I think my mother says their reactions are serious, usually she comes home to sleep. I went to ....Burger King, or Subway after that vaccination, they are like 160 dollars on those high tech screen how to order a burger....that is 45 x3 ...oh my Gods.
Until I cross 2 roads back to the Hotel near by those restaurant
380 NT fish, and next by its 420 NT, two clams, what? oh my Dear....next by its the Family Mart, so I look at it. There are the vendor in front of that 5 Star Hotels, so like I used to, talking to the human at the Farmer's market.
I come back....and having these whatever...done.
I went out again Mc Donald, that was Friday.....So I come back with a drink its still in the fridge. I drink that....I used to like it when I was a kid. That is about the time, I made 4 video on the singing. I am just checking it now.
I told you already, the music that is not a subject. That is recreation subject on Saturday without the mandatory school. Meaning no uniforms required.
Is Obama a Commander-in-Chef?
... No. Not anymore.
Are they going to make him sing?
Some preparation lessons, but he is a lawyers, not the music entertainer.....
What is the difference between the commander and the Commander-in-Chef?
It means the President of the United States Seize the control of the land, sea, air. In other words, he is the Top commanding power over the Marine Corp, Navy, and Air Force.
So the commanders are not the Overall Chef?
Not in the 3 these division troops. Someone can be the commanders within that unit. The different uniform color.