You don't really like to live in the group whole piece together right? Confine in the house, other than your parents house? APO goes to APO, CAC goes to CAC.
But I meant, the 5 Lords guys, with the Evolutionary Class, UB Spectrum buddy with Bill X man...whom are they?
What you think between the living veil...its the Roof dissolve human being, or Jurassic Park, or the Anna Bella? Do you see the more recent Anna Bella, on 7 doll on the shelf, one is the biggest? at the 7th?
Do you know what it says on the Title here? Harry Potter, on what?
You know there is a hot iron plate? You can do the grill cheese with some chop tomato or herbs in the sandwich. I don't know how many people you end up collecting in that house of 20, there are only 14 bathroom.
If you start doing the budgets or 10-20 people eating like Mc Donald drive through, you done like once per week, you will know 52 times after one year, what is the money, what it is to buy, and what options do you have in on Mc Donald house, to the group billing situation.
๐น๐๐๐ฅ๐ฅฏ UB near by, there are Ihop, Dennis, Japanese Maple, Pizza Plant, or Amy South Campus. You walk in, and comes out a bill. Or you just studying at the menu? ๐น๐๐๐ฅ๐ฅฏ
What? (Pinterest) Everything you hate from my Album 1, and 2, and 3....on every girls outfit closet. I am telling you, I don't spend on the redudant things, unless I am absolutely sure that is what I buy. Some people have money to spend and test out, by their vision issues, or the ego issues to look for the color in the closet.
I think you don't want to grow out of your parents life when you go to the University, away from the home. If you just tell you parents, or demonstrate something, you could liver alone, they might die earlier as you ever wished.....all your ever personality.