You know why I keep saying to you several things, if you recall. What do I say?
Governmental Employee or State Employee
Do you know why I keep saying that over and over and over again?
Because a lot of people both in New York State, or California State, all they ever care about its? The politics. I really don't, but you all really LOVE Politics. That means the Governor issues what Educational Only limited funding coming down to EOP, SSS, ACE to what Linda CADS coordinator oversees. My weekly paycheck with Lee.
You want to just talk to Linda, what is her major was, before she is getting too old and die one day? What is the correct concept how to get yourself a job, not to ruin everyone's life, at all.
因為很多人在紐約州或是加州,他們一輩子最在乎最在乎是? 政治 !!! 我其實根本就不在乎~~但是你們根本是愛上政治,這代表所謂紐約州的 Governor只要聲音下來"教育經費" 下來給予 EOP, SSS, ACE, 到達 CADS Linda 我跟 Lee 的上司,我每一個星期的支票跟 Lee.
你們要不要去跟 Linda 問她的主修是呷咪? 在她變老快死的哪一天? 因為最正確的給你自己一份工作是? 不是毀了所有人的人生,一點都不是 !
You know why its called the State University of New York at Buffalo?
The State University of New York at Stony Brook
你們知道為什麼那個是州立的名字,大學? 那個叫做整個 SUNY System
Tina is at CUNY system 提那是在 CUNY System
你們一定是沒有聽過什麼叫做正常人做常事情 = Internal System of resume circulating between within the University.
知道什麼叫做 SUNY System? 就是你們大學申請學校美國有個表格叫做 "drop down" 給你很多選擇學校的代碼! 這些代碼就是以後 SAT 寄出去的學校!