Before the modern medicine you see on TV, about 100 years ago, or longer, there are historical writing of people what they define death, living, and ghosts. More people believing the nature of the spirit leaving the body, and the ghost....y in the eyes.
In Ancient Chinese: 孤魂野鬼
There are writing about these finding, throughout the centuries. My father is inept, and he lives in the terminal as the business man for a long time. One day he got jailed. That is in the Conan Detective - Zero Efforcer. I told you, his Chinese 8 words are only 3. Those means you see ghosty.
You are impaired, you need to be seen by someone, or else, you have to keep moving yourself everywhere someone sees you. I think their ending options for you, its to jail you.
You do on purpose to die.
Your Physical structure does not support producing the children. Meaning your skeleton
You don't have a physical stagnem to sustain yourself
Your eyes looks hollow
You looked depress, you talk depressed, you think depressed, you act depressed.
You wish someone to rape you, like Tamang, he doesn't want to go to War.
You wish something as if they keep hurting you, you are very very negative
You are a Catholic nun
You are a Catholics.
There are ghosts calling you, exactly like those movie, might be real ET saying it, someone will understand those the movie better. you cannot move your 4 limbs, you certainly don't cook, very very dirty, always live on the instant noodles on your pair of old sneakers.
Your entire physical being to others, identify, identifier, you look ghosty, not sporty. Not at all. You talk negative too. You think negative, you are one with the ghost.
You are dull, you are dull in talking, you are dull in looking, you are dull in every superstitious department what they will say about you. I think your profile its over there....really.
Just believe what I say, if I were you.
You know why some human calling Sunny California? You looks sunny today? You look brighten up the sun? You talk supposed to be decent enough to support your own parents that immigrant here in the US, you are hurting everyone by being whom you are. Really.
Its ghosty. Ghostly. You lie, you dramatize things, you pretend, you lose your eye sights, you lose your nature, why life if not on moving, you will be on reading, because no one loves you. There are something identify....through Love, or man's desire, or women's desire, of someone loving you, or being love. Technically no one will ever hire you as the MD or Pharm D, as long as you don't expire yourself right in front of everyone's eyes.
That is what I will comment. I was in the bath, shower.....whatever.
You go to the ghost department, I think your profiles are over there. Ministry of the Magic, might be right at the Library Congress too. Seriously.
I need to hair blow my wet hair. Go to sleep. ET...those things the professional human needs to evaluate. I used to say one thing about Tamang too.
There are things I did say. That is why probably.....his profile might move over to that department. Mummy its not a thing you suppose to see. Meeting your mate, or meeting your ghosty past of the darker past. That is a humor you make a sad suggestion, but it never funny to any medical experts, they can just send you all to jail, and lock you up in there, if you keep doing this V Varendda. I am telling you.