah, you download, you upload to the favicon generator, they show you what it looks like, you download the second time, you re-name the files.
I have to re-set that Climate Change, the mobile device, they look differently, so I modify until the things get right, the tags, the side bar, the color upper mobile devices its not the same looking to the IPad. My iPad charger wire torn....the skin off. That website its NASA, I know that, . . so I double check it since I starting to modify it last night. I didn't get to all the website yet. The Food those can wait. Something I need to find the writers, I start looking at it. But mostly I finish these 4 in sequence, and this one website, everything on the law to look right. I tell my mother this morning, the paper works I organize them behind.
You write that on the sheets of the paper, Taipei we have these stationary, that is not A4 bind rings holes. Its like a long stack of the cards formats, in a more of 1/3 of the A4, but in the binder sizes. 2018-2020, I have 10 websites, So that is One page you list 10 website, that is one page full. Then each page after additional, its one website per page. Then
2013-2022 Same format
Now, I haven't started this 2022, yet...I need to organize this one year 2021 = 10 websites same format. I tell my brother or show him how to do it, but I think they don't receive the mail or the message anymore, so I show to my mother how to get those done.