One extra things would be the Future of the year
How surprise you will be still wearing the American flag logo on your unfirom.....
Year 1000
Year 1400
Year 3000
You are still in the science of 1900s textbook, I re-written year 2000, 2014 -2022
How the birds still sounding the same to you, the same sun you looking at 50 mlilions never die out the same Earth = 365 days of a year revolution you define....geography, its the same God image of the human in Bible.
Its the Bible 1000 years after 2000 years, begins, say AD at year 3000, not Red Cliff Chinese Drama AD 266?
Whatever they sounds starts 206 AD?
Year 1000 = 3000 AD
Year 1400 would be = the year where I am, Year 2000, 2014 - 2022 = roughly to that 3400 AD
Year 3000 = 5000 AD
You can never be wrong how 4 other religion their calendar its void in white, plain in white, all the way if you drag your marking in red......from year forever...its public, or purple, whichever you define your Blue Purple Pixie become the dragging pen.
WE marking at my calendar, see it?
Copy it!